Experience Spanish, copyright 2012 Instructor Supplements at a glance: Product: Annotated Instructor’s Edition Manual de actividades (print version) DVD Program Audio Program Online Learning Center Connect Spanish with LearnSmart Connect Plus Spanish with LearnSmart Notes: The Instructor’s Edition includes on-page annotations that provide useful notes, information, and suggestions for using the text materials in and out of class. Carefully integrated with the textbook, the Manual de actividades is a combined workbook/laboratory manual that offers additional practice with vocabulary, grammar, and listening comprehension. It also features the second half of the process writing feature (Palabra escrita: A finalizar) that students first encounter in the textbook (Palabra escrita: A comenzar). This two-disc DVD program contains the video segments that correspond to the two video sections of the textbook: Concurso de videoblogs and Conexiones culturlaes en vivo. The Audio Program is the recorded material that corresponds to the listening activities found in the Manual de actividades and the Gramática en contexto segments that introduce each grammar topic in the textbook. The Audio Program is available in downloadable format (mp3 files) from the Online Learning Center (www.mhhe.com/experience_spanish). The Online Learning Center (www.mhhe.com/experience_spanish) contains instructor resources to use with the program including the Instructor’s Manual, downloadable files for the Audio Program, Audioscript, Videoscript, Testing Program, and more. Used in conjunction with Experience Spanish, Connect Spanish brings the Experience Spanish program and the profession into the 21st century by providing a digital solution for schools with online programs, whether they be 100% online or hybrid programs. Some of the key features and capabilities of Connect Spanish include: • complete integration of textbook and Manual de actividades material • additional practice with key vocabulary, grammar, and cultural material • interactive, task-based scenarios that explore a wide variety of topics within a cultural framework • adaptive diagnostic assessment tools that offer individualized study plans to suit individual students’ needs • fully integrated gradebook • the ability to customize a syllabus and assignments to fit the needs of individual programs Note: The print Student Edition and Connect Spanish will be offered as a package. That is, purchase of the print SE includes Connect Spanish and vice versa. This version of Connect Spanish is the same as above, except that it includes an digital version (e-book) of the Student Edition. That is, students will purchase this if they are in a 100% online course and do not need the print SE. 13-ISBN 10-ISBN 9780073280103 0073280100 9780073280189 0073280186 9780073280240 0073280240 n/a n/a 9780073280257 0073280259 9780077439644 0077439643 9780077250591 0077250591 13-ISBN 10-ISBN 9780077439644 0077439643 Experience Spanish, copyright 2012 Student Supplements at a glance: Product: Connect Spanish with LearnSmart Notes: Used in conjunction with Experience Spanish, Connect Spanish brings the Experience Spanish program and the profession into the 21st century by providing a digital solution for schools with online programs, whether they be 100% online or hybrid programs. Some of the key features and capabilities of Connect Spanish include: • complete integration of textbook and Manual de actividades material • additional practice with key vocabulary, grammar, and cultural material • interactive, task-based scenarios that explore a wide variety of topics within a cultural framework • adaptive diagnostic assessment tools that offer individualized study Experience Spanish, copyright 2012 Connect Plus Spanish with LearnSmart Manual de actividades (print version) DVD Program Audio Program Online Learning Center CourseSmart plans to suit individual students’ needs • fully integrated gradebook • the ability to customize a syllabus and assignments to fit the needs of individual programs Note: The print Student Edition and Connect Spanish will be offered as a package. That is, purchase of the print SE includes Connect Spanish and vice versa. This version of Connect Spanish is the same as above, except that it includes an digital version (e-book) of the Student Edition. That is, students will purchase this if they are in a 100% online course and do not need the print SE. Carefully integrated with the textbook, the Manual de actividades is a combined workbook/laboratory manual that offers additional practice with vocabulary, grammar, and listening comprehension. It also features the second half of the process writing feature (Palabra escrita: A finalizar) that students first encounter in the textbook (Palabra escrita: A comenzar). This two-disc DVD program contains the video segments that correspond to the two video sections of the textbook: Concurso de videoblogs and Conexiones culturlaes en vivo. The Audio Program is the recorded material that corresponds to the listening activities found in the Manual de actividades and the Gramática en contexto segments that introduce each grammar topic in the textbook. The Audio Program is available in downloadable format (mp3 files) from the Online Learning Center (www.mhhe.com/experience_spanish). The Online Learning Center (www.mhhe.com/experience_spanish) contains downloadable files (mp3s) for the Audio Program. This text is available as an eTextbook at www.CourseSmart.com. At CourseSmart your students can take advantage of significant savings off the cost of a print textbook, reduce their impact on the environment, and gain access to powerful web tools for learning. CourseSmart eTextbooks can be viewed online or downloaded to a computer. The eTextbooks allow students to do full text searches, add highlighting and notes, and share notes with classmates. CourseSmart has the largest selection of eTextbooks available anywhere. Visit www.CourseSmart.com to learn more and to try a sample chapter. 9780077250591 0077250591 9780073280189 0073280186 9780073280240 0073280240 n/a n/a 9780073280257 0073280259 9780077350420 0077350421