Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Fetatrack 360 Service Manual Issue 1 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Contents INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 3 Specification ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 User Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 5 SAFETY IN USE....................................................................................................... 5 Special Precautions ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Electrical Shock Hazard.................................................................................................................................... 5 Explosion Hazard.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Handling the Delicate Transducers ................................................................................................................... 6 Symbols used .................................................................................................................................................... 7 REFERENCE ........................................................................................................... 8 FT360 front panel controls................................................................................................................................. 8 Recorder On/Off ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Volume Up........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Volume Down ................................................................................................................................................... 8 US1 / US2 Transducer Select ........................................................................................................................... 8 Toco Zero ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Indicators and Connectors ................................................................................................................................. 9 Power on Indication .......................................................................................................................................... 9 RS232 output .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Remote (patient) Event Marker......................................................................................................................... 9 Probe Connection.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Internal Layout ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Dismantling Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 10 Circuit Description ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Power supply Circuit....................................................................................................................................... 11 Ultrasound Circuit........................................................................................................................................... 12 Audio Amplifier.............................................................................................................................................. 12 Signal Pre-processing...................................................................................................................................... 13 Toco Circuit .................................................................................................................................................... 13 Microprocessor Circuit ................................................................................................................................... 14 Printer Interface .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Maternal SpO2................................................................................................................................................ 15 Fetal SpO2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Fetal ECG Circuits.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Test Procedures................................................................................................................................................. 16 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Performance Checks ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Basic Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 18 Parts lists and Drawings................................................................................................................................... 19 ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 2 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd This booklet explains the operation and service of the FETATRACK 360 Intrapartuml Cardiotocograph. Care has been taken during the design and manufacture of this product so that it meets all of the current safety standards set down by IEC60601-1 . If you require assistance understanding any part of this document, or have any questions relating to the operation of the FETATRACK 360 please contact: Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Lodge Way Caldicot NP26 5PS UK Tel +44 (0) 1291 425425 Fax +44 (0) 1291 427093 EMAIL service@doppler.co.uk This service manual contains circuit descriptions, diagrams, parts and spares lists is available for the FETATRACK 360 that are correct at the time of printing. Due to continuous improvement certain sections may differ in newer units if you have any doubt please contact the address above. To maintain the FETATRACK 360’s performance it is recommended that it be included in a periodic maintenance programme. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 3 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Specification Size: Weight: Voltage: Safety: 350 x 370 x 140 mm 8 kg 100-240 Volts AC 50/60 Hz Complies with EN60101-1 ULTRASOUND Type: Operating Frequency Power Output Signal Processing Continuous Doppler 2MHz±2% and 1.8MHz ±2% 5 mW/sq cm max. SATA Software AUTOCORRELATOR DIRECT FECG (Intra models only) Signal Range 40µV-5mV Input Noise: <1,4µV p-p CMRR: >125dB ALARMS Low Level: High Level: 60 - 120 BPM, Adjustable in steps of 5 BPM 160 - 200 BPM, Adjustable in steps of 5 BPM EXTERNAL UTERINE ACTIVITY Type: Flat faced Tocodynamometer Signal Range: 0 - 99 relative contractions strength INTERNAL UTERINE ACTIVITY (Intra models only) Intrauterine Pressure: Type optional Signal Range 0 - 99 mmHg EVENT MARKER Hand held, person operated PRINTER Type: Print Speed: Paper Size: FHR Sensitivity: UA Sensitivity: IUP Sensitivity: Thermal Array 8 dots/mm 1,2 and 3 cm/min 145 mm x 15 mtr 20 or 30 BPM/cm 30/cm 30mmHg/cm DISPLAY/PRINTER RANGES FHR Range: 30 - 250 BPM FHR Accuracy: +/- 1 BPM UA Range: 0 - 99 units FspO2 Range: 0 – 100% OXIMETER Oxygen Saturation (%FSpO2) Pulse Rate Range 0% to 100% 30 to 300 bpm Accuracy Blood Oxygen Saturation Pulse Rate Displays Graphical Displays Pulse Strength For specification, see footnote “a” 30 to 300 bpm; ±3 bpm 3-digit Graphic Bargraph Measurement Wavelengths and Output Power Red 661 nanometers @ 3 mw nominal Infrared 905 nanometers @ 3 mw nominal “a”. Calibration of the FetalSAT System was accomplished through carefully controlled hypoxia studies in a laboratory animal model to establish the calibration coefficients. For specifications, see FetalSAT Specification Supplement (available upon request). ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 4 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd User Configuration Firstly connect the AC supply cord. Facilities are provided to allow the setting of the FETATRACK 360 to meet individual requirements. The functions which may be adjusted by the user are date, time and alarm settings, and these are all accessed from the set-up menu which may be accessed at power on. Hold down the UA0 button whilst turning on the FETATRACK 360, to enter the calibration mode . The display will show Entering Calibration Mode ................ After a few seconds the display will show the menu options available. To step through the menu press UA0 repeatedly until the curser is over the option you wish to change. To alter any value, use the volume control keys to achieve the desired setting. You can move backwards on the screen by pressing the recorder button. To exit the calibration mode use UA0 button to move the cursor to exit on the screen and pressUA0 again. This will restart the system and return to normal operating mode. Special Precautions Your FETATRACK 360 Antenatal Cardiotocograph has been designed for electrical safety. All the safety and operating instructions should be read before operating the FETATRACK 360. Failure to do so could result in injury to the user, patient or damage to the System and accessories. Electrical Shock Hazard Do not defeat the grounding integrity of this System. Protection against electrical shock, in the event of failure of basic insulation, is provided by the connection of the chassis to the safety ground. Safety grounding occurs only when the 3-wire cable and plug provided with the system are connected to a properly grounded receptacle. Do not remove the System cover. The System should be serviced by trained and qualified personnel only. Contacting the hazardous voltages within the System could cause serious injury. Do not use the System if the power cord has any cuts or openings. Do not use the transducer if the cable has any cuts or openings. Do not use the transducer if the transducer face is cracked or chipped. Do not immerse the transducer cable connectors in any liquids. Electrical shock could result. Should the electrical safety fuses have to be replaced, use only fuses of the same type and rating. Explosion Hazard Do not operate or use this system in the presence of flammable anaesthetics or gases as it could lead to explosion. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 5 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Handling the Delicate Transducers The transducers are delicate parts of the ultrasound system and should be treated with care. The delicate crystals in the transducer may crack and render the transducer unusable if the transducer is subject to shock. Room temperature liquids should be used for cleaning. Never use alcohol or mineral oil as an acoustic coupling agent as transducer or cable damage could occur. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 6 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Symbols used. The following symbols are used on the FETATRACK 360 and are in accordance with IEC60601-1 : 1990. Where they are associated with the connection of external equipment, that equipment in all cases must meet the relevant safety standard. - Alternating Current - Power On (Connection to the mains) - Power Off (Disconnection from the mains) - Type B Equipment - Type BF Equipment - Attention: consult accompanying documents ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 7 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd FETATRACK 360 front panel controls The front panel keyboard area contains 6 keys used to control the operation of the unit, they are all indicated by Icons to aid language variations. Set Uterine Pressure to Zero Maternal & Fetal Electrocardiograph & Ultrasound 2 Transducers Input Ultrasound Volume Decrease Audio Selector for Ultrasound 1&2 Ultrasound Volume Increase Internal & External Uterine Pressure Transducers Input Printer On/Off & Speed Control Ultrasound 1 Transducer Input Socket Power On Indicator Printer Door Release Lever Recorder On/Off and speed change This key is used to control the operation of the recorder. Press once and the chart recorder will start, each consecutive short press will change the speed . Press and hold the key will stop the recording. Volume Up This key is used to increase the audio volume level, or in configuration mode to change user options. Volume Down This key is used to decrease the audio volume level. US1 / US2 Transducer Select Pressing this key changes the selected probe from US1 to US2 for volume output. This is used when the unit is in Twins mode with two US channels for listening to either of the two fetus. Toco Zero This key zeros the toco trace to the selected baseline. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 8 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Inputs / outputs and displays Power on Indication The green LED associated with the above symbol when bright indicates that power is connected to the apparatus. RS232 output This output is for the connection of an external computer for data transfer. The maximum voltage that can be applied to this output is 15VDC. WARNING: Any external equipment connected to this output must meet the relevant safety standard. Remote Event Marker Connection of an external event mark switch allows the patient to indicate events by printing an arrow in the gap between the FHR and UA traces. The maximum voltage that can be applied to this output is 15VDC. Probe Connections US1, US2, Toco This is for the connection of approved Doppler and toco transducers. The maximum voltage that can be applied to this output is 15VDC. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 9 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Internal Layout With the top cover removed and the front panel facing you, there is one large printed circuit board fixed to the base of the monitor this contains all the power supply circuits, all the control circuits and the Ultrasound, Toco and digital signal processing circuits. In addition, there is the optional ECG card and Maternal Pulse Oximetry card. Mounted on the front panel are the input connectors, LCD graphic display module and user interface keyboard. Dismantling Procedure Note: Before disassembling the unit, unplug the transducers, accessories cable (if present), and the power cord from the instrument. To remove the Top Cover, remove the four screws around the edge on the bottom of the unit. The Top Cover can now be removed taking care to disconnect the earth bonding cable connecting the lid to the base. The display module can be removed from the front panel by careful removal of the 4 screws holding the part in place. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 10 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Circuit Description Power supply Circuit The 240/110 VAC supply enters the FETATRACK 360 via an IEC double fused inlet / mains filter and switch and is fed to a torroidal transformer. The input supply voltage is stepped down to a nominal 24 VAC, connected to the board via J17 and is then bridge rectified by D24, smoothed by C147. Regulated Supplies The voltage regulators (U31 and U32) are fed from D24 at a voltage of around 36VDC. These oscillate at approximately 120 KHz transferring pulses of current into L10 and L11 respectively. The output of inductor is fed back directly into U31 (32) which at pin 1 is reference comparator and alters the pulses transferred into the inductor to obtain a stable voltage output. The output of U31 is 5V DC and U32 is 15V DC. Pulses of current in to inductor L11 are also taken into a charge pump to provide a stable –15V DC after regulator transistor Q14. D25 also supplies current to the printhead and motor drive circuits via Q13 and U33 which provides a stable 24V DC . Printhead and Motor Drive Supply The printhead requires pulses of current equalling 10A but for a very small amount of time, therefore current is taken from the charge built up in C155 rather than expecting the power supply to supply the pulses. Q13 is connected as an ON/OFF switch to the printhead voltage circuits to act as protection. An explanation of its operation can be found in section PRINTER INTERFACE. When ON, current is fed to U33 connected as a variable voltage regulator with a range of +18 v to +24 v where VR1 adjusts this voltage. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 11 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Ultrasound Circuit Overview The ultrasound circuit is built up of four discrete sections. These are: Oscillator and Transmitter amplifier Receiver and Detector Audio amplifier Signal pre-processing. These operate to produce a continuous wave of 2MHz ultrasound which is passed to the transmitter crystal in the transducer. The signal is then reflected from moving interfaces within the body to the receiver crystal in the transducer, amplified and then detected so the audio Doppler shift of that moving interface can be heard audibly or passed via signal preprocessing to the A/D converter for rate calculation. The circuit board has the option of two ultrasound circuits which operated at different frequencies, the operation of each is identical as so only one is described here. The current nominal frequencies are 2.1MHz for US1 and 1.8MHz for US2. (US2 shown in brackets) Transmitter and Receiver PSU Power suppley for the Ultrasound Circuits is derived from the stable +15VDC and further regulated through U35 (U36) to provide an ultrastable 10VDC Oscillator and Transmitter output. L4 (L8) forms an oscillator with Q4 (Q9)and its associated capacitors producing a sine wave drive at the required frequency. This is fed via a high current output driver Q1 (Q6) and output transformer L1 (L6). Receiver and Detector The reflected Ultrasound signal is fed via a resonant transformer L1 (L5) to the gate of Q3 (Q8), the drain of this FET connects to the source of Q2 (Q7) to form a cascode amplifier From the drain of Q2 (Q7) the amplitude complex of the received signal is detected by passing the signal through chopping FET detector Q5 (Q10) the gate of which is driven from the transmitter signal . The raw low frequency heart complex is then amplified and filtered by U1 (U4) where its associated components form a bandpass filter amplifier with a bandwidth of 150Hz to 1KHz. This signal is passed to the audio section and the signal preprocessing . Audio Amplifier The audio signal then passes to a input selector U29 where the user can select via the front panel which Ultrasound channel will pass to the audio circuits and then to digital gain control U28 and buffer amplifier U37, where the volume setting is determined by the microprocessor subject to the user setting. From here the gain controlled signal is fed to the input of a monolithic power amplifier U30 and from here to the loudspeaker at J18. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 12 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Signal Pre-processing The detected audio complex is fed to U6 a bandpass amplifier where the filter characteristics are arranged to reject signals below 150Hz and above 1KHz , and the output is taken do a digital AGC U3 (U7). The amplitude stabilised signal is then amplified and full wave rectified by U2 (U5) . This full wave rectified signal is then buffered and smoothed by an active filter. The smoothing is achieved by the low pass active filter having a 3db at 5Hz hence giving the average value of the audio complex. This signal is then passed to the A/D converter stage of the cpu U18 for further digital signal processing . Toco Circuit A stabilised ±5V from U23 provides the toco transducer excitation at J16. The output of the Toco transducer is fed via a high gain amplifier U23 to a low pass filter U23 for signal smoothing into the A/D converter U27 further digital signal processing U18. Toco Zero is automatically adjusted by D/A converter U24 providing an offset voltage into the input of U23 . ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 13 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Microprocessor Circuit The microprocessor circuit is arranged around twin MC68HC812 a fast second generation central processing unit (CPU). When power is applied to the circuit a monitor circuit waits for the power rail to become stable and then 100 ms later takes the reset on the CPU high (logic 1) to 5 v. This starts the CPU working by reading the bytes at the very top of its memory map from the EPROM (ROM). This shows the CPU the start position in ROM from which to start executing. This sets up all the peripheral devices, which includes an interrupt timer, starts the system clock which consists of interrupts from the cpu to the watchdog ic at the rate of 1 every millisecond. As all functions are time dependant nothing starts without this clock. The CPU now reads all the preset variables from the battery protected RAM within the real time clock. The battery source is a lithium 3.6 v cell with a nominal life of 10 years. After the CPU has loaded the variables it rums a system check for any internal problems which are reported on the system display. Selection of the individual devices is controlled by cpu internal the chip select circuits. Most analogue signals eventually require digital signal processing for display, chart recording or digital transmission, the signals are presented to CPU, where an internal 8 bit A/D converter with an 8 way multiplexed input converts the signals to digital form. The converter accepts unipolar signals of 0 - 5 v.. The CPU with the display and keyboard circuit using on chip peripheral interface , as well as detecting selection of ultrasound and the presence of an Event keypress. Printer Interface A proportion of the micro-circuit is dedicated to printer interface and control, the primary interface circuit contains timers, serial drivers and peripheral drivers. The principal of operation of the printhead and motor drive circuit is as follows : Data is decoded by the software into bit positions within the allowable area of the printhead . This data is then passed in serial form with a clock signal into the printheads serial buffer. The data is latched by a pulse from the cpu via CMOS buffer, this gives added protection in the case of device failure. Data is then burnt onto the printhead by strobes 1 to 4 from the cpu which last less than 1 mS . Under normal conditions with the printer OFF there is no supply connected to the printhead or chart motor. Only when printing is requested does the cpu turn on the 24VDC supply. The cpu also drives the chart recorder stepper motor via the high current microstep interface. Data Storage (optional) Full resolution patient data is stored on the optional data file when fitted to the unit. The file can store in excess of 48 hours of data that can be subdivided into 16 separate patient files. The data can be recalled to strip chart recorder or to UltraTrace fetal PC software. The Data file card is fitted to the serial 2 channel of the controller card. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 14 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Maternal SpO2 (optional) A maternal SpO2 card plugs into S1 and communicated to the microprocessor circuits via an internal serial bus. The systems display will change to accommodate the additional board and reflect Maternal heart rate , maternal pulse and Oxygen saturation level. The SpO2 figure sensor connects to the back of the FT360 via J3, 15 pin multipurpose connection. Fetal SpO2 (optional) The Nonin fetalsat fetal pulse oximeter connects directly to multipurpose connector J3, 15 pin. The FT360 will automatically identify the presence of the Fetalsat and the display will change to reflect the fetal oxygen saturation level and pulse. The fetal oxygen saturation level will also be printed in the toco trace of the strip chart recorder. Fetal ECG Circuits (optional ) “Internal” signals FECG and IUP are routed from the front panel to an optional card plugged into to the main PCB at right angles via connector P1. The input circuits are fully electrically isolated by a isolation PSU block mounted on the PCB and the output signal are optically coupled. There is no ground connection between the input circuits and the electrical circuits in the rest of the monitor. ECG signals are fed from the sensors to the input of a high gain differential amplifier U14 / U15 and instrumentation amplifier U11. The generated error signal is fed via U12 back to the LEG reference to improve noise performance. The output of U11 is routed to the un-isolated circuits through analogue opto coupler driven by U9. Large DC offsets are corrected by feeding back the output of U11 to the input through U10. The un-isolated signal is notch filtered at 50Hz or 60Hz using IC U5 and associated circuits and then gain controlled from the microprocessor U18 using U1. The following circuits U2,U3, U17 form a filter network with a cut off frequency of 80Hz. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 15 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Test Procedures Introduction The following sections details tests to ensure that the FETATRACK 360 is operating within specification. These tests may be performed in whole or part, however, if any repairs are carried out to the power supply circuits then it is recommended that the whole test/calibration procedure is undertaken. The test procedures may be performed without removal of the circuit board from the unit. Performance Checks The following procedure is intended to provide a means of determining the functional status of the unit. It should be included as part of a preventive maintenance plan and should be performed on a regular basis. 1) Plug the monitor line cord into a grounded receptacle of suitable line voltage and frequency as indicated on the rear panel of the FETATRACK 360 . 2) Turn monitor on. The green front panel LED will illuminate. 3) The display will first show the system selftest followed by the software revision indicates the instrument is switched on and awaiting inputs. This 4) Load chart paper to recorder (for assistance see operating instructions) ensure paper is correctly aligned. 5) Depress printer on/off and recorder will run at either 1,2 or 3 cm/min dependent on the user preset value. Ultrasound 6) Connect ultrasound transducer to the pink or blue US sockets on the front panel and increase volume to maximum. 7) Place transducer in palm of hand and gently stroke the back of the hand at a constant rate of about 2 times a second. 8) Check audio volume is present, digital display will display the simulated rate (approx 120 ) and correspond with the data being printed on the chart paper. UA / Toco / Contractions 9) Connect the toco transducer to the yellow UA input socket on the front panel and press UA zero to set the baseline (baseline resets to value 1 -> 20 as selected in set up procedure). 10) Apply pressure onto the centre of transducer and check that the toco trace on chart recording increases to 100 + 10%. Remove load and trace will return to baseline. Event Marker 11) Connect the hand held remote event marker to the external mark socket. Depress the button once and note that a half arrow is printed on the bottom of FHR recording. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 16 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Setting up the monitors The mode of operation of the monitor is programmable through the front panel to give a certain amount of customisation. The programming mode is entered by pressing and holding UA Zero while turning the monitor ON. Details of the user programmable options are at the beginning of this manual. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 17 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Basic Troubleshooting: Unit turns on but LCD module displays one line of squares, all black, a stipe or no data This is usually a failure of the LCD module but can be a failure of the main CPU. The best option is to see if the monitor reacts to button presses, if it does then the module or its wiring is faulty otherwise suspect the CPU. The cause of module failure is unknown other than checking the wiring from the CPU board to the module. CPU failure can be due to corrosion of the EPROM socket, removing the device and re-inserting cures 99% of all failures of this type, otherwise the board requires detailed fault finding or replacement. Ultrasound transducer does not detect a fetus This can be poor placement of the transducer, not enough or incorrect coupling gel or a faulty transducer or ultrasound circuit. Place a small amount of gel on the face of the transducer and hold the transducer in the palm of your hand. Stroke the back of your hand twice a second. The stroking should be audible and the monitor should register around 120bpm. If no sound or low sound suspect the probe or ultrasound circuits. The most likely cause of failure is the transducer. A different rate is shown on the display when compared to the chart paper This is unlikely. The two systems are digitally linked and the effect is likely to be a user misconception. A different rate is shown on the display than I can count by ear The monitor displays the average of the last 3 beats, even so, it is very much more accurate that the user counting beats over the last 30 seconds. Recorder door does not close This can be caused by the right hand door catch being misaligned. When the door closure is down this catch must close over the nylon roller sleeve on the right hand side of the recorder. Adjust mechanism so this closes correctly. Printing quality is poor (sections too light or missing) Use of non standard chart paper damages the printer hear and creates a build up of thermal ink on the head. Clean the head with a cotton bud and cleaning spirit. Print head misalignment or non closure of printer door can also cause this problem. Adjustment normally fixes the problem. In extreme cases the print head may also have failed. Printing quality is poor due to FHR missing This is normally due to the user not applying the transducer correctly or not using the correct coupling gel, but can also be due to a failing ultrasound transducer. Ensure the user locates the fetus correctly and check the trace for signs of large fetal movements that can indicate the fetus has moved out of the transducers beam. If the toco transducer is connected you may also be able to see maternal adjustment that can cause a intermittent connection to the skin. Reapplication of the transducer usually solves these problems. Toco transducer does not work This can be poor placement of the transducer, or a faulty transducer or toco circuit. Place a small amount of pressure on the face of the transducer and the display should respond to this pressure. Check system zeroing by unplugging the transducer and re-connecting, the monitor will respond by setting the transducer to zero. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 18 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Parts lists The following section contains parts list and drawings for the FETATRACK 360. ©Ultrasound Technologies Ltd Issue 1 2006 Page 19 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 3 4 7 1 2 2 Issue 1 Quantity Per fetatrack 360 main assy Base Plate F360D106-101 Top Plate F360D107-101 Side Plate F360D108-101 Spring Clamp F360D109-101 Spring F360D110-101 Foot F360D111-101 Lever Assy F360D112-301 (includes plate & bush) Lever Knob F360D112-401 Cam F360D113-101 Cam Bush F360D114-101 Peel Bar F360D115-101 Pivot Bar F360D116-101 Motor Pulley F360D117-101 Roller Pulley F360D118-101 Large Pulley F360D119-101 Small Pulley F360D120-101 Door Extrusion F360 (Machined) Drg 0113 Roller F360 F360D121-101 Paper Tray F360 Paper Out Sensor Assy F360 Rubbing Strip F360 Printhead Thermal QP128 Cable Assy Printhead Connector Drg FM1D125 Stepper Motor Short Belt 71MXL F360 Long Belt 122MXL F360 Plastic Snap Rivet F360 Nylon Sleeve ??x12 F360 PTFE Bush 1.00 thick F360 Washer Nylon Flat M5 F360 Screw Set M3x?? F360 Screw Set M3x?? F360 Cap Heads M4x10 St/Steel F360 Nut M4 Full St/Steel A2 Housing Molex 4 Way 22-01-2045 Printer Parts 100-1111-00 100-1112-00 100-1113-00 100-1114-00 100-1115-00 100-1116-00 100-1117-00 100-1118-00 100-1119-00 100-1120-00 100-1121-00 100-1122-00 100-1123-00 100-1124-00 100-1125-00 100-1126-00 100-1108-00 100-1127-00 100-1128-00 100-1129-00 900-0076-00 900-0047-00 600-0007-00 900-0021-00 900-0077-00 900-0078-00 900-0079-00 900-0080-00 900-0081-00 961-0049-00 961-0050-00 961-0051-00 961-0052-00 961-0019-00 500-0011-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 Description Part Number 100-0117-00 Fetatrack 360 Main Asssy Page 1 of 2 Crimps Molex Screw M3x6 Csk Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 500-0012-00 961-0016-00 chassis assy 100-1047-00 100-1046-00 100-1045-00 100-1044-00 900-0027-00 100-0097-00 100-1091-00 100-1092-00 100-1083-00 900-0026-00 800-0016-00 800-0015-00 800-0017-00 800-0025-00 500-0056-00 600-0023-00 500-0030-00 500-0011-00 500-0017-00 500-0015-00 500-0057-00 500-0058-00 500-0059-00 500-0060-00 600-0022-00 900-0082-00 961-0028-00 961-0003-00 961-0015-00 961-0004-00 900-0064-00 500-0040-00 223-0683-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 22 1 4 2 1 1 6 4 0 1 Issue 1 Quantity Per 7 1 fetatrack 360 main assy Base F360D102-101 Cover F360D103-101 Connector Plate F360D100-101 Printer Bracket F360D101-101 Feet Heavy Duty ABS Fetatrack 360 PCB assy Moulding Front Fetatrack 360 Moulding Rear Fetatrack 360 Label Set Fetetrack 360 Keypad with Green LED Filter Mains Inlet (Traceable Product) Transformer Mains (Traceable Product) Fuse 500mA Antisurge 250V Glass T 20mm Loudspeaker 3in 10W LCD 200x128 STN Green/Yellow Green Backlight Header IDC 20W Ribbon Cable 20W (uon = mtrs) Housing Molex 2 Way 22-01-2025 Housing Molex 4 Way 22-01-2045 Housing Molex 6 Way 22-01-2065 Housing Molex 8 Way 22-01-2085 Nicolay Socket 12W Pink Nicolay Socket 12W Yellow Nicolay Socket 12W Blue Nicolay Female Contacts Wire Eqpt Type 44 24AWG White (uom=mtrs) EMI Absorber (Seward 3007-0500) Spade Terminal 0.25 RT Angle Screw M3x6 Pan Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Screw M3x8 Pan Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Screw M3x16 Csk Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Connector Crimp Terminal 4.8x0.8mm Header IDC 20 Way Straight Resistor MF 68K 1% 0805 Description Part Number 100-0117-00 Fetatrack 360 Main Asssy Page 2 of 2 F360 US1 Trans Faceplate Seward ultrasound 0210-3239 Crystal Set 2.1Mhz Pz27 disc od=25mm Seward PCB Ultrasound F310 Transducer iss 6 Cable 360 Transducer US1/US2 Seward Grey 2m lengt Transducer Body White Seward 0210-3232 Nicolay Contact Male 5630-4012 Nicolay Plug Free 12W Pink Grommet Extended Black Rubber Small Label FHR US1/US2 F360 Transducer Label Serial Number 33 Series F360 Transducer Cable Tie 100-1094-00 800-0027-00 800-0031-00 600-0019-01 100-1130-00 500-0064-00 500-0066-00 900-0039-00 100-1141-00 100-1140-00 900-0008-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 Description Part Number Issue 1 ECN 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 Quantity Per 100-0075-00 Fetatrack 21T/360 Ultrasound 1 Transducer Pink (M/1/0059) Page 1 of 1 F360 US2 Trans Faceplate Seward ultrasound 0210-3239 Crystal Set 2.1Mhz Pz27 disc od=25mm Seward PCB Ultrasound F310 Transducer iss 6 Cable 360 Transducer US1/US2 Seward Grey 2m lengt Transducer Body White Seward 0210-3232 Nicolay Contact Male 5630-4012 Nicolay Plug Free 12W Blue Grommet Extended Black Rubber Small Label FHR US1/US2 F360 Transducer Label Serial Number 33 Series F360 Transducer Cable Tie 100-1094-00 800-0027-00 800-0031-00 600-0019-01 100-1130-00 500-0064-00 500-0067-00 900-0039-00 100-1141-00 100-1140-00 900-0008-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 Description Part Number Issue 1 ECN 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 Quantity Per 100-0081-00 Fetatrack 210/260/360 Ultrasound 2 Transducer Blue (0215- Page 1 of 1 F360 ToCo Trans Probe Cable Clamp PD120 Toco Spring Diaphragm F360 Transducer Membrane PVC Seward To-Co Transducer Transducer Body White Seward 0210-3232 Faceplate Toco Seward F360 Toco Button F360 Transducer Toco Clamp Ring F360 Transducer PCB Toco F360 Transducer iss Toco Button Screw F360 Transducer Toco Adjustment Plate F360 Transducer Cable 360 Toco Transducer Seward Grey 2m leng Label Serial Number 34 Series F360 Transducer Toco Beam Assy F360 Transducer Resistor MFR4 240R 1% Nicolay Plug Free 12W Yellow 5620-4012 Nicolay Contact Male 5630-4012 Screw M2x6 Pan Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Screw M2x5 Csk Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Screw M2x6 Csk Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Grommet Extended Black Rubber Small Terminal Pin Single Sided IC Op-Amp OP07CD Label UA F360 Toco Transducer 100-1072-00 100-1134-00 100-1087-00 100-1130-00 100-1131-00 100-1132-00 100-1133-00 800-0032-00 961-0053-00 100-1135-00 600-0024-01 100-1136-00 100-1137-00 210-0240-00 500-0063-00 500-0064-00 961-0054-00 961-0055-00 961-0056-00 900-0039-00 900-0084-00 431-0007-00 100-1138-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 Description Part Number Issue 1 ECN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 Quantity Per 100-0079-00 AFM210/260/360 External Toco Transducer Yellow Page 1 of 1 U12 U11 U13,18 U14,20 U16,21 U15 431-7404-00 432-0001-00 434-0001-00 433-0001-00 432-0002-00 432-0003-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 323-0472-00 323-0332-00 323-0102-00 323-0681-00 323-0331-00 323-0221-00 323-0101-00 323-0470-00 323-0220-00 323-0151-00 320-0106-01 320-0105-00 320-0474-00 IC IC IC IC IC IC SM SM SM SM SM SM Page 1 of 4 74HCT04 SO14 74HCT541 68HC812 (32x8) Eprom 27C256 62256 (43256) 3777 Issue 2 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital 1 1 2 2 2 1 20 1 2 11 4 1 4 2 1 4 1 1 4 4 Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cer SM X7R 10nf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM X7R 4.7nf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM X7R 3.3nf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 1.0nf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 680pf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 330pf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 220pf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 100pf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 47pf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 22pf 50V 20% 0805 Cer SM COG 150pf 50V 20% 0805 Tant SM 10uf 20V 20% Case B Tant SM 1uf 35V 20% Case A Tant SM 0.47uf 25V 20% Case A 82 2 2 Electrolytic 10000uF 35V Snap In Panasonic TSUP Series Electrolytic 1000uF 35V Panasonic FC Series Electrolytic 270uF/330uF 16V Panasonic FA Series Electrolytic 220uF 35V BCC 136 60221 Electrolytic 120uF 50V Panasonic FC Series Electrolytic Min 100uf 16V 5mm Radial Electrolytic 22uF 100V Panasonic FC Series Cer SM Y5V 1uf 16V +20-80% 0805 Quantity Per 1 1 2 4 2 4 2 4 Cap Cer SM X7R 100nf 50V 20% 0805 Cap Cer SM X7R 47nf 50V 20% 0805 Cap Cer SM X7R 33nf 50V 20% 0805 Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap Description fetatrack360 pcb assy C147 C144 C158,163 C90,103,150,154 C149,152 C38,82,91,135 C159,166 C37,81,126,170 C1,2,6,17,18,20,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,3 5,40,41,44,45,49,62,64,65,68,69,70,71,72, 73,74,75,79,84,85,88,89,92,93,94,97,99,10 1,102,105,106,108,110,111,112,113,114,120 ,121,122,123,124,125,127,128,129,130,131, 132,133,134,136,137,138,139,141,143,145,1 C43,87 C95,116 C8,13,19,21,32,34,36,39,52,57,61,63,76,78 ,80,83,104,107,153,156. C109 C96,117 C4,12,16,33,42,47,56,60,77,86,140 C7,10,50,54 C48 C3,11,46,55 C5,51 C9 C98,100,118,119 C53 C167 (NOT 10Volt) C115,142,155,161 (NOT 20Volt) C15,27,59,67 311-0109-00 311-0108-00 311-0277-00 311-0227-00 311-0127-00 311-0106-00 311-0225-00 323-0105-00 323-0104-00 323-0473-00 323-0333-00 323-0103-00 Ref Part Number 100-0097-00 ft 360 PCB Assy X1 X2,3 R116,118,120,121 R117,166 R2,6,44,49,174 R171,172 820-0002-00 820-0003-00 224-0010-00 223-0010-00 223-0100-00 224-0220-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 Q13 Q1,6,11,12 Q14 Q2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 Diode SM 10BQ040 SMB D25,26,27 D1,2,5,6,8,9,10,11,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,2 Diode SM BAS16 SOT23 Diode Zenner SM BZX84C5V1 SOT23 D7,16,23,29 Diode Zenner SM BZX84C6V2 SOT23 Diode Bridge 4 Pin SIL GBU4A D24 Diode Zenner SM BZX84C10 SOT23 D30 420-1004-00 420-0016-00 420-8451-00 420-8462-00 411-0004-00 420-8410-00 420-0805-00 420-0848-00 420-0001-00 420-4416-00 U14,20 fetatrack360 pcb assy Issue 2 Page 2 of 4 1R 5% 1206 1R 1% 0805 10R 1% 0805 22R 1% 1206 4 2 5 2 MF MF MF MF Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor 1 4 1 8 1 2 SM RFD8P05SM TO252AA (Tube = 75) SM BC848B SOT23 SM FZT751 SOT223 SM 4416 SOT23 3 16 4 0 1 1 2 Quantity Per 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 3 1 1 2 2 Crystal 32.768Hz 85SMX Crystal SM 12MHz 86SMX Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Socket IC SM 32W PLCC Digital SM 39612 SM LT1076CQ TH TO220 LM338T SM DS1305E Digital SM MAX202 SO16 Digital SM MAX549ACUA or AEUA Digital SM MAX1243 SO8 Analogue SM 33064Z Analogue SM DG211BDY Analogue SM LM324 SO14 Analog Power Amp SIL9MPF TDA2614/N1 Analogue SM X9C103S SO8 Analogue SM LM336M-2.5 SRAM 1Kx8 CY7C155 Analogue SM TL072CD SO8 (Tube = 75) Regulator ZSR1000 10V 200MA SOT223 533-0032-00 IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC U17 U31,32 U33 U10 U8 U24 U27 U9,19 U29 U1,2,4,5,6,23 U30 U3,7,28 U25 U22 U26,34 U35,36 432-0004-00 440-1076-00 411-0338-00 436-1305-00 431-0202-00 431-0549-00 431-1243-00 431-0001-00 431-0211-00 431-0324-00 411-2614-00 431-9103-00 431-0336-00 436-0131-00 431-0072-00 431-1000-00 Description Ref Part Number 100-0097-00 ft 360 PCB Assy L9 L10,11 L12 L1,5 311-0226-00 320-0001-00 311-0001-00 311-0838-00 © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 223-0184-00 223-0224-00 223-0334-00 223-0106-00 220-0202-00 220-0204-00 223-0123-00 223-0153-00 223-0163-00 223-0223-00 223-0273-00 223-0333-00 223-0363-00 223-0473-00 223-0683-00 223-0104-00 223-0122-00 223-0152-00 223-0222-00 223-0272-00 223-0472-00 223-0103-00 18 4 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF 100K 1% 0805 MF 180K 1% 0805 MF 220K 1% 0805 MF 330K 1% 0805 MF 10M 2% 0805 Variable Multi-Turn SM 2K 3224W Variable Multi-Turn SM 200K 3224W Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Inductor 22uH Panasonic ELC Inductor Inductor Torroid 100uH 10mm Dia (50uH Alt) Inductor Fixed Toco 0838 Issue 2 10K 12K 15K 16K 22K 27K 33K 36K 47K 68K 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Page 3 of 4 0805 0805 0805 0805 0805 0805 0805 0805 0805 0805 57 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 6 18 1 2 10 4 3 MF MF MF MF MF MF Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor 1K 1% 0805 1K2 1% 0805 1K5 1% 0805 2K2 1% 0805 2K7 1% 0805 4K7 1% 0805 15 4 2 Quantity Per Resistor MF 100R 1% 0805 Resistor MF 220R 1% 1206 Resistor MF 470R 1% 0805 Description fetatrack360 pcb assy R1,9,35,39,42,43,52,78,82,105,107,134,135 ,160,182 R85,86,87,89 R88,144 R13,17,40,56,60,83,119,122,124,125,148,15 9,167,170,184,187,188,189 R163 R8,51 R11,19,26,30,54,62,69,73,181,185 R176,179,180,190 R37,80,186 R5,20,21,22,23,24,38,41,47,48,63,64,65,66 ,67,81,84,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,1 00,101,102,103,104,108,109,110,111,113,11 4,126,127,128,130,131,133,136,137,138,139 ,141,145,147,150,151,153,154,164,173, R123,183 R161,168 R112,129,146 R29,72,178 R7,50,165 R142,155 R25,68 R33,76,140,162 R12,16,31,55,59,74 R3,4,10,15,27,32,36,45,46,53,58,70,75,79, 106,156,175,177 R18,28,61,71 R143,158 R34,77,157,169 R115,132 VR2 VR1 223-0101-00 224-0221-00 223-0471-00 223-0102-00 Ref Part Number 100-0097-00 ft 360 PCB Assy © Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 2006 fetatrack360 pcb assy Issue 2 Page 4 of 4 1 FETA360 R2 800-0028-00 1 B1 (Fit On Test) 1 1 1 0.12 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Battery Lithium 1/2AA 3.6v Header Straight 2 Way 22-27-2021 Header Straight 4 Way 22-27-2041 Header Straight 6 Way 22-27-2061 Header Straight 8 Way 22-27-2081 Header Straight 15 Way 22-27-2151 Connector Socket RS232C D 9 way Sterio Jack Socket Socket 8w DIL Conn DIN41612 32 Way a Header Box 20 Way 2.54 Milligrid 900-0030-00 J18 J11,12,17 J1,5,16 J2,6 J7 J3 J10 S1 P1 J8 500-0023-00 500-0024-00 500-0025-00 500-0026-00 500-0028-00 500-0029-00 500-0052-00 500-0065-00 500-0039-00 500-0038-00 Inductor Fixed Toco 0842 Inductor Fixed Toco 0841 Inductor Fixed Toco 0876 Quantity Per 2 2 2 Spacer M3 Hex 10mm Heatsink Ultratec PFM1S2 Insulating Kit TO220 Silicone Wire Black 24AWG UL1061 (300m Reel) UOM = Mtrs Eyelet Connector 3mm Screw M3x8 Pan Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Screw M3x6 Pan Hd Pozi St/Steel A2 Washer M3 Plain St/Steel A2 Washer M3 Internal Shakeproof St/Steel A2 Nut M3 Full St/Steel A2 L3,7 L4,8 L2,6 311-0842-00 311-0841-00 311-0876-00 Description 961-0047-00 900-0029-00 961-0032-00 600-0010-00 961-0027-00 961-0015-00 961-0003-00 961-0018-00 961-0006-00 961-0005-00 Ref Part Number 100-0097-00 ft 360 PCB Assy CAM350 PRO V 7.0 : Sat Jun 10 10:08:58 2006 - (Untitled) : feta360r3-assy. D C B J1 Tdr_Sense_US1 RxSig1 USTx1 6 4 1 Tdr_Sense_US1 L1 0838 RxSig1 C2 100nF R2 10R E C R4 100K R3 100K 3 C3 220pF 1 Ultrasound Transducer connection 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 2.1MHz Transmitter / Receiver C1 100nF 6 2 2 3 B 3 2 1 2 1 R5 10K 3 1 S D S D L3 0842 R6 10R G G 3 Vrf1 1 C7 680pF D1 BAS16 2 D2 BAS16 C6 100nF Vcc R8 1K5 L4 0841 10nF C19 A C5 100pF R7 27K 3 C9 47pF R10 100K R18 180K R11 2K2 S D C10 680pF Q4 MMBF4416 US1_connected {04} MMBF4416 Q5 3 2 1 G C4 1nF 2 1 3 G C11 220pF C12 1nF C13 10nF L2 0876 100R R9 1 D C8 10nF 2 S + + 1K0 R13 R12 68K C14 10uF I+ 3 U1 neg12V 11 LM324M C15 0u47F 3 I- 1R R14 2 4 +12V C23 100nF neg12V IN C25 100nF C24 100nF + 1K0 R17 R16 68K ZSR1000G C18 100nF +12V U35 OUT C22 100nF 1 10nF C21 C17 100nF C20 100nF 1 4 I+ neg12V 11 U1 +12V LM324M I- 4 C29 100nF C28 100nF C27 0u47F 5 6 3 2K2 R19 100nF C30 Vrf1 7 +12V 100nF C31 5 6 FH1_Audio {06} 5 I+ neg12V 11 BAS16 D6 7 +12V BAS16 4 D5 U2 LM324M I- 10K R21 1 14 I- 11 3 2 I+ LM324M neg12V U1 +12V 4 10K R23 12 13 I+ 1 10 9 6 11 U1 neg12V C35 100nF I+ LM324M I- +12V 4 10nF C36 180K R28 Average value circuit neg12V 11 U2 +12V 4 LM324M I- R25 36K 6 10nF C34 2K2 R26 100K R27 10nF C32 1nF C33 10K R24 5 1uF C37 + U/D {02,04} INC {02,04} C40 100nF 12 13 I+ U2 neg12V 11 LM324M I- +12V 4 CS_Agc_US1 {04} C38 100uF Vcc 100R R35 C39 10nF 7 R34 330K Copyright ultratec 2003 3 2 CS U/D INC Lodge Way Portskewett, Caldicot South Wales. NP26 5PS. UK 7 11 U6 VL VW VH 1 9 6 5 3 100R R39 I+ 11 8 12 13 4 11 neg12V ECN PR Issue 1 2 R40 1K0 AGC I+ U6 +12V LM324M I- 8 8 Drawn: NAS Drg No: Date: Name: FETA36~3 Sheet 1 Fetatrack 360 Ultrasound 1 Circuit D7 BZX84C5V1 neg12V U2 +12V 4 LM324M I- X9C103 10 VSS U3 neg12V VCC I+ LM324M I- 4 +12V Fetal_Complex_FH1 {04} 14 7 2 1 8 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 8 68K R31 4 100K R15 1nF C16 4 R30 2K2 22K R29 100K R32 47K R33 Q1 BC848B R1 100R 3 4 2 C41 100nF R36 100K 1nF C42 4K7 R37 USTx1 3 1 R38 10K 1 10K R22 1 3 1 3 MMBF4416 Q2 MMBF4416 Q3 3 1 3 2 10K R41 47nF C43 10K R20 of 6 June 03 May 06 Date 14 D C B A D C B A J2 Tdr_Sense_FECG Tdr_Sense_US2 RxSig2 USTx2 6 1 Tdr_Sense_FECG Tdr_Sense_US2 L5 0838 RxSig2 4 C45 100nF R44 10R E C R46 100K R45 100K 3 C46 220pF 1 Ultrasound Transducer connection 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 1.8MHz Transmitter / Receiver C44 100nF 6 2 3 B 3 2 1 2 1 R48 10K R47 10K 3 1 S D S D L7 0842 R49 10R G G 3 Vrf2 1 C50 680pF Vcc D9 BAS16 2 D11 BAS16 D8 BAS16 D10 BAS16 C49 100nF Vcc R51 1K5 L8 0841 3 2 C51 220pF 1 C53 220pF 2 R53 100K FECG_connected {04} 3 G C55 220pF 1 R61 180K R54 2K2 S D C54 680pF US2_connected {04} MMBF4416 Q10 D 2 100R R52 10nF C61 Q9 MMBF4416 1 G C48 470pF R50 27K C52 10nF 3 C47 1nF 2 S L6 0876 MMBF4416 Q7 MMBF4416 Q8 C56 1nF C57 10nF 1 R55 68K + + 1K0 R56 C58 10uF Vrf2 3 4 U4 neg12V 11 LM324M I+ C59 0u47F 3 I- 1R R57 2 C62 100nF +12V 100K R58 1nF C60 1 1 10nF C63 U36 IN 4 I+ C69 100nF 11 neg12V U4 +12V LM324M I- C68 100nF neg12V C65 100nF C64 100nF 5 6 C67 0u47F 3 +12V + 1K0 R60 R59 68K ZSR1000G OUT 2K2 R62 4 C72 100nF C71 100nF 100nF C70 4 7 C74 100nF C73 100nF +12V 100nF C75 3 2 FH2_Audio {06} 5 I+ neg12V 11 BAS16 D15 1 +12V BAS16 4 D14 U5 LM324M I- 10K R64 14 I- 11 5 6 I+ LM324M neg12V U4 +12V 4 10nF C76 12 13 1nF C77 R68 36K I+ 7 10 9 6 U4 neg12V 11 C79 100nF I+ LM324M I- +12V 4 10nF C80 180K R71 Average value circuit neg12V 11 U5 +12V 4 LM324M I- 10K R67 10nF C78 2K2 R69 100K R70 6 1uF C81 8 C82 100uF U/D {01,04} INC {01,04} C84 100nF 10 9 I+ U5 neg12V 11 LM324M I- +12V 4 CS_Agc_US2 {04} + Vcc 100R R78 C83 10nF 7 R77 330K Copyright ultratec 2003 11 U/D INC CS Lodge Way Portskewett, Caldicot South Wales. NP26 5PS. UK 7 12 13 VSS U7 VL VW I+ 14 10 9 4 11 U6 neg12V ECN PR Issue 1 2 R83 1K0 AGC I+ LM324M I- +12V 8 8 Drawn: NAS Drg No: Date: Name: FETA36~3 Sheet 2 Fetatrack 360 Ultrasound 2 Circuit D16 BZX84C5V1 neg12V 11 U5 +12V 4 LM324M I- 6 5 3 100R R82 VH 7 X9C103 U6 neg12V VCC I+ LM324M I- 4 +12V Fetal_Complex_FH2 {04} 8 7 2 1 8 5 6 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd 68K R74 5 10K R66 4 R73 2K2 22K R72 100K R75 47K R76 USTx2 3 4 2 C85 100nF R79 100K 1nF C86 4K7 R80 1 10K R65 1 3 1 3 R81 10K Q6 BC848B R42 100R R43 100R 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 10K R84 47nF C87 10K R63 Date June 03 May 06 of 6 8 D C B A D C B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 R86 100R R87 100R J5 J4 C88 100nF 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vcc neg12V aux_signal_control {04} Aux_connection {04} 1 +12V Vcc pox_photo_diode_signal {04} pox_sensor_type_line {04} pox_cable_shield {04} pox_signal_shield {04} pox_photo_diode_bias {04} Aux Signal Connection 6 5 4 3 2 1 Aux RS232 J3 11 12 13 14 15 15 Pin D-Type Socket 1 RS232_Tx 2 RS232_Rx 3 4 5 6 7 8 pox_led_drive_line {04} 9 pox_led_drive_line2 {04} 10 RS232 Vcc C89 100nF KeyOut Key[5] Key[4] Key[3] Key[2] Vcc D[6] D[4] 2 8 13 7 14 6 P19 P17 P15 P13 P11 P9 P7 P5 P3 P1 P20 P18 P16 P14 P12 P10 P8 P6 P4 P2 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 CSlcd WR {04} R2in MAX202E R2out R1out T2in R1in T1in C2- C2+ C1- C1+ T2out U8 Vcc 9 12 10 11 5 4 3 1 + C93 100nF C92 100nF C90 220uF Printhead interface 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 + T1out V- V+ J7 1 +24V {06} 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Y8 Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 U11 VR1 250K Vcc BATT 3.6V B1 Rx_Data 1 - + Rx_Data_Aux A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 G2 G1 OUT ZM33064Z IN U9 X1 19 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 3 Vcc Vcc R91 10K Gnd INT1 n/c3 INT0 N/C2 X2 n/c1 X1 VBat U10 R95 10K 2 74HCT04D U12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 R97 10K reset 3 WR {04} CS_Toco_Adjust {04,05} 1 CE n/c4 SCLK SDI SDO Vccif PF n/c5 Vcc1 R96 10K sermode DS1305E R93 10K Vcc2 R90 10K Vcc 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 R92 10K LCD contrast control 32KHz ACT541 Tx_Data_Aux Tx_data C91 100uF D[7] D[5] D[3] LCD_reset D[1] Front Panel Display Interface J8 19 17 15 13 11 D[2] 7 5 3 9 RD A[0] {04} D[0] LCD_font_select R89 100R Key[1] Front Panel Key Pad Interface J6 R85 100R R88 470R A 13 11 9 5 3 R94 10K 6 8 10 12 74HCT04D U12 74HCT04D U12 74HCT04D U12 74HCT04D RD Toco_A/D_CS {05} LCD_reset reset RTC_Select Serial_Clock 4 1 10K R101 J9 unconnected spare RTC_Select Serial_Out 74HCT04D U12 Serial_Out Serial_In Serial_Clock Serial_In R99 10K U12 Vcc Vcc Vcc R98 10K Tx_Data_Aux Rx_Data_Aux Tx_data Rx_Data Key[5] Key[4] Key[3] Key[2] Key[1] 10K R100 10K R102 10K R104 4 alarm {06} US1_audio {06} US2_audio {06} 86 85 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 84 83 82 81 78 77 76 75 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 Vcc KeyOut PrintVoltageOn/Off {06} LCD_font_select MotorPhase2Zero MotorPhase1Zero 10K R103 VRL VRH AN8 AN7 AN6 AN5 AN4 AN3 AN2 AN1 PD7 PD6 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 PH7 PH6 PH5 PH4 PH3 PH2 PH1 PH0 PJ7 PJ6 PJ5 PJ4 PJ3 PJ2 PJ1 PJ0 SS SCK U13 D17 BAS16 Vcc MC68HC812A4 SDO/MOSI SDI/MISO TXD1 RXD1 TXD0 RXD0 PT7 PT6 PT5 PT4 PT3 PT2 PT1 PT0 3 1 Vcc R105 100R C94 100nF D18 BAS16 100K R106 Vcc 5 XIRQ IRQ R/_W LSTRB/TAGLO ECLK IPIPE0/MODA IPIPE1/MODB ARST XFC XTAL EXTAL RESET BKGD/_TAGHI CS0 CS1 CS2 CS3 CSD CSP0 CSP1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 reset J10 Paper Out Sensor 4 3 Event Marker 2 1 R114 10K 6 J12 C101 100nF +24V {06} 2 1 C100 22pF R116 1R 22 D[7] 21 D[6] 20 D[5] 19 D[4] 18 D[3] 15 D[2] 14 D[1] 13 D[0] D[0:7] C105 100nF 5 Vcc 13 C108 100nF VR1 Dis2 Dis1 Phase2 Phase1 R121 1R C107 10nF 28 Vcc 17 19 2 18 3 4 7 Copyright ultratec 2003 Vref Reset CS WR NC AO D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 20 16 5 15 14 6 7 8 9 reset D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] 10 D[3] 11 D[2] 12 D[1] 13 D[0] NJU39612E2 U17 C115 1u0F Motor Control Vss DA2 DA1 SIGN2 SIGN1 VDD J13 Vcc 19 D[7] 18 D[6] 17 D[5] 16 D[4] 15 D[3] 13 D[2] 12 D[1] + 1 Issue R124 1K0 CSmotordrive A[0] {04} 8 ECN Date June 03 Vcc 8 Digital Printer Control and user interface Drg No: Drawn: Lodge Way Portskewett, Caldicot Date: South Wales. NP26 5PS. UK Name: FETA36~3 Sheet 3 of 6 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd MotorPhase1Zero MotorPhase2Zero C109 4700pf Vcc 17 8 14 11 15 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vcc C114 100nF 11 D[0] Debug Control Vcc C172 100nF reset debug cs_dpr {04} U15 NJM3777 C171 100nF OE WE CS A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 D7 A7 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C113 100nF D6 HM62256 U16 C112 100nF A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 C111 100nF WR {04} 22 27 20 A[14] 1 A[13] 26 A[12] 2 A[11] 23 A[10] 21 A[9] 24 A[8] 25 A[7] 3 A[6] 4 A[5] 5 A[4] 6 A[3] 7 A[2] 8 A[1] 9 A[0] 10 C110 100nF 7 VR2 Gnd4 Gnd2 E2 C2 E1 C1 RC Gnd3 Gnd1 MB2 MA2 MB1 MA1 R120 1R 23 21 2 4 20 C106 100nF VMM2 VMM1 11.05920MHz X2 O7 O6 O5 O4 O3 O2 O1 O0 C103 220uF C104 10nF + R118 1R Motor Drive Output 4 R113 10K XTAL R115 10M 2 R111 10K Vcc C98 22pF U14 A[0:16] C102 100nF 27256PLC VPP OE CE 3 J11 R110 10K R112 16K EXTAL 2 25 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 C99 100nF 1 XTAL C95 33nF Vcc Vcc 31 A[14] 23 30 A[13] 3 A[12] CS_Volume {06} 27 A[11] debug EXTAL 28 A[9] A[10] U/D_audio {06} C96 3n3F 29 A[8] 24 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] C97 100nF INC_audio {06} CSmotordrive CSlcd R109 10K Vcc Vcc D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] R108 10K 36 37 38 39 48 49 50 51 44 47 46 40 19 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 18 17 16 13 12 11 67 66 A[14] 65 A[13] 64 A[12] 63 A[11] 62 A[10] 61 A[9] 60 A[8] 59 A[7] 58 A[6] 57 A[5] 56 A[4] 55 A[3] 54 A[2] 53 A[1] 52 A[0] 100R R107 R117 1R 2 R119 1K0 1 22 +12V 9 Vcc 16 D[0:7] {04} 12 6 3 R122 1K0 5 7 4 19 3 6 2 3 1 18 R123 12K 1 1K0 R125 D C B A D C B A Vcc Aux_Card_TX Aux_Card_Rx FECG_Cont1 FECG_Cont2 FECG_Cont3 FECG_Cont4 FECG_Clock FECG_Gain ua_signal {06} FECG_Signal_complex +12V 1 ecg / iup interface card connector P1 1 A1 2 A2 3 A3 4 A4 5 neg12V A5 6 A6 7 A7 8 A8 9 A9 10 A10 11 A11 12 A12 13 A13 14 A14 15 A15 16 A16 17 A17 18 A18 19 A19 20 A20 21 A21 22 A22 23 A23 24 A24 25 A25 26 A26 27 A27 28 A28 29 A29 30 A30 31 A31 32 A32 1 2 2 INC {01,02} R133 10K Vcc Fetal_Complex_FH2 {02} Fetal_Complex_FH1 {01} Aux_connection {03} FECG_Signal_complex aux_signal_control {03} FECG_connected {02} IUP_connected {05} Toco_connected {05} US2_connected {02} US1_connected {01} ua_select_ip {06} toco_select_ip {06} FECG_Cont4 FECG_Cont3 FECG_Cont2 FECG_Cont1 FECG_Clock FECG_Gain Toco_Adjust_Clock {05} Toco_Adjust {05} Toco_Data {05} Aux_Card_Rx aux card (FECG) serial communication Aux_Card_TX pox_serial_output CS_Agc_US2 {02} CS_Toco_Adjust {03,05} ecg_bleep {06} CS_Agc_US1 {01} U/D {01,02} Vcc 86 85 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 84 83 82 81 78 77 76 75 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 3 U18 1 OUT ZM33064Z IN U19 MC68HC812A4 Vcc VRL VRH AN8 AN7 AN6 AN5 AN4 AN3 AN2 AN1 PD7 PD6 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 PH7 PH6 PH5 PH4 PH3 PH2 PH1 PH0 PJ7 PJ6 PJ5 PJ4 PJ3 PJ2 PJ1 PJ0 SS SCK SDO/MOSI SDI/MISO TXD1 RXD1 TXD0 RXD0 PT7 PT6 PT5 PT4 PT3 PT2 PT1 PT0 3 3 R126 10K Vcc 36 37 38 39 48 49 50 51 44 47 46 40 19 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 18 17 16 13 12 11 67 DDP[7] DDP[6] DDP[5] DDP[4] DDP[3] DDP[2] DDP[1] DDP[0] 66 ADP[14] 65 ADP[13] 64 ADP[12] 63 ADP[11] 62 ADP[10] 61 ADP[9] 60 ADP[8] 59 ADP[7] 58 ADP[6] 57 ADP[5] 56 ADP[4] 55 ADP[3] 54 ADP[2] 53 ADP[1] 52 ADP[0] reset2 XIRQ IRQ R/_W LSTRB/TAGLO ECLK IPIPE0/MODA IPIPE1/MODB ARST XFC XTAL EXTAL RESET BKGD/_TAGHI CS0 CS1 CS2 CS3 CSD CSP0 CSP1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 4 XTAL2 EXTAL2 R127 10K reset2 debug2 4 Vcc R128 10K R129 16K C116 33nF R130 10K R131 10K Vcc C117 3n3F XTAL2 EXTAL2 C118 22pF Vcc ADP[14] ADP[13] ADP[12] ADP[11] ADP[10] ADP[9] ADP[8] ADP[7] ADP[6] ADP[5] ADP[4] ADP[3] ADP[2] ADP[1] ADP[0] 2 25 23 31 30 3 27 24 28 29 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ADP[0:15] U20 C119 22pF R132 10M 5 12MHz X3 O7 O6 O5 O4 O3 O2 O1 O0 DDP[0:7] 5 27256PLC VPP OE CE A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R166 1R 25 24 21 23 2 26 1 ADP[3] ADP[4] ADP[5] ADP[6] ADP[7] ADP[8] ADP[9] ADP[10] ADP[11] ADP[12] ADP[13] ADP[14] 18 DDP[3] 19 DDP[4] 20 DDP[5] 21 DDP[6] 22 DDP[7] pox_led_drive_line2 {03} pox_led_drive_line {03} pox_sensor_type_line {03} pox_photo_diode_bias {03} pox_signal_shield {03} pox_photo_diode_signal {03} OE WE CS A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 28 19 18 17 16 15 13 12 11 10 9 11 7 12 6 13 14 3 5 15 4 16 2 8 DDP[7] DDP[6] DDP[5] DDP[4] DDP[3] DDP[2] DDP[1] DDP[0] C121 100nF J14 Vcc 1 S1 Debug Control 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vcc D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C120 100nF 6 pulse oximeter interface reset2 Vcc HM62256 debug2 pox_cable_shield {03} 22 27 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 DDP[2] 9 10 ADP[2] 14 DDP[1] ADP[0] ADP[1] 13 DDP[0] U21 Vcc 6 C123 100nF C124 100nF pox_serial_output Vcc C122 100nF ADP[0] DDP[7] 5 4 3 2 1 24 23 22 DDP[5] DDP[6] 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 DDP[4] DDP[3] DDP[2] DDP[1] DDP[0] ADP[9] ADP[8] ADP[7] ADP[6] ADP[5] ADP[4] ADP[3] ADP[2] ADP[1] OEr INTr BUSYr WEr CEr D7r D6r D5r D4r D3r D2r D1r D0r A9r A8r A7r A6r A5r A4r A3r A2r A1r A0r Vcc 46 48 49 50 51 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 52 D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] A[9] A[8] A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] Vcc 7 Copyright ultratec 2003 1 2 Issue PR ECN 8 Date June 03 May 06 of 6 Fetatrack 360 Digital Signal Processing 8 Drg No: Drawn: NAS Lodge Way Portskewett, Caldicot Date: South Wales. NP26 5PS. UK Name: FETA36~3 Sheet 4 WR {03} cs_dpr {03} D[0:7] A[0:16] Ultrasound Technologies Ltd CY7C131 OEl INTl BUSYl WEl CEl D7l D6l D5l D4l D3l D2l D1l D0l A9l A8l A7l A6l A5l A4l A3l A2l A1l A0l U22 7 D C B A D C B J16 1 Toco Connector 6 5 4 3 2 1 tdr_sense_iup tdr_sense_toco toco_signal_return toco_negative_exe toco_positive_exe tdr_sense_iup tdr_sense_toco 2 I- 11 3 2 10K R139 Vcc D20 BAS16 D22 BAS16 D19 BAS16 Vcc D21 BAS16 5 6 7 8 7 Vcc 3 3 11 R141 10K LM336M 2.5V U25 C125 100nF IUP_connected {04} I5 6 5R VM VP R144 470R Vcc I+ LM324M neg12V U23 10K R142 4 +12V Toco_connected {04} SCLK MAX549 OUTB CS REF OUTA DIN VDD GND Auto Zero Control 4 3 2 1 U24 toco dc excitation 5.3V toco_negative_exe I+ LM324M 4 neg12V R137 10K 1 U23 R136 10K Toco_Adjust_Clock {04} Toco_Adjust {04} CS_Toco_Adjust {03,04} toco_positive_exe 10K R138 +12V R134 100R R135 100R R145 10K C126 1uF Toco_VRef 10K R148 4 9 4 I+ 11 neg12V C128 100nF C127 100nF neg12V U23 +12V LM324M I- +12V R152 10K 10 toco_signal_return Toco_VRef 4 R154 10K R153 10K 8 I+ U23 neg12V 11 LM324M I- +12V 4 5 14 100K R156 5 toco input amplifier gain = 3.3 12 13 100nF C129 33K R155 A 2 47K R140 8 4 R143 220K 4K7 R146 R147 100K 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 R151 10K 10K R149 10K R150 330K R157 R167 1K0 I+ TL072 I- 220K R158 R187 1K0 6 5 I- TL072 I+ 100nF C131 neg12V 1 7 U26 +12V U26 neg12V +12V toco filter gain = 2 C130 1uF 3 2 4 8 8 4 6 6 C132 100nF 1K0 R159 3 2 C134 100nF D23 BZX84C5V1 Copyright ultratec 2003 Adc 7 Lodge Way Portskewett, Caldicot South Wales. NP26 5PS. UK 8 1 Issue Toco_Data {04} 8 ECN Toco_A/D_CS {03} Date June 03 of 6 Toco_Adjust_Clock {04} Fetatrack 360 Toco Circuit 5 6 7 8 Drawn: NAS Drg No: Date: Name: FETA36~3 Sheet 5 GND DOUT CS SCLK MAX1243 U27 Toco_VRef REF SHDN AIN VDD toco_ua_signal {06} 4 3 2 1 Ultrasound Technologies Ltd toco_signal {06} C133 100nF Vcc 7 D C B A D C 1 + C136 100nF 100R R160 Vcc neg12V CS_Volume {03} U/D_audio {03} INC_audio {03} C135 100uF US1_audio {03} US2_audio {03} FH2_Audio {02} toco_signal {05} 7 2 1 8 CS U/D INC VSS U28 DG211 IN4 D4 S4 Gnd V- S1 D1 IN1 VCC 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X9C103 VL VW VH IN3 D3 S3 VL V+ S2 D2 IN2 15 16 6 5 3 2 15K R161 9 10 11 12 13 14 ua_signal {04} FH1_Audio {01} Vcc C137 100nF 47K R162 C138 100nF +12V ua_select_ip {04} 2K7 R190 toco_select_ip {04} 100nF C139 1uF C170 U29 toco_ua_signal {05} R163 1k2 B 10K R164 3 2 3 I+ TL072 I- ecg_bleep {04} 1 +12V U34 neg12V 4 3 AC2 alarm {03} R188 1K0 R189 1K0 6 5 I- TL072 I+ +12V 330K R169 C142 1u0F neg12V + 7 U34 4 C147 10,000uF 8 9 C148 100nF R172 22R R170 1K0 Vcc R171 22R 4 C144 1000uF DCD24 PrintVoltageOn/Off {03} 3 DC+ 1 10K R173 C146 100nF C145 100nF + 5 C149 120uF IN- + C150 220uF U30 6 L9 22uH TDA2614 IN+ 7 2 1 B 1 2 3 GND VIN R174 10R C151 100nF A 5 E C 5 R178 22K R177 100K C153 10nF R176 2K7 + VSW 2 3 FB B 1 VC U31 LT1076CQ E C R175 100K 4 Q13 RFD8P05SM S 3 2 1 J18 5 C156 10nF R179 2K7 FB VC VSW C155 1uF 4 R181 2K2 2 + C160 100nF Vcc +24V {03} C161 1uF 7 + R185 2K2 R184 1K0 R183 + 12K C163 330uF + BZX84C10V0 D30 BZX84C5V1 D29 22uF 100V C166 +12V Copyright ultratec 2003 7 Lodge Way Portskewett, Caldicot South Wales. NP26 5PS. UK Ultrasound Technologies Ltd C164 100nF C165 100nF NOTE alternate versions of L10 and L11 require different pinout C159 22uF 100V 6 R182 100R C158 330uF C157 100nF VR2 2K Vout Adj R180 2K7 Vin U33 LM338T 3 GND VIN U32 LT1076CQ Speaker C154 220uF BC848B Q12 AC1 15K R168 BC848B Q11 3 G1 D25 2 1 2 1nF C140 2 1 10BQ040 D 2 3 J17 100nF C141 L10 100uH 2 GBU4A 100nF C143 2 1 1 D26 2 1 2 1 1 L11 100uH AC Power Input D27 6 2 5 1 4 L12 100uH 3 2 2 10BQ040 10BQ040 1 2 2 3 Q14 FZT751 10uF C167 + ECN PR 1 2 8 Date June 03 May 06 of 6 neg12V C168 100nF Issue 8 Power supplies and Audio circuit Drawn: NAS Drg No: Date: Name: FETA36~3 Sheet 6 R186 4K7 C 2 1 C152 120uF + E 3 A 4 27K R165 4 8 1 1 8 4 2 3 2 3 B D C B A