Direct access non-obstetric ultrasound request form Patient details Surname: First Name: D.O.B. / NHS no: Address: GP details* Name: GMC No: / Practice Code: Surgery: Tel: E-mail: Post code: Tel No.: Mobile No: *Shaded items compulsory Ultrasound Scan Request (please select scan(s) required) Abdomen CLINICAL INFORMATION Relevant history, examination, investigations Diabetic Y N Interpreter Y required N Severely impaired mobility N Renal Tract Pelvis (male or female) Aorta Y Scrotum Musculoskeletal Superficial mass NOT neck/groin/axilla Neck Groin/axilla Vascular Other (please specify) ROUTINE URGENT Signature (Delete as appropriate) What information do you require from this examination? Is the patient to be considered at the same time for an ultrasound-guided injection or other procedure? Y N Has previous imaging (X-ray/US/CT/MRI) been performed for the same problem? (please specify above) Y N Name Printed Date Please refer to the RMS website for more detailed information regarding ultrasound scans