CURRICULUM VITA Mark R. Joslyn January

Mark R. Joslyn
January, 2012
Department of Political Science
Kansas University
504 Blake Hall, Lawrence, KS. 66045
Office Phone: 785-864-9046
Ph.D. Washington University in St. Louis, Political Science.
M.A. Central Michigan University, Economics.
M.A. Central Michigan University, Busines Administration.
B.S. Ferris State College, Personnel Mgt/Industrial Relations.
Academic Appointments
Director of Graduate Studies. Kansas University
2003 – present
Associate Professor. Kansas University
Assistant Professor. Kansas University
Visiting Assistant Professor. University of Missouri St. Louis.
Referred Journals
2012. Forthcoming. The Politics of Causes: Mass Shootings and the Cases of Virginia
Tech and Tuscon Tragedies. Social Science Quarterly. With Donald Haider-Markel.
2008. “Culture, Segregation, and Tolerance in Urban America.” Social Science
Quarterly. September. With Elaine Sharp.
2008. “Political Persuasion during Times of Crisis: The Effects of Education and News
Media on Citizens’ Factual Information about Iraq.” Journalism and Mass
Communication Quarterly. With Morgen Johansen.
2008. “Pulpits versus Ivory Towers: Socializing Agents and Evolution Attitudes. Social
Science Quarterly. September. With Donald Haider-Markel.
2008. “Beliefs about Homosexuality and Support for Gay Rights: An Empirical Test of
Attribution Theory. Public Opinion Quarterly. With Donald Haider-Markel.
2007. “Sociotropic Concerns and Support for Counterterrorism Policies.” Social
Science Quarterly. Vol. 88, No. 2. With Donald Haider-Markel.
2006. “Can We Frame the Terrorist Threat? Issue Frames, the Perception of Threat,
and Opinions on Counterterrorism Policies.” Terrorism and Political Violence, 18: 545559. With Donald Haider-Markel and Mohammad Tarek Al-Baghal
2006. "Should We Really "Kill" the Messenger: Framing Physician Assisted Suicide
and the Ambiguous Role of Messengers." Political Communication. With Donald
2005. “Attributions and the Regulation of Marriage: Considering the Parallels Between
Race and Homosexuality” Political Science and Politics. With Donald Haider-Markel.
2004. “Just How Important is the Messenger Versus the Message? The Case of
Framing Physician-Assisted Suicide.” Death Studies. 28: 1-20. with Donald HaiderMarkel.
2003. Joslyn, Mark R. “Framing the Lewinsky Affair: The Likelihood of Third-Person
Perception by Scandal Frame.” Political Psychology.
2003. “Remembering Past Preferences: The Political Antecedents and
Consequences of Autobiographical Memories of the Gulf War.” American Journal of
Political Science. Vol. 47, No. 3 (July). 440-452.
2003. “The Changing Readability of Introductory Political Science Textbooks: A Case
Study of Burns and Peltason, Government by the People.” P.S. Political Science and
Politics. With Thomas Heilke and Alex Aguado.
2002. “The Extensiveness of Group Membership and Social Capital: The Impact on
Political Tolerance Attitudes.” Political Research Quarterly. With Allan J. Cigler.
2002 “Framing Effects on Personal Opinion and Perception of Public Opinion: The
Cases of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Social Security.” Social Science Quarterly.
With Donald P. Haider-Markel.
2002. “Trickle Up Political Socialization: The Impact of Kids Voting USA on Voter
Turnout in Kansas.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly, With Amy Linimon.
2001 “Cognitive Dissonance and Post-Decision Attitude Change in Six Presidential
Elections.” Political Psychology. With Ryan K. Beasley.
2001. “Gun Policy, Opinion, and Blame Attribution: The Conditional Influence of Issue
Frames.” Journal of Politics. With Donald P. Haider-Markel.
2001. “Individual and Contextual Effects on Attributions About Pornography” Journal of
Politics. With Elaine Sharp.
2001. “Group Involvement and Democratic Orientations: Social Capital in the PostElection Context.” Social Science Quarterly. With Allan J. Cigler.
2000. “Motor Voter: A License for Roll-off.” The American Review of Politics. With
Kara Lindaman.
2000. “Guns in the Ballot Box: Information, Groups, and Opinion in Ballot Initiative
Campaigns.” American Politics Quarterly. With Donald P. Haider-Markel.
2000 “Minority Group Interests and Political Representation: Gay Elected Officials in the
Policy Process.”Journal of Politics. With Donald P. Haider-Markel and Chad J. Kniss.
1999. “Perceiving Public Opinion of Political Figures: Examining the Link between
Individual and Collective Opinion.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
1997. "The Public Nature of Personal Opinion: The Impact of Collective Sentiment on
Individual Appraisal.” Political Behavior.
1996. "Candidate Evaluations and the Use of Consensus Information: Differential
Reliance on Appearances based on Self-Monitoring Propensity." International Journal
of Public Opinion Research.
1996. "Attentiveness to Television News and Opinion Change in the Fall 1992
Presidential Campaign." Political Behavior. With Steve Ceccoli.
1995. "Institutional Change and House Support: Assessing George Bush in the
Postreform Era." American Politics Quarterly.
Joslyn, Mark R. 2010. U.S. American Politics Reader. Kendall Hall Publishing.
Edited Volume Chapters
2002. “The Kansas Christain Right and the Evolution of Republican Politics.” John
Green,Mark Rozell and Clyde Wilcox, eds., Marching Toward the Millenium .
The Christain Right in the States 1980-2000. Georgetown University Press.
With Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis.
“Groups, Social Capital, and Democratic Orientations.” Allan J. Cigler and
Burdett A. Loomis eds., Interest Group Politics. CQ Press. 6 edition. With
Allan J. Cigler.
2002. “The Implications for Campaigns.” Paul D. Schumaker and Burdett A. Loomis,
eds., Chosing a President: The Electoral College and Beyond. Chatham House,
New York. With William Mayer, Emmett Buell, and James Campbell.
Book Reviews
2001. Review of Affective Intelligence and Political Judgement by Marcus, George E.,
W Russell Neuman, and Michael MacKuen. American Political Science Review. Vol.
95, No. 4. December. (1003-1004).
Midwest Political Science Association Meetings. 1994, 1998, 1999, 2000-2012
American Political Science Association Meetings. 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002,2003, 2007, 2008. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Southwest Political Science Association Meetings. 1999, 2008
Western Political Science Association Meetings. 2001, 2007, 2008
Symposium on Survey Research University UNL Gallup Research Center 1999.
Amercian Association for Public Opinion Research 1998
November, 2001
Kansas Action for Children $120,000. Co-investigators. Steven
MaynardMoody, Donald Haider-Markel, and Surenda Singh.
April, 2000
General Research Fund $13,512. Awarded by University of
Kansas. Co-investigator Allan J. Cigler.
Sping 2000
Awarded best paper at Southwest Political Science Association.
Janurary, 1999
New Faculty General Research Grant $5,000
April, 1993
Antoinette Dames Award: Outstanding Graduate Student Paper.
Kansas University: Introduction American Government; Campaigns and Elections;
Media and Politics; Public Opinion and American Democracy; Methods. Seminars:
Elections and Voting Behavior, U.S. Political Institutions, Political Behavior.
Washington University, St. Louis. Department of Political Science: American Politics
and Government; American Electoral Politics.
Washington University, St. Louis. Department of Social Thought and Analysis:
Introduction to American Social Welfare Policies; Methods and Reasoning in the Social
University of Missouri, St. Louis. Department of Political Science: American Politics and
Government; Research Methods in Political Science.
August, 2002 – W.T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence.
April, 2001 – H. Bernerd Fink Award for Excellence in Teaching.
November, 2000 – Hope Award Finalist.
April, 1999 – Excellence in Teaching Award – Given by Center for Teaching Excellence
PhD Students
David Brichoux
Carly Hayden-Foster
Robert Rodriquez
Byeonggu Lee
Whitney Court
Amber Dickinson
Private Research Firm
Southern Illinions University at Edwardsville
Texas A&M University at Commerce
Korea National Defense University
Roanoke College
Washburn University
Professional Activity
PRI Scholar. Policy Research Institute Scholar. Summer 2001-2003.
Member, American Political Science Association (1994-present).
Member, American Association for Public Opinion Research (1998-present).
Reviewer for The International Journal of Public Opinion Research, American Journal of
Political Science, American Politics Research, Journal of Politics, State Politics and
Policy Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Political Behavior, Political Psychology,
American Political Science Review, Political Communication .
Department Activity
Graduate Director (summer 2011 – present)
Member Undergraduate Studies Committee.
Member Advisory Committee.
Member Graduate Studies Committee
University Activity
Lecturer for University Fullbright Scholars Program (2010-present).
Graduate Research Fund Committee (2011, 2012)
Sabbatical Leave Committee (2007)
University Honors Council: Undergraduate Research Committee (2005-2006)
Graduate Research Fund Committee (2004-2005)
General Research Fund Committee (2001-2002)
Excel Award Selection Committee (9/99).
Member of Senior Scholarship Committee – Honors College (Spring 99).
Member of Elections Commission – student senate elections (9/99 to 6/00).
Member of Electoral College Review Commission – Assembled by Kansas Secretary of
State Ron Thornburgh (December 2000).
Mock Interviewers—Truman Award (2001).
Born 10/10/64, married, with two children—Louis 18 and Nicholas 16.