MENINGES the The middle layer of the meninges is the arachnoid delicate connective appearance, Beneath the arachnoid meninges are continuous with the meninges of in an earlier plate but with several dis- tinguisk·,g features. In this plate, we examine the unique features and relate them to f1Jnctions performed by each meninx. by Begin coloring the main title The Meninges. Then, as the arachnoid Between the trabeculae with oxygen arachnoid in the subarachnoid and Extending brospinal nutrients and i 0', f. .c': . ' I J , ·11\. , --'.' t" "!ing its position. meninx is the dura mater (C). This cov- ~NQ Y1C€ layers, an outer layer (C1l, also called it is fused to the periosteum of the cralayer (C2). As the diagram r;, ou,'. fbiu 'i',i'" kn cl''''·'l'1~iiilms 1 ji"'f, oF' ve' ""r: ';'.' shows, the separate to form a gap containing tissue One of the large vessels is the large vein ('; ';.ifJ·jd ((3). Veins leading from the brain tissue ")' "inuses, which then lead to the jugular ~ f( ,ughrhe neck. At certain points, the inner dura mCl'r"'-'JSenas 1m) the fissure dividing the right and left hemisph\·no~ .:J ,.hE. cei'ebrum. This extension or fold of tissue is the falx cerel}!'i {(<<\!, Other extensions are found near the cerebella and neO! 1;,6 spacr; floor of the brain. the $ubdural Beneath the dura mater is a small space (01, which separates it from the nexi' 'W'f :lOW concentrate ~(;rw of ib detaiis. ~n the second meninx and note This second layer tends to be the mos, ctl'1lplex of the layers because cerebrospinal here. m ":,0 exchange cerebrospinal of fingerlike fluid percolating the arachnoid through the subarachnoid villus, then passes down space into the blood from the brain tissue. This is the third meninx. This innermost layer is attached to the brain. As you read about the layer, locate it in the dia- blues, and be used to highlight the skull bone (Bl, '1..TUllo.! The We finish with the plate by paying brief attention to the These arrows may be col- colors such as greens, (Iy) products. where they are with the outer layer of the head, and note the posic,t<1iF fA) A medium color may be used here. A " waste into the dural sinus are a number gram and color it with a light color. The last of the meninges !THc'\, remove second method by which fluid leaves the brain. Light colors are recommended since many of the structures are detailed. Also, watch for arrows tio' are a extensions of the arachnoid called arachnoid villi. An arachnoid villus (E2) is indicated in the plate and drawn in detail. The cere- bU'1d. We space layer itself has no blood vessels. vessel, which leads it away with darker is filled series of blood vessels (Fl),These vessels supply the brain tissues meninges and their details. As you read about the three m0 ;'1Ce, below, color their titles, then locate and color pointing out specific regions. diagrams lation as we shall see momentarily. enters th", st;'UC1'T8Sin any of the diagrams The fibers are (E1). The detailed fluid. The fluid will return to the venous circu- you look over the plate, note the closeup views of the n into compartments. trabeculae show their structure, The space between the trabeculae that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the brain and The. cmnial area called the space with cerebrospinal the spind cord examined is a substantial fibers separating ion the during violent contact with the surrounding bones. They also interface with the cerebrospinal fluid, a type of plasspinal cxd 'issues and removes their metabolic waste products. (E). It is a of its spiderlike space (F), Within this space are a number of called Euid because the subarachnoid The meninges supply protection and support for the brain tissues and carry many important vessels between them. They cush- malike tissue so named fluid Many blood vessels are between the circulatory fluid occurs here. adheres brain is the pia mater (G). This layer to the surface of the brain and follows its contours as the folds in at the gyri and Astrocytes anchor forms its fissures called sulci. the pia mater to the brain tissue. There are many blood vessels within the pia mater and the major cerebral blood vessels lie on top of it within the subarachnoid the arachnoid. Beneath the pia mater is the cerebral tissue may be colored in the diagram light color is recommended avoid obscuring its details. space below cortex (H). This brain to complete the plate. A since it is detailed, and it is best to (2 D E F 1_ F1 G Scalp Skull bone Dura mater Outer layer A B C] 0 0 0 0 Inner layer (2 0 Dural sinus (3 0 Falx cerebri C4 0 D E E] 0 0 0 E2 0 Subarachnoid space Blood vessels F 0 0 Pia mater Cerebral cortex G Subdural space Arachnoid Arachnoid trabeculae Arachnoid villus ( F] H G 0 0 115