GSB420: Applied Quantitative Analysis

GSB420: Applied Quantitative Analysis
SUMMER I, 2012 (Monday/Wednesday 5:45-9:00, Room DPC8207 (LEWIS
1309 for Lab Classes))
date updated: 6/10/2012
Office: Loop Campus (14 E Jackson #900), New office at DPC #4600 after 7/1
Phone: (312)362-5970, Email:
The best way to reach me is to send email. Please use GSB420 as a prefix on the subject line,
and that will get my attention immediately. If you dont receive my reply within 48 hours,
please remind me again. Due to many email filters and mass email, your email might be lost.
OFFICE HOURS: Monday, 2:30 4:30 or by appointment
The class will provide quantitative, statistical, and analytical methods that would be beneficial
to MBAs in the modern business world. The course is demanding because there are so many
topics to squeeze in within 10 sessions or less. I expect students to be proactive and ready for
each class by challenging me with questions. We will cover essential topics on math, calculus,
and statistics in focusing on practical application in business. Thus, most of examples will
be related with business world, and computer software will be extensively used for class and
Jin W. Choi, Step-by-Step Business Math and Statistics, 3rd, 2010, ISBN: 0536560706
Any Algebra and Calculus books used from previous Math classes.
Levine, David M., T. Krehbiel, M. Berenson, Business Statistics, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall,2006.
Newbold, Paul, W. Carlson, B. Thorne, Statistics for Business and Economics, 6th Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
From DePaul library, you can also access two useful books via online;
Business Statistics Demystified by Steven M. Kemp and Sid Kemp.
Statistics for Dummies by Deborah Rumsey.
SOFTWARE USED in CLASS (required for homework and lab classes)
Maple (any version): DePaul computer labs
Minitab (any version): DePaul computer labs, and a 30 day trial version is available from We will start to use Minitab from the second week.
Exam I (6/20/2012, In-Class, Open Book Test for 30 Minutes)
Exam II (Take-Home Exam due on 6/25/2012 )
Exam III (7/09/2012, In-Class, Open Book Test for 30 Minutes)
Exam IV (Take-Home Exam due on 7/16/2012 )
• Quizzes and Lab Assignments: We will have quizzes in class. All require to submit the
answers or sign-up sheet before leaving class.
• Homework: Some homework will be given in class, and due dates will be varied and announced in class. The work will be mostly related with solving problems using computers
software (Maple and Minitab)
– All assignments are to be prepared individually (you are not permitted to work with
others) unless otherwise stated by me. You risk an academic integrity violation if
you do so.
– Assignments are graded based on completion. Failure to answer any questions or
nonsensical attempts at answering questions will result in an incomplete assignment.
– Assignments should be handed in at the beginning of class and must be typed or
will NOT be counted. (Arithmetic or graphs may be handwritten/drawn.)
• Extra Credit: End of chapter Quizzes on D2L - All work is due in a week with unlimited
tries, and the best score will be recorded automatically. Any homework assignments that
are submitted after the answers being released will not receive any credit (Answers will
be automatically posted at 5:30PM on the due date).
Exam I (15%), Exam II (20%), Exam III (15%), Exam IV (30%), In-Class Quizzes and Computer LAB Assignment (10%), Homework (10%), and Maximum of 10% extra credit from the
end of chapter quizzes on D2L.
Scale of grade: A: 93 or above, A-: 88-92.9, B+: 85-87.9, B: 80-84.9, B-: 77-79.9, C+: 75-76.9,
C: 70-74.9, C-: 68-69.9, D+: 65-67.9, D: 60-64.9, F: Below 60
There will be 4 computer labs. All computer lab classes starts at the second half of class
(7:30-9:00PM) after regular lectures, that means we will move from regular classroom to a
computer lab during the break. The assigned lab for the class is at LEWIS 1309.
• Computer Lab1 (June 18) Introduction to Maple for Calculus and Optimization
• Computer Lab2 (June 20) Introduction to Minitab for Statistics I
• Computer Lab3 (July 2) Introduction to Minitab for Statistics II
• Computer Lab4 (July 11) Introduction to Minitab for Regression
Work done for this course must adhere to the University Academic Integrity Policy. Violations
include but are not limited to the following categories: cheating; plagiarism; fabrication and
academic misconduct.
• Cheating: any action that violates University norms or an instructor’s guidelines for the
preparation and submission of assignments. Such actions may include using or providing
unauthorized assistance or materials on course assignments, or possessing unauthorized
materials during an examination.
• Plagiarism: the representation of another’s work as your own. You are to prepare your
own homework assignments. Violations may result in the failure of the assignment, failure
of the course, and/or additional disciplinary actions.
• Misconduct: This includes but is not limited to attempts to bribe an instructor for
academic advantage; persistent hostile treatment of, or any act or threat of violence
against, an instructor, advisor or other students. Violations may result in additional
disciplinary actions by other university officials and possible civil or criminal prosecution.
You may review the Academic Integrity Policy in the Student Handbook or by visiting Academic Integrity at DePaul University (
I do not take attendance. The attendance will be automatically checked by in-class quizzes.
Excuses on exam days may be considered under extraordinary circumstances provided by
official documentation.
• Prohibitions: Cell phones must be turned OFF. Use of the internet is not permitted
unless specifically directed by me. This includes checking of email and use of instant
messengers. You must sit at the front of the classroom if you are using a computer. Tape
recorders, unrelated reading materials, and food are also prohibited in the classroom.
• Behavior: You may not leave the classroom for any reason during an exam (go to the
bathroom beforehand!). Further, unprofessional behavior such as inappropriate chatting,
leaving in the middle of class, or showing up excessively late, etc. are disruptive and
unacceptable. If you need to leave class early, let me know in advance.
• For first time violations you will receive a warning. In the event that violations continue,
I will ask you to leave the classroom. (I reserve the right to add to this list as situations
Students must provide me with a letter from the Office of Students with Disabilities (OSD)
documenting any learning disabilities or chronic illnesses and requesting reasonable accommodations by the second week of classes. Further, you must send me an email prior to each
exam reminding me of any special accommodations. To contact the OSD you may email: or call: 773-325-1677.
(The instructor may change the order or contents by needs, and any change will be posted on
I. Business Mathematics
• Class 1, Jun 11 (Mon)
Assessment Test sponsored by Graduate School of Business (Gift and Refreshment will
be served)
MathCh 1-2, Algebra and Calculus Review
• Class 2, Jun 13 (Wed)
MathCh 3 Optimization Methods
MathCh 4 Applications to Economics
• Class 3, Jun 18 (Mon) EXAM I (MathCh 1-3, 45 Mins)
MathCh 4 Applications to Economics (Continued)
COMPUTER LAB 1 (Introduction to MAPLE)
II. Business Statistics
• Class 4, Jun 20 (Wed)
Ch 3-5. Introduction, Descriptive Measures, and Probability
COMPUTER LAB 2 (Introduction to MINITAB)
• Class 5,Jun 25 (Mon) EXAM II Due (MathCh4, Ch 3-5, Take-Home exam)
Ch 6-8 , and Discrete probability Distributions, Normal, and t Distribution
• Class 6, Jun 27 (Wed)
Ch 9-10 Sample Distributions and Confidence Interval Estimation
• Class 7, Jul 2 (Mon)
Ch 11-12 Hypothesis Tests for One sample and Two-sample Tests
• Class 8, Jul 9 (Mon) EXAM III (Ch 6-12, 45 Mins)
Ch 13. Simple Regression Analysis
• Class 9, Jul 11 (Wed) Ch 14. Multiple Regression Analysis
EXAM IV (Take-Home Exam Due on July 16 (Monday) at 10:00 PM on D2L)