Bargaining our next contract

May 2014
Local 3396
Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board Education Support Workers
Telephone: 905-388-2425
Facebook: cupe3396
June 11th, 5:00 p.m.
Regular meetings are held at
1130 Barton St. East, Hamilton
Our current contract is up on August 31, 2014. The results of the provincial CUPE locals’ votes for participating in central
bargaining are in: CUPE members have overwhelmingly expressed their support for participation as it is proposed in Bill 122,
The School Boards Collective Bargaining Act.
But hold on! Hasn’t everything changed? The government’s been dissolved. Nothing that happened since the
provincial election was called on May 2 nd has changed Bill 122 – it remains law in Ontario. The government is obliged to write
a “Regulation” to provide us with CUPE’s voice at a provincial level of bargaining. Under the Act, the government must
designate CUPE as an employee bargaining agency by issuing a regulation. The fact an election has been called will, in all
likelihood, delay the writing of that regulation. Therefore, no support staff provincial bargaining will be starting ahead of the
others (teachers).
What about our local? Our own Negotiating Committee will meet with the employer once central issues are established. Any
issue not dealt with in provincial bargaining will be part of local bargaining. When will that happen? Unfortunately, local
bargaining cannot begin until after the Ontario election and the start of provincial bargaining. We will be updating you
regularly as additional information comes available. Our local Negotiating Committee has representative vacancies for the
following classifications: Educational Assistant – Elementary, Early Childhood Educator, and Casual Clerical. Elections to fill
those spots will take place at our regular membership meeting on June 11, 2014.
Anyone who pays attention to the media knows that Ontario’s Education Sector is under attack! A plan to cut 100,000 public
sector job with 9,700 cuts to focus on non-teaching positions in Ontario’s education systems really means cuts to services.
Services YOU provide every day.
CUPE members are front and centre in the fight to stop that agenda. We MUST take the lead in that fight. Focusing
attention on cutting non-teaching jobs has opened the door for us to showcase the specialized work we do and allows us to
have a very public conversation about the important role of support staff in our schools. We all know that cuts to education are
not in the best interest of Ontario’s future.
Getting into the Public Debate –
How can the plan to create jobs start with the elimination of 100,000?
Which 9,700 positions will be eliminated and how will students succeed without the critical services those workers provide?
Why cut the lowest paid workers in our schools, most often women?
How many kids with special needs will be told to stay home after these cuts?
What happens to the kids registered for FDLK in September if that program ends?
Here’s what you can do to have our voices heard loud and clear with Ontario’s public:
 Write letters to the Spectator and other newspapers challenging the attack on education.
 Attend All Candidates debates and ask questions.
 Challenge any candidate who supports the plan to ruin public education in Ontario.
 Contact the local if you think we should rally to support and protect what we have.
 Take it public – on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… let your family, friends and followers know what the plan really means.
 Ask questions of candidates who knock on your door. Keep a list close at hand to be ready when one appears.
Sample letters, tweets and questions are available on our website and Facebook.
Effective September 1, 2014, the employer will be establishing site-based Health & Safety Committees and will no longer conduct
Joint Health & Safety Committee meetings with representatives from each employee group. At a worksite with 20-49 workers,
there must be 1 management representative and 1 worker representative on the Site Based JHSC. For sites with 50 or more
workers, there must be 2 management representatives and 2 worker representatives on the Site Based JHSC. Principals and
Site Managers will represent management. If you currently participate in inspections and want to continue, put your name
forward to the principal today! If you haven’t participated in inspections but are interested in representing workers in your
workplace GO IMMEDIATELY TO THE PRINCIPAL and make it known. Promote yourself to the staff and get yourself elected as
the “safety expert” in your workplace. Training will be provided by the employer and CUPE will provide additional CUPE training
and support through our Health & Safety Officer.
The union has requested a briefing with the current Service Canada EI School Board Representative to update us on any changes
to the Employment Insurance Act, eligibility of 10-month employees with the Board and/or to changes to EI benefits. We will be
sending out any updates as soon as we have the opportunity to meet.
A reminder to all participants: there is an expectation by the employer that ALL participants follow the ERO procedures in
registering for workshops and in reporting absences, late arrivals and/or early dismissal for valid reasons. We caution all members
to remember that a PA Day is a paid day of work – it may not be at your regular work site but the rules are the same – you have an
obligation to follow the Smart Find Express protocols and procedures. Failure to do so may put you at risk of discipline.
A school trip is not just “Fun Day,” it is a work day. You are still entitled to your breaks and lunch so be sure to get the schedule
from the principal BEFORE you get on the bus. If the nature of the day is such that it isn’t possible to be relieved by another staff
member during that trip, make sure the principal has approved a make-up break upon return and lieu time at time-and-a-half for
your missed lunch. Principals can refer to the memo #288 issued by J. Bajus, D. Leone and A. Romano, June 4, 2013.
The work of our local gets greater and greater so, in an attempt to reduce the length of each membership meeting, we are
tentatively scheduling seven (7) membership meetings for the next school year. Here’s what we are thinking:
The third Wednesday of September, October, November and January, and the first Wednesday of March, April and June.
The final schedule will be included in the CUPE Calendar to be distributed in September.
The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) has called out for applications for its annual OFL’s Labour Post-Secondary
Scholarships. There are two awards of $2,000 each available to a member or child of a member of a local union affiliated to
the OFL. Candidates eligible to apply must have no prior post-secondary studies. More information is available on the OFL
website ( Deadline for application is June 16, 2014.
The Hamilton & District Labour Council has five scholarships available to students in their first year of post-secondary
education. Candidates must submit a 1,000 word essay due with the application by the end of September. Awards will be
handed out in October 2014. For more information on these scholarships please contact the local.
Over the past several months, the employer has hired casual CUPE employees to supply in clerical, educational assistant and
early childhood educator positions. Almost forty new members have joined our local in 2014. Welcome to each of you – we
hope your employment experience has been positive.
For our seasoned members – please reach out to these newer CUPE members in your workplace, offer support and solidarity,
contract information and direct them to contact the local with any tough questions. Invite a new member to join you at the next
General Membership Meeting, June 11th.
We’ve noticed your stellar attendance at our 2013-2014 Membership Meetings.  Thanks to all of you for your commitment to
helping our local do its work.
Bumpy Road Ahead – Provincial Bargaining and Political Turmoil Set to Collide
– We need to stay connected.
Send us an e-mail today from your personal e-maill address ( or complete the form below
and drop it in the Board mailbag. Only then will you be informed on all the latest news.
Personal E-mail Address (not First Class)
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Job Classification