Article for Stewards Webpage:

Article for Stewards Webpage:
Hello Brothers and Sisters of CUPE Local 1615,
My Name is Bruce Bryne and I am one of your union shop stewards here at
Grenfell Campus Memorial University. As a proactive member of CUPE I speak for
you the members on numerous matters with our employer. Currently we have
over 80 union members here on campus and we need more members to
volunteer their time to lend a hand as an active steward or serve with other
committees. Some benefits of pro active union involvement are Paid Union
education / training for roles you may want to serve, helping others, meeting
people, and new skill acquirements. Our strength is in numbers and solidarity, so
please read your collective agreements, understand what this document means
to you, your family and co-workers. Come to union meetings, and be heard/ or
just come to listen and submit feedback. Just get involved in any way you can.
We have our union meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5pm. If you
need child care CUPE will pay for your child care for the time to attend the
meeting. I understand that at 5 pm everyone desires to leave work and get home
for supper, well guess what, CUPE provides you with supper prior to the meeting
time. So please get involved, get trained, and get your collective agreements out
and give it a read. Thank-you.
If you do not have collective agreements or require up to date ones please
contact me and I supply you with new copies. You may also obtain access to the
collective agreement under the human resources section of the Grenfell Campus
or Memorial University web sites.
In solidarity.
Bruce Bryne
Fine Arts Workshop Supervisor/ Head Carpenter
Grenfell Campus Memorial University
Fine Arts Department
637-6200 ext 6364