Igneous Textures (textbook section 7.3-7.6) Correlative readings from Hefferan & O’Brien (2010) textbook listed in italic. Chemical Composition of Igneous Rocks (section 7.3) major elements: >1% by weight in Earth’s crust O & Si constitute 75% by mass of Earth’s crust O, Si, A., Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg constitute 99.2% by mass of Earth’s crust (Mg is especially abundant in the Earth’s mantle) (Fe is the most abundant, by weight, in the whole Earth) minor elements: 0.1% - 1% by weight in Earth’s crust especially Ti, P, H, Cr, Mn major & minor element contents commonly listed as oxides O is the only anion among major elements and all cations in silicate minerals bond to O chemical analysis list oxide percents assuming there is just enough oxygen ! for all major & minor cations to bond to e.g., Kspar, KAlSi3O8 is composed of 1/2(K2O + Al2O3 + 6SiO2) trace elements: <0.1% by weight in Earth’s crust incompatible elements elements that don’t fit well into common crystal lattice sites ! (too big or wrong charge) prefer to go into a melt during partial melting ! concentrated in resulting magma ! depleted in residual rock left behind incompatible elements include: ! Large Ion Lithopile (LIL) elements (large for their charge) ! ! Cs, Ba, Rb, Sr, U, Pb K, Zr, Th ! Light Rare Earth elements (LREE) ! ! Rare Earth Elements La through Sm compatible elements elements that are very stably bonded in silicate structures ! (good size & charge) they are highly immobile and reman in the restite; are depleted in the magma incompatible elements include: ! High Field Strength (HFS) elements (small for their charge) ! ! Ti, Ni, Cr, V, Zr, Hf, Nb, Y ! Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE) Mineral Composition of Igneous Rocks (section 7.4-7.5) the most abundant minerals in the crust are the feldspars, dominantly plagioclase followed by quartz and the pyroxenes, then amphiboles, micas, and clays primary minerals crystalize from the melt secondary minerals crystalize later, e.g., from hydrothermal fluids major minerals are the most abundant, normally silicates accessory minerals are found in small concentrations (<5%) simple oxides (opaque in microscope thin section view) are common accessories igneous classification based on color index percentage of dark colored minerals (DCM) <40% DCM: felsic 40-70% DCM: intermediate 70-90% DCM: mafic 90-100% DCM: ultramafic ! the problem with this scheme is that the plagioclase found in mafic rocks ! is commonly dark in color, even though it is not a “mafic” mineral IUGS color index <35% DCM: leucocratic 35-65% DCM: mesocratic >65% DCM: melanocratic ! this system is more objective; it doesn’t imply a definite composition modal composition: actual minerals in an igneous rock relies on visual inspection to determine the percentage, by volume, of each mineral done microscopically for fine-grained rocks point count analysis: count minerals at each grid point (at least 400 points) ! on a microscope slide not possible in igneous rocks with significant cryptocrystalline or glassy portions ! since actual minerals can’t be counted normative composition CIPW Norm: first introduced by Cross, Iddings, Pirsson, and Washington (1902) calculation of the ideal minerals that should crystallize from a magma ! based on the chemical composition (oxide percents) determined in the lab ! from chemical analysis of crushed rock samples calculation of normative minerals based on a set of rules assumes: ! magma dry (no hydrous minerals) ! no Al2O3 in mafic minerals ! Mg/Fe ratio same in all mafic minerals ! can’t have quartz and feldspathoids (silica undersaturated) in same rock can calculate with program or spread sheet classification based on silica content <45% SiO2: ultrabasic 45-52% SiO2: basic 52-66% SiO2: intermediate >66% SiO2: acidic ! the old “acidic” concept for silica-rich rocks was based on the untrue notion that ! the silica in rocks was from silicic acid (H4SiO4) classification based on a silica saturation, according to CIPW Norm ! and the presence of normative quartz, feldspars, feldspathoids silica oversaturated:! quartz with feldpars silica saturated:! feldspars but no quartz silica undersaturated:! feldspars and feldspathoids but no quartz classification based on a alumina (Al2O3) content compared to CaO, Na2O & K2O useful for characterizing granitic rocks peraluminous:! Al2O3 > CaO + Na2O + K2O metaluminous:! Al2O3 > Na2O + K2O subaluminous:! Al2O3 = Na2O + K2O peralkaline:! Al2O3 < Na2O + K2O Classification of Igneous Rocks (section 7.6) simple classification (intro classes) based on texture and color (felsic, intermediate, mafic, ultramafic) doesn’t account for compositional differences aside from silica content IUGS classification Streckeisen (1976) for IUGS, LeBas & Streckeisen (1991), LeMaitre (2002) based on modal concentrations of Q = Quartz (and polymorphs) A = Alkali Feldspars (k-spar & albite [An0 - An5]) P = Plagioclase (An5 - An100) F = Feldspathoids (foids) M = mafic silicates (plus metal oxides) note the differentiation between alkali feldspars & plagioclase at An5 b/c nearly pure albite (An0) is found in perthite with kspar QAPF classification diamond for plutonic igneous rocks upper diamond: silica supersaturated rocks lower diamond: silica understaurated rocks classification of mafic intrusive igneous rocks Plagioclase-Pyroxene-Olivine ternary diagram, or Plagioclase-Pyroxene-Hornblende ternary diagram classification of ultramafic intrusive igneous rocks Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Clinopyroxene ternary diagram, or Olivine-Pyroxene-Hornblende ternary diagram QAPF classification diamond for volcanic igneous rocks problem: classification based on modal mineralogy ! not possible in glassy or cryptocrystalline volcanic rocks classification of volcanic rocks based on alkalis (Na2O + K2O) vs. silica content based on chemical analysis of crushed rock samples