GEOLOGY 1 – EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Vicki Drake - Spring 2003 Definitions: Physical Geology – Historical Geology Catastrophism: Definition of – Bishop Ussher – Age of Earth under Catastrophism Uniformitarianism: Definition of: - James Hutton, Charles Lyell Age-Dating: Law of Superposition (horizontality), Law of Succession Earth’s Early History: Formation, accretion, Iron Catastrophe, layering and differentiation of Earth Plate Tectonics: General theory, plate boundary interaction (convergent, divergent, and transform) MINERALS Define these terms: rocks, minerals, elements, atoms, ions, isotopes, electrons, protons, electric charges Electron Bonding: Ionic bonds, metallic bonds, covalent bonds, Van der Waals bonds Relative strength of each type Crystallization: Internal structure/atomic arrangement – Silicate Mineral Structure: Tetrahedron: isolated, single chain, double chain, sheet and framework(give an example of the crystalline structure for certain minerals – i.e., quartz, micas, amphiboles, pyroxenes, etc.) Major Mineral Groups: Silicate and Non-Silicate Minerals: Define each, give examples of each type Silicates: Quartz, Feldspars, Amphiboles, Pyroxenes (examples of each type) Non-Silicates: Carbonates: Calcite (CaCO3) Sulfates: Gypsum (CaSO4●2H2O) Halides: Halites (NaCl) (Metal Ores) Sulfides – Galena (PbS – lead sulfide ore) Oxides – Hematite (Fe2O3 – iron oxide ore) Native Metals/Elements: Gold (Au) Silver (Ag) Copper (Cu) Platinum (Pt) Mineral Identification: Properties: Color Fracture Streak Luster Effervescence Hardness (Moh’s Scale) Specific Gravity Cleavage IGNEOUS ROCKS Identification of Igneous Rocks: Texture and Chemical Composition Texture: Aphanetic, Phaneritic, Porphyritic and Pegmatitic Chemical Composition: Felsic, Intermediate, Mafic and Ultramafic What melts a rock: Heat Pressure Water (flux) Bowen’s Reaction Series: Discontinuous and Continuous Series (Felsic to Ultramafic Igneous rocks) Why does magma rise: Buoyancy Hydrostatic pressure How does magma rise: Segregation of liquids Diapiric rise Zone Melting Xenolith formation: partial melting and inclusion of country rock into melt Plutons: - formation and types: Dikes Sills Laccolith Lopolith Batholith Relationship between Phaneritic/Aphanetic Igneous Rocks Types of Volcanoes: Stratovolcano – Composite Plug Dome Shield (name a volcano for each type) Explosivity Controls: Viscosity (temperature and composition of magma) 1 Cinder Cone Dissolved gases Pressure Types of Eruptions: Hawaiian Strombolian Vulcanian Pelean Plinian Steam Blast Flood Basalts Eruptions/Structures/ Forms Calderas: Lake Toba, Crater Lake (former Mt. Mazama) Pyroclastic Material: Volcanic bombs, lapilli (cinders), ash, Nueé Ardente Lava Types: Basalt: More fluid flow, mafic minerals Pahoehoe: ropey, smooth, fluid flow (early flow) Aa: clinkery, lumpy, sharp-edged (late flow) Pillow Basalt: lava flowing beneath ocean Dacite: felsic magma (63-68% silica) - explosive Rhyolite: felsic magma (>68% silica) – explosive Volcano Locations (global) Convergent Plate boundaries Divergent Plate boundaries Intraplate “Hot Spots” (mantle plumes) HOW ABOUT A SAMPLE TEST? 2 Rhyolitic Flood