The state of matter of most of the elements to the left of the stair

The state of matter of most of the elements
to the left of the stair-step line in the
periodic table is _____ .
A. gas
B. liquid
C. plasma
D. solid
The state of matter of most of the elements
to the left of the stair-step line in the
periodic table is _____ .
A. gas
B. liquid
C. plasma
D. solid
If a pattern repeats itself, it is _____ .
A. isotopic
B. metallic
C. periodic
D. transition
If a pattern repeats itself, it is _____ .
A. isotopic
B. metallic
C. periodic
D. transition
_____ is an element that would have
similar properties to those of neon.
A. Aluminum
B. Argon
C. Arsenic
D. Silver
_____ is an element that would have
similar properties to those of neon.
A. Aluminum
B. Argon
C. Arsenic
D. Silver
Boron is a _____ .
A. metal
B. metalloid
C. noble gas
D. nonmetal
Boron is a _____ .
A. metal
B. metalloid
C. noble gas
D. nonmetal
The element potassium is a _____ .
A. metal
B. metalloid
C. nonmetal
D. transition element
The element potassium is a _____ .
A. metal
B. metalloid
C. nonmetal
D. transition element
The element bromine is a _____ .
A. metal
B. metalloid
C. nonmetal
D. transition element
The element bromine is a _____ .
A. metal
B. metalloid
C. nonmetal
D. transition element
The halogens are those elements in Group
_____ .
A. 1
B. 11
C. 15
D. 17
The halogens are those elements in Group
_____ .
A. 1
B. 11
C. 15
D. 17
In its group, nitrogen is the only element
that is a _____ .
A. gas
B. metalloid
C. metal
D. liquid
In its group, nitrogen is the only element
that is a _____ .
A. gas
B. metalloid
C. metal
D. liquid
_____ is a shiny element that conducts
electricity and heat well.
A. Chlorine
B. Sulfur
C. Hydrogen
D. Magnesium
_____ is a shiny element that conducts
electricity and heat well.
A. Chlorine
B. Sulfur
C. Hydrogen
D. Magnesium
The atomic number of Re is 75. The atomic
mass of one of its isotopes is 186. How many
neutrons are in an atom of this isotope?
A. 75
B. 111
C. 186
D. 261
The atomic number of Re is 75. The atomic
mass of one of its isotopes is 186. How many
neutrons are in an atom of this isotope?
A. 75
B. 111
C. 186
D. 261
Negatively charged particles called ______
move around the nucleus.
Negatively charged particles called neutrons
move around the nucleus.
Elements are arranged in the periodic table
according to repeated changes in their
______ .
Elements are arranged in the periodic table
according to repeated changes in their
properties .
Vertical columns on the periodic table are
called _____.
Vertical columns on the periodic table are
called groups .
Hafnium-178 and hafnium-179 are
examples of ______.
Hafnium-178 and hafnium-179 are
examples of isotopes .
Cadmium’s atomic number is 48. The
number of protons in a cadmium atom is
___ .
Cadmium’s atomic number is 48. The
number of protons in a cadmium atom is
48 .