Math 100: Fundamentals of Mathematics Instructor: Amanda Lohss Office: Korman 209 Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00, Thursday 10:00-12:00 in Korman 249 (MRC) Email: Course Website: Text: Beginning and Intermediate Algebra by Tyler Wallace. Free pdf download: Course Description: This course covers properties of real numbers, algebraic expressions, rational expressions, linear and quadratic functions and graphs. This course is intended to give students the background needed to enroll in Math 101. Homework: On most weeks, a homework assignment will be posted on the course website. Homework will not be collected or graded. Quizzes: There will be 7 in-class quizzes. The quizzes will occur every Thursday in which there is not an exam, beginning in week 2. The problems on the quizzes will be taken directly from the homework. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. A missed quiz results in a 0%. There will be no make-up quizzes with the exception of a doctor’s note, a religious holiday, or proof of participation in a Drexel-sponsored function. Attendance: Attendance will be taken in class on a regular basis and considered when assigning grades in the situation where rounding affects the overall grade letter. Students are expected to attend every class or at least, obtain notes from another student. It is understood that illness and other situations occur throughout the term and up to three absences is considered reasonable. Math 100: Fundamentals of Mathematics Exams: It is a requirement of this course to attend all exams. Exams may not be retaken for any reason, and make-up exams are only given in extreme circumstances where a valid and documentable excuse is provided. There will be two non-cumulative exams during the term and one final cumulative exam during finals week. The final exam date and location will be available at a later date on the Register’s website, and will be announced when it is posted. In the meantime, no travel arrangements should be made between the final exam window of Tuesday, March 15 and Saturday, March 19 (this includes Saturday!). Exam 1: Tuesday, February 2 Exam 2: Thursday, February 25 Final Exam: TBD between March15 and March 19 Grades: The grade calculation will be based on the following two options, selected in favor of the student’s overall grade: Option 1: Option 2: Quizzes: 20% Quizzes: 20% Exam 1: 25% Exam 1: 20% Exam 2: 25% Exam 2: 20% Final Exam: 30% Final Exam: 40% Grade letters are assigned by the following, A: 90%-100% B: 80%-89.99% C: 70%-79.99% D: 60%-69.99% F: 0%-59.99% where +/- grades may be given in cases favorable to the student. Math 100: Fundamentals of Mathematics Resources: My office hours: no appointment necessary Additional hours: by appointment (feel free to email me) Math Resource Center (MRC): Monday-Thursday: 10—7, Friday 10—4 Korman 249, no appointment necessary Withdrawing: The last day to withdraw from this course is Friday, February 19. Do not wait until the last day to start the process as there is paperwork involved. Students who receive a D or an F on the first exam should consider withdrawing and are encouraged to schedule a meeting with me to discuss the options. Disabilities and Accommodations: Students with disabilities may request accommodations (e.g. extended time on exams). Students must provide the instructor with an Accommodation Verification Letter before any accommodations are granted. No accommodations will be proved witout the appropriate paperwork from ODR. Details and procedures can be found at Academic Honesty: Cheating and other forms of academic misconduct are serious offenses and are dealt with harshly, e.g. at the very least a 0 on the exam or quiz and a letter sent to the Office of Student Conduct. A copy of the student code of conduct in the student handbook can be found at Math 100: Fundamentals of Mathematics Tentative Schedule Week 1: 1/5, 1/7 Lecture Topics Sections Graphing Linear Equations 2.1- 2.4 Notes Parallel & Perpendicular Lines 2.5 Week 2: 1/12, 1/14 Solving Systems of Equations Application Problems Week 3: 1/19, 1/21 Inequalities 4.1-4.4 4.5, 4.6 3.1, 3.2, Absolute Value 3.3 Exponents 5.1, 5.2 Week 4: 1/26, 1/28 Polynomials Quiz 1: Thursday 1/14 Quiz 2: Thursday 1/21 5.4-5.7 Quiz 3: Thursday 1/28 Review for Exam 1 Week 5: 2/2, 2/4 Factoring 6.1-6.4 Exam 1: Tuesday 2/2 Week 6: 2/9, 2/11 Factoring 6.5, 6.6 Quiz 4: Thursday 2/11 Quadratic in Form 9.6 Quadratic Formula 9.4 Solve by Factoring 6.7 Week 7: 2/16, 2/18 Rational Expressions 7.1-7.4 Complex Fractions 7.5 Solving & Applications 7.6-7.8 Week 8: 2/23, 2/25 Review for Exam 2 Week 9: 3/1, 3/3 Exam 2: Thursday 2/25 Radicals & Exponents 9.1-9.2 Completing the Square 9.3 Graphs of Quadratics 9.11 Week 10: 3/8, 3/10 Functions Inverse Functions Review for Final Exam Quiz 5: Thursday 2/18 Quiz 6: Thursday 3/3 10.1-10.2 Quiz 7: Thursday 3/10 10.3