Fine Arts, Dramatic Literature



Freshmen Fine Arts

Mrs. Florczyk – Room 38E

Class overview


This class is an introduction to the dramatic arts. We will cover basic acting skills including verbal and non-verbal techniques. Students will learn about the process of acting beginning with the Ancient Greeks and continuing to Broadway and Hollywood actors today. Students will be interacting with one another creatively to create skits, posters, and projects. Critiques of movie clips from various decades will be a highlight of the course. This course relies heavily on class participation, both individually and within groups.

Class Expectations

Because this class encourages participation

This is not a traditional class, so the way that you approach this class will have to be a little different. You will not be sitting in your seat the whole time. We will be moving around the room using the entire space of our classroom.

This class may ask you to do things out of your comfort zone. Do your best to display a good attitude, and you may even have a little fun!

Grading/Assignments/Note Taking

Participation Points – Each day that we work in from all students, it is important to establish a few ground rules.

#1 – BE RESPECTFUL – Respect reigns supreme. Making fun of classmates for the ways in which he/she reads, speaks, or moves is COMPLETELY

UNACCEPTABLE! Disrespect of classmates will not be tolerated.

Remember the Golden Rule.

Respect Classmates

Respect other teachers, aides, special speakers, subs, etc.

Respect materials and property within the classroom and clean up after yourself.

#2 – BE PREPARED – Please come to class prepared to learn. o Paper o Pencils/Pens o Highlighter o Folder or you may use a section of a larger binder groups, I walk around the room and observe participation in each of the groups. If you add to the group and stay on task, you will receive your participation points. If you choose to goof off or have a bad attitude, your participation grade will suffer. BOTTOM LINE – This is an easy grade for this class!!!!

Class work – Most of the graded work that we do will be done in class. This will include posters, scripts, and skits that we do. The

Planning and completion of a few assignments may have to be done outside of class, but most of the work will be completed in class.

Note Taking – This class does not have a textbook, so you will be required to take notes from powerpoint lessons, lectures, audio clips, and video clips. Please make sure to pay attention and take careful notes. Many times I allow you to use notes for a portion of time on quizzes and tests.

Quizzes and Tests

Quizzes and tests will follow each unit. Quizzes are generally 5-30 points. Tests are over 30 points. Students will take notes and/or receive study guides prior to quizzes and tests. There is always an advanced warning at the beginning of the week as to when the quiz or test will occur.

Grading scale

A+ 99-100 C+ 84-85

A 95-98

A- 93-94

B+ 91-92

B 88-90

C 81-83

C- 78-80

D+ 76-77

D 73-75

B- 86-87 D- 70-72

F < 69

Homework, essays, projects, quizzes, and tests are recorded as total points.

Your final grade will be determined based on total points accumulated during the quarter.

Semester Exams

Semester exams will be given during 2 nd

and 4 th quarters. Grades will be averaged from each quarter. If the average is an A or if the student has 1 or fewer missed days in the semester, the student is exempt from exams. If the student has a B or has missed more than 1 day, the student is required to take exams. The exam will only include material from the CURRENT fine arts class.

Fine Arts – Drama Timeline

Week 1 – Improvisation

Improv terminology

Improv Games

Whose Line Is It….

Week 2 – History Timeline

History of Drama notes

History of Drama test

Greek Gods Masks

Week 3-4 – Voice/Monologue

Non-verbal - Freaky Friday

Voice notes

Voice quiz

Lab scenes

Monologue presentations

Monologue clips o Rudy o Patch Adams o We are Marshall

Week 5 - Characterization

Begin characterization o Sandlot, Remember the Titans,

Coach Carter

Twelve Angry Men

Week 6-7 – Twelve Angry Men

Stage Movement and Etiquette

Twelve Angry Men

Test and Playbill

Week 8+ -Technical Theater

Sound o Origins of sound o Parts of a soundtrack o Sound effects

Foley studio o Charlie Chaplin clips o Soundtrack stories o Clips from other “sound movies”

Apollo 13

Master and Commander




Old time radio show

Lighting and Color

Stage Make Up

