Working to prevent sexually harmful behaviour in children guidance

Working to Prevent
Harmful Sexual Behaviour
involving Children
and Young People
For safeguarding children from
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
This document contains sexually explicit language
Safeguarding Children from
Harmful Sexual Behaviour
is Everybody’s Business
Written and produced by Tony Staunton.
Published by
Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board
November 2015.
For review in September 2016.
This document will be rendered
out-of-date by October 2018.
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Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Quick View
As a parent, carer or practitioner working with children and young people, it's important that
you have a good idea of what's normal sexual behaviour and can also spot the warning signs
that something might not be quite right.
Here are some warning signs and examples:
 sexualised behaviour which is significantly more advanced than you'd normally expect
for a child of a particular age or which shows a lack of inhibition, could be a cause
for concern
 sexual interest in adults or children of very different ages to the child’s own age
 forceful or aggressive sexual behaviour
 compulsive habits
 reports from school that the child’s sexualised behaviour is affecting their progress and
 talking about or seeking-out pornography
 a pre-school child who talks about sex acts or uses adult sexual language
 a 12 year old who masturbates in public.
Online sexualised images: research has shown that more children accidentally find online
porn than deliberately search for it, so do not assume they are comfortable or feel safe:
 graphic images and scenes can be very disturbing for children
 28% of young people felt that pornography had changed the way they thought about
relationships (NSPCC 2013)
 image and performance is challenging more traditional understanding of intimacy
 children and young people (and some adults) who watch online pornography can
believe that it gives a true picture of sex and relationships which it doesn’t
 distribution of sexualised images, pictures of the “private parts” of a child under 18
years of age is illegal and can be used as part of bullying, coercion and exploitation.
Child Sexual Exploitation:
Sexual exploitation affects thousands of children and young people every year. By knowing
the tell-tale signs, we can all play an important role in reducing that number. Coercion and
power-relationships play a core part in preventing the victim from telling anyone. Look out for
quite sudden and uncharacteristic changes in behaviour, including:
 unexplained gifts
 lack of interest in activities and hobbies
 missing school
 going missing from home
 changes in mood
 being secretive about where they are going
 appearing wary or scared
 loss of interest in activities and hobbies
 The Brook Sexual behaviours Traffic Light Tool1 helps identify and respond
appropriately to sexual behaviours.
 The NSPCC offers in-depth advice and guidance2
 Barnardos offers guidance and services to prevent child sexual exploitation3
If you have any worries at all, even if you're not sure, then it's important that you act as
soon as possible. Speak with your line manager, professional adviser or the Plymouth
Early Help Gateway. Early support to help children learn safe behaviour is vital.
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Part One – Sexual Behaviour
Premature Sexualisation of Children
Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Children
Conceptual Framework for Sexual Harm and Abuse
Commercialisation and Sexual Imagery of Children
Universal Practice Requirements
Sexual Orientation
Part Two – Elements of Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Online Sexual Abuse
Female Genital Mutilation
Part Three – Practice Guidance
Definition of Child Sexual Abuse
Barriers to Action
Working with Children who exhibit HSB
Part Four – Procedures
Learning from Serious Case Reviews
Part Five – Appendices
Helpful websites: Working with HSB
Glossary of Terms
Further Reading
Using this Guidance: for quick reference, the core subject of each paragraph is
highlighted in the first sentence, allowing fast scan reading of the document and quick
reference to the information you require. We do encourage consideration of the full
document to promote reflective practice, but do know just how busy you are!
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The sexual abuse of children has been the
subject of a great deal of public concern and
media interest in recent years.
Everyone who works with children and
families should be alert to the issues, and
confident to take action where there are
concerns that a child might be at risk, or a
risk to others.
Whilst we are constantly alert to the potential threat from adults
within or outside the family who seek out children to sexually abuse
or exploit, we are now aware that about two-thirds of all sexual
abuse of children is perpetrated by other children and young people.
Sexualised behaviours that are a cause for concern are seen in
children as young as 3 and 4 years of age, and early identification
and immediate help is essential to support the development of safe
behaviours and understanding.
This Practice Guidance is offered to practitioners and their
managers in Plymouth as a concise guide to the issues, definitions,
assessment requirements and procedures where there is concern
that a child may be exhibiting sexually harmful behaviour, or at risk
of sexual abuse or exploitation.
We hope you find the contents useful.
Andy Bickley
Independent Chair
Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board
November 2015
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There are many different terms that are used to describe acceptable and harmful
sexual behaviours. This can cause confusion and lead to poor assessment. The
definition of harmful sexual behaviour by children / young people is the same
as for adults who sexually abuse and is often characterised by
 a lack of true consent
 the presence of power imbalance and
 exploitation.
The experience of
Below are some brief explanations of the concepts used,
sexual abuse can be
and the professional terminology is explained further on
analysed in terms of
Page 10.
Premature Sexualisation of Children:
There are different views of what constitutes acceptable
sexual behaviour in childhood. It is important to consider
what constitutes healthy sexual behaviour and what are
indications of more problematic behaviour that may
require intervention. Indeed, overreacting to children’s
sexual behaviour can have negative consequences and
can lead them to feel ashamed and self-conscious about
a natural healthy interest in their bodies and sexuality.
“Normal” childhood sexual play happens because the
child is learning about themselves and others. Children
explore visually and through touching each other’s
bodies, as well as trying-out gender roles and behaviour.
Children involved in such exploration are usually of
similar age and size, boys and girls, friends rather than
siblings, and participate on a voluntary basis. The typical
feeling is light-hearted and spontaneous, and children
may act silly or giggly. Although some children may feel
some confusion or guilt about engaging in natural play,
they do not experience feelings of shame, fear or
four trauma-causing
 traumatic
 betrayal;
 powerlessness; and
 stigmatisation.
These are not
necessarily unique to
sexual abuse; they
occur in other kinds of
trauma. But the
conjunction of these
four dynamics in one
set of circumstances is
what makes the
trauma of sexual
abuse unique, different
from such childhood
traumas as physical
Professor David Finklehor
The sexual development of all children takes place along a continuum as they grow
older and develop. It is false to suggest that children have no sexuality before puberty.
It is equally false to suggest that children share the same experiences and
understanding of sexuality as adults. Childhood sexuality is not the same as adult
sexuality. Children grow-up at different rates towards physical and emotional maturity,
and harmful behaviours cannot be judged solely by what is considered to be ageappropriate. The premature involvement of children in the world of adult sexuality can
distort development and disable for life.
Social and cultural factors and experiences, including abuse and peer pressure,
can influence a child’s sexual development and can alter their ideas about sexual
relationships. These ideas can lead to a child showing or engaging in harmful sexual
behaviour which can be damaging to any children involved. Children of all ages and
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genders come to the attention of health and social care services, and criminal justice
agencies, because they are displaying problematic sexual behaviour.
The experience of childhood includes risk taking and experimentation in order to
develop understanding and resilience. Children will explore body parts, their genitalia,
and seek to understand why and what things are for. They will be influenced by
people close to them, and copy behaviours from family and friends, television and
online games. Over time, their experiences will help develop personal standards for
what is acceptable. The role modelling by close adults of attitudes and behaviours
connected with gender and sexuality will be of major influence on the child’s future
approach to sex.
Very young and preschool-aged children (four or younger) are naturally immodest,
and may display open – and occasionally startling – curiosity about other people’s
bodies and bodily functions, such as touching women’s breasts, or wanting to watch
when grown-ups go to the bathroom. Wanting to be naked (even if others are not) and
showing or touching private parts while in public are also common in young children.
They are curious about their own bodies and may quickly discover that touching
certain body parts feels nice. Parental guidance is required for the development of
social skills and socially acceptable behaviour.
Puberty brings with it particular vulnerabilities.
Throughout the period of up to six or seven years of
puberty (generally between 10 and 17 years of age) the
child’s development towards adulthood produces
significant changes to their physical and biological
make-up, including the production of new hormones and
the physical attributes of an adult. However, emotional
development takes place at a much slower pace,
leaving the teenager particularly vulnerable to abuse
and exploitation. Teenagers can be far more vulnerable
than they appear or act.
Pubescent adolescents experience major changes –
physical, intellectual, social, emotional and moral –
towards an emerging adulthood not fully formed before around 25 years of age.
Young people become capable and confident with abstract thought, experimenting
with relationships, and highly influenced by their peers. They are working out the
rules, experiencing a wide range of emotions, testing boundaries and struggling to
develop a sense of “wholeness”. Teenagers are observed to be passionate,
enthusiastic, rebellious, self-centred and materially minded. They may have significant
challenges to fully comprehend implications and consequences of actions.
Children are not always able to apply informed choice. A core concept to be
considered here is the ability of the child or young person to make informed choice
about what they do with their bodies as well as how they can understand the motives
of other people and work-out their true feelings and intentions. Young people do not
have a mature, tested and developed emotional intelligence. This means that children
and young people may copy or become involved in, either consciously or
unconsciously, activities that they cannot truly understand. They may not have
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developed the emotional intelligence to be able to feel in control of themselves, or
may feel shameful about their own behaviour or that of others towards them.
Age development - a quick checklist:
Concrete thinking
Family orientation
Taking turns
Learning to negotiate
Mediated by
Obeys to avoid
consequence –
punishment and
reward; parental
responsibility and
Abstract thought
Masturbation increases
Changing anatomy
Peer orientation
Membership of groups
Key relationships
and sexual
Lability (liable to
constant change, error
and instability) and
range of emotions
Rebels – testing
approval and
rules - rebels to
show independence;
peers versus parents
and teachers - testing
boundaries, developing
personal moral code
Dynamic stability
and support
Social dance
Respects –
conscience and
sense of
rights; owns
In law, a child under 13 cannot consent to sexual activity in any form. Sexual
activity between 13 and 16 years of age remains illegal (Sexual Offences Act 2003),
and at the same time teenagers at this age are exploring and experimenting with their
growing sexuality. The response of adults requires judgement and understanding,
including understanding the level of consent between peers. In terms of child
development, even after thirteen years of age, the issues of informed choice and
informed consent remains difficult and confusing.
Every child develops at a different rate with fluctuating levels of capacity and
resilience. There can be no standardised response to sexual activity based on age
alone. We have to understand and look for the attitudes and behaviours that suggest
resilience and self-management. We can also identify the symptoms of distress and
anxiety, secrecy and defensiveness which may be the result of unacceptable levels of
risk-taking, grooming or coercion.
Behaviours, language and attitudes in childhood that portray or reflect adult
sexual behaviours can be said to represent the premature sexualisation of a child who
is not yet equipped to experience, manage or truly understand the world of adult
sexual activities, interests or preferences. Research into harmful sexual behaviour in
children suggests that neglect and maltreatment in early childhood, including
sexual abuse, may predispose the onset of sexually harmful behaviour (Hackett, S &
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Masson, H). While it needs to be considered, it’s not correct to assume every child
who displays problematic sexual behaviour has been sexually abused themselves.
Harmful Sexual Behaviour in children
There is a range of thinking about what constitutes harmful sexual behaviour in a child
or young adult. We have a reasonable level of agreement about what is age
the things we see a child doing or thinking at a certain age that appear to be
usual and reasonably safe – that is, do not produce deep upset or trauma.
The following chart offers some examples of what are called Green Light healthy and
age-expected sexual behaviours:
0-4 years
Curiosity and
Green Light Behaviours
Healthy and age expected
5-9 years
10-13 years
holding or playing with own genitals
males may have erections
attempting to touch or curiosity about other children's genitals
attempting to touch or curiosity about breasts, bottoms or
genitals of adults
games e.g. mummies and daddies, doctors and nurses
enjoying nakedness
interest in body parts and what they do and sensations
curiosity about the differences between boys and girls
asks very direct questions about sex and body variations
feeling and touching own genitals
curiosity about other children's genitals
curiosity about sex and relationships, e.g. differences
between boys and girls,
how sex happens, where babies come from, same-sex
sense of privacy about bodies
telling stories or asking questions using swear and slang
words for parts of the body
puberty starts for girls by age 10
solitary masturbation
puberty starts for boys
use of sexual language including swear and slang words
having girl/boyfriends who are of the same, opposite or any
interest in popular culture, e.g. fashion, music, media, online
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14-17 years
games, chatting
need for privacy
consensual kissing, hugging, holding hands with peers
solitary masturbation
reaching sexual maturity (by 19 years)
sexually explicit conversations with peers
obscenities and jokes within the current cultural norm
interest in erotica/pornography
use of internet/e-media to chat online
having sexual or non-sexual relationships
sexual activity including hugging, kissing, holding hands
consenting oral and/or penetrative sex with others of the
same or opposite
gender who are of similar age and developmental ability
choosing not to be sexually active
Taken from Brook Traffic Light (2014) and Toni Cavanagh
Summary of sexual development in adolescents 13-17 years old:
Typical Sexual Behaviour
• Hormonal changes
• Menstruation in females
• Development of secondary sex characteristics
• More self-conscious about body / changes
• Increased need for privacy around the body
• Mood swings
• Confusion about body changes
• Confusion about self-identity
• Fears about relationships
• Doubts about sexuality
• Fears about getting pregnant
• Fears about being attractive and finding
• Asks questions about relationships and
sexual behaviour
• Uses sexual language
• Talks about sexual acts between each
• Masturbates in private
• Experiments sexually with other
teenagers of the same age
• Consensual experimentation
• Digital vaginal intercourse
• Oral sex
• Petting
• Sometimes consensual sexual
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Conceptual framework for sexual harm and abuse
Healthy Development: Many expressions of sexual behaviour are part of healthy
development and no cause for concern. However, when children or young people
display sexual behaviour that increases their vulnerability or causes harm to someone
else, adults have a responsibility to provide support and protection. It may be
misleading to label behaviours displayed by young children in the birth to 5 category,
or even the 5 to 9 category, as 'sexual'. A child who
plays with his or her genitals may or may not be
Research into harmful
seeking sexual pleasure.
sexual behaviour in
children has evolved
Adult perceptions, values and attitudes towards
towards a general
sexuality affect responses to children’s sexual
recognition that neglect
behaviours. Adult understanding and experiences of
and maltreatment in
mature sexual activities and sensations can be used
early childhood,
to interpret children’s behaviours incorrectly. In fact, it
including sexual abuse,
is not clear how aware younger children are of sexual
may predispose the
feeling, and behaviours are more likely to be seen as
onset of sexually
sexual because of the perception of the adult making
harmful behaviour.
the observation. Professionals are expected to use
However, while it
scientific understanding of child development when
needs to be
reflecting upon concerns.
considered, it’s not
correct to assume
There are a range of terms used by child care
every child who
practitioners and services working with children
displays problematic
and young people where there are concerns.
sexual behaviour has
been sexually abused
Serious sexual offences include rape, sexual
assault, sexual activity offences, abuse of children
(Hackett, S and Masson, H).
through prostitution or pornography, and trafficking for
sexual exploitation.
Abusive Sexual Behaviour refers to sexual behaviours that are initiated by a child or
young person where there is an element of manipulation or coercion (Burton et al,
1998) or where the subject of the behaviour is unable to give informed consent.
Problematic sexual behaviour is more often considered when referring to sexual
activities that do not include an element of victimisation, but that may interfere with the
development of the child demonstrating the behaviour, or which might provoke
rejection, cause distress or increase the risk of victimisation of the child. Problematic
behaviours may not necessarily be abusive (Hackett, 2004).
Both ‘abusive’ and ‘problematic’ sexual behaviours are developmentally
inappropriate and may cause developmental damage to self or others.
Potentially harmful sexual behaviour includes any act that:
is clearly beyond the child’s developmental stage, for example, a three-year-old
attempting to kiss an adult’s genitals (this also requires understanding and
accurate assessment of the child’s emotional stage of development, not just their
calendar age);
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involves threats, force, or aggression;
involves children of widely different ages or abilities (such as a 12-year-old
“playing doctor” with a four-year-old);
provokes strong emotional reactions in the child—such as anger or anxiety.
Sexual behaviour between children is harmful if it involves aggressive contact with
generally recognised “private” parts of the body, coercion, threats of violence, or one
of the children being much older. Considerable diversity exists among both children
and young people with harmful sexual behaviours. This diversity applies to their own
backgrounds and experiences, the motivations for and meanings of their behaviours
and their needs.
Contact Sexual Abuse: The NSPCC has identified that around two thirds of contact
sexual abuse is committed by peers – children of the same age-group. Davies (2012)
suggested that there should be cause for concern if there is an age difference of more
than two years or if one of the children is pre-pubertal and the other post-pubertal. In
addition, Rich (2011) and Yates et al (2012) both stated that a young child can abuse
an older child if the older one is disempowered because of disability.
The most common case profiles of contact abuse involve boys aged 13 to 15 who
primarily target pre-adolescent children with limited use of physical force. Rape occurs
to a lesser degree. Statistically, these boys are more likely to get into trouble or be
arrested for later non-sexual problematic behaviours than for sexual crimes. There is
poor consideration that boys are sexually abused as well as girls, and that male
perpetrators of abuse could also have been abused themselves.
There are a range of inter-related risks to children from premature involvement
in adult sexual behaviours:
Annually, over 200,000 sexual offences committed by children are recorded in
the UK (Cooper and Roe 2012), and research shows that not only is sexually abusive
behaviour by children nearly twice as common as sexual abuse by adults (Radcliff
2012), but also that it is increasing in comparison with other types of young offending.
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Premature Sexualisation
Commercialisation of sexual imagery of children: Studies have suggested that
increased sexual behaviour may be an indication that a child is, or has been, sexually
abused. At the same time, children today are displaying more sexual behaviour and
at younger ages, probably influenced by changes in social attitudes of parents, with
increased access to internet-based
pornography, online dating, and
Plymouth City Council statement:
sexualised imagery in advertising and
Making a stand against
on TV.
Access and exposure to
pornography affect children and
young people’s sexual beliefs,
according to the Office of the
Children’s Commissioner (2014). For
example, pornography has been linked
to unrealistic attitudes about sex;
maladaptive attitudes about
relationships; more sexually
permissive attitudes; greater
acceptance of casual sex; beliefs that
women are sex objects; more frequent
thoughts about sex; sexual uncertainty
(e.g. the extent to which children and
young people are unclear about their
sexual beliefs and values); and less
progressive gender role attitudes
sexualised images in advertising
We are saying 'no' to sexualised images being
used to advertise and promote products and
services in locations across the city likely to be
frequently seen by children and young people.
At Full Council in September 2013, cross-party
agreement was gained to support campaigns
which aim to protect children from exposure to
inappropriate and unnecessary sexualised images
in promotions, marketing and advertising.
We are working with partners to reduce the
amount of on-street advertising containing
sexualised imagery in locations where children
are likely to see it. This is in-line with
Recommendation 2 of the Bailey Review* and the
Advertising Standards Authority's guidelines on
sexual imagery in outdoor advertising.
The work aims to let children be children and
reduce the pressure on them to grow up too
quickly. In line with this, our Licensing Team is
currently looking to incorporate this ethos into the
renewal of all licensed premises to ensure that
their signs and advertising are appropriate.
If you see any advertising or promotional material
that you think is inappropriately sexual, you can
report it to our customer services team by calling
01752 668000.
Depending on the content and where it is being
displayed, issues are likely to be managed locally,
but some may be referred to the national
Advertising Standards Authority, which has
produced extremely useful guidance for parents
called Advertising and Children.
The Bailey Review: A six-month
independent review into the
commercialisation and sexualisation of
childhood in 2012, called upon
businesses and media to play their
part in ending the drift towards an
increasingly sexualised ‘wallpaper’ that
surrounds children. Reg Bailey, Chief
Executive of Mothers’ Union, who led
the independent review, talked to
parents, unhappy with the increasingly
sexualised culture surrounding their children, which they felt they had no control over.
The Bailey Review has been criticised as anecdotal, ideologically biased and
without proof of the impact on children’s bio-psycho-social development. For
practitioners and parents, it raises some key issues about social standards and
values. For example, when assessing the significant influences on a child’s
development, practitioners should consider the extent to which children are allowed to
view 18-rated films and games on TV and the internet, and the level of parental
guidance and supervision of their interface with commercial media and the Internet.
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Universal Practice Requirements
Knowing how to take a positive view and recognise healthy sexual behaviour in
children and young people helps to support the development of healthy sexuality and
protect children and young people from harm or abuse.
Prevention of the development of harmful sexual behaviours requires carers and
practitioners in universal services being able to recognise early signs and symptoms
and share these concerns to allow effective support for the child and family.
The importance of Early Identification of HSB has been recognised as a
requirement for all carers and practitioners to understand and enact. The NSPCC
continues to develop a multi-agency operational framework for working with children
and young people where there is concern.
Early identification requires recognition of the criteria for sexually abusive
1. The child has intentionally touched the sexual organs or other intimate parts of
another person, or orchestrates other children into sexual behaviours;
2. The child’s problematic sexual behaviours have occurred across time and in
different situations;
3. The child has demonstrated a continuing unwillingness to accept “no” when
pressing another person to engage in sexual activity;
4. The child’s motivation for engaging in the sexual behaviour is to act out negative
emotions toward the person with whom he or she engages in the sexual behaviour, to
upset a third person (such as parent of a sibling), or to act out generalised negative
emotions using sex as the vehicle;
5. The child uses force, fear, physical or emotional intimidation, manipulation, bribery,
and/or trickery to coerce another person into sexual behaviour; and
6. The child’s problematic sexual behaviour is unresponsive to consistent adult
intervention and supervision.
The Plymouth NSPCC supports children, young people and their families/carers in
addressing harmful sexual behaviours, and undertakes the formal assessment of
children exhibiting HSB.
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Sexual Orientation
Everyone has a sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a combination of
emotional, romantic, sexual or affectionate attraction to another person. It is about
who you are attracted to, fall in love with and want to live your life with.
According to current
scientific and
understanding, the core
attractions that form the
basis for adult sexual
orientation typically
emerge between middle
childhood and early
adolescence. These
patterns of emotional,
romantic, and sexual
attraction may arise
without any prior sexual
experience. People can
be celibate and still know
their sexual orientation –
be it lesbian, gay,
bisexual, or heterosexual.
There are no proven theories as to how sexual
orientation is determined. Many think that nature and
nurture both play complex roles – most people
experience little or no sense of choice about their
sexual orientation.
The sense of self and emotionality associated with a
growing consciousness of sexual orientation is
particularly intense during puberty – an already
emotionally intense stage of life. Children and young
people can experience significant confusion, selfdoubt or even hatred, as well as character affirmation
and newfound confidence. All deserve to be nurtured.
Sexual orientation is distinct from other components
of sex and gender, including biological sex (the
anatomical, physiological, and genetic characteristics
associated with being male or female), gender identity
(the psychological sense of being male or female),
and social gender role (the cultural norms that define
feminine and masculine behaviour).
Prejudice and discrimination: Lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender people in the United Kingdom encounter extensive
prejudice, discrimination, and violence because of their sexual orientation. There are
significant links between the experience of prejudice – being on the receiving end of
hatred – and mental ill health. Practitioners are asked to think carefully about the use
of language, and challenge discrimination to role-model acceptance and inclusion.
Gender identity is distinct from sexual orientation. Being a boy or a girl, for most
children, is something that feels very natural. At birth, babies are assigned male or
female based on physical characteristics. This refers to the "sex" of the child. When
children are able to express themselves, they will declare themselves to be a boy or a
girl (or sometimes something in between); this is their "gender identity" Which may be
different from their sex assigned at birth. Some children, however, do not identify with
either gender. They may feel like they are somewhere in between or have no gender.
Some children who are gender non-conforming in early childhood grow up to
become transgender adults (persistently identifying with a gender that is different from
their birth sex), some may identify with gay, lesbian or transgender orientation, and
others will not.
Prevent gender role stereotyping: Most children's gender identity aligns with their
biological sex. However, for some, the match between biological sex and gender
identity is not so clear. All children need the opportunity to explore different gender
roles and different styles of play. We should ensure that the young child's environment
reflects diversity in gender roles and encourages opportunities for everyone.
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Child Sexual Exploitation
Child sexual exploitation distorts the usual sexual development of the child, and is
child abuse.
Child sexual exploitation is when children and young people perform
sexual acts, and/or have others involve them in sexual activities, and
receive something (such as food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol,
cigarettes, affection, gifts, or money) as a result, or are threatened if they
do not take part.
Child sexual exploitation can occur through the use of the internet or mobile
phones. In all cases, those exploiting the child or young person have power over
them because of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or resources. For
victims, the pain of their ordeal and fear that they will not be believed means they are
too often scared to come forward to tell of the abuse and seek help.
Powerlessness is a key experience in CSE, and refers to a condition where the
child’s will, desires, and sense of worth are routinely disregarded. In cases of sexual
abuse or exploitation, the child’s territory and body space are repeatedly invaded
against the child’s will. This is made worse by imposed coercion and manipulation.
Powerlessness is then reinforced when children see their attempts to halt the abuse
frustrated. It is increased when children feel fear, are unable to make adults
understand or believe what is happening, or realize how conditions of dependency
have trapped them in the situation.
An authoritarian abuser who continually commands the child’s participation by
threatening serious harm will probably instil more of a sense of powerlessness. But
force and threat are not necessary.
A sense of powerlessness can happen:
in any kind of situation in which a child feels trapped, if only by the realisation
of the consequences of disclosure; or
a situation in which a child tells and is not believed will also create a greater
degree of powerlessness.
When children are able to bring the abuse to an end effectively, or at least exert some
control, they may feel less disempowered.
Child sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking cut across all cultures, class
boundaries and occupations. There are elements common to most cases of sexual
abuse of power, grooming, coercion, targeting of vulnerable children,
discrediting and silencing of victims, bribery, the use of gifts and/or threats, and
the use of drugs or substances to subdue or encourage dependency;
feelings of worthlessness, the sense of being somehow to blame and a
feeling that they were treated as objects rather than people.
sex offenders treat children as objects for their own gratification rather than
children or human beings, through a wide-range of abuse: from one-to-one, two
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adults/parents acting together, inter-generational family groups with multiple
children, similar family groups with friends involved, religious groups, organised
gangs and secretive cults.
like-minded individuals forming "networks" to deal in abusing children,
making and distributing pornography,
and procuring young people for
Signs of grooming and
prostitution and child abuse. Offenders
child sexual exploitation
will identify others in the community or
through the internet who share their
Signs of child sexual exploitation
interests, enabling them to work
include the child or young person:
 going missing for periods of
together to entrap vulnerable
time or regularly returning
youngsters. This may include people
home late
who have intentionally have clustered
 skipping school or being
around a shared job-type or workplace
disruptive in class
to gain access to children and young
 appearing with unexplained
gifts or possessions that
people where they can exercise
can’t be accounted for
power, authority and/or trust
experiencing health
relationships that offer opportunities to
problems that may indicate
a sexually transmitted
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a type of
sexual abuse in which children are sexually
exploited for money, power or status.
Children or young people may be tricked into
believing they're in a loving, consensual
relationship. They might be invited to parties
and given drugs and alcohol. They may also
be groomed online. Some children and young
people are trafficked into or within the UK for
the purpose of sexual exploitation. Sexual
exploitation can also happen to young people
in gangs.
having mood swings and
changes in temperament
using drugs and alcohol
displaying inappropriate
sexualised behaviours, such
as over familiarity with
strangers, dressing in a
sexualised manner or
sending sexualised images
by mobile phone (‘sexting’)
they may also show signs of
unexplained physical harm
such as bruising and
cigarette marks.
There are behavioural indicators that offer
practitioners help in identifying children
vulnerable to or experiencing CSE. Plymouth uses the Risk Assessment Tool offered
by the National Working Group for Tackling CSE, which can be found on the websites
of Plymouth City Council or Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board.
Adults seeking to offer help and support need to understand the complex processes
that lead to sexual exploitation. How we approach and work with these vulnerable
children is crucial to successfully preventing their exploitation and holding the abusers
to account.
Children and young people who become sexually exploited are often (but
not always) from disrupted childhoods which have made them most vulnerable
to being groomed. The power and control exerted by predatory adults usually
forces the child to be compliant, and may involve the child becoming dependent
upon the adult’s attention and support, at the same time as being afraid of
repercussions if they try to escape or inform the Police or other authorities.
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Practitioners must promote positive values and attitudes that offer
understanding and challenge negative judgements, labelling and blame of
young people for their behaviours. The assessment of the child's vulnerability
and ability to make fully informed choices in their relationships with others is
Generally, the pubescent adolescent is at a developmentally vulnerable
period of life requiring a level of support and guidance that is often unavailable
to those most vulnerable to CSE. We do not accept labels of 'child prostitute',
'promiscuity' or the myth of the sexually provocative child. These notions come
from an adult perspective of sexuality that denies the stages of child
development and immature emotional intelligence.
Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation
The NSPCC offers advice on how to protect children. They advise:
helping children understand their bodies and sex in a way that is appropriate to
their age
developing an open and trusting relationship so that they feel they can talk
about anything
explaining the difference between safe secrets (such as a surprise party) and
unsafe secrets (things that make them unhappy or uncomfortable)
teaching children to respect family boundaries such as privacy in sleeping,
dressing and bathing
teaching them self-respect and how to say no
supervising internet and television use, including video gaming
ensuring early financial literacy and recognition of debt as a form of control
People of all backgrounds and ethnic groups, and of all ages are involved in sexually
exploiting children. Although most are male, women may be perpetrators of sexual
abuse. Criminals can be hard to identify because the victims are often only given
nicknames rather than the real name of the abuser. Some children and young people
are sexually exploited by criminal gangs which have been specifically set up for child
sexual exploitation.
What to do if you suspect a child is being sexually exploited
If you suspect that a child or young person has been or is being sexually exploited,
you should not confront the alleged abuser. Confronting them may place the child in
greater physical danger and may give the abuser time to confuse or threaten them
into silence.
Discuss your concerns with your professional manager local authority children’s
services (Plymouth Advice and Assessment Service), the Police or an independent
organisation such as the NSPCC. They may be able to provide advice on how to
prevent further abuse and how to talk to your child to get an understanding of the
If you know for certain that a child has been or is being sexually exploited
report this directly to the police.
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Online Sexual Abuse – inappropriate behaviour online
It has become common for children to experience sexual or offensive chat that
makes them feel uncomfortable or are part of someone trying to meet up with them.
This can happen in online chat rooms, message boards, instant messenger or on
social networking sites. It could be on a mobile phone, games console or computer. It
could be messages, images or conversations over webcam. Where an adult is making
sexual advances to children on the internet it should always be reported, to your local
Council’s child protection service, NSPCC, Childline, the Police or CEOP (the Child
Exploitation Online Protection service of the Police).
The Office of the Children’s Commissioner (2014) found a significant number of
children access adult pornography and that this influences their attitudes towards
relationships and sex. It is linked to risky behaviour such as having sex at a younger
age and there is a correlation between violent attitudes and accessing violent media.
Professionals from many agencies have reported particular concerns about the
effects of pornography involving high levels of degradation, violence and humiliation,
which is prevalent in material freely available online. Police case files have cited
instances of boys and young men referring to pornography during discussion of
sexual assaults (Berelowitz et al., 2012).
Children and young people's exposure to pornography occurs both on and offline
but in recent years the most common method of access is via internet enabled
technology. Exposure and access to pornography increases with age, although
accidental exposure to pornography is more prevalent than deliberate access.
Any assessment of a child’s behaviour must include assessment of their online
behaviours, and the role modelling of behaviours of other family members including
parents, in order to understand the level of risk and need for safeguards. The
Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board has offered a useful diagram of examples for
an online assessment checklist based upon the common conceptual framework:
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Self-Generated Sexually Explicit Images & Videos Featuring Children or Young
People Online, commonly known as “Sexting”, is the act of sending sexually explicit
messages, primarily between mobile phones but also using any form of webcam
including on gaming consoles, tablets and laptops. Sexting also occurs online on
social media websites for the public to view.
Sexting does not necessarily happen in isolation.
It can be related to other online issues such as cyber
bullying and draw from influences such as celebrity and
pornography. Pornography is frequently viewed by 1314 year old boys, and while they acknowledge there is
potential for harm, they do not feel they are affected
themselves. Girls of this age will generally not look at
pornography and view it as a negative influence.
A social danger with sexting is that personal and
intimate material can be very easily and widely
distributed, shared and stored on networks over which
the originator has no knowledge or control. Research by
the Internet Watch Foundation in 2012, estimated that
88% of self-made explicit images are "stolen" from their
original upload location (typically social networks) and
made available on other websites, in particular porn
sites collecting sexual images of children and young
people. The report highlighted the risk of severe
depression for "sexters" who lose control of their
images and videos.
The photos can also be used as blackmail, or sent to
friends after a nasty breakup (or even while still in the
relationship) as a method of revenge. This is a new risk
associated with new media, as prior to cell phones and
email it would be difficult to quickly distribute photos to
acquaintances; with sexting, one can forward a photo in
a matter of seconds.
Professor Andy
Phippen of Plymouth
University undertook
a study of the
prevalence of sexting
in Year 9 school
students and
concluded that, of
teens aged 11 to 18
around 38% had
received an "offensive
or distressing" sexual
image by text or email.
Distress caused by
offensive online
behaviours, “Trolling”,
online bullying and
abuse have been
linked to significant
increases in the
incidence of selfharming by children
and adolescents, low
self-esteem and
mental ill-health.
There are undoubtedly multiple risks when sending or receiving a sext, and these
risks are something that often teens do not consider – at least one third of teens do
not consider or think of legal or other consequences of receiving or sending sexts.
Teenagers may simply text out of curiosity of sexual activity and it may increase as
teenagers enter deeper into their teen years which can be problematic.
Sexting that involves children sending an explicit photograph of themselves to
their peers has led to a legal grey area in the law against sexual images of children.
Some teenagers who have texted photographs of themselves, or of their friends or
partners, have been charged with distribution of illegal images, as have those who
have received the images. Specifically, any type of sexual message that both parties
have not consented to can constitute sexual harassment, and sexting by a child under
16 remains a criminal act. From April 2015, so-called “vengeance porn” – the posting
of intimate images of a person who has not consented to such publication on the
Internet – was declared illegal in the UK.
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Harmful Sexual Behaviour Online
When working with young people who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour
on line it is important to consider:
motive - the personal needs the behaviour met for the young person and
that they are able to use the internet safely in the future.
Adolescents can be made vulnerable as they are exposed to incorrect information
about human sexual behaviour and the encouragement of abusive sexual fantasies.
Online behaviour as a possible pathway into
sexually harmful behaviour. It is not known
how many children and adolescents engage in
sexual behaviour online or if there is a causal link
between use of online pornography and sexually
harmful behaviour. Case study analyses indicate
a disinhibition effect of pornography on
adolescent sexual behaviour, and that viewing
highly abusive or violent images increases the
risk at least for some adolescents (Jones V,
Protecting Children from Sexual Violence 2012).
Looking at abusive sexual material may act as
a catalyst to engage in a sexually problematic
way with another child or children, or may put a
young person at risk of sexual exploitation by
others, particularly adults. Children and
adolescents may victimise other young people by
accessing images of child abuse through
interactive technologies, or sexually soliciting
others via social network sites.
There is professional
concern where young
people exhibiting sexually
harmful behaviour are
labelled as “sex offenders”
with insufficient regard to
the implications or the
child’s rights. It is important
to challenge children’s
harmful sexual behaviour,
but it is equally important
not to equate it to that of
adult sex offenders. Unlike
most adults, children and
pubescent adolescents are
developmentally not
capable of the same kind of
intellectual capacity for
reasoning, planning and
understanding the
implications of their actions.
The behaviour may include downloading,
distributing and the production of child abuse
images. There is guidance to assist practitioners
working with young people whose internet
behaviour forms part of an overall concern regarding their harmful behaviours as well
as those young people where this is the sole or main cause for concern.
The NSPCC4 and AIM are together developing an internet based sexual offending
assessment tool for adolescents. It is designed to be a stand-alone assessment tool
which will assist in the formulation of risk of repeat behaviours/re-offence; identify
likely causal factors and inform future therapeutic/treatment needs of the young
person and the family/carers.
The South West Grid5 offers advice to practitioners on the assessment of online risktaking behaviours, and offers a helpline to professionals for advice on professional
and personal concerns connected with online behaviours, profiles and behaviours.
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Female Genital Mutilation
In Britain, the definition of sexual abuse includes actions associated with female
genital mutilation (FGM). From October 2015 it became mandatory to report known
cases of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on girls under 18 to the police.
The physical and psychological impact of
being subjected to FGM can influence
the development of distorted
understanding of sexual norms, sexual
roles and behaviour, and result in trauma
influencing sexual relationships
throughout the victims’ lifetime.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), also
known as female circumcision or “cutting”,
describes a range of procedures, often
involving partial or total excision of the
external female genitalia, that are carried
out for non-medical reasons. It is usually
carried out during childhood, from very
young and to teenage girls. FGM is
considered as an act of child sexual
abuse, causing significant harm to the
child’s sexual development and adult life.
FGM thought to affect 100-140 million
women worldwide. FGM breaches
international human rights law, in
particular the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child, and has been
criminalised in much of the world,
including many African countries in which
it is traditionally practised. The United
Kingdom is one of several Western
countries that have enacted specific
legislation in response to international
Female Genital Mutilation is
Classified into Four Major
I. 'Clitoridectomy which is the partial or
total removal of the clitoris and, in rare
cases, the prepuce (the fold of skin
surrounding the clitoris);
II. Excision which is the partial or total
removal of the clitoris and the labia
minora, with or without excision of the
labia majora (the labia are the ‘lips’ that
surround the vagina); Type 1 and II
account for 75% of all worldwide
III. Infibulation which is the narrowing
of the vaginal opening through the
creation of a covering seal. The seal is
formed by cutting and repositioning the
inner, and sometimes outer, labia, with
or without removal of the clitoris; Type
III accounts for 25% of all worldwide
procedure and is the most severe form
of FGM;
All other types of harmful procedures
to the female genitalia for non-medical
purposes, e.g. pricking, piercing,
incising, scraping and cauterizing the
genital area.
FGM is also included within the revised (2013) government definition of
Domestic Violence and Abuse. FGM is also known as Female Circumcision (FC)
and Female Genital Cutting (FGC). The reason for these alternative definitions is that
it is better received in the communities that practice it, who do not see themselves as
engaging in mutilation.
FGM is practised around the world in various forms across all major faiths.
Muslim scholars have condemned the practice and are clear that FGM is an act of
violence against women. Furthermore, scholars and clerics have stressed that Islam
forbids people from inflicting harm on others and therefore most will teach that the
practice of FGM is counter to the teachings of Islam. However, many communities
continue to justify FGM on religious grounds. This is evident in the use of religious
terms such as “sunnah” that refer to some forms of FGM (usually Type I).
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FGM is not practised amongst many Christian groups except for some Coptic
Christians of Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The Bible does not support this
practice nor is there any suggestion
that FGM is a requirement or
Immediate health problems:
condoned by Christian teaching and
Immediate physical problems;
beliefs. FGM has also been practiced
Intense pain and/or haemorrhage that
can lead to shock during and after the
amongst some Bedouin Jews and
Falashas (Ethiopian Jews) and again
Occasionally death;
is not supported by Judaic teaching or
Haemorrhage that can also lead to
custom. It should be noted that FGM is
not purely an African issue, although
Wound infection, including tetanus.
Tetanus is fatal in 50 to 60 percent of
there is greater prevalence there. In
all cases;
the UK FGM has been found among
Urine retention from swelling and/or
Kurdish communities; Yeminis,
blockage of the urethra;
Indonesians and among the Borah.
Injury to adjacent tissues;
Today it has been estimated that
currently about three million girls,
most of them under 15 years of age,
undergo the procedure every year.
The majority of FGM takes place in 29
African and Middle Eastern countries,
and also includes other parts of the
world; Middle East, Asia, and in
industrialised nations through
migration which includes; Europe,
North America, Australia and New
There are substantial populations of
people in the UK from countries where
FGM is endemic, and this includes
families living in Plymouth. It is
estimated that there are around 74,000
women in the UK who have undergone
the procedure, and about 24,000 girls
under 16 who are at risk of type III
procedure and a further 9,000 girls at
risk of Type I and II.
Fracture or dislocation as a result of
Damage to other organs.
Long-term Health Implications
In the UK, girls and women affected by FGM
will manifest some of these long term health
complications. They may range from mild to
severe or chronic.
Excessive damage to the
reproductive system;
Uterine, vaginal and pelvic infections;
Complications with menstruation;
Psychological damage; including a
number of mental health and
psychosexual problems, e.g.
depression, anxiety, post-traumatic
stress, fear of sex. Many children
exhibit behavioural changes after
FGM, but problems may not be
evident until adulthood
Sexual dysfunction;
Difficulty in passing urine;
Increased risk of HIV
transmission/Hepatitis B/C – using
same instruments on several girls;
Increased risk of maternal and child
morbidity and mortality due to
obstructed labour.
FGM has no health benefits, and it
harms girls and women in many ways.
It involves removing and damaging
healthy and normal female genital
tissue, and interferes with the natural
functions of girls’ and women’s bodies. Many women appear to be unaware of the
relationship between FGM and its health consequences; in particular the
complications affecting sexual intercourse and childbirth which can occur many years
after the mutilation has taken place.
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Health Impact Complications Are Common and Can Lead to Death. The highest
maternal and infant mortality rates are in FGM-practicing regions. The actual number
of girls who die as a result of FGM is not known. However, in areas of Sudan where
antibiotics are not available, it is estimated that one-third of the girls undergoing FGM
will die.
Women who have undergone FGM are twice as likely to die during childbirth
and are more likely to give birth to a stillborn child than other women. Obstructed
labour can also cause brain damage to the infant and complications for the mother
(including fistula formation, an abnormal opening between the vagina and the bladder
or the vagina and the rectum, which can lead to incontinence).
Indicators that FGM may soon take place, include:
Parents state that they or a relative will take the child out of the country for
a prolonged period;
A child may talk about a long holiday (usually within the school summer
holiday) to her country of origin or another country where the practice is
A child may confide to a professional that she is to have a ‘special
procedure’ or to attend a special occasion;
A professional hears reference to FGM in conversation, for example a
child may tell other children about it;
Signs that FGM has taken place include:
Prolonged absence from school with noticeable behaviour changes on the
girl's return;
Longer/frequent visits to the toilet particularly after a holiday abroad, or at
any time;
Some girls may find it difficult to sit still and appear uncomfortable or may
complain of pain between their legs;
Some girls may speak about ‘something somebody did to them, that they
are not allowed to talk about'.
FGM is considered to be a form of child abuse (it is categorised under the
headings of both Physical Abuse and Emotional Abuse). A local authority may
exercise its powers under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989 if it has reason to
believe that a child is likely to suffer or has suffered FGM. Under the Children Act
1989, local authorities can apply to the Courts for various Legal Orders to prevent a
child being taken abroad for mutilation.
FGM is also an abuse of female adults, usually categorized under so-called “honour
based violence” and domestic abuse definitions. Where a female adult is also defined
as a Vulnerable Adult, additional support mechanisms would be available through
local social care teams and adult safeguarding processes.
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Disclosure: when receiving
evidence of possible abuse
Practice Guidance
 Stay calm.
 Believe what you are being told.
 Reassure the child/young person
that they are doing the right thing in
telling someone.
 Give them time to say what they
want to say.
 Do not make comments, seem
shocked or make judgments, other
than to show sympathy and concern.
 Keep questions to an absolute
minimum and restrict them to those
that help the child to talk freely. Use
open-ended questions whenever
possible, rather than those that only
require a yes/no answer.
 Clarify your understanding of the
conversation using their own words
if you do not understand (you may
need an interpreter for those whose
first language is not English).
 Do not re-question the child/young
 Be honest and tell them you
cannot keep the conversation a
secret, and you will need to inform
other trusted people in order to help.
 Explain to them what you are going
to do next, and make sure you do it.
 If the child needs immediate
medical attention call an
ambulance, inform the paramedics of
your concerns and make sure they
know it is a child protection issue.
 Contact your line manager as
soon as possible for advice and
guidance or Plymouth Children’s
Social Care, the NSPCC or Police.
 Record only what happened and
was said as soon as possible after
the child has disclosed.
 Ensure maximum confidentiality
and do not discuss with anyone
except your line manager or
Children’s Social Care / NSPCC /
 Do not question or contact
alleged perpetrators.
If you are worried about the sexual behaviour of
a child, or sexual behaviours of others towards a
child or young person, you must speak to your line
manager or designated safeguarding co-ordinator,
or trained child protection professional. If in doubt,
contact the Local Authority’s statutory child
protection service, the Police or NSPCC.
Where there is suspicion or an allegation of a
child or young person having been harmed in a
sexual way by another child or young person, it
should be referred immediately to the children’s
social care referral team in the local authority where
the child lives. Both the victim and the child who has
allegedly displayed the harmful sexual behaviour
will need to be referred for assessment.
Concerns should usually be shared with the
parent or carer of the child or young person.
However, where there is cause for concern of
sexual abuse within the family, guidance from
statutory services should be sought first, before
informing carers or family members.
Consideration must be given to prevent any
contamination of evidence.
Identifying signs and symptoms of sexual abuse
is quite routine and should be considered as
everybody’s business.
Working with these children is more complex.
Where a young person has demonstrated
problematic sexual behaviour there are immediate
practical issues of safeguarding, assessment and
intervention to deal with. Alongside the child, the
whole family is likely to be experiencing trauma. To
achieve the best outcome for all, professionals need
to fully understand the issues that can be present
when a child engages in such behaviour. There is
no simple, single solution.
Achieving Best Evidence is the title used for the
specialist method of formal interview used with
It is advisable for all practitioners
children and young people who may be victims of
to have received regular child
sexual abuse, or perpetrators, and their families. It
protection training, and to have
is designed to ensure the effective voice of those
rehearsed receiving a disclosure
involved, without contamination of potential
as a potential scenario.
evidence. Leading questions, putting ideas and
words into the mind of the interviewee, or making assumptions and interpretation of
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responses are to be prevented. The atmosphere, location and ambience of the
interview is vital to ensure the child feels safe enough and protected, comfortable and
cared for, and that what is said is recorded clearly and accurately. Specifically trained
interviewers know to establish rapport, allow a free narrative account from the
interviewee, ensure open questions wherever possible, and take full account of the
child’s emotional and cognitive intelligence including any learning difficulty or
disability. Non-specialist practitioners should not attempt formal interviews of children
exhibiting sexually harmful behaviour or who may have been sexually abused.
Definition of Child Sexual Abuse
“Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to
take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of
violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.
The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration
(e.g. rape, or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation,
kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing, They may also
include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at,
or in the production of, sexual online images, watching sexual activities,
or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways,
or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet).
Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also
commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children”.
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015, page 93
Remember, “Harmful Sexual Behaviour” (HSB) includes:
using sexually explicit words and phrases
inappropriate touching
using sexual violence or threats
imposition of secrecy
full penetrative sex with other children or adults.
Children and young people who develop harmful sexual behaviour may harm
themselves and others. The issues of equality, true consent and coercion are key
factors within the assessment of whether a child or young person’s behaviour is
problematic or harmful and should be placed within the context of the incident(s) that
have occurred.
Consent Issues: If a young person is under the age of 13 years old, they cannot
legally consent to any form of sexual activity (Sexual Offences Act 2003).
Therefore a child protection referral is required in all such cases.
Action in relation to 13, 14 and 15 year olds: The Sexual Offences Act 2003
reinforces that, whilst mutually agreed, non-exploitative sexual activity between
teenagers does take place and that often no harm comes from it, the age of consent
should still remain at 16. This acknowledges that this group of young people is still
vulnerable, even when they do not view themselves as such.
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An assessment should take place of the young person’s competency to give
consent and of the nature of the relationship. Consider any differences of age,
maturity, level of development, functioning and experience and also the awareness of
the potential consequences of their actions. A child protection referral or referral to the
Police is not mandatory in all cases of sexual activity involving a child under the age of
16 years of age, but an assessment (including whether the children are Gillick
competent using Fraser guidelines6) must be undertaken.
Practitioner Confidence is recognisably low in the area of assessment of the
sexual behaviour of children and young people. There is the additional cultural
challenge to professionals of feeling able to talk openly about sex and sexual
behaviours. Yet there is nothing more technical about signs and symptoms of sexual
harm than those related to chronic neglect or physical abuse. Identification of harmful
sexual behaviour or child sexual abuse is not a specialist area to be left to “experts”.
For the development of professional confidence, HSB training is essential.
Barriers to taking action on sexual abuse:
NSPCC research indicates that sexual abuse is under reported and that children and
young people rarely disclose their experiences. Some commonalities in the
experience of the victims do exist. Adults can find it difficult to report sexual abuse for
reasons that are often similar to those which prevent children and young people from
speaking up.
These include:
feeling worried that nobody will listen
not knowing who to tell
feeling concerned that they won’t be believed
a lack of confidence in the abuse stopping and so believing there is no point
telling anyone
internalising the abuse as somehow being their fault and because of this
feeling embarrassed and ashamed
a reluctance to burden others with a disclosure
having ambivalent feelings and worries about getting the perpetrator of the
abuse into trouble. Outside of the abuse this person may be likeable and
being threatened by the perpetrator to stay silent and intimidated by the abuser
about the possible consequences of telling anybody
being groomed by the perpetrator
sometimes information about their abuse is the one thing over which children
feel they retain control; giving away that control can be frightening
confusion around whether what is happening to them is abusive and not
understanding that they don’t just have to cope with it.
“It is strange because the reasons why young people find it hard to say they are
being abused are often the same reasons that adults have for being reticent to
help. It’s so difficult for everyone involved.” NSPCC helpline counsellor7
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Working with Children who display sexually harmful behaviour:
Each child needs a unique and specific approach and support, with some
key considerations:
1. Do not assume the behaviour is sexually motivated.
2. There may be more than one influencing factor- Insecure attachment,
anxiety and low self-esteem, general neglect, underdeveloped impulse control,
early exposure to sexual behaviour/material, family conflict, learned behaviour, to
name but a few.
3. Recognise that a child’s development is fluid and that this behaviour is
likely to be responsive to intervention and can ultimately cease.
4. There may be other unreported or undetected problematic behaviour –
not just this allegation or presenting behaviour.
5. Parents and carers may not fully understand or be able to safeguard in the
early stages of disclosure: despite what they have been told they may struggle to
absorb the information.
6. Young people who target children are most likely to abuse both male and
female victims.
7. Developmental differences are important: Although sexually troubled and
sexually abusive behaviour in children can look remarkably like their adolescent
counterparts, there are major age and ability-related developmental differences.
8. One significant difference is that older children (pubescent or postpubescent) are likely to be gaining sexual pleasure rather than asserting
power or acting-out learnt behaviour. Sexual pleasure reinforces the behaviour.
The issues become more complex when trying to work with an adolescent who
wants and needs to have sexual expression and relationships, but where they
struggle to achieve this in a healthy way.
9. Shame and deception: adolescents are more likely to have a clearer
understanding that the behaviour is wrong and be more closed to talking about
their problem. One study found 80% of juvenile offenders were frequently
deceptive to assessors when describing aspects of their offence prior to
treatment (Burkhart et al, 2008). It is crucial to help this group overcome feelings
of shame and to talk about their thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
10. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Every instance in which a young
person indicates sexually harmful behaviour will have unique circumstances and
requires a unique response. Understanding the motivations and risk factors in
young people who engage in sexually harmful behaviour – and implementing
balanced risk management strategies responsively – underpins the potential to
improve outcomes.
Recognition of Risk and Harm
Identification or Disclosure of sexually inappropriate or harmful behaviour by a child
can be extremely distressing not only for the children and young people involved, but
also for parents, carers and other family members. They may react with disbelief and
minimise the situation which could escalate concerns and it is therefore important that
professionals help them through this process at an early stage so that they can
support and where appropriate, protect their child.
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Hidden Abuse: There may also be attempts to hide the abuse by family or peers,
including withholding of information or deception, known as “disguised compliance”,
from both the perpetrator and the victim (who may be under threat or too shamed to
Disguised Compliance happens when parents
or carers do not own the concern of the
practitioner, or don’t admit their lack of
commitment to the process and work
subversively to undermine it. The practitioner
should maintain a focus upon the needs of the
child, whilst being sensitive to the impact upon
the family. Children or family members can
accuse practitioners or become hostile, and this
should not stop work with these families to
uncover the reality of the child’s life.
Perpetrators as victims: It is also important to
remember that not all children/young people
displaying sexualised or harmful sexual
behaviour have been sexually abused
themselves. They may however have been
living in an environment with few or
inappropriate boundaries or been exposed to
information or sexual activity which is beyond
their level of development and understanding.
Hence in general the younger the child
displaying sexualised or sexually harmful
behaviour, the higher the likelihood of that child
having been sexually abused or living in a
sexualised environment.
Respectful Curiosity:
The Inquiry by Lord
Laming into the death of
Victoria Climbié identified
barriers to the timely and
accurate identification of
abuse, and recommended
that practitioners need to
maintain “respectful
scepticism” when making
The second Serious Case
Review examining Peter
Connelly’s death from
severe neglect identified a
catalogue of denials and
false explanations by his
mother and siblings, and
said professionals must
be “deeply sceptical of
any explanations,
justifications or excuses
you may hear in
connection with the
apparent maltreatment of
Sexually Problematic Behaviour: harmful
sexual behaviour may also include children who
exhibit a range of sexually problematic
behaviour such as indecent exposure, obscene
telephone calls, fetishism, downloading child
abuse images from the internet, exhibiting
harmful sexual behaviour against other children,
masturbating in public and non-contact
behaviour via any information technology they have access to – in their home, in
school, from a friend or in the community, e.g. Internet Cafés (computers, laptops,
tablets, gaming consoles and mobile phones).
Risk-Taking Behaviour: whilst there is current evidence that young people are taking
less risks than a decade ago, we are also aware that the traditionally recognised
“particularly vulnerable child” has become more vulnerable due to the
commercialisation and accessibility of sexual imagery and suggestions. Children with
emotional or cognitive difficulties will be particularly more vulnerable.
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PART FOUR: Procedures
Where there is concern that a child is exhibiting signs of harmful sexual
behaviour, the practitioner should immediately consult with their line manager and/or
designated lead for child protection inside their agency.
When an allegation of sexual abuse has been made, the Police are generally the
first point of contact and it is critical for them to always consult with Children’s Social
Care regarding cases that come to their attention in order to ensure that there is an
appropriate assessment of the victims needs and of the alleged perpetrator, including
any risk factors within and outside the family home.
At all stages, event recording, and Information Sharing between practitioners,
their managers, and partner agencies in contact with the child and/or family, must be
ensured and maintained. See updated Government statutory guidelines 20158.
1. Strategy Discussions
1.1. When a child / young person is suspected or alleged to have harmed
another in a sexual way, the Police and/or Children’s Services must convene a
strategy discussion or, in most cases, a strategy meeting within the required
timescales. It is not always apparent at the outset whether a particular behaviour is
abusive and a strategy meeting is an appropriate forum in which to share concerns
before reaching a collective way forward. The potential complexities of these concerns
usually require that the appropriate planning takes place in the form of a meeting.
1.2. On receipt of a referral, an initial strategy discussion must occur between
Children’s Social Care, the Police and Health professionals, and other appropriate
practitioners in the team around the child and family, to share information and
determine whether the threshold for section 47 enquiry (Children Act 1989) has been
reached. The Police should be involved in the decision making process even if the
child is under ten years of age and therefore below the age of criminal prosecution as
they may, for example, have information about the child’s family which is relevant to
the enquiries.
1.3. When the child or young person concerned resides in a different local
authority, it is expected that the strategy meeting is convened and chaired by the
authority in which the potentially harmful behaviour occurred. In most cases a
combined strategy meeting will be convened to share information in respect of the
alleged victim and the child/young person who is suspected of displaying harmful
sexual behaviour. The primary aim of any intervention should remain focussed on the
protection of the victim, the protection of any other potential victims and the avoidance
of repetition of the harmful sexual behaviour.
1.4. Strategy meetings will be convened and chaired by Children’s Social Care
and a record of the meeting made. If the allegation involves a number of children, then
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a Complex Strategy meeting should be held. It is important that appropriate
representation is invited from relevant organisations working closely with the child and
family, e.g. Designated Safeguarding Leads from the schools that all the children
1.5. The strategy discussion or meeting must plan in detail the respective roles of
participants at the meeting. It also must address ‘risk management’ measures that
may be required within individual organisations, including voluntary and faith.
The discussion/meeting must take into account the immediate protection of all
of the children involved and any others in contact with the child/young person
who is suspected or alleged to have harmed others sexually.
If at this stage no further action is required, all agencies who have been involved
should be informed of the outcome in writing. The parents or carers of the
children will also be informed of the outcome of the meeting. Parents or carers
should not be invited to, or receive minutes of, the strategy meeting(s).
2. Outcomes of Enquiries
2.1. Where the decision is reached within the strategy discussion that the alleged
behaviour does not meet the threshold criteria for significant harm, the details of the
referral and reasons for this decision must be clearly recorded. The outcome should
also be appropriately shared with any professionals involved; if the referrer is not a
professional, only limited information can be shared in accordance with inter-agency
information sharing arrangements. The need for further assessment and support
services to either child / young person should still be considered within a multi-agency
2.2. A Social Work Assessment will normally be undertaken by CSC. The
exception to this is if it is apparent from the outset that behaviours are within the
scope of healthy, age-appropriate development; at this stage Children’s Social Care
may offer advice, refer the caller to other universal service provision, advise that an
assessment under Early Help Offer be initiated, or conclude that no further action is
2.3. Where a section 47 enquiry is required, a different social worker must be
allocated for the victim and for the child / young person who is suspected or alleged to
have harmed in a sexual way, even if they live in the same household, to ensure that
both are supported through the assessment process and that their individual welfare
and safety needs are being addressed.
2.4. The decision about initiating a child protection conference should be made
following the outcome of the section 47 enquiry. A young person who is alleged or
suspected to have displayed harmful sexual behaviour should only be the subject of
an initial child protection conference if they are considered to be at risk of significant
harm. The decision is taken between the child protection social work team manager
and the child protection social worker who has completed the assessment.
2.5. If a child protection conference is not convened and there is an identified
need for services to address the needs of the children concerned, a service plan
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should be drawn up in consultation with the young person, their parents / carers and
professionals. The multi-agency service plan should be subject to review and include
the child's need for any work to address their harmful sexual behaviour. Appropriate
consideration should be given to maintaining care and education arrangements.
Regardless of whether the process followed is through an initial child protection
conference or a multi-agency service planning meeting, it is important that children
receive a level of intervention appropriate to their needs and risk factors.
2.6. Where abuse is inter-familial or where the child / young person who is alleged
to have harmed sexually is in the same household, as other younger or more
vulnerable children, the protection of any other potential victims must be addressed.
Consideration should be given for the need to remove the young person who may
have caused the sexual harm from the household, at least in the short term.
2.7. In all cases requiring a social work assessment, lateral checks must be
undertaken, and information about the concerns shared appropriately with
organisations, such as schools, so they can manage the risks that a child may pose to
others. Lateral checks should include information in regard to all the children involved.
Other organisations working closely with children and families may need to be
consulted at this stage and risk management must be borne in mind when decisions
around information sharing in these cases are made.
2.8. Plymouth schools/education settings may seek the support of the Education
Welfare Service in regards to completion of a Risk Management plan in relation to the
child who may have demonstrated the harmful sexual behaviour.
2.9. If the threshold for undertaking a section 47 enquiry has not been met, the
assessments completed by the social workers must indicate whether support needs to
be offered to the children, young people and their families via a coordinated, multiagency, child in need service plan or Early Help Assessment or Early Help meeting.
It is important that all professionals who are involved must be invited to the
meetings in order to share information and offer a coordinated, multi-agency
approach that takes account of risk to other children and young people.
2.10. Where possible children and young people have a right to be consulted
and involved in all matters and decisions that affect their lives and the use of
interpreter services should be accessed if needed to achieve this. This right and
respect extends to parents and carers and their active participation should be
3. Assessment
3.1. Work with children and young people who abuse others, including those who
sexually abuse/offend, should recognise that such children are likely to have
considerable needs themselves, and that they may pose a significant risk of harm to
other children. Evidence suggests that children who abuse others may have suffered
considerable disruption in their lives, been exposed to violence within the family, may
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have witnessed or been subject to physical or sexual abuse, have problems in their
educational development and may have committed other offences. Such children and
young people are likely to be children in need, and some will, in addition, be
suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm, and may themselves be in need of
protection. Children and young people who abuse others should be held responsible
for their abusive behaviour, while being identified and responded to in a way that
meets their needs as well as protecting others.
3.2. An assessment by professionals used to dealing with cases of suspected
abuse or harmful sexual behaviour will be the best way forward, even if the child or
young person has not directly revealed that something is wrong or if there's any other
uncertainty on your part.
3.3. Assessment is required where there is an allegation of sexually harmful
behaviour concerning a child or young person or where there is sufficient
professional concern in respect of a young person and possible sexually harmful
behaviour. This applies even where the young person denies the behaviour. Denial is
common in young people who sexually harm, as well as those who are the current
victims of child sexual exploitation.
Multi-Agency Response: no agency acting alone can appropriately manage children
and young people who display sexually harmful behaviour.
3.4. Information Sharing: Assessment of Sexually Harmful Behaviour is a
process of observation of behaviours over time. Continuous and co-ordinated
information sharing between agencies is essential in order to provide robust evidencebased assessment, planning, intervention and review. Ensure adherence to
Government guidelines 2015.
Where a lead professional (LP) or a multi- agency group consider that the needs of a
child or young person have become more complex and may need to be addressed
through social work intervention they should refer to South West Child Protection
Procedures ( ) and the Plymouth Assessment Framework
guidelines (available at
4. Multi-Agency Procedures
4.1. There are multi-agency procedures for working with children and young people
under the age of 18 years who are known to have engaged in sexually harmful
behaviour towards another, whether or not they have entered the criminal justice
system. The primary objective of all work with children and young people who display
harmful sexual behaviour must be the protection of the victim and the prevention
of a reoccurrence of the harmful sexual behaviour. It is therefore essential for
there to be a coordinated, multi-disciplinary response in accordance with
statutory guidance and these procedures.
4.2. The purpose of these procedures is to provide a clear operational framework in
respect of children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviour and
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any alleged victims. It is important to note that professionals need to remain
aware of the negative effect of labelling children and young people as young ‘sex
offenders’ or ‘young abusers.’ The use of ‘children or young people who display
harmful sexual behaviour’ is considered to be more appropriate. This
terminology acknowledges that their development as a child or young person is
the first and foremost consideration and that they are displaying or enacting
behaviour(s) that need to be appropriately addressed to work towards change.
4.3. All assessments should be co-worked between children’s social care or YOT,
with the lead role being determined by the referral route. Professionals from other
agencies such as education may also be involved in the assessment process.
5. Criminal Justice
5.1. The Police or the Court will notify the Youth Offending Team when they are
aware that a child or young person over the age of 10 (age of criminal responsibility)
is alleged to have engaged in sexually harmful behaviour and may have committed an
offence. The notification will be made whether or not the child or young person has
admitted to the offence.
5.2. The Youth Offending Team must immediately notify social care through the
Plymouth Advice & Assessment Service or the children’s social care referral team in
the local authority where the child lives.
6. Social Care
If at any time, the case moves out of the criminal justice system, the social care route
of assessment, planning, intervention and review should be followed under the child
protection, looked after or child in need system.
6.1. Initial Review: When children and young people are referred to Children’s Social
Care there should be an initial review within 24 hours to ensure that there are no
immediate safeguarding issues. There must then be an initial strategy meeting held
within 5 working days. The police, youth offending team, health and education must
be invited to this meeting and consideration given to whether representatives from
other agencies should also be invited to share any information. If a representative
from the child or young person’s school does not attend, they will need to be kept
informed of any outcome so that their own risk management plan for the school or
educational setting can be implemented where appropriate.
6.2. AIM 2 Assessment: Whenever an assessment is being carried out with a child or
young person who has displayed sexually harmful behaviour, consideration should be
made for an AIM2 assessment. The Assessment, Intervention and Moving-on system
(AIM) was set up in January 2000 to improve the way professionals respond to the
needs of young people, aged between 10 and 17 years, who display sexually harmful
behaviour, and is now in its second format, hence AIM2.
Where the child or young person who has engaged in harmful sexual behaviour is
already known to children’s social care and has an active referral, social care will
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identify a person to lead the AIM2, assessment, usually from the NSPCC, or in the
case of a young person in the criminal justice system, the YOT will identify a lead.
Where the child or young person who has engaged in sexually harmful behaviour is
not known to social care or does not have an active referral, the case will be allocated
to a social worker who may refer to NSPCC to carry out the AIM2 assessment. If the
victim has a social worker, s/he must not be directly involved in the AIM2 assessment
of the young person who has engaged in the sexually harmful behaviour.
If a victim is also referred to social care, the social worker allocated to the victim must
be different to the social worker allocated to the child or young person who has
engaged in sexually harmful behaviour. Where practicable both cases should be
supervised by the same team manager. However, where there are several victims
from multiple households, this may not be possible but there should be close liaison
between the team managers.
The child or young person and their parents / carers must consent and be
willing to engage in the full AIM2 assessment. There must also be an admission
of guilt.
7. Thresholds
7.1. A general guide to action based upon level of concern is offered here:
7.2. The Plymouth Assessment Framework offers a chart of possible cases
scenarios as examples of the potential depth of concern associated by a child’s
behaviour or conditions. Practitioners are encouraged to consult the PAF and
consider the guidance offered.
Examples related to Harmful Sexual Behaviour included in the Plymouth Assessment
Framework are offered on the next page:
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problem solving
Level 1
Support from
Universal services is
Level 2
Targeted Support
required (Single Agency)
Level 3
Targeted Support
(Integrated Targeted
Support and Lead
Level 4
Statutory Threshold
met and
Age appropriate development
 Fluency of speech and
 Willingness to
 Children not meeting their
developmental milestones
 Verbal and non-verbal
 Language structure and
vocabulary and
 Milestones for cognitive
development are met
 Demonstrates a range of
skills and interests.
 Reluctant communicator
 Not understanding ageappropriate instructions
 Confused by non-verbal
 Difficulty listening for an
appropriate length of time
 Immature structure of
expressive language
 Speech sounds immature.
Severe disorder and
impairment in
understanding spoken
difficulties have a
severe impact on
every-day life
Requires alternative or
augmented means of
Communication that is
overtly inappropriate,
e.g repeated overtly
sexualised behaviour
of a sophistication
beyond the
developmental age of
the child and / or
exhibiting power and
control behaviour
(older child to
 Milestones for cognitive
development are not met
 Mild to moderate learning
 Identified learning needs on
School Action of SEN Code
of Practice.
Complex learning
and/or disability needs
Serious development
Significant and
repeated evidence of
lack of comprehension
of consequences of
behaviour, e.g.
repeated criminal or
anti-social acts.
Gang-related criminal
Vulnerability to sexual
Sexualised behaviour
of a sophistication
beyond the
developmental age of
the child and / or
exhibiting power and
control behaviour (e.g.
older child to
Vulnerability of child
under 18 to physical
abuse or financial
Guidance boundaries
and stimulation
Understanding, reasoning &
Speech, language &
From the Plymouth Assessment Framework 2015:
Sets consistent and
appropriate boundaries
taking account of
age/development of
child/young person
Enables child to access
appropriate activities and
to experience success.
 Parent provides inconsistent
 Child or young person
spends considerable time
 Lack of response to
concerns raised about child
or young person
 Parent does not support
access to positive new
experiences or social
No effective
boundaries set
Parents unable to
provide appropriate
role model
Persistent condoned
absence from school
Exposure to
inappropriate or
harmful material
Parents in conflict with
statutory services
Evidence of prolonged
social isolation.
No effective and
boundaries set – child
dangerously out-ofcontrol / offending
despite appropriate
Parent / carer
opposition to
intervention and/or
false compliance /
misinformation /
distraction tactics.
PLEASE NOTE: Where there is concern for potentially harmful sexual
behaviour exhibited by a child or young person under 18 years of age, early
identification and an offer of early help to the family is crucial. This support to
the family will be a core element of the early help offer from all universal
services, and may not meet the threshold of concern for potential significant
harm required to involve statutory child protection social work services.
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Learning from Serious Case Reviews
A serious case review (SCR) takes place after a child dies or is seriously injured and
abuse or neglect is thought to be involved. This includes cases of child sexual abuse
where agencies have been involved with the family but the child has nevertheless
suffered significant harm. The review looks at lessons that can help prevent similar
incidents from happening in the future. The review considers how well the multiagency system and practice safeguarded the child at the time.
The Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board (PSCB) follows statutory guidance and
works with the National Panel of independent experts, Ofsted and the Department for
Education towards the publication of Serious Case Reviews concerning children and
young people in Plymouth. The Board may also conduct multi-agency reviews
considering children where the threshold for an SCR has not been met but the child’s
experience of the child protection system identifies cause for concern.
The PSCB has published a number of Reviews which highlight harmful sexual
behaviour. All published reviews are available at the PSCB website:
Little Teds Nursery
Early Years Practitioner, Vanessa George, was found to have a sexual interest in
children, sharing images on the internet. The Review identified a wide range of issues
with the nursery management, culture and physical environment that meant
safeguarding risks were not minimised.
There was a weak governance framework at the private nursery with no clear lines of
accountability. Factors that meant safeguarding risks were not minimised included the
absence of safer recruitment procedures, an informal recruitment process and a lack
of formal staff supervision within the nursery. Policies and procedures in relation to
child protection had been lifted without adaptation to the setting from other
The environment enabled a culture to develop in which staff did not feel able to
challenge some inappropriate behaviour by George. There appears to have been a
complete lack of recognition of the seriousness of the boundary violation and a culture
in which explicit sexual references about adults in conversation were the norm.
The report concludes that Little Ted's "provided an ideal environment within which
George could abuse."
Learning from the Review, the local authority Early Years Service strengthened advice
and guidance to all early years settings, and the Board published comprehensive
guidance and a tool kit9 for all settings, detailing acceptable management procedures
and best practice.
Child Q
A fifteen year old young man known as Child Q had been convicted of two serious
sexual offences. The first offence against a fifteen year old female and a second
offence against an eleven year old female had occurred whilst Child Q was on police
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bail. Child Q received a custodial sentence His family was known to have had
extensive involvement with agencies in Plymouth.
History of neglect, violence, aggressive and abusive family behaviours: Some of
this behaviour involved Child Q assaulting others, on one occasion receiving a Final
Warning for Common Assault. Child Q had been excluded from school more than
once prior to June 2012 due to aggressive and uncontrollable behaviour.
The review concluded that a number of systemic failings came together resulting in a
repeat of a serious sexual offence whilst Child Q was on bail.
These factors were:
 A failure over many years to adequately assess and address potential risks
within Child Q’s family;
 Delay in reporting the original offence and lack of proactive work by the social
care out of hours team including risk assessment at the point that bail to the
family home was agreed;
 Insufficiently robust procedures in Plymouth regarding how to respond to a
young person who may sexually harm others; and
 Systems within the Youth Offending Team and Police that treated offences
within the same family in isolation and did not easily promote a holistic
approach to understanding risk.
Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board agreed to ensure that partner agencies
assess their workforce competence in relation to sexual abuse and young people who
sexually harm. This should include a review of their staff development strategy in
order to identify and meet learning needs in relation to
o early identification and response to childhood sexualised behaviour
o signs and indicators of sexual abuse
o risk factors associated with young people who sexually harm
o an analysis of the impact of learning upon practice.
The publication of this Guidance booklet is an element of that action plan.
National lessons from Serious Case Reviews
The NSPCC national case review repository, in collaboration with the Association of
Independent LSCB Chairs. The repository provides a single place for published case
reviews to make it easier to access and share learning at a local, regional and
national level. The repository is accessible via the NSPCC library online, which has
over 600 case reviews and inquiry reports.
This includes the 2015 review of the case of Child R10 who was raped at the age of 15
whilst in foster care. Whilst in care, Child R had periods of going missing, highly
disruptive behaviour, multiple placements and exclusions from school.
Issues identified included a lack of professional knowledge and understanding of Child
R's history and vulnerabilities and Child R's lack of engagement with and mistrust of
professionals. It is clear that practitioner knowledge and confidence in working with
issues of sexual abuse require improvement.
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PART FIVE: Services:
The Plymouth Online Directory11 includes a number of support services for the early
help, safeguarding and protection of children and young people vulnerable to harmful
sexual behaviour or sexual abuse. It is routinely updated in a manner that this
document cannot be, and readers are advised to refer to the POD frequently.
Barnardo’s BASE and Devon Spokes Project, Plymouth: work with children and
young people across Plymouth and Devon providing specialist sexual exploitation
work. They work closely with sibling services across the country, and the service has
been robustly reviewed showing consistently excellent practice. Barnardo’s family
support service works exclusively with families whose children are or have
experiences CSE. This project works both with groups and provides 1-1 support
including specialist support for foster carers. Plymouth Base works with young people
aged 10-18 who are at high risk of, or experiencing Child Sexual Exploitation to
provide, one to one intensive specialist support for children and young people, helping
them to recognise and recover from CSE and move on in a positive way.
Contact e-mail:
Service Manager – Jeanie Lynch: 07824 301185
ChildLine: is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to
the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything – no
problem is too big or too small. Freephone Helpline 0800 1111
Care Leavers Service 18+ Plymouth City Council: The Youth Service's 18+ Care
Leavers Team provides support and resources to young people aged 18 to 21 who
have been in local authority care. This can be extended to age 25 in certain
circumstances: call 01752 398200
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS): The Child and Adolescent
Mental Health Service provides help for children and young people aged 5 -18 years,
and their families, when the child or young person has a difficulty with their mental
health. They provide high quality, multi-disciplinary mental health services to all
children and young people with mental health difficulties and disorders to ensure
effective assessment, treatment and therapeutic support for them and their families.
The CAMHS team consists of a range of qualified and experienced multidisciplinary
clinician's covering a broad aspect of modalities including Nursing, Social Work,
Psychology and Psychiatry. Call: 01752 435125
Early Years Service Plymouth: The Early Years Inclusion Service is part of the
Education, Learning and Family Support Department of Plymouth City Council. We
support early years and childcare provision and children's centres in Plymouth. They
include a safeguarding officer for advice and guidance. Call: 01752 307450
iAIM: The Internet Assessment, Intervention and Moving On (iAIM) manual is
primarily designed to provide social workers and youth justice practitioners with a
framework for guiding their assessments and interventions with adolescent males
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aged 12-18 years in mainstream education who have engaged in harmful sexual
behaviors on-line using new technologies.
Infant Mental Health Team: The Infant Mental Health Team are able to respond
when a parent or carer is very distressed or anxious about their child, and where staff
in universal services have been unable to help that parent to feel less anxious: Call
01752 434615
Lucy Faithful Foundation is the leading child protection charity dedicated solely to
reducing the risk of children being sexually abused. They work with families that have
been affected by sexual abuse including: adult male and female sexual abusers;
young people with inappropriate sexual behaviours; victims of abuse and other family
members. LCF has developed a short, education based programme for young people
with problematic on line behaviour, Inform YP, and also provide Internet Safety
seminars for parents and schools.
Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH): Muslim Youth Helpline is a confidential listening
service for young people; we offer emotional support and information for those going
through a difficult time. Our helpline is culturally and religiously sensitive; however,
our helpline workers do not discuss or impose their own political or philosophical
views and are available to listen and support. 0808 808 2008
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline A free 24 hour service which provides
counselling, information and advice to anyone concerned about a child at risk of
abuse. Staffed by qualified social work counsellors who will listen to callers' concerns
and decide with them if action is required. Public access: 0800 800 5000
The NSPCC has a service centre in Plymouth that offers programmes for children that
have been affected by sexual abuse. The 3 programmes currently on offer are
‘Assessing the risk, protecting the child’, ‘Letting the Future in’ and ‘Turn the Page’.
The Plymouth Service Centre will be able to provide you with information on any more
services they provide in the Plymouth area. They are based at Brunswick House,
1 Brunswick Road, Cattedown, Plymouth, PL4 0NP and can be contacted
on 0844 892 0288.
Out Plymouth: the support service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young
people: Email: (Young people, teachers, parents, those
who work with young people) Mob: 07774 336616 (Text or call).
UK Safer Internet Centre provides support to professionals on all aspects of
digital and online issues such as those which occur on social networking sites,
cyber-bullying, sexting, online gaming and child protection online, and aims to
resolve issues professionals face. Supported by the South west Grid for learning,
the Centre develops new educational and awareness raising resources for
children, parents and carers and teachers to meet emerging trends in the fastchanging online environment. Recent launches include resources focusing on
early years, sexting, and 'how to' video guides on using parental controls on
internet-connected devices. The centre also develops self-assessment tools for
schools and other settings to evaluate their online safety provision, including
policy development.
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Young Devon: A service offering holistic support, information advice and guidance to
young people. Areas include life skills, counselling, information on drugs and alcohol,
general and sexual health advice, supportive accommodation, advice on housing and
accommodation and personal life issues. Call 01752 691511
Youth Service Plymouth City Council: Youth services work with young people in
Plymouth who are aged between 11 and 19 (up to 25 years old where there is a
specific additional need or disability), including targeted support for people who feel
unsafe, vulnerable or have additional needs that require one-to-one or more specialist
support. Call 01752 306596
The Zone Sexual Health Service: Confidential contraceptive and sexual health
advice and free supplies for most methods of contraception; free condoms, pregnancy
testing, chlamydia testing. Free emergency contraception. The nurse is available
for contraceptive Pill, depot injection, emergency contraception, implant fitting,
removal and advice, Termination of pregnancy advice and referral, other
contraception advice, help and information. Drop in opening times; Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday 1:00pm - 5:00pm Tuesday: 3:00pm - 7:00pm Saturday:
10.30am - 4:00pm Phone: 01752 206626
All agencies where people work with children, young people, parents or families
should ensure in-house induction and routine training to ensure adherence to legal
requirements for safeguarding and child protection. Child protection guidance should
include reference to, and explanation of, the signs and symptoms of Harmful Sexual
Behaviour, as part of the underpinning knowledge for prevention of child sexual
In addition, multi-agency, inter-disciplinary training for practitioners and their
managers involved in the assessment of risk and needs should be routinely accessed
and regularly updated.
The Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board offers a range of child protection courses
for practitioners and managers of all agencies working with children, young people
and families in the City. One-day training courses on the specific issues of child
sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, and child online safety are currently available
on our website training pages.
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Helpful websites: Working with HSB Provide assessment and intervention models, training and
supervision. National Autistic Society. Provides information and support including
information on the unique difficulties of a young person with autism in
relation to sex and sexuality. Hold helpful conferences in this area.
Awareness, guidance, signposting and outreach on reducing risk taking and
harmful behaviours. Focussing on sexual exploitation and sexually harmful
behaviours, mental health, domestic and substance abuse, and homelessness.
British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. British Institute for Learning Disabilities offer useful resources for young
people with learning disabilities on social understanding and sexual
Brook Advisory Service Useful resources on working therapeutically with
children. Useful sexual health resources including information for young people with
learning disabilities Offers online training for practitioners working with children who
have significant psychological symptoms related to trauma
exposure. Developed by Cohen, Deblinger, Mannarino, CARES
Institute, USA.
National Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service: A national
centre of expertise on children and young people who show
harmful sexual behaviour.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Useful resources on
working with children and sexual development.
Organisation working to develop good practice across Britain and
Ireland with those working in the field of Sexual Aggression.
Explaining Sexually Harmful Behaviour, National Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children – some very useful resources on the
HSB web pages. Useful information, advice on sexual abuse and other safeguarding
National Centre for the Sexual Behaviour of Youth. Useful resources on
working with children and sexual development, including a CBT
Programme for children and their parents/carers.
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The National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Includes useful
information on Sexual Behaviour in Children including fact sheets for
parents/carers. A valuable website for parents developed by the Lucy Faithfull
Foundation on protecting children from abuse.
PSCB Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board CSE pages, including the video, “Anna”. Useful resources for working with child abuse including denied child
abuse. Advice and resources about safe internet use for 5 to 7s, 8 to 10s,
11 to 16s, and parents/carers, teachers and trainers. Useful sexual health and relationship resources for working with
young people.
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Glossary of Terms (not otherwise explained in the text)
Child Abuse and Neglect: Throughout this document, the recognised categories of
maltreatment as set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015. These are:
■ physical abuse
■ emotional abuse
■ sexual abuse
■ neglect
Child in Need: Children who are defined as being ‘in need’ under section 17 of the
Children Act 1989 are those whose vulnerability is such that they are unlikely to reach
or maintain a satisfactory level of health or development, or their health or
development will be significantly impaired, without the provision of services, plus
those who are disabled. Local authorities and other bodies have a duty to safeguard
and promote the welfare of children in need.
Controlling behaviour is: a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate
and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources
and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for
independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.
Coercive behaviour is: an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and
intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.
Domestic Violence: Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or
threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or
have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This
can encompass, but is not limited to, the following types of abuse:
■ psychological
■ physical
■ sexual
■ financial
■ emotional
Forced Marriage: A forced marriage is a marriage in which one or both spouses do
not (or, in the case of some adults with learning or physical disabilities, cannot)
consent to the marriage and duress is involved. Duress can include physical,
psychological, financial, sexual and emotional pressure.
Significant Harm: The Children Act 1989 introduced the concept of ‘significant harm’
as the threshold that justifies compulsory intervention in family life in the best interests
of children and young people. Significant harm represents the impairment to the
normal development that can be reasonably expected of the specific child or young
person. It gives local authorities a duty to make enquiries to decide whether they
should take action to safeguard or promote the welfare of a child who is suffering, or
likely to suffer, significant harm. This was amended by the Adoption and Children Act
2002 to include, “for example, impairment suffered from seeing or hearing the illtreatment of another.
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Further Reading and Bibliography
Achieving Best Evidence in Child Sexual Abuse cases – a Joint Inspection HMCPSI / HMIC
December 2014 [to access: ]
Bailey, R. (2012) Bailey Review of the Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood,
Beerthuizen, M. and Brugman, D. (2012) Sexually abusive youths' moral reasoning on sex. Journal
of Sexual Aggression, 18(2): 123-135.
Brown, J., O'Donnell, T. and Erooga, M. (2011) Sexual abuse: a public health challenge. London:
Davies, J. (2012) Working with sexually harmful behaviour [Article]. Counselling Children and
Young People, March 2012: 20-23.
Erooga, M. and Masson, H. (2006) Children and young people with sexually harmful or abusive
behaviours: underpinning knowledge, principles, approaches and service provision. In: Erooga,
M. and Masson, H. (eds.)
Female Genital Mutilation: Practice Guidance, November 2014. CAADA{to access:
ticeGuidelinesNov14.pdf ]
Finkelhor, D. and Browne, A. (1985) The traumatic impact of child sexual abuse: a
conceptualization (PDF). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 55(4): 530-541.
Goodyear-Brown, P. (ed.) (2012) Handbook of child sexual abuse: identification, assessment, and
treatment. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
Hackett, S. (2006) Towards a resilience-based intervention model for young people with harmful
sexual behaviours. In: Erooga, M. and Masson, H. (eds.) Children and young people who sexually
abuse others: current developments and practice responses. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
Hawkes, C. (2009) Sexually harmful behaviour in young children and the link to maltreatment in
early childhood: conclusions from a UK study of boys referred to the National Clinical Assessment
and Treatment Service (NCATS), a specialist service for sexually harmful behaviour (PDF). London:
Horvath M, Alys L, Massey K, Pina A, Scally M and Adler J (2013). Basically…Porn is Everywhere.
London. Office of the Children’s Commissioner
Phippen. A. (2012). Sexting: An Exploration of Practices, Attitudes and Influences. London,
Pullman, L. and Seto, M. C. (2012) Assessment and treatment of adolescent sexual offenders:
implications of recent research on generalist versus specialist explanations. Child Abuse and
Neglect, 36(3): 203-209.
Ringrose, J. (2012) A qualitative study of children, young people and 'sexting': a report prepared
for the NSPCC. London: NSPCC.
Rogstad K and Johnston G. (2012) Spotting the Signs: A national proforma for identifying risk of
child sexual exploitation in sexual health services London, Department of Health
Smith, S. (2012) Study of Self-Generated Sexually Explicit Images & Videos Featuring Young
People. London. Internet Watch Foundation
St. Amand, A., Bard, D. E. and Silovsky, J. F. (2008) Meta-analysis of treatment for child sexual
behaviour problems: practice elements and outcomes. Child Maltreatment, Vol.13.2. pp 145--166.
Vizard, E. et al (2007) Children and adolescents who present with sexually abusive behaviour: a
UK descriptive study (PDF). Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 18(1): 59-73.
Yates, P., Allardyce, S. and MacQueen, S. (2012) Children who display harmful sexual behaviour:
assessing the risks of boys abusing at home, in the community or across both settings. Journal
of Sexual Aggression, 18(1): 23-35.
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Thanks are offered to the Plymouth multi-agency working group for the
prevention of Harmful Sexual Behaviour (2014):
Belinda Allis, Plymouth Community Healthcare; Cleo Bolding, Education Welfare;
Claire Drummond, Action for Children; Maria Hollett, Early Years Service; Jeanie
Lynch, Barnardo’s; Dr Jessica Parffrey, Clinical Psychologist; Caroline Jones,
PSCB; Mark Beavan, Devon & Cornwall Police;, Julie Reynolds, Midwifery;
Richard Marsh, Headteacher; Sarah Allum, NSPCC; Elaine Shotton, Youth
Service; Tony Staunton, Plymouth City Council; Karl Sweeney, Schools Adviser;
Richard Yellop, Children’s Social Care.
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Safeguarding Children from
Harmful Sexual Behaviour
is Everybody’s Business
Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board
Midland House
Notte Street
01752 307535
First Edition
November 2015
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