Biological Sciences and Pre-Med

Biological Sciences (MCB, IB, and CNR)
This list compiles tips for those interested in majoring in the biological sciences, with MCB and IB placing
an emphasis on pre-med.
MCB & IB Tips
• Take Chem 1A first, as it’s a prereq for Chem 3A. The biggest surprise about Chem 1A will
probably be the type of questions asked on the tests, and this format holds true for many
Berkeley tests.
For both MCB and IB, physics is not a prereq for declaring, so don’t feel pressured to take that.
You can take it any time before you graduate.
Bio 1A/L is a difficult class. You’re recommended to take it later because of its material and
courseload. Most people traditionally take it sometime sophomore year. (For reference - Chem 3A
used to be a pre-req) Taking Bio 1B before 1A is also pretty common.
Take all rumors with a grain of salt (e.g. “Ochem is evil!” “Bio 1B is easy!”) - while it’s definitely
good to hear others’ opinions, your experience may not be the same. Of course, if you’re hearing
a certain opinion a lot, it’s a good idea to definitely take that into consideration as a possibility
when planning your classes.
Relation to pre-med: While MCB and IB both accept AP/IB credit for certain pre-reqs, many
medical/pharmacy/veterinary/etc. schools have differing policies on accepting AP/IB credit. This
means that you may have to take English (and other subjects) at Berkeley anyway, despite
“passing out” of it. MCB and IB also do not accept AP/IB credit for math anymore. In most cases,
you can also take these classes at community college, however. Definitely check with your goal
med/vet/pharm/etc. schools (yes, with an s) to see their policies on accepting/not accepting high
school credits. is a good place to start if such a school exists in the UC system
(e.g. UC Davis vet school/med school, UCSF/UCSD med school, etc.).
The main difference between MCB and IB is that MCB is essentially microbio while IB is
essentially macrobio. You have two years to decide which you major you’d like to take (and they
both have the same lower-div requirements) so you don’t have to decide right now. But the
general gist is that if you liked Bio 1B more and you like ecology, evolution, or just animals/people
in general, that’s what IB focuses on. If you liked Bio 1A more and you like biochemistry, cells,
and little microscopic life, that’s what MCB focuses on.
College of Natural Resources
• Each major in CNR is specially designed, and thus lack flexibility of class choices. In addition,
each major is different and difficult to generalize. Consult the major snapshots that can be found
on the CNR department website for specifics on what to choose. As a general rule of thumb, take
Chem 1A/L if it is required for your major, in addition to a semester of math if you were unable to
pass out of it.
Some majors also require a multiple breadth system consisting of ESPM environmental science,
ESPM social science, and breadth (in which is drawn from the L&S system, one course from arthistory-philosophy and one from social-international lists). These should be taken as a freshman
or sophomore. Other majors have derivations of this breadth system.
Environmental Economics & Policy is found within both CNR and L&S. Consult social sciences &
humanities for advice for this major.
Pre-Meds: CNR offers Microbial Biology. To be honest, if you want you can choose the exact
same classes as MCB and get the Microbial Biology Degree and vice versa. For your major, you
can either do a general microbial biology which means that you can choose a class from ANY of
the box in the chart below. You can also do you a focus, which requires you to choose ALL of
your major classes from the SAME box.
Below is a four-year plan for microbial biology majors. Any questions, just message us.
Helpful Upperclassmen
• Jade Liu - Nutritional Science (Dietetics) Alum
• Victoria Lo - IB Senior (formerly pre-vet (8 years), now IB)
• Muhib Haidari
Any questions or need scheduling advice?
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