MCB 7300: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY (Class Number 4063 – 3.0 Credit Hours)-Spring 2013 Time & Place: Mon. & Wed. 3:05 PM – 6:05 PM in the locations listed on the syllabus. Course Coordinator: Allan Showalter Instructors: MCB Faculty as listed on the syllabus Text: None. Handouts and/or assigned readings will be provided by the instructors. Requirements and Course Description: Prerequisites: MCB 7200 or permission. The purpose of this course is to expose students to a variety of laboratory techniques used in the broad field of molecular and cellular biology by allowing the student to carry out these techniques in the laboratory. Grades will be based on the following: 1. Each instructor, with the exceptions of Rowe, Miller, and King, will evaluate the student based on a 100 point scale (or 200 points in the case of the Briju lab and 300 points in the case of the Nadella lab) using one or more of the following criteria: 1) a written lab report, 2) a laboratory examination, and 3) instructor observation of student preparation and participation in the lab. 2. Each instructor, with the exceptions listed above, will submit student scores to the course coordinator who will total these scores and record the final grade of the student based on a total of 1300 possible points. (Note that the Briju and Nadella labs will be worth 200 and 300 points respectively, while the other labs will be worth 100 points each). A standard percentage grading system will be used. Thus, 93.3% and above will earn an A, 90-93.3% an A-, 86.7-90% a B+, 83.3-86.7% a B, 80-83.3% a B-, 76.7-80% a C+, 73.3-76.7% a C, 70-73.3% a C-, 66.7-70% a D+, 63.3-66.7% a D, 60-63.3% a D-, and below 60% an F. Office Hours: Allan Showalter- By appointment, Porter 504, phone 593-1135. Email: Academic Conduct: The penalty for course-related academic dishonesty (i.e., plagiarism, cheating, etc.) will be failure of the entire course. Attendance Policy: Attendance for laboratory is mandatory. All absences must be justified and explained to the instructor and the course coordinator in advance. Each unjustified absence will result in the reduction of the student's final course grade by one full letter grade. Course web page: MCB 7300: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY Syllabus - Spring 2013 Instructors: MCB Faculty as listed below. Please take special note where each lab is to be held. WEEK DATE Laboratory (Instructor-lab location) 1 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 Genomic DNA isolation, finding a gene of interest (Briju -Porter 304) Electrophoresis, ligation & transformation (Briju -Porter 304) 2 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Martin Luther King Day (no class) Blue-white screening and plasmid prep (Briju -Porter 304) 3 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Restriction digestion and gel electrophoresis (Briju -Porter 304) Introduction to DNA sequencing/ PCR (Nadella-Porter 304) 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 6 DNA sequence analysis/Fragment analysis Lab I (Nadella-Porter 304) Fragment analysis Lab II/ RNA extraction (Nadella- Porter 304) 5 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Intro to qPCR, RNA quality, qPCR setup (Nadella-Porter 304) QPCR analysis; Introduction to microarrays (Nadella-Porter 304) 6 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Next gen sequencing I (Nadella-Porter 304) Next gen sequencing II (Nadella-Porter 304) 7 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Next gen sequencing III (Nadella-Porter 304) Bioinformatics I/ Vector NTI & CLC Genomics (Charlier-Porter 304) - March 4 March 6 Sprink Break (no class) Sprink Break (no class) 8 March 11 March 13 Bioinformatics II/ Vector NTI & CLC Genomics (Charlier-Porter 304) Diagnostic Hybrids Field Trip (Kevin King-meet in Porter 304) 9 March 18 March 20 Genetic Pathway I/Southern blot analysis I (Showalter-Porter 304) Genetic Pathway II/Southern blot analysis II (Showalter-Porter 304) 10 March 25 March 27 Western blot analysis I (McCall-Porter 304) Western blot analysis II (McCall-Porter 304) 11 April 1 April 3 Laser capture dissection microscopy (Showalter/Plant-Porter 304) Laser capture dissection microscopy (Showalter/Plant-Porter 304) 12 April 8 April 10 Fluorescence microscopy lab I (Berryman-Porter 304) Fluorescence microscopy lab II (Duerr-Porter 305) 13 April 15 April 17 EM Lab IA (Miller- Wilson 014)/Confocal Lab IIB (Rowe-Wilson 014) Confocal Lab IA (Rowe-Wilson 014)/EM Lab IIB (Miller- Wilson 014) 14 April 22 April 24 Beta-galactosidase assay lab (Coschigano-Porter 304) Mammalian transfection lab (Wu-Porter 304) May 1 Final Exam, 12:20 PM (lab evaluations—no final exam) Teaching assistants: Debarti Basu - email: Xiao Liu - email: