Classics to Keep 2011-2012 School Year th 6 th Grade Title The Wind in the Willows Lion, Witch & Wardrobe Johnny Tremain Treasure Island Comedy of Errors The Hobbit Merry Adventures of Robin Hood A Christmas Carol Vocabulary Builder Course 2 Ecce Romani ! Student Activity Book 1A Ecce Romani ! Student Activity Book 1B ISBN 978-0143039099 978-0060765484 978-0440942504 978-0451530974 978-0743484886 978-0345339683 978-0140367003 978-0486268651 978-0078616624 978-0801312090 978-0801212106 7 th Grade Title The Last Battle Edgar Allan Poe: A Collection of Short Stories The Miracle Worker Fahrenheit 451 The Count of Monte Cristo Great Expectations Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Julius Caesar, The New Folger Library Shakespeare Vocabulary Builder Course 3 Classical Gods and Heroes Enjoy Your Recorder, V. Trapp M1, Soprano Recorder Instrument - Soprano Ecce Romani ! Student Activity Book 1B (new GP students only) Ecce Romani ! Student Activity Book 2A ISBN 978-0064471084 0812504550 978-1416590842 978-0345342966 978-0140373530 978-0141439563 978-0553212525 978-0743482745 0078616646 0688052797 0913334014 460049 978-0801312106 801312116 Classics to Keep 2011-2012 School Year th 8 th Grade Title Beowulf To Kill a Mockingbird Canterbury Tales The Chosen The Merchant of Venice Lord of the Flies Out of the Silent Planet The Tales of King Arthur Twelfth Night (Folger Shakespeare) Vocabulary Builder Course 4 The Song of Roland Ecce Romani ! Student Activity Book 2B Enjoy Your Recorder, V Trapp M1 Soprano (New GP Students Only) Recorder Instrument - Soprano (New GP Students Only)_ ISBN 978-0393320978 0446310786 978-0140424386 978-0449213445 978-0743477567 978-0399501487 978-0743234900 978-0141321011 978-0743484961 978-0078616662 978-0451528575 0801312124 0913334014 460049 9th Grade Title A Documentary History of the United States The Federalist Papers Democracy in America Emerson's Essays Walden and Civil Disobedience Great American Short Stories Scarlet Letter Billy Budd Narrative of an American Slave Huckleberry Finn The Red Badge of Courage The Great Gatsby My Antonia Our Town The Old Man and the Sea Wheelock's Latin Reader (Latin Only) Workbook for Deux Mondes (French Only) Larousse Dictionnaire Compact (French Only) Euclid's Elements (Geometry) ISBN 978-0451207487 978-0451528810 978-0451528124 978-0553213881 978-0140390445 978-0486421193 978-0142437261 978-0451526878 978-0140390124 978-0553210798 978-0553210118 978-0743273565 978-0395755143 978-0060512637 978-0684801223 978-0060935061 9780072959338 9782035420480 978-1888009194 Classics to Keep 2011-2012 School Year 10th Grade Title Frankenstein Henry V (Folger Shakespeare) Pride and Prejudice A Tale of Two Cities Crime and Punishment Utopia Locke: Political Writings Marx/Engels: Communist Manifesto Rousseau: Discourse on Origin of Inequality Reflections on the Revolution in France Era of the French Revolution Wheelock's Latin Reader (Latin Only) Cicero's Somnium Scipionis (Latin Only) Vergil's Aeneid (Latin Only) Catullus and Horace Reader (Latin Only) Larousse Dictionnaire Compact (French Only) Le Petit Prince (French Only) ISBN 978-0141439471 978-0743484879 978-0141439518 978-0553211764 978-0679734505 978-0140449105 978-0872206762 978-0553214062 978-0872201507 978-0199539024 978-0898747188 978-0060935061 978-0929524979 0865164215 978-0582367500 9782035420480 9780156013987 11th GRADE Title Bible: New Oxford Annotated The Iliad The Odyssey Three Theban Plays The Last Days of Socrates The Meno The Republic Poetics Nichomachean Ethics Cicero On Duties Plutarch's Greek Lives Aquinas: Treatise on Happiness Leisure: The Basis of Culture Othello (Folger) Much Ado About Nothing(Folger) Hamlet ISBN 9780195283488 978-0140275360 978-0140268867 978-014044254 9780140449280 978-0915144242 978-0465069347 978-0809005277 9780140449495 978-0521348355 978-0199540051 978-0268018498 978-1586172565 978-0743482820 978-0743482752 978-0743482783 Classics to Keep 2011-2012 School Year The Present Age Cicero's Pro Archia (Latin Only) Vergil's Aeneid (Latin Only) Catullus and Horace Reader (Latin Only) Wheelock's Latin Reader Larousse Dictionnaire Compact (French Only) Le Petit Prince (French Only) 978-0061990038 9780865166424 0865164215 978-0582367500 978-0060935061 9782035420480 9780156013987 12th GRADE Title Gorgias Politics Three Theban Plays Aeneid Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso The Prince Confessions Treatise on Law (Aquinas) Treatise on Virtues (Aquinas) Hamlet King Lear Essays (Montaigne) Brothers Karamazov Roman Lives Bible: New Oxford Annotated (required in 11th grade as well) Cicero's Pro Archia (Latin Only) Vergil's Aeneid (Latin Only) Catullus and Horace Reader (Latin Only) ISBN 978-0140449044 978-0226026695 978-014044254 978-0679729525 978-0385496988 978-0385497008 978-1400031153 978-0226500447 978-0140441147 978-0895267054 978-0268018559 978-0743482783 978-0743484954 978-0140446029 978-0374528379 978-0199537389 9780195283488 9780865166424 0865164215 978-0582367500