Latin II Honors 2015-2016 Magistra Carroll B-1 Course Description The goal of this course is to be able to read simple Latin texts. To reach this goal, students be introduced to basic vocabulary, grammatical forms, and sentence structures, as well as the historical and cultural background of the Romans. Additionally, the study of Latin roots, sentence structure, Roman history, and Greek and Roman mythology will benefit the student in his or her study of the English language and in the development of the Roman heritage that underlies modern American life. At the Honors level, students will completed the Latin II curriculum at an accelerated pace and will be responsible for more preparation outside of class. The study of the Latin language and culture will be more intensive than in a non-honors section. When learning a world language, consistent, regular, and sincere effort is the best guarantee for success. Keeping up with homework and learning vocabulary and grammatical forms for the long term will make it easier to continue to improve the understanding of the language. Organization and self-discipline are ESSENTIAL to success. Required Texts and Materials Be sure to bring all materials to class every day! Students cannot be completely successful without the proper texts and class materials. Supplies: Texts: 3-ring binder (1.5-2 inches) Ecce Romani I, 4th ed., Pearson 5 dividers (Vocabulary, Translations, Ecce Romani I Language Activity Grammar, Culture, Miscellaneous) th Book, 4 ed., Pearson Notebook paper Ecce Romani II, 4th ed., Pearson Blue/black ink pens or pencils Ecce Romani II Language Activity Index cards th Book, 4 ed., Pearson Assignment Posting At the beginning of each unit, daily agendas, including homework will be posted on the class website: This information will also be written on the board in class daily. Students MUST either write down their homework in class or check the website. There are NO EXCUSES for not knowing what the homework is. Please check the website daily as the schedule is subject to change. Grading Policy Grades will be based on a points system. The total points will be based on homework and classwork, vocabulary quizzes, chapter quizzes, and projects. It is your responsibility to keep up with your grade via Power School. Students should expect to have homework every day and a project every quarter. Late Work/Make-up Policy Attendance is ESSENTIAL for success in Latin. Any time a student is absent, he or she is responsible for checking the website for material and assessments missed. It is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher, to ensure that missed work is made up. Missed quizzes and tests need to be made up in a timely fashion and will be arranged to fit the schedule of both the teacher and the student. Late work will be accepted until a few days before the end of each quarter, however, any work turned in late will result in a loss of 50% of the total points available. Please just turn in your work on time! Test and Project Due Days Test days are Day 5 and Day 6. You should expect to have an assessment on at least one of these days every rotation. Semester exams are worth 25% of each semester grade. The midterm will be December 18th and the final will be May 26th. Classroom Expectations The class rules fall under two headings – respect and responsibility. You need to be respectful to yourself, to me, to your peers, and to school property at all times. You are responsible for your academics, your behavior, and the consequences that follow. Be on time. Pay attention and participate in class (which mean phones away at all times!) Be prepared for class with required BE RESPECTFUL! materials. Honor Code Do NOT use online translators (such as, but not limited to, Google Translate). Do NOT copy translations of passages, exercises, etc. from online, from former students, from classmates, etc. Always use your own words on projects and cite your sources appropriately. All assessments will be pledged with the honor code (“Fides spondeo” in Latin). When working in groups in class, each member must complete all parts of the assignment. Do not have one member complete #1-3, another #4-6, and another #7-9. This is cheating and does not help you learn! Tips for Success BE PRESENT! The best way to learn Latin is to be here! Take thorough, well-organized notes in class and KEEP THEM. Ask questions in class when you do not understand. Get extra help from me during Discovery Period (sooner rather than later!). Make flashcards to study for vocab quizzes. (EXTRA CREDIT too!) Do not wait until the night before to study for a quiz or to complete a project. Retake vocabulary quizzes. You can retake any vocabulary quiz as many times as you want and earn up to full credit! You must let me know a full day in advance if you plan to come in for a retake. Try to retake a vocab quiz within a week of the original quiz. Complete every part of every assignment on time.