The Allyl Group Conjugation in Alkadienes and Allylic Systems “conjugare” conjugare”: from the Latin meaning "to link or yoke together" H H H C C H C H Vinylic versus Allylic Vinylic versus Allylic H C C H C allylic carbon vinylic carbons Vinylic versus Allylic H C C C H Vinylic hydrogens or substituents are attached to vinylic carbons. Question H C C C H Allylic hydrogens or substituents are attached to allylic carbons. How many allylic and vinylic hydrogens respectively are in cyclohexene? cyclohexene? A) 2 and 4 B) 4 and 2 C) 2 and 2 D) 6 and 2 Allylic Carbocations A tertiary allylic halide undergoes solvolysis (SN1) faster than a simple tertiary alkyl halide CH3 CH3 Allylic Carbocations H 2C C C CH C + Cl CH3 CH3 C C Cl CH3 123 1 relative rates: (ethanolysis, 45° 45°C) Allylic Carbocations Resonance Therefore: allylic carbocations are more stable than other comparable carbocations CH3 CH3 H 2C CH C+ CH3 CH3 C+ CH3 H 2C CH C+ CH3 CH3 1<2<3 2<3<1 3<1<2 2<1<3 CH C CH3 CH δ+ C CH3 Question A) B) C) D) CH3 CH3 δ+ H 2C Resonance: H2C=CH— C=CH— stabilizes C+ better than does CH3— Rank the following carbocations in order of increasing stability (least → most) + H 2C Question Which of the following compounds will yield the same carbocation on ionization? A) 1 and 3 B) 1 and 4 C) 3 and 4 D) 2 and 4 Hydrolysis of an Allylic Halide CH3 H 2C CH Cl C CH3 SN1 Reactions of Allylic Halides H 2O Na2CO3 CH3 CH3 H 2C CH (85%) Corollary Experiment CH H 2C C CH CH (85%) (85%) H 2C + CH3 CH CH C CH3 HOCH2 CH CH3 C+ CH3 CH3 CH C+ CH C CH3 Question Which compound can produce a mixture of two alcohols that are constitutional isomers, if it reacts via an SN1 mechanism? A) B) C) D) CH3 CH CH3 C CH3 + H 2C H 2C + H 2C CH3 More positive charge on tertiary carbon; therefore more tertiary alcohol in product. CH ClCH2 and ClCH CH3 CH3 CH3 H 2C CH3 Cl C C (15%) OH + C HOCH2 (15%) CH3 CH CH3 (15%) CH3 OH C C Give the same products because they form the same carbocation. Na2CO3 CH3 H 2C CH3 CH CH3 CH3 H 2O HOCH2 CH3 CH3 ClCH ClCH2 + OH C C CH3 Allylic SN2 Reactions Allylic halides also undergo SN2 reactions faster than simple primary alkyl halides. SN2 Reactions of Allylic Halides H 2C CH2 Cl CH H 3C CH2 CH2 Cl 1 80 relative rates: (I-, acetone) Allylic SN2 Reactions Allylic SN2 reactions Two factors: Two factors: Steric Electronic Trigonal carbon smaller than tetrahedral carbon. Electron delocalization lowers LUMO energy which means lower activation energy. H 2C CH H 3C CH2 Cl CH2 CH2 Cl H 2C 1 80 CH2 Cl CH H 3C CH2 CH2 Cl 1 80 relative rates: (I-, acetone) relative rates: (I-, acetone) Allylic Free Radicals are Stabilized by Electron Delocalization Allylic Free Radicals C• C C• C C C •C C C Free Radical Stabilities are Related to Bond-dissociation Energies CH3CH2CH2—H H 2C CHCH 2—H 410 kJ/mol 368 kJ/mol • CH3CH2CH2 + H• H 2C • CHCH 2 + H• C—H bond is weaker in propene because resulting radical (allyl) is more stable than radical (propyl) from propane. Question Which of the following C-H bonds would have the smallest bond dissociation energy? A) B) C) D) N-Bromosuccinimide Reagent used (instead of Br 2 / light or heat) for allylic bromination. bromination. (Milder reaction conditions.) Allylic Halogenation Br O heat NBr + Allylic halogenation is only useful when: all of the allylic hydrogens are equivalent NH O (82-87%) Example H H Cyclohexene satisfies both requirements. All allylic hydrogens are equivalent. H and the resonance forms of allylic radical are equivalent. + CCl4 O Limited Scope O H • H H H H H • Both resonance forms are equivalent. H Example 2-Butene Example CH3CH CHCH 3 All allylic hydrogens are equivalent. 2-Butene CH3CH But CHCH 3 forms Br CH3CH CH • CH2 • CH3CH CH Two resonance forms are not equivalent; gives mixture of isomeric allylic bromides. Question What is the other product formed in the reaction shown here? A) B) C) D) All allylic hydrogens are equivalent. CH2 CH3CH CH CH2 Br and CH3CH CH Two resonance forms are not equivalent; gives mixture of isomeric allylic bromides. CH2