Guild of Masonic Study Course

TEXAS LODGE OF RESEARCH Guild of Masonic Studies Quiz 1 ASSISTANT HISTORIAN Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. City …………................................... State…………………….. Zip……………………….. Lodge ………………………………………………………………Lodge No. ……………………… Grand Lodge Member No. …………………………………… E-­‐mail address ……………………………………………………………………………….. Note: Much of the information needed to pass this quiz may be found in the following: The Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas, A. F. & A. M. (GL) Monitor of the Lodge (M) The Lodge System of Candidate Information (LC) Masonry and the Mason, Grand Lodge of Texas (MM) Masonry in Texas, Dr. James D. Carter, Grand Lodge of Texas Masonic Encyclopedias (Coils, Mackey) (MT) (E) L. I. F. E. Training Program, Grand Lodge of Texas (LF) Texas Masons, Pierre G. Normand, Texas Lodge of Research Transactions of the Texas Lodge of Research (TLR) (TM) Masonic Dialogue from the Transactions and Occasional Bulletin (D) INSTRUCTIONS This lesson is designed to provide you with further opportunity to increase your knowledge of Freemasonry, the history of Texas Masonry, and the lessons found in the Entered Apprentice Degree. In addition you are encouraged to look closely at your role as a Texas Mason and recognize that the study of Masonry is a lifelong pursuit. This quiz is designed as an “open book” exam, allowing full use of the resources. You are encouraged to think about your responses, reflect, and question. The emphasis of this quiz is upon the Entered Apprentice increasing his knowledge at this level, although some questions may apply to all the Degrees of Masonry. AN ESSAY IS REQUIRED FOR EACH LESSON AND SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH THE QUIZ. Quiz I 1. What year was the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas chartered? a. 1836 b. 1835 c. 1837 d. 1845 2. The Grand Lodge of Texas received its charter from: a. The Grand Lodge of England b. The Grand Lodge of Mexico b. The Grand Lodge of Louisiana d. The Grand Lodge of South Carolina 3. What items are required to gain admission to a Texas Lodge? ____________________________ and _________________________________ 4. Which Mason is known as the “Father of Texas Public Education” and why? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. In an EA Lodge, what officers in addition to the WM, SW, and JW are required to open? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. The first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas was: a. Anson Jones b. Sam Houston d. Thomas Jefferson Rusk c. David Burnett e. Stephen Austin 7. Explain the difference between a “station” and a “place” ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 8. The Masonic Oak is a famous tree and Texas icon. It is located in what city? a. Houston b. Galveston c. Washington on the Brazos d. Victoria e. Brazoria 9. What are the names of the first three Lodges formed in Texas? _______________________, __________________________, __________________ 10. What may not be brought with you into the Lodge room? __________________________________________________________________ 11. The “immovable jewels” are: a. The square b. The compass d. a and b only c. The plumb e. a, b, and c 12. In addressing the Grand Master, what forms of address are acceptable? a. Grand Master b. Most Worshipful Sir c. Most Worshipful Brother …
d. Most Worshipful Grand Master e. All of the preceding 13. Which side of the Lodge room is known as a “place of darkness” and why? 14. What two subjects are forbidden to be discussed in the Lodge? ______________________________ and ______________________________ 15. Why is blue the color of Craft Freemasonry? 16. When was the first Grand Lodge formed? a. 1693 b. 1707 c. 1717 d. 1776 e. 1784 17. The maximum time for an EA to return his proficiency is: a. 14 days b. 4 weeks c. 30 days d. 60 days e. 1 year 18. The minimum time for an EA to return his proficiency is: a. 14 days b. n 4 weeks c. 30 days e. 60 days e. 1 year 19. Which of the following is most true? a. The first and second Presidents of the Republic were Masons b. The first three Presidents of the Republic were Masons c. All the Presidents and Vice-­‐presidents of the Republic of Texas were Masons d. None of the above 20. How many times may a member speak on a topic? a. Once b. Twice c. Three times d. Four times e. No limit 21. What passage is the Holy Bible opened to in the E.A. Degree in the U. S. A.? ___________________________________________ 22. What is a “cubit”? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 23. What is the significance to Masons of June 24th? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 24. In the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas, where are “Masonic Disciplinary Violations” found? Article _________________________ 25. As an Entered Apprentice you are a Mason. Can you vote or demit? Yes ____ No ___ 26. The “Holy Saints John” refers to: a. Three people in the Bible d. John the Devine b. John the Baptist c. John the Evangelist e. (b and c) 27. Which Lodge officer is not seated when the Lodge is opened? __________________ 28. What is a cable tow? ____________________________________________________________ 29. George Washington was a Mason. Name six other presidents that were Masons: ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ 30. Who was William Morgan and what was his relationship to Freemasonry? ____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ 31. What are the “Principle Tenets” of Freemasonry? A.__________________________________________________________________________
C.__________________________________________________________________________ 32. What is the difference between a “stated” meeting and a “called” meeting? ____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ 33. The Grand Lodge of Texas is located in what city? ___________________________________ 34. Masonry is described as a “system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated in symbols”. Allegory means: ____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ 35. In the EA, a candidate must assume an obligation. An obligation is a. A promise only b. Evidence of the candidate’s sincerity of purpose c. Different the an oath d. All of the above 36. What is the meaning of the word “cowan”? ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ 37. How many lodges belonged to the first Grand Lodge in England? _______________ 38. The presiding Master should remove his hat when a. Talking to or about Deity? Yes____ No ____ b. For the pledges to the flags? Yes ____ No ____ c. When introducing a Lodge speaker? Yes ____ No ____ c. When announcing a brother’s death? Yes ____ No ____ d. When tendering the gavel to another? Yes ____ No ____ 39. There are two Wardens’ columns in the Lodge. They are named _______________________and _____________________. 40. Who is responsible for the altar arrangements? ____________________________________ 41. Must all officers of a Lodge be Masons? If not, which officers may not be Masons? _____________________________ Yes ____ No ____ ___________________________________________________________ 42. What is the difference between “speculative” masonry and “operative” masonry? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 43. The altar in the Lodge a. Symbolizes religious worship b. Symbolizes faith c. Symbolizes a search for light d. Is the focus of Masonic life in the Lodge e. ( B, c, and d ) 44. How many changes are found in “The Charges of a Freemason” ? a. 3 45. Texas declared independence from Mexico because its government had a. Failed to establish any public system of education b. Denied the right of worship according to the dictates of the of the people’s b. 4 conscience c. c. 6 d. 7 e. 9 Overturned the 1823 Constitution of Mexico, which had invited Anglos to colonize Texas 46. d. All of the above e. ( b and c ) As an EA can you visit any Masonic Lodge in Texas? Yes ____ No ____ 47. The cable tow is a symbol of ___________________________________ 48. Which officer accompanies the EA in his initiation? ______________________ 49. Three principle beliefs of Masons are found in Brotherly love, relief, and truth. What is “Brotherly love”? _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 50. The earliest record of Masonic ritual is found in a document known as the “Regius Manuscript”. This document was written around a. 1066 A.D. b. 1229 A. D. 51. List three guidelines by which a Lodge may be deemed to be “regular” a. _______________________________________________ b. _______________________________________________ c. _______________________________________________ 52. What Grand Lodge Officer is charged to answer questions concerning Regular and irregular lodges? 53. Approximately how many Master Masons are there in the State of d. 1390 A. D. c. 1255 A. D. e. 1452 A. D. _______________________________ Texas? _________________________________ 54. The Tiler is in charge of what “implement” ? ______________________________ 55. The dimensions of the Texas apron are __________in. by _____________in. 56. Except for Degree work, no one should walk between the Worshipful Master and ____________________________. 57. If the Grand Master is visiting your Lodge, your Worshipful Master is presiding, and no other Grand officers are present, upon rising to your feet, how should you address the East in order to speak? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 58. Masonic dates often are written with the letters “A. L”” which refers to a. Another Lodge b. After Light c. “Acceptus Longe” (Latin for Accepted Lodge) d. None of the above 59. Who is responsible for the accuracy of the minutes of a Lodge? __________________________________________ 60. What implements indicate whether a Lodge is “at labor” or “at refreshment”? ______________________________________________________________ 61. “Circumambulation” within the Lodge room means ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 62. Who sets the dress code for a Lodge? ______________________________________________________________ 63. “Cowan” is an old Scottish word which means an ignorant Mason who a. Puts stones together without mortar b. Piled rough stones in a field with working them into a square c. Is with the word d. Is an apprentice who tried to masquerade as a Master e. All of the above 64. An ashlar is _________________________________________________. 65. What symbolism is associated with the “rough” ashlar? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 66. Nowadays the apron may be worn inside the coat? 67. The gavel in the Worshipful Master’s hand is a symbol of _______________________. 68. How may a member speak to an issue under consideration in Lodge? a. _____________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________ c. _____________________________________________ 69. Where in the Bible is God described as the “Great Architect”? a. Genesis 70. What are the four cardinal Virtues and why are they considered “cardinal”? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 71. What are the “movable” Jewels in the Lodge room? b. I Kings c. II Kings Yes____ No ____ d. Chronicles e. Nowhere a. ________________________________________ b. _______________________________________ c. ________________________________________ 72. What are the “ornaments” of the Lodge? a. ________________________________________ b. ________________________________________ c. ________________________________________ 73. Who was Anson Jones and what was his part in Texas Masonry? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 74. What is the “rite of discalceation”? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 75. To be “profane” means ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 76. What is a “charge” as found in Masonry? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 77. The Grand Lodge of Texas meets a. How often? ______ b. When? __________________________________ c. Where? __________________________________ 78. As an EA, can I attend Grand Lodge when in session? 79. What is the central source for historic Masonic materials in Texas? _____________________________________________________ 80. May an EA be an officer in and EA Lodge? 81. What officer is responsible for “The Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas”? ___________________________________________ 82. Can an EA serve as an officer in a Masters’ Lodge? If yes, how? ________________________________________________________ 83. As an EA, what three great duties are you charged to inculcate? a. _______________________________________ b. _______________________________________ c. _______________________________________ 84. The Lodge has three principal supports and they are a. _________________________________ b. _________________________________ c. _________________________________ 85. What symbols are found on the Stewards’ rods? Yes ____ Yes ____ No ____ No ____ Yes ___ No ___ Sr. Steward _____________________________________ Jr. Steward 86. The Texas Lodge of Research was established on __________________, __________. 87. A listing of all Texas Lodges, officers, and attendant information may be found in what ____________________________________ book? ______________________________________________________________ 88. Many early Texas Lodges were “lunar” Lodges. What does that mean? ___________________________________________________________________ 89. Many Masons were at the fall of the Alamo. Name four: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 90. What is a “Lodge of Sorrow”? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 91. As an EA, may you solicit for membership? Yes ____ 92. King Solomon’s Temple is modeled after what structure? ___________________ 93. What is a “hoodwink”? 94. What is the length of my cabletow? a. 3 miles as declared in the Baltimore Masonic Convention of 1843 b. The scope of a Brother’s reasonable ability c. A tie as long as a man’s conscience dictates d. The same as an ancient cubit as mentioned in the Bible e. (a, b, and c) No ____ __________________________________________ 95. What significance has the Goliad to Texas Masons? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 96. What is the definition of an “entered apprentice”? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 97. What is the Masonic significance of December 27th? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 98. What does “obdurate” mean? _________________________________________________________ 99. Why are Masons referred to as “Freemasons”? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 100. In Masonic terms, what is “Light”? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ QUIZ I -­‐ Essay To complete this portion of the lesson, you must prepare a 2-­‐3 page (500-­‐600 word) essay responding to one of the questions below. While this essay may not be published, in terms of the format of the you are referred to the Texas Lodge of Research “FORM AND STYLE MANUAL” obtainable from the TLR Senior Warden or at under the link “Style sheet”. {A reasonable suggestion is “reflect, write, revise” several times, before submission.} QUESTIONS RESPOND TO ONE ONLY 1. What does the phrase, “brought from darkness to Light”, mean to you and how was your initiation important in refining that definition in your personal life? 2. How will you best apply the admonition to always walk and act as a just and upright Mason to both your personal and professional life? 3. You came to Masonry with expectations. What were they and what expectations do you perceive Masonry has of you? 4. As an Entered Apprentice you are to be tested as to proficiency. Why is this done and Is it important? 5. The number 3 is significant to Masons. Reflect upon that significance and where you see it in the Lodge and Masonic lessons. Guild of Masonic Studies Quiz 2 ASSOCIATE HISTORIAN Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. City …………................................... State…………………….. Zip……………………….. Lodge ………………………………………………………………Lodge No. ……………………… Grand Lodge Member No. …………………………………… E-­‐mail address ……………………………………………………………………………….. Note: Much of the information needed to pass this quiz may be found in the following: The Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas, A. F. & A. M. (GL) Monitor of the Lodge (M) The Lodge System of Candidate Information (LC) Masonry and the Mason, Grand Lodge of Texas (MM) Masonry in Texas, Dr. James D. Carter, Grand Lodge of Texas Masonic Encyclopedias (Coils, Mackey) (MT) (E) L. I. F. E. Training Program, Grand Lodge of Texas (LF) Texas Masons, Pierre G. Normand, Texas Lodge of Research Transactions of the Texas Lodge of Research (TLR) (TM) Masonic Dialogue from the Transactions and Occasional Bulletin (D) INSTRUCTIONS This lesson is designed to provide you with further opportunity to increase your knowledge of Freemasonry, the history of Texas Masonry, and the lessons found in the Entered Apprentice Degree. In addition you are encouraged to look closely at your role as a Texas Mason and recognize that the study of Masonry is a lifelong pursuit. This quiz is designed as an “open book” exam, allowing full use of the resources. You are encouraged to think about your responses, reflect, and question. The emphasis of this quiz is upon the Entered Apprentice increasing his knowledge at this level, although some questions may apply to all the Degrees of Masonry. AN ESSAY IS REQUIRED FOR EACH LESSON AND SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH THE QUIZ. Quiz 2 1. How many officers are required to open a Fellowcraft Mason’s Lodge? _____ 2. What are the principal working tools of a Fellowcraft Mason? ______________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the five human senses? _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Which of the human senses are most revered by Masonry? ________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. The FC degree is centered on the building of King Solomon’s Temple. What section of your Bible describes the building of the Temple? _______________________________________ 6. The Temple took how many years to construct: a. 7 7. The trivium of the Seven Liberal Arts are: a. _________________ 8. The quadrivium of the Seven Liberal Arts are: a. ______________________ b. __________________ 9. What are the five Orders of Architecture? a. _____________________ b. __________________ d. _____________________ e. ____________________ 10. Which of the above Orders is considered the simplest? _______________________ b. 10 c. 20 d. 30 b. ________________ c. _________________ e. 40 c. ____________ d. ______________ c. _______________ 11. King Solomon employed “aliens” to work on the Temple. Name three such groups: a. __________________ b. ________________ c. _____________________ 12. Who rises upon two raps by the Worshipful Master? _________________________________________________________________ 13. Where may one find the order of business for a stated meeting? _________________________________________________________________ 14. What are the names of the two globes found in the Fellowcraft degree? _________________________ and __________________________ 15. The two globes adorn the two pillars of the Porch. They symbolize: a. Peace & Plenty d. Geometry & Astronomy 16. From what country did the timber originate that was used in the construction of the Temple? a. Egypt 17. The Bible is opened to what section when the Lodge is opened in the Fellowcraft degree? Book ______________________ Chapter ___________ 18. What types of Lodge meetings are there? _______________________________________________________________ 19. How many steps does the Winding Staircase contain? a. 3 20. The EA degree is symbolic of youth and the preparation for life. The FC degree is symbolic b. Science & Wisdom b. Israel b. 5 e. Logic & Rhetoric c. Lebanon c. 7 c. New and Old Testaments d. Forests of Jordan e. Iran d. 9 e. 15 of ___________________________ with increased duties and obligations. 21. Three (3) Governors of Texas have been Grand Masters? a. True _____ b. False ______ 22. What are the wages of a Fellowcraft Mason? ___________________________________ 23. The names of the brazen pillars are: _____________________and ___________________ 24. Masonry was originally synonymous with what term? ___________________________ 25. How many times may a Lodge member speak on a given subject at the same meeting? _____________ times 26. What are the exceptions to # 25? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 27. Sam Houston was the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Teas. Who were the next two? a. ___________________________ b. ___________________________ 28. The FC apron may be worn outside the coat? a. True ____________ 29. The maximum time allowed for a FC to return his proficiency is: b. 14 days b. 4 weeks 30. b. False ___________ c. 30 days d. 60 days e. 1 year The minimum time for a FC to return his proficiency is: a. There is no minimum b. 7 days c. 30 days e. 90 days e. 1 year 31. The Grand Lodge of Texas meets annually in Waco during the first week in: a. January 32. The Fellowcraft Lodge is held in what location: b. May c. September d. November e. December ___________________________________________ 33. What three items symbolize “plenty” ? a. ____________________ b. ____________________ c. ______________________ 34. What are the duties of the Junior Deacon? ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 35. What are the duties of the Senior Deacon? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 36. What are the two denominations of Masonry? __________________________________ and __________________________________ 37. Where are the sacred mysteries safely lodged? __________________________________ 38. Who wrote the first Constitutions of Freemasonry? ______________________________ 39. What did Hiram King of Tyre supply in the building of King Solomon’s Temple? ________________________________________________________________ 40. Only prayers listed in the Monitor may be used to open and close a Fellowcraft Mason’s Lodge.
a. True __________ b. False ___________ 41. A Fellowcraft Mason must return his work in the lodge in whi9ch he received his degree. a. True ________ 42. May disciplinary hearings be conducted for EA’s and FC’s ? a. Yes _______ 43. How many officers in a Lodge are elected? a. 3 44. When are the officers of a Fellowcraft Mason’s Lodge installed? ___________________________________________________________________ 45. In a FC Lodge an EA may be the tiler. a. True ____ 46. What does “purge the Lodge” mean? ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b. 5 b. False __________ b. No ___________ c. 7 d. 9 e. All are elected b. False ____ 47. What is considered the “noblest instrument for improving the mind”? _____________________________________________________________________ 48. The FC degree contains a reference to a great battle found in the Book of Judges. In this account who was the leader of Israelites? ___________________________________ 49. What people this leader fight against? a. Egyptians b. Romans 50. How many of the enemy were slain? a. 2,000 51. The letter G is used in the FC degree and symbolizes ___________________________ and _________________________________ 52. Who was the first Grand Master of the Premiere Grand Lodge of 1717? _______________________________________ 53. Fellowcraft Lodges are governed by “Roberts Rules of Order”. a. True _____ 54. How many votes are required to approve a Fellowcraft’s proficiency in the trial lectures? ___________________________________________________ 55. How many black cubes and white balls are required to be in the ballot box? ______________________________________________________________ 56. In approaching the ballot box to vote, what sign must be given to the East? _____________________________________________________________ 57. Wine often is mentioned in the Old Testament in connection with what other two substances? b. 10,000 c. Ephraimites c. 20,000 d. Greeks d. 40,000 e. Persians e. 120,000 b. False ____ ____________________ and _________________________ 58. What unit of length was used in the description of the dimensions of King Solomon’s Temple? ______________________________________ 59. What is the Masonic significance of June 24th to the Fraternity? ________________________________________________________________ 60. What book annually lists the lodges which a Texas Mason may visit? _______________________________________________________________ 61. What is the title of the book listing all active lodges under the Grand Lodge of Texas? _______________________________________________________________ 62. How is the Great Light of Masonry illuminated? _______________________________________________________________ 63. In referring to the construction of King Solomon’s Temple, what is a “talent” ? _______________________________________________________________ 64. What king destroyed the Temple? 65. An EA and FC in good standing are entitled to a Masonic burial. a. True ____ 66. Fellowcraft Masons may appear in public wearing their aprons, provided the Lodge has a King _______________________________ b. False ____ dispensation to appear in public. a. True ____ b. False ____ 67. Upon visiting another Lodge as Fellowcraft, what must you show to gain admission? ____________________________________________________________________ 68. As a Fellowcraft, can you serve on an Investigation Committee? a. Yes _____ 69. Members aprons may be made of the following materials: a. _______________________ or b. __________________________. 70. What is the 47th Proposition (Problem) of Euclid or the Pythagorean theorem? ______________________________________________________________ 71. What is a “clandestine” Lodge? _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 72. The EA degree is referred to as an “initiation”, while the FC degree is known b. No _____ as a “________________________”. 73. Freemasonry was introduced in Texas in December 27, 1835 by the formation of a Lodge at what city? ________________________________ 74. What stage of life does the Fellowcraft Degree represent? ________________________ 75. The square is a symbol of ___________________________. 76. Name three sacred books that may be placed on the altar. ____________________, _______________________, ________________________ 77. In addressing envelopes, what is the acceptable form of address? _______________ John Smith or abbreviated ____________ John Smith 78. In what book are the duties of the Lodge Officers stated? ______________________________________________ 79. In most lodges what officer serves as the parliamentarian and legal adviser? _______________________________________ 80. A Fellowcraft Mason cannot dimit from a Lodge. a. True ____ 81. Where in “The Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas A.F. & A.M. “ list of “Masonic b. False ____ Disciplinary Violations” found? Chapter ________ Title _________ 82. Does the remarriage of the widow of a Mason affect the Masonic obligation to orphaned children of that Mason? a. Yes ____ b. No ____ 83. What the “furniture of the Lodge”? ______________________________________________________________________ 84. What officer is entrusted with maintaining the harmony of the Lodge when the Lodge is at labor? _______________________________________ 85. In the Fellowcraft charge geometry “proves the wonderful properties of Nature”, but more importantly demonstrates truths of what? Truths of ________________________ 86. In geometry, what is a “superficies” ? ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 87. What is the number of the ancient “Charges of a Freemason” ? a. 3 88. The first ancient charge addresses what two topics? b. 5 c. 6 d. 12 e. 25 ____________________ and _________________________ 89. In ancient times, what were “cowans” ? _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 90. The installation of new Lodge officers must be held between what dates? __________________________ to ______________________________ 91. Who is the official representative of the Grand Master in a district? _______________________________________________ 92. What is the minimum number of recommenders required on a petition for the mysteries? a. 1 93. What does the expression “NPD” mean in lodge business? _______________________________________________ 94. Who is responsible for the comparing and harmonizing the work and lectures of the first three degrees? __________________________________________________ 95. What is an “endowed membership” ? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 96. The passing of two or more candidates for the FC degree is strictly forbidden. a. True ______ 97. In a FC Lodge, who is entitled to vote upon the proficiency of a candidate? ____________________________________________ 98. Who is responsible for opening and closing the sacred book? b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 b. False _____ _______________________________________ 99. Are cipher books allowed in the Lodge room or on Lodge premises? a. Yes _____ 100. Under Article 505 of the Grand Lodge “Laws”, what is the eighth (8th) Masonic Disciplinary? b. No _____ violation? ___________________________________________________________ QUIZ 2 -­‐ Essay To complete this portion of the lesson, you must prepare a 2-­‐3 page (500-­‐600 word) essay responding to one of the questions below. While this essay may not be published, in terms of the format of the you are referred to the Texas Lodge of Research “FORM AND STYLE MANUAL” obtainable from the TLR Senior Warden or at under the link “Style sheet”. {A reasonable suggestion is “reflect, write, revise” several times, before submission.} QUESTIONS RESPOND TO ONE ONLY 1. What is the difference between Operative Masonry and Speculative Masonry? 2. What lessons for you are found in the Middle Chamber and the explanation of the letter G? 3. What does the “undiscovered country” mean to you? 4. As a Fellowcraft Mason, what additional obligations have you assumed and how do you expect to incorporate them, into your life? 5. What Masonic lessons can you learn from Geometry? Be specific . Quiz 3 JOURNEYMAN HISTORIAN Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. City …………................................... State…………………….. Zip……………………….. Lodge ………………………………………………………………Lodge No. ……………………… Grand Lodge Member No. …………………………………… E-­‐mail address ……………………………………………………………………………….. Note: Much of the information needed to pass this quiz may be found in the following: The Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas, A. F. & A. M. (GL) Monitor of the Lodge (M) The Lodge System of Candidate Information (LC) Masonry and the Mason, Grand Lodge of Texas (MM) Masonry in Texas, Dr. James D. Carter, Grand Lodge of Texas Masonic Encyclopedias (Coils, Mackey) (MT) (E) L. I. F. E. Training Program, Grand Lodge of Texas (LF) Texas Masons, Pierre G. Normand, Texas Lodge of Research (TM) Transactions of the Texas Lodge of Research (TLR) Masonic Dialogue from the Transactions and Occasional Bulletin (D) INSTRUCTIONS This lesson is designed to provide you with further opportunity to increase your knowledge of Freemasonry, the history of Texas Masonry, and the lessons found in the Entered Apprentice Degree. In addition you are encouraged to look closely at your role as a Texas Mason and recognize that the study of Masonry is a lifelong pursuit. This quiz is designed as an “open book” exam, allowing full use of the resources. You are encouraged to think about your responses, reflect, and question. The emphasis of this quiz is upon the Entered Apprentice increasing his knowledge at this level, although some questions may apply to all the Degrees of Masonry. AN ESSAY IS REQUIRED FOR EACH LESSON AND SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH THE QUIZ. Quiz 3 1. What is the principal working tool of a Master Mason? _________________________ 2. The sprig of Acacia symbolizes what? ________________________________________ 3. As a Master Mason, you are charged to admonish your brethren. What does “admonish” mean? _________________________________________________ 4. The most important lesson found in the Third Degree deals with what? __________________________________________________________________ 5. If the Holy Bible is open upon the Altar for the MM degree, to what chapter is it opened? 6. The three steps on the Master’s carpet are emblematical of the principal stages of _____________________________________________________ a man’s life. These stages are: a.__________________ b.____________________ c. ______________________ 7. To Masons what symbol is considered a symbol of industry? __________________ 8. The George Washington Masonic Memorial is located in what city and state? ____________________________________________ 9. During the Third Degree what Bible passages are read? _________________________________________________________________ 10. What is the meaning of the word “dotage” ? a. Mental powers decrease b. Mental powers increase c. Moral decay d. Physical powers decrease e. Being old 11. What is the website listing for the Texas Grand Lodge? ___________________________________________________________________ 12. Of the following: (1). Mount Moriah (2). Jerusalem (3). Near the Mosque of Sakhra Where was King Solomon’s Temple erected? a. (1) only b. (2) only c. (3) only d. (1) and (2) e. all of the above 13. What is the Tiler’s Oath ? _________________________________________________ 14. Public Schools Week normally is scheduled in what month? ____________________ 15. In I Kings, Hiram Abif is said to be the son of a widow’s son of the Tribe of Naphtali and as a worker in _________________. 16. List the three historic Masonic sites commemorated each year by Texas Masons: a. ____________________________________ b. ____________________________________ c. ____________________________________ 17. List seven (7) United States Presidents who have been Freemasons: a. _________________________ b. ______________________ c. _________________________ d. ______________________ e. _________________________ f. _______________________ g. _________________________ 18. How much and from what degree is a fee contributed to the George Washington Masonic Memorial? $ ______________ from _________________ (degree) 19. The anchor and ark are symbols of ______________ and ____________________. 20. The Golden Trowel Award guidelines are prepared and distributed by what Grand Lodge Committee? ____________________________________________ 21. When Hiram Abif was slain by one of the Fellowcraft, what was lost to Freemasonry? a. The master plan of the Temple b. The designs on the trestle board c. The Word of a Master Mason d. The test word of a Master Mason e. The secrets of a Master Mason 22. What is an allegory? _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 23. A Master Mason must return his proficiency within: a. 30 days 24. What award does a Lodge use to recognize Public Schools Week? _________________________________________ 25. What are the four “Cardinal Points” and what do they represent? (a). ______________________________________ (b). ______________________________________ (c). ______________________________________ (d). ______________________________________ 26. To how many Lodges in Texas may a Texas Master Mason belong? a. 1 27. Subject the Grand Lodge Law and Lodge By-­‐laws, may a Worshipful Master open and b. 60 days b. 2 c. 90 days c. 3 close his Lodge at his will and pleasure? 28. e. 2 years d. no more than 5 a. Yes _____ e. There is no limit B. No _____ In “The Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas”, what article provides for Masonic Widows? 29. d. 1 year ______________________________________ The hourglass is a symbol of ______________________________________. 30. Unless a dispensation is issued by the Grand Master, ballots must be taken at a Stated meeting. a. True _____ b. False _____ 31. What Texas Freemason was President of the Republic when Texas was annexed into the United States of America? _______________________________________ 32. Give four (4) forms by which the Grand Master may be addressed: a. ________________________________________ b. ________________________________________ c. ________________________________________ d. _______________________________________ 33. What are the three principal tenets of Freemasonry? a. __________________ 34. Any member of a Lodge in this jurisdiction may protest either orally, or in writing, b. ____________________ c. ______________________ a candidate for any degree, either before or after his election. a. True _____ 35. b. False _____ A right-­‐angled triangle of three (3) feet base and four (4) feet in height, has a line of __________ feet joining the free ends of the two legs? 36. “The sword pointing to the naked heart reminds that _________________will soon or later overtake us”. 37. What is a “Lodge of Sorrow”? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 38. List the titles of the first four officers of the Grand Lodge of Texas: a. ___________________________ b. _______________________________ c. ___________________________ d. _______________________________ 39. What is the difference between a common sword and a “flaming” sword? ____________________________________________________________________ 40. In the Third Degree, Hiram, King of Tyre, had what responsibilities in the erection of King Solomon’s Temple? _____________________________________________ 41. According to Article 278, a “hat” is described as what? ___________________________________________________________________ 42. Only Past Masters may vote at Grand Lodge. a. True ____ 43. Name three ceremonies in Masonry that may be presented in public. a. _________________________ b. _____________________________ c. __________________________ 44. What are the immovable jewels? a. __________________________ b. _____________________________ c. __________________________ 45. What was the model for King Solomon’s Temple? __________________________ 46. An officer selected as “pro tempore” may serve only for one month. a. True _____ 47. What is a “non-­‐affiliated” Mason? ______________________________________ b. False b. False _____ 48. George Washington was a charter Master of what Lodge? ___________________________No. ________ 49. Allegations of a Masonic Disciplinary violation must be in writing and signed by the accuser and submitted to the Grand Secretary for action by the Grand Master. a. True _____ 50. All officers in being set to work in a “Lodge Under Dispensation” are appointed. a. True _____ 51. What does “pectoral” mean? ___________________________________________ 52. A member who has served as Master or a Warden is not eligible for the Golden Trowel b. False ____ b. False ____ award until how many years after the date he completes his term of Office in a Texas Lodge? a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years e. 5 years 53. What Grand Officers are elected? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 54. In a vote by ballot and after the WM, SW, JW, and Secretary have voted, who next votes? ____________________________________ 55. Is the Bible presentation a part of the Master Mason’s degree? a. Yes ______ 56. What are the relative positions of the Wardens’ columns and what do they signify? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 57. What is the first gift of a Lodge to new Master Mason? ___________________________________________________________ 58. “Jacob’s Ladder” consists of how many steps? a. 3 b. 5 b. No _____ c. 7 d. 11 e. 27 59. What is the “Right of Visit”? ____________________________________________ 60. Who is portrayed standing next to the “Broken Column” holding a sprig of acacia? ________________________________________________________ 61. What may not be appointed as Trial Master in a Masonic Disciplinary Trial? ____________________________________________________ 62. After a petition for the Degrees is submitted to the Lodge, may it be withdrawn? a. Yes ____ 63. Can protest be submitted to the Worshipful Master by telephone? a. Yes ____ 64. How should the Bible, Square, and Compasses be displayed at a Masonic burial? ________________________________________________________ 65. “Before entering upon any laudable enterprise, we should first” do what? __________________________________________________________ 66. At the beginning of Lodge the Master gives one rap of the gavel. All members present b. No ____ b. No ____ should do what? ________________________________________________________ 67. May a Worshipful Master sitting in the East offer a motion to the Lodge? a. Yes ____ 68. What Masonic term is used to name the “Holy of Holies” in King Solomon’s Temple? ________________________________________________ 69. What is a Pentalpha? _____________________________________________________________ 70. The Grand Lodge awards service awards for the following years of service: a. 50 years 71. b. No ____ b. 60 years c. 65 years d. 70 years e. all of the preceding It is a Masonic Disciplinary Violation to traduce, slander, libel or falsely accuse any person. a. True ____ b. False ____ 72. The two great pillars of King Solomon’s Temple were called what? _______________________ and __________________________ 73. Tranquility Lodge, No. 2000, has its see, or seat of authority, located where? __________________________________________________ 74. An installed Warden dies in office. May a replacement be elected to fill the office? a. Yes ____ 75. To a Mason time is represented by what? _________________________________________________________________ 76. In the representation of the hourglass, wings are attached. What is the significance of the wings ? _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 77. For a Texas Mason, conviction of a felony by any court of competent jurisdiction of this b. No ____ or any other state of the United States, or by any federal court of the United States shall result in automatic suspension or expulsion. a. True ____ b. False ____ 78. A Lodge’s dues are determined by whom? _____________________________________________________________ 79. Give two reasons a Lodge Charter may be seized by the Grand Master: (1). _________________________________________________________ (2). _________________________________________________________ 80. What is the territorial jurisdiction of the Texas Lodge of Research? ____________________________________________________________ 81. No dispensation or charter for a new Lodge shall be granted bearing the name of a living person. a. True _____ 82. b. False ____ How many Lodges represented at a Communication of the Grand Lodge constitute a quorum? a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50 e. 60 83. After installation an officer cannot dimit until his successor is installed. a. True ____ 84. What does “circumspect” mean to a Mason? b. False ____ __________________________________________________________________ 85. What is the “Gift of Life” Program? __________________________________________________________________ 86. In admitting a visitor to a Lodge, what does “lawful avouchment” mean? __________________________________________________________________ 87. Excluding Past Masters, a Lodge has how many votes at a Grand Lodge Communication? a. 1 88. Name five organizations which may use the Lodge and Anterooms: (1). ___________________________ (2). _____________________________ (3). ___________________________ (3). _____________________________ (6). ___________________________ 89. What where the second and third Grand Lodges? (1) Grand Lodge of ____________________ (2) Grand Lodge of ____________________ 90. Name three classes of brethren which Grand Lodge law specifically exempt b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. 7 from payment of Lodge dues: (1) _____________________________________________ (2) _____________________________________________ (3) _____________________________________________ 91. What are the two requirements that have to be completed before being installed as a Worshipful Master? (1). _________________________________________________________ (2). _________________________________________________________ 92. What article of the Laws of Grand Lodge describe the “Necessary Paraphernalia for Lodges in Texas”? Article __________________________ 93. The root word for fraternity is “frater”. What does “frater” mean? ______________________________________________________________ 94. The Lodge Secretary makes all payments of Lodge funds on order of the Worshipful Master and ____________________________________________. 95. What is the Masonic significance of June 24th? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 96. What are the names of three great supports of the Lodge? (1) ___________________ (2) ___________________ (3) __________________ 97. What is a setting-­‐maul? __________________________________________________________________ 98. The ordinary use of profane is one who is irreligious or irreverent, but to the Mason, Profane means ignorant of ______________________________. 99. The Lost Word is symbolic of death, while the True Word is a symbol of _______________________________. 100. In the installation of Lodge officers the Installing Officer charges the officers to have but one aim. What is that aim? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 3 -­‐ Essay To complete this portion of the lesson, you must prepare a 2-­‐3 page (500-­‐600 word) essay responding to one of the questions below. While this essay may not be published, in terms of the format of the you are referred to the Texas Lodge of Research “FORM AND STYLE MANUAL” obtainable from the TLR Senior Warden or at under the link “Style sheet”. {A reasonable suggestion is “reflect, write, revise” several times, before submission.} QUESTIONS: RESPOND TO ONE ONLY 1. What is the significance of the number “3” to the Master Mason? 2. What does “upon the square” mean to you both inside and outside the Lodge room? 3. As a Master Mason what do you feel is expected of you and what can you do to support your Lodge? 4. Supporting public schools and public education are a part of our Masonic tradition in Texas. Describe the historic connection between Freemasonry and public education, its beginnings, past, and what we do now. 5. What lessons of the Third Degree do you feel most important to you and how do you see their application in your life? 