CASE STUDY The Case of Geisinger Health System The Challenge: Needed a Third Party Evaluation Geisinger Health System was looking for an independent third party to identify the competitive strengths and weaknesses of the Geisinger Help Desk. Their ideal partner would be able to provide a strategy and recommendations for building a cost-effective and efficient support organization to ensure the highest quality of support to their employees and medical staff. The Solution: Identified Strengths and Weaknesses What to do with the recommendations a HealthCheckTM assessment offers? Team with an experienced partner to quickly implement the suggestions to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Geisinger selected Apollo Health Street to perform a HealthCheckTM to evaluate the overall performance of their Help Desk. The HealthCheck evaluated key components relative to the Help Desk operations, thus presenting management with a measurable tool. This evaluation process enabled the HealthCheck to emulate a “report card” detailing the current conditions of the Help Desk and its performance within the business environment. The HealthCheck assessment identified the gaps between their current state, and made recommendations to eliminate weaknesses and reinforce strengths. With clear recommendations for improvement, Geisinger Help Desk became the single point of contact for all support-related issues throughout the Geisinger healthcare environment. The following were a few of the key recommendations documented during the HealthCheck: t Implement a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manual t Create a Knowledge Article template and update/create Knowledge Articles t $SFBUFBTUSVDUVSFEOFXIJSFUSBJOJOHQMBO t $SFBUFBNBSLFUJOHCSPDIVSFPVUMJOJOHUIFTFSWJDFTPGUIF)FMQ%FTL t $SFBUFB4FSWJDF-FWFM"HSFFNFOU4-" CBTFEPOUIFMFWFMPGTFSWJDFUIF)FMQ Desk will attempt to provide t "TTJHOBSFTPVSDFUPQFSGPSNUIFSPMFTBOESFTQPOTJCJMJUJFTPGB,OPXMFEHF Engineer and Training Coordinator t $POTJEFSPVUTPVSDJOHPGDBMMWPMVNF The HealthCheck assessment outlining the gaps and recommendations for correcting was presented to Geisinger senior management. Apollo proposed a ten-week consulting CASE STUDY engagement that assigned responsibility for completing specific deliverables. Geisinger engaged Apollo to work with Help Desk management to help develop and deliver several of the key recommendations within the HealthCheck. The Result: Outsourced Call Volume for Increased Resources Apollo created a project plan outlining the specific deliverables and timelines for both the Apollo and Geisinger team members for completing specific tasks. Geisinger agreed UPPVUTPVSDFPGUIFJSDBMMWPMVNFUPPVSGBDJMJUZJO"NFSJDVT(FPSHJBUPGSFFVQ the resources needed to create and update knowledge articles and develop a new hire training plan. Over the ten-week consulting engagement the Geisinger Help Desk was provided with the following deliverables: t 4UBOEBSE0QFSBUJOH1SPDFEVSFT401 t ,OPXMFEHF.BOBHFNFOU1SPDFTT t ,OPXMFEHF.BOBHFNFOU*NQMFNFOUBUJPOJO4IBSF1PJOU t /FXIJSFUSBJOJOHQMBO t 5SBOTJUJPOUPPVUTPVSDFPGPG(FJTJOHFSDBMMWPMVNF t .BSLFUJOHCSPDIVSFTIPXDBTJOHBMMUIFTFSWJDFTPGGFSFECZUIF(FJTJOHFS)FMQ Desk t 4FSWJDF-FWFM"HSFFNFOU4-" CBTFEPOMFWFMPGTFSWJDFTPGGFSFECZ)FMQ%FTL t -"/%FTL3FNPUF$POUSPMQSPDFEVSFT t (FJTJOHFS3PPU$BVTF"OBMZTJT1SPDFTTGPSUIF)FMQ%FTL t 6OJWFSTBM)FMQ%FTL4LJMMT"TTFTTNFOU5FTU Geisinger and Apollo worked together to significantly improve the operations of the Geisinger Help Desk. By performing the HealthCheck and following the necessary recommendations, Geisinger now had a cost-effective and efficient support organization.