IT 104 133 FIGURE 4-l 134 IT I04 135 136 IT104 ITIfJ4 137 133 IT104 IT 104 139 ! 140 IT 104 i‘ IT 104 141 I- 142 -r------ Disk IT104 rr 104 143 144 IT 104 IBM PC/XT/AT seagate Hard Dtsk Chsk capmty (bytes) Track capac. Ity (bytes) No of cylm ders Tracks per Cyknder Avg seek tme IT in4 3330 3340 3350 33% &zOM 1 :sF 8,704 13~030 6366 19,069 3’ 744 820 404 696 555 1~500 1 g,,e : -.. 19 30 rns 12 25 ms 30 25 nls .12 30 ms 12 19 nls ‘: 1Ei* 63ms tO1ms 63~1s 806K 6&K 625K 1.198K 571M 3375 1M)M 6 40 ms 7 0 M 316M 3370 40M Avg mtat~onal delay Data transter rate (per sec‘JW IBM-Type D!sk Drwe 35616 474* 10lms 10tms 63* 1 859K 1.659K 3~* 145 mr 146 I: IT104 FIGURES-12 IT104 147 148 IT 104 IT 104 149 I 150 IT104 FIGURE 4-15 Watwe record organizahon on disk, Record Number IT 104 151 152 IT JO4 IT 104 153 Adding record FIGURE 4-17 121 lo Ihe end 01 the indexed file cwses a new entry in the index that identities the record’s loca. lion I” the file. 154 ,ndex l%mid Number ,20 , 121 9 122 2 125 3 1M s 137 6 1.1 I 143 0 N”llW~ *mount 126 1 DUB IT 104 1. 2; 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 156 IT 104 Access arm Access time Backup CD ROM Dala.base Data rate Directory Disk cartridge Field IT104 File FIxed disk Floppy disk Hard disk indexed file Indexed sequential access method (ISAM) RAM disk ReadWrile head Record Relative file Removable disk Root Secondary srorage Seclor Sequence field Sequential file Subdwectory Tape backup system Track 157 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6 disk generalI? has the capacity far 1011 to over 100\1 in & larger personal computers~ The disk drive uses removable disks that are placed in a pro&tip, sleeve when not in use. T h i s list ma! ‘& A list of files contained on a disk is known as a displayed b? a DOS command or by user software. is positioned on the surface of the disk by& The access arm to read or write data magneticall?.. A(n) allow several related files to be accessed either sequential: or directly. provides a fixed disk drive that ma\ be mount+,: . Alnl in an empty expansion card slot in the computers A(n) Matching Ouestim hlatch each term a. root b. data rate c. R4.U disk with the description @en belot\-, d. ISA.\f e. CD ROM 1. tape backup system I. One way to speed up the use of software is to place some of :Lprogram in memor?. This method lets memory act like a disk drfr+ 2. This is one way of creating a grandfather. father. son copy of tL.r contents of a hard disk. 3. This device provides storage of large amounts of data. but the compu:+ cannot usually write data to the device. 4. This is the first level of a hierarchical subdirectory from which of’., directories branch. 5. A file access method that permits reading records either sequentia:.. or directly. 6. This term refers to the number of bytes per second that data are rea4 from a disk drive. 158 IT 104 IT 104 159