BE A PROPOSER SEPTEMBER 2012 VOLUNTEER ATTEND MEETINGS Volume 18 - Number 9 We have 112 years of continuous Charitable Contributions to the Community, and we are one of the oldest and still operating Elk Lodges in the Nation. Our Lodge History has been long and rich as we remember the valiant deeds of our Absent Members. Lodge Officers Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Esquire Chaplin Inner Guard Tiler Treasurer Secretary Organist William Stewart Debba Boles Andrew Trygg Chad Wingo Jim Bowman Robert Oftedahl Robert Amerio Jim Bowman Jerry Maxwell Ty Obenoskey —Vacant— 273‐2053 Grass Valley Elks Lodge #538 September Birthday List Trustees Trustee 1 yr. Trustee 2 yr. Trustee 3 yr. Trustee 4 yr. Trustee 5 yr. Hardy Schwarz Bruce Sund James Moore Dan Davis Gene Johnson 272‐7526 272‐4110 265‐5623 Committee Chairpersons Auditing & Accounting Activities Committee Fraternal Committee P.E.R. Association Standing Relief Com Accident Prevention Teresa “Terry” Ellis Andrew Trygg Debba Boles Jay Nau William Stewart Jim Moore 272‐7526 1ST 2 nd PER Year # years member 2010, 2011 8 2009 20 1999 50 1978 39 1967 51 1988 39 1983 34 1986, 2003 38 1998, 2007 15 1966 54 John Hale 7th Chad Wingo 9th Debba Boles A. Pete Maffei 10th Michael Cebollero Kenneth Snodgrass 11th Marvin W. Dalke 16th “Jack” Johnson Scott Barrow Murray Arnold 18th Harry Chapelll 21st Art Demamiel 22nd David Lundy William Valen P.E.R.’s Jay Nau Ed Bourne Joaquin Aguilar Larry Aguilar James Allen Glen Chileski James George James Moore Hartmut Schwarz William Thomas Ronald Nelson Americanism Apartment Manager Bar Manager Bill’s Wheels Bingo Bingo Kitchen Boy Scouts Bulletin Editor Bulletin Publisher Christmas Baskets Christmas Party Drug Awareness Elks Picnic Elk Training ENF Fire Fighter Dinner Flag Day Gov. Relations H.O.P.E. Hoop Shot Indoctrination Investigation Lapsation Law Enforce. Dinner Memorial Service Membership Mother’s Day Nat’l Veteran’s P.E.R. Assoc. Presiding Justice Purple Pig Public Relations Ritual Training Scholarship Soccer Shoot Taco Nite Web Master Youth Activities Subcommittee Chairpersons Elisabeth Sund Jay Nau Andrew Trygg Bill Dobbins Andrew Trygg Jay Nau Lee McCallum William Stewart Jim Bowman Debba Boles Debba Boles Jim Bowman Lady Elks Andrew Trygg Hardy Schwarz Ty Obenoskey Debba Boles Jay Nau Debba Boles Debba Boles Jerry Maxwell Andrew Trygg William Stewart Lee McCallum Ty Obenoskey Jay Nau William Stewart Ty Obenoskey William Stewart Bill Dobbin/Dan Davis Jay Nau Bill Philips Debba Boles Chad Wingo Jim Moore Mike Kochis Andrew Trygg Jay Nau Angel Johnson Debba Boles Bulletin Articles Deadline 273‐1550 273‐2053 273‐1550 / 272‐4110 272‐7526 Lodge Meetings Is the 15 of the Month Articles are due to Debba by 15th (PLEASE!) Social Quarters Bar Open 5:00 pm Lodge Dinners – 6:00 pm Lodge Meetings – 7:00 pm (Meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesdays) Email to: For reservations call 273‐9228 or email: th September 5th 8th 11th 15th 18th 19th 17th 29th DD Rick Sutherland Visit & Lodge Meeting Beef Enchiladas Cooked by the Lady Elks $10 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner (Reservations Required!) 7:00 pm – Meeting ANNUAL LODGE PICNIC AT CONDON PARK 11:00 AM TO 3:00 PM Food, Games, FUN!!! ALL FREE! House Committee Meeting 7:00 pm – All Members Welcome H.O.P.E. Distribution (2:00 PM) Meet to Set‐up at Noon Trustees Meeting 7:00 pm – All Members Welcome Lodge Meeting 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Catfish, Cole Slaw & Bread $8 (Reservations Please) 7:00 pm – Meeting Taco Night 4:30 – 7:00 pm Tacos $1.50, Margaritas $2 Rock‐n‐Roll Fiesta Dinner Dance 6:00 pm –Mexican Feast 8:00 pm –Music by Running 4 Cover Tickets in Advance $18 BINGO EVERY THURSDAY – 5:30 PM (Serving food from 4:30 – 8:30 pm) From the Desk of the Exalted Ruler National Convention continued… As I said before the mornings were taken up with the business of the Organization. The Elected new officers, introduced dignitaries awarded the winners of the Hoop Shoot and Essay Contest with their $10,000 awards and gave reports. There were reports from every committee. In the afternoon, there was one required luncheon to attend. That was with the new Grand Exalted Ruler elect, Thomas Brazier. He laid out his agenda for the up and coming year. He was an interesting speaker and seems to have a good sense of humor. The rest of the afternoon was pretty much yours. There were seminars various subject concerning lodge programs. On the first night Rick Sutherland, the District Deputy designate, took members of his district out to dinner. As it turned out it was the only sane food we had during our stay in Austin, Texas. It would have been difficult to BBQ rice. To say the least, Texans love their BBQ. From that moment on we had about everything BBQ’d. The problem for me was that everything started tasting the same. If there wasn’t a menu you had to guess what you were served (Is it beef, pork, chicken or iguana? What do you mean it’s a chocolate chip cookie?) The next challenge was to find as many hospitality room as you could before you sank into oblivion. You couldn’t go too far because Rick Sutherland would make sure you were accounted for at 0800 the next morning. The way you found a hospitality room was that you took the elevator to some floor. You got off the elevator and listened for the mating call of the hospitality room reveler (loud laughter, plastic glasses and music). You then followed the sound and “surprise” a hospitality room. In reality more business was handled in hospitality rooms than on the floor of the meeting. If you didn’t want to pay for a lunch or a dinner, you would head for the Texas hospitality room. They had a buffet with everything including BBQ. The Southwest Dinner is a white tuxedo jacket affair. Guess what was served…BBQ Tri‐Tip. I don’t want to pick on anybody but Phil Bettencourt from Auburn looked like he had been in a knife fight and lost. He had red BBQ sauce on his shirt and several places on his jacket. It was an interesting and informative convention. The next one is in Reno, Nevada. If you have an opportunity to take a convention in, I would highly recommend it. The State President, Art Echternacht, visited the Lodge in the later part of July. After getting the 25 cent tour of the Lodge, a light lunch was served. Lunch was prepared by Barbara, Penny, Beverly, Mimi and was served by members of the Venture crew. Thanks to you all for all you did. Fraternally yours, Bill Stewart, ER From the Desk of the Leading Knight September is here and with it a new season. It still feels like summer with the hot weather, but Fall is just around the corner. It’s time to mark your calendars for the many special events happening at our Lodge in the next few months. We invite you to attend all the fun events, as well as the meetings. THIS IS YOUR LODGE! Please come and participate. Without you, what’s the point? The coming events in order of date are: On September 5th, District Deputy Rick Sutherland will be visiting our Lodge. The Lady Elks are preparing Beef Enchiladas at Rick’s special request. Dinner will be at 6:00 pm downstairs, with of course our social hour beginning at 5:00 pm. Call for your reservations before Friday, August 31st. Then on Saturday, September 8th, the Lodge is holding our ANNUAL LODGE PICNIC at Condon Park from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. This year in addition to the great food, there will be games as well as prizes. Everything is FREE! Bring your friends and family and let the Lodge show you a great time! Trustee Dan Davis is calling on all of you to attend the Constitution Day Parade on September 9th, 2:00 pm, on Broad Street, Nevada City. The day not only honors our active duty military people and veterans, but celebrates the signing of the Constitution. There will be Civil War Battle re‐enactments, live music, marching US Presidents, great food and even duck races. Later in the month, Saturday, September 29th, Chaplain Bob Oftedal is sponsoring the Rock‐n‐Roll Fiesta Dinner Dance. The dinner will be downstairs (6:00 pm), buffet style Chicken Fajitas and all the fixin’s. The dance starts at 8:00 pm upstairs in the ballroom, featuring local band, Running 4 Cover. There are many reasons to attend this event, not the least is to just have fun! The Fiesta Dinner Dance will benefit the Purple Pig, the H.O.P.E. Project (helping other people eat), and the Lodge Building Preservation Fund. There will be raffles from local merchants as well as a special drawing just for those who bring non‐perishable goods for H.O.P.E. Bob has worked hard to put this event together. Let’s celebrate and party with him! As you know, our Lodge supports our local Veterans. As such, I would like to announce that coming up on October 5th & 6th, at the Nevada County Fairgrounds, is the All Veterans Stand Down. This annual event offers free food and services to any veteran wanting assistance. Call Dan Davis (272‐4110) for more information. And lastly, in addition to the events our Lodge is sponsoring, the Grass Valley Elks is pleased to be working with the Nevada City Elks Lodge. In cooperation our two Lodges can achieve more. To that end, I would like to extend their invitation to you to attend the Nevada City Elks Ladies’ Annual Fashion Show, Timeless Fashions, from Vintage to Contemporary Styles, Saturday, October 20th. It begins with a no host cocktail hour at 11:00 am, lunch at Noon, and the fashion show at 1:00 pm. Tickets are $20 in advance. I will be there. Will you join me? Debba Boles, Leading Knight National P.O.W. / M.I.A. Recognition Day September 21st, 2012 YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! From the Desk of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees For the last year, the trustees have been pursuing estimates to refurbish the exterior of our Lodge building. Some contractors looked at the "opportunity" and ran. We finally got one who was interested. The total dollar amount is $238,000.00 for all of the exterior. Our Lodge has enough funds for this project, but it would not be prudent to eliminate all accounts. Therefore, the Board is now looking into grants for historical building sites, as well as other sources to help with the cost. If any member wants to contribute to the Building Restoration Fund, THANK YOU! After all, "The real benefactor of mankind counts his store in what is given, not in what is saved." All contributions are totally welcome. There will be adjustments done to the Treasurer's report, but with more participation in Lodge functions, such as: Taco Nite, Family Nite, the Fiesta Dinner Dance. Oktoberfest, and other fundraising events. All of the financial obstacles can be overcome! I hope to see all members at these fun events. Hardy Schwarz, Chairman, Board of Trustees From the Desk of the Loyal Knight It’s hard to believe we are already entering the ninth month of 2012. This year has certainly gone by fast, but there are still plenty of activities planned to keep everyone active in the lodge. Check out the website or bulletin for all of our upcoming events. As the bar manager, I will take a moment to update everyone on the status of the bars. Overall the bars have been doing great. We have several monthly events like: Taco Night, Grass Valley Sportsmans, and Lodge Meetings. In addition to these events, our Events Coordinator Eva Nau, has hosted several events in the ballroom that have generated bar profits of over $2,000 in two months. We have a core group of volunteers who routinely tend bar, they are: Bill Convis, Bill Stewart, Chad Wingo, Jay Nau, Debba Boles and myself. The bar income would not be possible without the assistance of everyone. Thank you! Finally, I ask everyone to remember that we, as Elks, are all in this together. Please show ‘brotherly love’ to each and every member of our lodge. No one person in our lodge is more important than anyone else. We all must work together as a team in order to keep this lodge open and functioning. Andrew Trygg, Loyal Knight From the Desk of the Lecturing Knight I am always surprised by what it takes to keep this lodge running. The amount of money that is required to keep our doors open is quite a bit. When I’m in the meetings and hear the Treasurers report, I close my eyes and hope that what we’ve taken in that month exceeds what our expenses are. More times that I’m comfortable with that doesn’t happen. That is to say that many times we find that we have spent more than we’ve made. You don’t need an MBA to recognize that, that is not a successful strategy to run a successful business (and like it or not, Grass Valley 538 is a business). Something has to be done and something will be done, as there is only a finite amount of time that this can go on. What are some options? In simplest terms, spend less and/or make more. Simple indeed. To spend less, we would need members to volunteer to take responsibility for some of the things that we currently pay for, such as; housekeeping, garbage service or gardener. To bring in more, we can come to dinners, dances, or other events that we host, bring in a new member, or recommend using the lodge to someone having an event. This is just a small list of some of the options that we have to insure that EVERY MONTH we are bringing in more money that we are spending. What can YOU do to help keep us in the black every month? At least do the easiest thing and come to Lodge meetings and dinners on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, Bingo (every Thursday), Taco Night (Monday, September 17) or come join the Rock‐n‐Roll Fiesta Dinner and Dance (Saturday, September 29)! See you at the Lodge! Chad Wingo, Lecturing Knight Sept 5th Meeting DD Rick Sutherland Visit 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Enchiladas $10 7:00 pm – Lodge Meeting (Reservations Please) Sept 19th Meeting 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm –Catfish $8 7:00 pm – Lodge Meeting (Reservations Please) HOPE Food Distribution Saturday, September 15th Noon - Set up/prepare for distribution 2:00 PM - Open for public distribution Come Help Our Community! Support your Lodge Come to Meetings and Events!! September Menu 5th th 8 DD Rick Sutherland Visit / Lodge Mtg 5:00 – Social Hour 6:00 pm Dinner (Beef Enchiladas) $10 7:00 pm – Meeting Reservations required Lodge Picnic – Condon Park Food, Games, FUN!!! ALL FREE! October Menu 3rd Lodge Meeting 5:00 – Social Hour 6:00 pm Dinner (Meatballs-Spaghetti) $8 Reservations required 8th Lodge Picnic – Condon Park Food, Games, FUN!!! ALL FREE! 10th Lady Elks White Elephant Sale / Dinner th 17 Taco Night Tacos, Beans, Nachos and the BEST Margaritas in Town! Lady Elks Ice Cream Sundaes 15th Taco Night Tacos, Beans, Nachos and the BEST Margaritas in Town! Lady Elks Ice Cream Sundaes 19th Lodge Meeting Catfish, Cole Slaw & Bread $8 Reservations required 17th Lodge Meeting / Initiation Steak, Baked Potato, Vegetable, Salad, & Dessert $12 Reservations required Boy Scout Troup 21 News Troop 21 – Sponsored by the Grass Valley Elks lodge had a busy July and early August. 18 of the Scouts from Troup 21 attended summer camp at Camp Marin Sierra. This Boy Scout camp is located off of Highway 20 just west of I‐80. The one week camp allows Scouts to work on advancement and merit badges. Over 50 merit badges were completed by our Scouts. Merit Badges such as Cooking, Swimming, Rifleman, Kayaking, Rowing, First Aid and many others are offered at the camp. Many of our Scouts also completed the requirements for 2nd and 1st class. In addition to summer camp, our Troop 21 Scouts help with the monthly Grass Valley Elks Taco Nite. Usually 5 Scouts can be seen serving food and cleaning up after taco night. In addition, there are usually 5‐7 Scouts and a few leaders helping out once a month at one of the Grass Valley Elks Thursday Bingo Nights. The Scouts cook food to sell to the Bingo participants. Three Scouts assisted with Project Hope on August 18th, filling bags with food and loading the bags into the cars of the needy. The 1st and 3rd Monday of each month is the Scout Meetings held downstairs. During our meetings, Scouts have the opportunity to work on skills and advancement. In addition to the opening and closing ceremonies for each meeting, there is usually 15‐20 minutes for game time. Bill Convis, Elk Member and Boy Scout Leader Reno VA BBQ, August 4th, 2012 Lodge Officer Awards presented to Mike Kochis and Jay Nau for outstanding examples of Elkdom! Lady Elks News Welcome Back from Summer! The Lady Elks had a great chicken BBQ on Family Night in August. Chef Dan Davis did a great job on the chicken and the Ladies provided corn‐on‐the‐cob, homemade potato salad and corn bread. A great time was had by all and many bought extra dinners to take home. DD Rick Sutherland and his lovely wife Jodie will be here for their annual visit on September 5th. Their visitation dinner that night will be Bev’s homemade beef enchiladas and all the usual trimmings. Please try to attend. Let’s have a good showing. We would like to remind you that the Annual Lodge Picnic is Saturday, September 8th at Condon Park. For once the Lady Elks will be guests along with all of our Lodge members. Be sure to come. This year promises to be a great event with games, great food and good company! We are planning to raffle a Weber BBQ at the October 10th Family Night/Lady Elks White Elephant Sale. Tickets can be purchased from now until the raffle at the October 10th dinner. Buy your tickets soon. Upcoming activities for Lady Elks: Sept. 15th, Mon., Taco Nite, 4:30 pm ‐ Lady Elks Ice Cream Table Oct. 10th, Wed., 6:00 pm – Annual White Elephant Sale and Dinner—Serving Bev’s Chicken Enchiladas ‐ $10 Lady Elks Officers for the 2012/2013 term are: President: Vice President: Secretary/Sunshine Lady: Treasurer: Parliamentarian: Public Relations: Chaylinn Treadwell Penny Johnson Barbara Stewart Bev McPherson Helen Major Mimi Pozzi 274‐2605 265‐5623 477‐1675 274‐2605 273‐3298 271‐1431 We would like to thank the Lodge for all the support they give the Lady Elks. Thank you, Bev McPherson, Treasurer Weber BBQ Donated by Dan Davis for Raffle Tickets Sales end October 10th Bill Stewart, Exalted Ruler