Assignment 1: Personality Profile Eric Palmer Kennesaw State

Assignment 1: Personality Profile
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
Eric Palmer
Kennesaw State University
IS 8100 Spring 2015
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
1a. Compare the two approaches (Myers-Briggs and Human Metrics Jung typology);
discuss the similarities and differences of the two approaches. [About 150 words response].
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’s purpose was to use the theory of C.G. Jung’s psychological
types and make them understandable. The approach is based off consistencies of different
personalities from the ways individuals use their ability to perceive and judge certain situations.
Jung described Perception as “the ways of becoming aware of things, people, happenings, or
idea” and Judgment as the “ways of coming to conclusion about what has been perceived (The
Myers & Briggs Foundation, 2015).”
The Human Metrics Jung typology is very similar to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator since it uses
Carl Jung’s three criteria; Extraversion- Introversion, Sensing – Intuition, Thinking – Feelings,
and adds the fourth criterion from Isabel Briggs Myer, Judging – Perceiving (Jung Typology
Test, 2013). The criteria used in both approaches are known as dichotomies, since each criterion
represents two opposite poles (Jung Typology Test, 2013). With Jung Typology approach, the
scales of the dichotomies are represented by two opposite poles going from 100 to the opposite
side of a 100, totaling 200 units long (Jung Typology Test, 2013). Many individuals taking the
Jung Typology Test will notice that they possess traits on both sides of the poles, but tend to
have a stronger preference to the other.
1b. Describe the characteristics of your personality profile; choose the best fit if you get
different profiles from the two tools. [About 150 words response].
My personality profile type is INFJ. The personality type stands for the characteristics of
someone who has tendencies to be Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. The first criterion
shows that someone who has an introversion mostly uses their sources of energy predominantly
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
in their own internal world (Heiss, M., & Butt, 2013). The second criterion represents how
someone perceives information; Intuition is how a person believes largely from information that
is directly received. The third criterion, is how information is processed. Feeling describes
someone who makes a decision based on an emotion; what they feel should be done. The last
criterion that represents my personality profile reflects how information is implemented. Judging
is how someone organizes all life events and tends to stick to his or her plans (Heiss, M., & Butt,
2013). With those four characteristics placed together, we get type a person who is complex with
a different range of talents. They tend to have strong writing stills, a quiet demeanor, but active
in various topics of interest. An INFJ tends to be available for emergency situations to be of help
to those in need. Some common areas of interest is writing, counseling, public service, and
politics (Heiss, M., & Butt, 2013).
1c. Do you agree or disagree with the personality profile you found for yourself? Discuss
your agreement or disagreement by providing examples from your personal experience.
[About 150 words response].
After taking the personality profile assessments, I do agree with the profile given for myself. The
only thing that I noticed which was made more apparent in the Human Metric Jung approach is
that most of my personality characteristics are not in one extreme of a direction, but moderately
leaning one way. I have been given the profile INFJ. The first characteristic that describes me is
that of an Introvert. Since the Jung approach characterized me as only 11% introvert I will agree
with that assessment. I have the tendency to enjoy time to myself verse always needing attention
or company. When I’m working I also have introvert tendency but have no problem getting up
and giving presentations or communicating with new clients. The second characteristic is
something that I don’t always agree with; I don’t always process information through “Intuition.”
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
I believe that I have also used characteristics of “Sensing” just as much. I process information
from what I see and experience but also from what I believe. I try to be as factual as possible and
not rely on what others may have told me since I don’t always know the credibility of their
source. The third characteristic is another difficult one for me since I believe use the
characteristic of “Thinking” just as much as I use “Feeling.” Since I make business decisions on
a number of occasions in which no real statistics can guarantee success, I do think I have the
tendency to be more characteristic of someone who “Feels” more than “Thinks.” The last
characteristic that represents my personality is “Judging.” I will agree that I’m more likely to
implement information from “Judging” verses “Perceiving.” I do base a number of my decisions
from real experiences and try to prepare for similar scenarios in a similar manner. I do agree that
I have an INFJ personality, but to a very moderate extent.
1d. How does your personality type get along with other personality types? Conduct
research to find out which personality types get along on projects and which don’t. [About
200 words response].
My personality type of INFJ is made up of a small percentage of the population. Described as
being introverted, tends to value learning, and concerned about others well-being, you will know
that they can get along with a number of different personality types. INFJ’s are most likely to get
along and hold relationships with people with the personality types of ENTP, ENFP, INFP, and
ENFJs (Personality Type & Best Fit Relationships, 2015). ENTPs are extroverts who also value
higher learning, are sociable, and tend to be optimistic (Personality Type & Best Fit
Relationships, 2015). ENFPs are creative individuals who are also caring and tend to look
towards the future. INFPs are people with deep values and are compassionate by nature (Heiss,
M., & Butt, 2013). Lastly ENFJs are extroverts who are compassionate, socialable, and able to
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
cooperate easily with others. Of all the personality types, those that are least likely for INFJs to
get along with are ESTJ, ESFJ, ESTP, and ISTPs (Personality Type & Best Fit Relationships,
2015). You will notice that those personalities tend to be more extroverted, opinionated, and
demand order and routine.
1e. Identify a famous person that has the same personality type as yours. Describe the
management and leadership styles of this famous person. [About 150 words response].
Martin Luther King Jr. is one famous person with the personality type INFJ (Cherry, 2015). This
came to my surprise because I always pictured anyone with a leadership role to be more of an
extrovert then an introvert. It does makes sense however do to the fact that many INFJ’s tend to
be reserved, dedicated to learning, and visionaries. The Civil rights leader had his own special
form of management and leadership styles. He used a form of peaceful protest that was modeled
from Gandhi. When leading the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King displayed
tremendous amounts of patience that was common trait for INFJs (Way, 2011). To achieve the
dream of equal rights, it was a very difficult task but MLK kept striving for it. INFJs are very
persistent; once they have their mind set they will not stop until they make their goals a reality
(Way, 2011). Martin Luther King’s style of leadership involved surrounding himself with likeminded people who were willing to fight for change (Way, 2011). He was able to give
tremendous speeches that gained him the absolute trust of all his followers (Way, 2011). They
trusted him because they knew without a doubt that his mission was genuine, and he had the
bravery, vision, and persistence to see it out.
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
1f. Assess your personality profile match for project management using the link at: Write your agreement or
disagreement regarding the suitability of your personality style for project management.
[About 200 words response].
It is true that with all the different personality types, only a certain few are suitable for project
management roles. Not all people are comfortable with the tasks involved with management and
the degree of stress that is often placed on individuals (Wideman, 2001). There are four main
types of management styles; the explorer, the driver, the coordinator, and the administrator. The
explorer is a manger who is more entrepreneurial and looks toward the future. The Driver is a
manager who is action oriented that focus on missions and goals (Wideman, 2001).The
Coordinator is a manager who tends to step in to help during phases of a project (Wideman,
2001). Lastly the administrator is a type of manager who tries to maximize productivity through
stability and repetition (Wideman, 2001).
My personality type is INFJ which is described as someone who mostly fills roles that involve
public relations (Wideman, 2001). Individuals with these personalities are not usually project
leaders a first glance. Our demeanor might seem more introverted, but has historically shown
instances of leadership. The one thing that is true about INFJs in regards to Project Management
is that we do a good job of meeting deliverables and contributing to a common goal. This paper
describes INFJs as “Followers” since that are not usually your first pick as a manager, but are
great team members due to their dedication. My role within a company has me dealing with lots
of clients and customers making sure needs are met, which is suitable for my personality type. I
can do higher level project management, but prefer to be more scheduled and have manageable
tasks since I am more likely to feel pressure from high stress situations that Project Managers
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
deal with on a daily basis. As a INFJ I agree that I’m more suited as a “Follower” who isn’t the
top choice for a Project Manager, but since I’m barely consider an Introvert and almost have
Extrovert tendencies, I can see myself more of a “Driver-Follower.” I could step up into a Project
Management role if the situation called for one.
Assignment 1: Personality Profile
Cherry, K. (2015). INFJ - Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging. Retrieved January 23, 2015,
Heiss, M., & Butt, J. (2013). INFJ Description. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from
Jung Typology Test. (2013). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from
Personality Type & Best Fit Relationships. (2015). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from
The Myers & Briggs Foundation - MBTI® Basics. (2015). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from
Way, A. (2011). The 5 characteristics of Martin Luther King, Jr. and how to use them. Retrieved
January 23, 2015, from
Wideman, R. Max and Aaron J. Shenhar, (2001) Professional and Personal Development: A
Practical Approach to Education and Training, Project Management for Business
Professionals, p. 375.