From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. Identification Resembling By K. A. DiCke. of Cells in Primate the Hemopoietic in the Mouse M. J. van Noord. B. Maat. The colony-forming unit culture (CFU-C) in the thin-layer agar colony technique is considered to be representative for hemopoietic stem cells (HSC), according to our studies in mouse and monkey bone marrow. Using this in vitro assay as a guide, stem cell concentrates were prepared from monkey and human bone marrow by repeated density gradient centnfugation. The number of CFU-C could be enriched up to 70-100-fold. In such concentrated CFU-C suspensions, a cell, morphologically identical with the hemopoietic stem cell in the mouse (MSCLC, mouse stem cell-like cell) was frequently observed, using a May- M ANY cell ATTEMPTS have (HSC) by morphologic to enumerate this cell as well as in the field been Bone Stem U. W. Schaefer. and Marrow Cell D. W. van Gr#{252}nwald-Giemsa (MGG) and electron microscope MGG-stained preparations, superficially resembles Bekkum staining method techniques. In the MSCLC the small lympho- therefore, a staining method has been described, the polychrome procedure, by which both cell populations could be clearly distinguished. Since a fair correlation exists between the number of MSCLC and the number of CFU-C in a variety of primate hemopoietic suspensions, we concluded that the MSCLC might be a good candidate for being the HSC in monkeys and man. cyte; reported criteria.”3 to identify the The possibility is of obvious importance in many of bone marrow transplantation, hemopoietic to recognize hematologic since by stem and disorders, extrapolation from lines extensive mouse data it is held to generate all different hemopoietic cell including the lymphoid line. None of the above-mentioned investigations, which were carried out in rodents, has led to a convincing identification, since quantitative sults correlations of functional HSC tered in its identification highest concentration between tests was of numbers were not its low HSC as of candidate provided. The concentration calculated for stem greatest cells and difficulty in hemopoietic mouse bone the re- encountissues. marrow The is 0.4%-0.6%, which percentage has been estimated by the spleen colony assay of Till and McCulloch.4 Spleen colonies arising from a single cell have been shown to produce erythropoietic, myelopoietic, and thrombopoietic cell populations.4 Moreover, Trentin and Fahlberg5 demonstrated that in lethally irradiated lymphatic From mice complete organs, can repopulation be effectuated the Radiobiological Institute R:jswijk (ZH). Submitted accepted TNO of the hemopoietic tissue, by descendants from one and Institute for Experimental as well as of the spleen colony. Gerontology TNO, The Netherlands. September January 29. /972; first revision December 5, 1973. M.D.: Radiobiological 3, /972; second revision January 2. 1973; K. A. Dicke, Institute TNO, R:jsw:jk (ZH), The Netherlands. M. Institute for Experimental Gerontology TNO, Rijswijk (ZH), The Netherlands. B. M.D.: Radiobiological Institute TNO, Rzjsw:jk (ZH), The Netherlands. U. W. Schaefer, Department of Internal Medicine (Tumor Research). Clinicum Essen. Ruhruniversit#{228}t Bochem, Germany. D. W. van Bekkum, M.D.: Director, Radiobiological Institute TNO, Rijsw:jk The Netherlands. © /973 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. Noord: Blood, Vol. 42. No. 2 (August). 1973 J. van Maat, M.D.: Essen. (ZH). 195 From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. 196 DICKE Recently, using an adapted May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining ET AL method and electron microscopic (EM) techniques, we defined the morphologic characteristics of a candidate stem cell in highly enriched stem cell preparations.6 Such stem cell concentrates were prepared from mouse bone marrow by treating the donors with a vinblastine-nitrogen mustard regimen and by subjecting the marrow suspensions to repeated density separation over albumin gradients.”7 These morphologic criteria have been applied to enumerate candidate stem cells in preparations varying over a 100-fold range in their CFU-content, and a fair correlation between the two entities was found. From these studies became evident tion of ultrathin that cross it criteria determined differentiated the MGG all magnification cells could cells allowed In the primate, general by from to the high ture of the the morphologic characteristics, sections by EM, were much the in that cell especially types, used in EM be distinguished a distinction the existence properties preparations, other of the studies better; as defined by examinamore exclusive than the the HSC could from (l7,000x), in addition, be the system do not differ Due subcellular struccross sectioning of of the subcellular organdIes. of a HSC is a logical assumption, hemopoietic clearly lymphocytes. because essentially from the those of rodents. Strong support for this concept would be the finding of cells with similar morphologic properties as the HSC in the mouse. The frequency of this cell population in the bone marrow of primates is likely to be less than 1% if comparable tion without In the concentrations exist prior concentration present study, as in mouse bone would be virtually monkey, as well as marrow, impossible. human, bone so that their marrow detec- suspensions have been fractionated by albumin density centrifugation. To isolate highly enriched stem cell fractions, the discontinuous gradient method previously developed for primate bone marrow with the purpose of separating immunocompetent cells from HSC8’9 had to be adapted to our recent program. For this adaptation, a quantitative test system for HSC was required as a monitor. In the primate such an HSC assay obviously has to be an in vitro method, and extensive showed that studies in mice and the CFU-C (CFU-C, form form agar tative ing cells culture: cells capable of forming colonies culture method, developed by us specifically for measure for the HSC population. paper, tions enriched morphologically in agar; it will in these be shown cells that are were unit ally In this colonies monkeys that colony-forming a subclass in monkey CFU-C, high concentrations similar to the mouse HSC. reported culture: and of In such of the elsewhere’#{176}’2 cells that actuCFC-C, colony- in agar) in the thin-layer this purpose, is a quantihuman bone marrow cells are found purified fractions, fracthat are quanti- tative morphologic studies using the light microscope (LM), as well as the electron microscope, revealed a strict correlation between the mouse stem celllike cell (MSCLC) and the number of the CFU-C. Moreover, a polychromatic staining method will be described, by which cross sections of cells of the hemopoietic suspensions the visability of the can be stained and subcellular structures examined under considerably. LM, which increased From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. IDENTIFICATION OF CELLS IN BONE MARROW 197 MATERIALS The CFU-C The methods short, AND METHODS Assay thin-layer developed bone agar technique’#{176}”3”4 is by Pluznik and Sachs’5 marrow cells are cultured in based and on agar by Bradley plastic Falcon colony formation and Metcalf.’6 Petri bottom of which 0.5 x 106 embryonic fibroblasts are layered case mouse marrow suspensions are cultured. When monkey kidney tubules were used fibroblasts, On top of the Dulbecco’s 24 hr. of adult as feeder kidney feeder, top monkeys In humans from adult 4.5 modified the rhesus system. tubules ml of Eagle’s layer, a mixture the of and of 0.25% bone marrow agar agar + of the dishes ploying 0.5% agar medium. The total volume of the top layer was 0.2 ml. The were kept in 7%-lO% CO2 in a gas-controlled incubator at 37#{176}C,ema 100% humidified atmosphere, for 7-10 days. After that period, dis- Gradient Albumin technique Density for ofthe albumin (bovine albumin concentrations, monkey cells, were a gradient phate-buffered of fractions (PBS) and tion (35% albumin) from 1.0525(17%) tube was centrifuged Gradient prepared suspended marrow fractionation. by the method in 17% BSA of Tris than 80 x). 50 cells were top scored Technique 19%, 21%, Buffer. The was 340 milliosmols and to 1.0730(25%). Following at 1000 g (at the bottom Using the standard setup, it was centration of CFU-C was found that is located in the 19% albumin tion yielded To further bone more serum albumin, BSA) stock as well as of the gradient, The monkey marrow were to be separated consisting saline containing (magnification suspended, After Dulbecco was put on + serum) Discontinuous were (agar 0.5%), pipetted. horse tinct colonies were visible. Colonies by the use of an inverted microscope cells medium were in chimpanzee fibroblasts. concentration serum In the fibroblasts embryonic embryonic (final horse on as a monolayer cells were cultured, chimpanzee we used, besides donors or human medium, consisting in which or embryonic dishes reported consistently solution The preparation solution and of the different were described previously.8 described and were 23%, and osmolarity elsewhere,8’9 layered on top that of 25% BSA in phosof the stock solu- the density of the layers varied the introduction of the cells, the of the tube) for 30 mm at 10#{176}C. previously” that an 8-15-fold conin fraction 2, the cell population of specific density 1.0575. This frac- 2%-5% of the total number of cells and 40%-60% of the stem cells. concentrate the CFU-C, fraction 2 was refractionated by using a 0.5% step gradient in the range of 18%-23% (density: 1.0550-1.0682). The cell populations located in the 19%, 19.5%, and 20% albumin solutions were designated as fractions 2/1, 2/A, and 2/IB, which were found to contain the highest proportion of stem cells. The osmolarity of the 35% BSA stock solution from which the refractionation gradient is prepared was 350 milliosmols. After collecting the fractions, the cells were washed in Hank’s solution, following which the cells were counted, cultured, or used for the preparation of stained preparations and electron microscopic pictures. From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. 1 98 DICKE Gradient technique of the discontinuous routinely employed for human bone albumin density to separate HSCs marrow Technical technique, fractionation. gradient from centrifugation lymphocytes in human ET AL details as is bone mar- row, have solutions been described The concentration ofthe various albumin of which the gradient consisted was identical to the routine monkey marrow gradient. In humans, up to 50% of the total number of CFU-C appeared in fraction 3, located in the 21% albumin solution and not in fraction 2 as is the case in monkeys. This phenomenon is due to the high osmolarity of the 35% was BSA stock prepared. used by which CFU-C solution (360 Furthermore, in fraction 3 was preparations. The milliosmols) the from human, which the human a refractionation separated in refractionation order to gradient gradient procedure obtain consisted was highly enriched of the following albumin solutions: 25%, stock solution was 370 23%, 21%, milliosmols. bone marrow gradient keys. yields This type of refractionation is also used for preparative purp554l7 and fractions 3/2 and 3/3 located in the 19% and 21% BSA solution, respecwhich contain the majority ofCFU-C present in the original fraction 317 tively, It appeared high a 2% step that Electron to the Microscopic Small cells, instead of CFU-C number ofCFU-C of fractionated as lymphocytes of 0.5% step in the fractions in the human, from in a mixture of glutaraldehyde in uranyl acetate.’8 The fixation mols, and the a microcentrifuge used as in the mon- 3/2 unfractionated pH was adjusted according the monkey, thoracic and osmium had a total to 7.3. After to Malamed.’9 and duct mouse bone of C57BL tetroxide, osmolarity fixation, After The standard of cells by smears could disintegration methods of avoiding of method MGG Polychromatic Fixation, carried out was pelleted with in a graded the material was embedded knife and were collected on uranyl acetate and lead ci- not be employed because as a result of the smearing this complication, which preparations, were investigated, described stain fixed All data conserial sections sections was 20 cells to be (MGG) analysis the were field. Mav-Grunwald-Giemsa loss was followed by immersion of about 300 millios- trate2’ and were examined with a Philips 300 electron microscope. cerning the ultrastructure of the studied cells were obtained from of multiple cells. Quantitative analysis of electron microscopic carried out using a magnification of 3000x, which allows about in one 3/3 marrow mice, the cells were dehydration ethanol series and treatment with propylene oxide, in Epon.2#{176}Thin sections were cut with a diamond uncoated copper grids. Sections were stained with examined and marrow. Techniques numbers as well was the concentration as compared and 19%. The osmolarity of the 35% BSA Note that for refractionation of human by Sayk22 carried Staining pelleting, according was out for and Light adapted. described Microscopic dehydration, to the previously and would there is a substantial procedure. Various jeopardize and finally A modified staining in full elsewhere.6 detail the the qualitative precipitation procedure using Examination embedding described in Epon procedure. of the One-half cells were micron From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. IDENTIFICATION Epon OF sections were tion Paragon C. Paragon different of whole ofthe IN BONE stained MARROW with 1301 (Paragon Co. Inc., Bronx, that the in the staining with a mixture borax solution stain, 199 the commercial multiple N.Y.).2325 - from tissue, covered ofa 2% CELLS above-mentioned method was (Merck) was staining studies, namely modified as follows: of one part of this and were stained Entellan polychromatic solu- stain for frozen sections PS 1301, C. and Since the material to be stained was used single The multiple purpose stain for 60 sec at 75#{176}C.To exclusively cells instead sections were and two parts prevent fading as mounting medium. RESULTS Since concentration results of a single as ofan experiment in Table 1. It can fractions 2/1 and factor of 27 tration traction of CFU-C is of crucial importance in these studies, the experiment of monkey bone marrow fractionation, as well in which human marrow was fractionated, have been listed be noted that in case of monkey marrow fractionation, the 2/lA and factors factor 56, contained the respectively. In highest concentration several of CFU-C experiments even by higher a concen- were found, namely up to 70. In the human gradient, a conceiiof 50 was found in fraction 3/2 in that particular experiment that is representative for seven other experiments. In other factors as high as 100 were achieved. In the electron micrographs obtained from experiments, serial enrichment ultrathin sections of CFU-C-rich monkey and human bone marrow fractions, a morphologic entity similar to the HSC in the mouse6 was frequently observed (magnification 17,000x). No differences in cell structure were noted between the mouse HSC and the MSCLC scored in the primate marrow fractions. MSCLCs from primate and mouse marrow fractions have Fig. 1. Besides the close morphologic similarity between the ferent noted species, in Fig. Table detailed ultrastructural 1. It is obvious that 1. Results of Concentration by the characteristics various structures CFUC Monke y Marrow CFUCt Unfractionated in Monkey’ of CFU-C Discontinuous Albumin suspension of the in the and Human’ Concentration Factor Marrow CFUCt hO5 1 1 Gradient Cells 83 Unfractionated Fractionation 1200 12 85 700 Fraction Refractionation 3 (5%) Refractionation Fraction 2/1 2736 27 50 4100 Fraction Fraction 2/lA (03%) 5600 56 18 1500 Fraction 3’3 Fraction 2/18 (0 3%) 2000 20 87 Fraction 3/4(2%) Fraction 2/iC (0 5%) 1000 10 Fraction 2/2 (2%) 500 Fraction 2/3 (3%) 300 Values of one Number colonies I suspension Fractionation 2 (5.5%) Fraction Figures be cy- . Human 99 can and Bone Marrow Assay Concentration Factor MSCLC nucleus in dif- Gradient Gradient /lO5Cells Representative been depicted cells from the (03%) experiment, of cells or half in of parenthesis 5 3 for seven representative plated the per surface dish of represent are adapted a dish the 1 least two cell yield of - - - - - - - - - 11 3%) experiments to the At 3/2 (0 5%l number dishes the of CFUC per fraction fraction expressed being were expected Values are obtained by counting used. in percentage ol the total unfractionated material at least 100 From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. 200 DICKE ET AL ;‘: ‘ -‘ 11 1l ____ la t ‘r. ‘..L7 , .; ‘, lb iii,, . . ei’ #{149}#{149}. . ..,, . . , Fig. 1. Electron microscopic sections of the candidate stem cell of the human (A), mouse (B). and monkey (C). Note resemblance of cells in the diff#{243}rent species: Candidate stem cell is round and its diameter is 8-1 Ojs. Nucleus is round with indentations. One or two large nucleoli are visible, and chromatin pattern in the nucleus is finely dispersed beside some small flocculent aggregates at the nuclear margins. Cytoplasm is narrow, and the following cytoplasmatic organdIes are absent: Golgi apparatus. endoplasmatic reticulum. multivesicular bodies, lysosomes, and clustered ribosomes. Several small mitochondria are visible. An EM picture of a small lymphocyte from human marrow has been depicted in part D of the figure. Diameter of the cell is S-6i. Nucleus shows large areas of densely aggregated granular chromatin and smaller light regions. In this cell, nucleoli are inconspicious. Cytoplasm contains dense bodies and many vesicules of different sizes. Golgi apparatus is well developed. Many nbosomes are clustered. Mitochondna are large. Nu, nucleolus; M, mitochondrium; G, Golgi apparatus; DB, dense body. X 12,300. From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. IDENTIFICATION See legend toplasm, OF CELLS IN BONE MARROW 201 on facing page. such as a Golgi apparatus and endoplasmatic reticulum, which are apparent in more differentiated cells, are not present in the MSCLC. At low power magnification, one may observe a superficial resemblance between the morphology of the candidate stem cells and the various examined lymphocytes. For this reason, the ultrastructural features in serial sections of both cell types have been compared extensively. Lymphocytes are generally smaller, present more densely clumped nuclear chromatin, and frequently display in their cytoplasm a Golgi apparatus, a centriole, profiles of endoplasmatic reticulum, dense bodies, multivesicular bodies, and lysosomes-organelles that have not been observed in our candi- From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. 202 DICKE Table 2. Comparison With of the Percentage the Percentage MSCLC No Fraction MSCLC CFU-C Determined by Electron #{149} in Monkey Marrow ET AL Microscopy Suspensions CF U-C Assayt - Counted % CFU.C/105 Cells Ratio %MSCLC/%CFU-C %CFU-C 2/lAf 49(267) 18 5600 5.6 3.2 2/lA 64(395) 16 5700 5.7 2.8 2/1 56(347) 16 5500 5.5 2.9 2/1 16(140) 11 5000 5 2.2 2/1 16(224) 7 4700 4.7 1.5 2/iC 15(300) 5 1440 1.4 3.6 2/3 13(319) 4 1000 1 4 7(290) 2 1000 1 2.4 2/iC Mean MSCLC. fraction mouse stem cell-like cell. Figures in parenthesis represent the total 2.8 number of cells per counted t 0.1-1 X iO cells half of the surface Fraction per dish of the dish. number. The were plated. At least Duplicate cultures were fractions used were 100 colonies per dish were counted. or one- used. obtained from gradients in prepared different ex- periments. date stem cell. It should be reminded that lymphocytes, by their response to P1-IA in vitro, are absent from our After identification of the MSCLC in the ultrathin tion of 17,000 x, quantitative centrates were performed sults of the examination listed. A striking fraction CFU-C These ism morphologic studies of the using a magnification of 3000x. of eight monkey CFU-C-rich parallelism is again evident. between Table in CFU-C-concentrated results resemble those between the Table 3. With the number 3 presents entity of of the Percentage the Percentage from monkey the MSCLC Fraction No % 20(181) 3/3 11(124) 3/3 19(240) 3/3 3/2 and CFU-C and numbers human with marrow regard to and the in by Electron Marrow of suspensions. the parallelvitro assay. Microscopy Suspensions CFU-C/1 11 0 Cells Ratio. % MSCLC/% % CFU-C CFU-C 4800 4.8 9 3000 3 3 8 2000 2 4 21(300) 7 6000 6 1.2 11(180) 6 2000 2 3 3/3 16(257) 6 1700 1.7 3.5 3/3 13(250) 5 2000 2 2.5 2.3 Mean #{149} MSCLC. fraction mouse stem cell-like cell. Figures in parenthesis represent the total number 2.8 of cells per counted. t 0.1-1 half per CF U.CAssayt Counted 3/2f MSCLC Determined in Human primate CFU-C conIn Table 2, the refractions have been of MSCLC MSCLC MSCLC CFU.C of counts fractions found in the morphologic Comparison functionally determined stem cell fractions.68 sections at a magnifica- of the FractIon X i#{248}cells surface number. of the The per dish. dish were Duplicate fractions used plated. cultures were At least 100 were used. obtained from colonies gradients per prepared dish were in different counted or experiments one- From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. IDENTIFICATION Note % that OF in the MSCLC/% Under tative in Fig. light BONE monkey, CFU-C the enriched morphologic IN CELLS MARROW as well is 2.8 (Tables microscope, 203 as in the 2 and 3). MGG-stained mouse, monkey, 2 and showed the eter, the diameter rather homogenous and following was estimated structure, studies, preparations fractions of monkey and human criteria listed by van Bekkum of the human marrow et al.6 human candidate characteristics: HSC cells have size, to be 8s; shape, round; round or kidney-shaped; mean of revealed MGG-stained similar the the CFU-C- fulfilling the cells represen- been using nucleus, cytoplasm, ratio presented a micromlight purple, pale blue, no granules. Using enriched the criteria listed above, quantitative monkey bone marrow fractions were compared with the number tions. As can be observed of MSCLC out and these of CFU-C determined per in Table 4, the ratios consisting a b c d Fig. 2. May.GrUnwald-Giemse-stained row (C). Stained preparation of small X 1370. counts carried l0 cells of the in CFU-Ccounts were in these percentage fracof HSC of human (A). monkey (B. arrow). and mouse marlymphocyte is depicted in lower right part of figure (D). From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. DICKE 204 Table 4. Comparison With of the Percentage the Percentage MSCLC#{149} Determined in Monkey CFU.C MSCLC Fraction No. by Light Marrow Microscopy Suspensions CFU -CAssayt Counted % CFU-C/l0 Cells %CFU-C Ratio. %MSCLC/%CFU-C 2/lAf 59(532) ii 5600 5.6 2 2/iA 64(594) 11 4000 4 2.7 2/i 42(427) 10 4700 4.7 2.1 9 3700 3.7 2.4 2/lB 109(1100) 2/iC 52(651) 8 2700 2.7 3 2/lB 32(626) 5 2000 2 2.5 2 27(670) 4 1200 1.2 3.3 2 8(395) 2 1000 1 2 0.1 7 Unfractionated 8(1170) 0.7 100 Mean MSCLC. . ET AL fraction mouse stem cell-like cell. Figures in parenthesis represent the total 3 of cells number per counted. t 0. 1 -1 X cells 10 half of the surface t Fraction per dish of the dish. number. The were plated. Duplicate fractions At cultures used least were were 1 00 colonies per dish were counted or one- used. obtained from gradients prepared in different ex- periments. MSCLC and the percentage mean ratio of % MSCLC/% MSCLC centrated counts CFU-C sistent ratio It can cyte have been fractions can again be seen is superficial, 2 that it still by applying preparations, Table compared obtained be noted. in Fig. that the ultrastructure stained preparations. tated of CFU-C per fraction are highly constant. The CFU-C is 3.0 (n = 9). In Table 5, the results of The might confusion. of the of the Percentage the Percentage with This staining method is strikingly Determined Marrow MSCLC due lymphoto the fact MGGfacili- sections. identical by Light #{149} in Human is 3.1. small visible in the types has been in cross concon- fractions the is mainly MSCLC MSCLC CFUC in highly A very for six different resemblance nucleus is not clearly between both cell polychromatic Comparison ratio the cause of the cell Differentiation the mean although the appearance 5. with the number of CFU-C from human bone marrow. In these to that Microscopy seen With Suspensions CF U-CAssayt Ratio: Fraction No. Counted % CFU -C/l05 Cells %CFU-C % MSCLC/%CFU-C 3/2f 49(615) 8 4000 4 3/2 90(1474) 6 4000 4 1.5 3/3 30(61 5 2000 2 2.5 3/3 23(456) 5 2400 2.4 2.1 3/3 30(732) 4 1100 1.1 3.6 3/4 12(1400) 0.85 120 0.12 7 5) ‘ 2 Mean #{149} MSCLC. fraction of the * Fraction periments. stem cell-like cell. Figures in parenthesis represent the total 3.1 number of cells per counted. t 0.1-1 half mouse X 10 cells surface of the number. per dish. The dish were Duplicate fractions plated. At cultures used were least were 100 colonies per dish were counted or one- used. obtained from gradients prepared in different ex- From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. IDENTIFICATION OF CELLS IN BONE MARROW 205 “b. ;;#{216} a.. ‘A Fig. 3. (A) Polychrome-stained (0.5k ) cross section of a CFU-C-enriched monkey marrow fraction. Arrow indicates a MSCLC. Note the nucleoli and the chromatin structure in nucleus. Light microscope. X 1 750. (B) Electron miprograph of an ultrathin cross section of the same CFU-C-enriched monkey marrow fraction as presented in Fig. 3A. Cell indicated by arrow is the same MSCLC that is depicted in Fig. 3A (cell indicated by arrow). Note identical morphologic appearance of the same cell in the polychrome-stained preparation and in the electron micrograph. X 4200. in electron micrographs morphologic (Fig. appearances, chrome-stained 3). Figure especially MSCLC and 4 illustrates in nuclear the lymphocytes the marked structure, that differences between underwent in the the same poly- staining procedure. DISCUSS ION The resemblance between the candidate stem cells in human and monkey marrow with those described in the mouse is striking, as evidenced by the electron microscopic pictures presented in Fig. 4. Moreover, the electron microscopic appearance tinguished from of the cell MSCLC types is so characteristic belonging to one that of the four it can hemopoietic easily be cell dislines, specifically the myeloid and lymphoid ones. Due to its outspoken morphology, quantitative analysis of the electron microscopic sections is a reliable measure for the number of MSCLC in a hemopoietic suspension. Just as in the mouse, light microscopic examination using the May-Grunwald-Giemsa staining, revealed a superficial resemblance between the MSCLC and the lymphocyte. Although some of the found by the electron terms, which in MGG-stained studies cells, in our the was characteristics microscope helpful for preparations, opinion. structures, specific By especially of the could differentiating the the polychrome the latter in the ultrastructure be “translated” MSCLC method procedure, nucleus, are of the into light MSCLC microscopic from the lymphocyte is preferable for LM which uses clearly visible, cross sections and the of simi- From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. 206 DICKE ET AL Fig. 4. (A) Polychrome-stained cross section of a mouse thoracic duct cell suspension. Small lymphocytes that are predominant in this preparation are smaller than the MSCLCs. Nuclear chromatin structure of the lymphocyte differs from that of the MSCLC. X 1750. (B) Polychromestained cross section of CFU-C-enriched monkey marrow fraction. Arrows indicate the MSCLCs present in this preparation. X 1750. larity in morphology of the polychrome-stained striking between (Fig. 3). MSCLC Moreover, the and lymphocytes analysis by light microscopy cedure should be less polychrome more can be performed time-consuming and the number of HSC than the CFU-C to stain cross sections was that the embedded, inhibited why the dala presented stain in this paper much less enter underscore into with the small lymphocyte cells our previous compartment the which belongs our MSCLC,28 MSCLC. Moore et al.29 cells with to transitional centrated tunately, cell type morphologic this the that quantitative a staining profor determining was not fixation It is not these is differences yet clear conditions. statement6 used were The that the dif- and the various lymphocytes cells cannot easily be associbone marrow. introduction which was Although Some con- of the term “transiheld to represent a one of the cell types to the lymphocyte transitional compartment,27 might the majority of transitional lymphocytes is larger than described colony-forming spond closely under picture the laborious in the fusion has been caused in the literature by the tional lymphocytes” by Rosse and Yoffey,26 primitive hemopoietic precursor cell population. described, resemble 50 Such the cells. the ferences between the mouse HSC on the one hand, on the other hand, are so manyfold that the stem ated out routinely. of MGG does to its EM assay. The reason that MGG Epon in which the cells after the penetration polychromatic MSCLC method brings clearly (Fig. 4), hemopoietic cells morphologic lymphocytes with the aid description or, to characteristics with basophilic of continuous of these be more that precise, in ‘vitro they hold to correcytoplasm. They con- albumin cells was gradients. Unforderived only from From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. IDENTIFICATION OF CELLS Giemsa-stained IN BONE MARROW preparations 207 studied by light microscopy. In our opinion, difficult to compare the results of Moore et al.29 with our own other studies because of the absence of EM data. The same term, lymphocytes,” has been used by others to designate characteristic precursors.3032 The unique morphologic appearance of dispute. Although there identical to the pluripotent is no HSC, the parallelism of its frequency poietic suspensions in mice are of MSCLCs correlate with suspensions strongly supports of the pluripotent Now that HSC with the striking.6 the pluripotent capacity hypothesis of the forms a matter stem cell is entity and of a variety of mammalian description HSC that our candidate as one morphologic number of CFU-S in a variety of hemoThe fact that in monkeys the numbers restorative our in these a detailed of the absolute proof its appearance it is or any of the “transitional lymphocyte a single of hem opoietic morphologic entity species.’2 morphologic properties of the candi- date stem cell is available, these cells can be enumerated in various abnormal states of the hemopoiesis in human patients. Obviously, such analysis will be facilitated by concentrating these cells, e.g., with the density gradient technique. 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