KEYNOTE THE RIGHTEOUS MIND: WHY GOOD PEOPLE ARE DIVIDED BY POLITICS AND RELIGION Jonathan Haidt What on Earth is Happening to Us? Polarization, demonization and paralysis in American politics Jonathan Haidt NYU-Stern Part I: The Good News Wealth is skyrocketing! China India Source: Derek Thompson (2012) in The Atlantic Extreme poverty is heading to zero! Democracy is Triumphant! From Pinker (2011) Genocide has nearly disappeared! From Pinker (2011) Rape and Homicide are plummeting in USA! From Pinker (2011) Cold War Over! We Won! Part II: The Bad News Graph 1: The Parties are increasingly Polarized Source: (McCarty Poole, & Rosenthal, 2006, 2010) Graph 2: Partisans dislike the other party more 90 80 Warmth toward OWN party 70 60 50 40 Warmth toward OTHER party 30 20 10 0 Carter Reagan Bush I Clinton Source: ANES, and Marc Hetherington, Vanderbilt U. Bush II Obama Graph 3: Trust in Govt is down… Source: ANES, and Marc Hetherington, Vanderbilt U. Especially for Republicans What Happened? 1) Party realignment and purification after 1965 2) Generational and cultural change (greatest gen to baby boomers) 3) Changes in Congress in 1995 4) Media fractionation and polarization 5) Increasing immigration and racial diversity 6) Increasing role of money, negative advertising 7) End of the cold war (no common enemy) 8) Residential homogeneity (“the big sort”) 9) Increasing education levels (voters can follow policy) Part III: Moral Psychology The 3 Principles of Moral Psych 1) Intuitions come first, strategic reasoning second 2) There’s more to morality than harm and fairness 3) Morality binds and blinds The 3 Principles of Moral Psych 1) Intuitions come first, strategic reasoning second 2) There’s more to morality than harm and fairness 3) Morality binds and blinds Plato: Reason is the Master Reason can and should rule over the passions Hume: Reason is the servant “Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.” 2/3 of Republicans (and 1/3 of Dems) say President Obama can bring down gas prices. But when Bush was in office, numbers were flipped. 2/3 of Dems (and only ½ of Repubs) say NSA snooping (with court order) is OK. But when Bush was in office, 3/4 of Republicans (and 1/3 of Dems) said NSA’s (warrantless) snooping was OK. Implications for Civility 1) We gullibly accept claims that support our partisan prejudices, and use all our powers to reject disconfirming info. 2) We live in two separate moral “matrices,” each with its own set of historical, scientific, and constitutional facts Why? Where do these different worlds come from? The 3 Principles of Moral Psych 1) Intuitions come first, strategic reasoning second 2) There’s more to morality than harm and fairness 3) Morality binds and blinds Moral Foundations Theory Shweder et al. 1997 Haidt & Joseph, 2004 Haidt & Graham, 2007 A N T H R O E ------Care/harm------------------ V ------Fairness/cheating-------- O ------Liberty/oppression-------L ------Loyalty/betrayal----------------Authority/subversion----- U ------Sanctity/degradation----- T I O N 1. Care/harm Care & Compassion are big at OWS And on liberals’ cars 2. Fairness/cheating Proportionality, equity, karma. No free riders, slackers, cheaters Fairness as equality, mixed with compassion, is big on the left But the deep psychological root of fairness is PROPORTIONALITY, not equality Tea Party rally, 2010 (photos by Emily Ekins) But the deep psychological root of fairness is PROPORTIONALITY, not equality Tea Party rally, 2010 (photos by Emily Ekins) 3. Liberty/oppression 3. Liberty/oppression Negative Liberty: Don’t constrain me Constraint triggers reactance: angry resistance Positive liberty Left-wing, social justice: Focus on the rich and powerful as threat to positive liberty of victim groups. (Govt is the only protector) Care Fairness (proportionality) Liberty (economic) n=3,764 4. Loyalty/betrayal 5. Authority/subversion 5. Authority/subversion 6. Sanctity/degradation Care Fairness (proportionality) Liberty (economic) Authority Loyalty Sanctity n=3,764 Implications for Civility 1) Liberals builds moral matrix on care, fairness (as equality) and positive liberty; see conservatives as cruel, callous enablers of corporate exploitation. 2) Social Conservatives build moral matrix on all 6 foundations; see liberals as naïve bleeding hearts, trampling on fairness (proportionality), negative liberty, authority, and sanctity Is it any wonder that the two sides demonize each other? The 3 Principles of Moral Psych 1) Intuitions come first, strategic reasoning second 2) There’s more to morality than harm and fairness 3) Morality binds and blinds Large scale cooperation is rare Image: Mark Osgatharp Image: J. Brew Morality binds and blinds We circle around sacred objects & principles We circle around sacred objects & principles Circling around shared values creates a moral electromagnet Sacred Objects must be defended! No jokes, insults, or utilitarian tradeoffs. Irrational commitment required Manichaeism: the world is an eternal battle between the forces of darkness and the forces of light Demonization Heretics, Traitors, Apostates Graph 1: The Parties are increasingly Polarized Source: (McCarty Poole, & Rosenthal, 2006, 2010) The states are even more polarized than Washington! From: Shor & McCarty (2011). The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures. APSR. Political Polarization: Movement toward the poles -- from a normal distribution to a more bimodal distribution. Political Civility: The ability to disagree with others while respecting their sincerity and decency. The 3 Principles of Moral Psych 1) Intuitions come first, strategic reasoning second 2) There’s more to morality than harm and fairness 3) Morality binds and blinds What Happened? What Happened? 1) Party realignment and purification after 1965 2) Generational and cultural change (greatest gen to baby boomers) 3) Changes in Congress in 1995 4) Media fractionation and polarization 5) Increasing immigration and racial diversity 6) Increasing role of money, negative advertising 7) End of the cold war (no common enemy) 8) Residential homogeneity (“the big sort”) 9) Increasing education levels (voters can follow policy) 2) Generational and Cultural Change 4) Media Fractionation & Polarization What Can We Do? 1) Party realignment and purification after 1965 2) Generational and cultural change (greatest gen to baby boomers) 3) Changes in Congress in 1995 4) Media fractionation and polarization 5) Increasing immigration and racial diversity 6) Increasing role of money, negative advertising 7) End of the cold war (no common enemy) 8) Residential homogeneity (“the big sort”) 9) Increasing education levels (voters can follow policy) Reforms to Weaken the Magnet: 1) Elect fewer hyper-partisans, e.g.: --More open primaries 2) Weaken pressures to act hyper-partisan, e.g.: --Counteract Citizens United ruling 3) Re-build cross-party relationships, e.g.: --Change legislative calendar to 3 weeks on, one off See for more What you can do 1) Commit to civility: “the ability to disagree with others while respecting their sincerity and decency.” No demonizing. 2) Commit to saving the game. Reforms for good governance, not partisan advantage. 3) Relationships improve reasoning… and legislation. Find new friends/advisors across the aisle For more info: 1) Party Realignment Residential homogeneity Leads to ideological homogeneity, “lifestyle enclaves” Density makes people Democrats Source: Dave Troy, Fueled by Randomness 5) Changes in Washington --Gingrich wants revenge, more combative party --Committee chairmen appointed, not seniority --Minority party more shut out --Changes legislative calendar --New social order, very little fraternizing --Changes filter up to Senate too Part IV: What Now? We can’t reverse most of the changes that brought us hyper-polarization Therefore: --Polarization is here to stay. --But it doesn’t have to be as high as the civil war era. We can return to 1990s levels. --The problem isn’t the politicians, it’s the game they are forced to play We’ve got to repair the game --reduce role of money --reduce incentives for bad sportsmanship What you can do Inspiring end: --relationships are key; go make them! --no labels Common Threats Make Common Ground Americans values are further apart… only when you divide us by party The New Culture War The old culture war % of Americans who believe that global warming has already begun. Gallup data, reported by McCright & Dunlap (2011), fig adapted by Hoffman (2011) Nature Climate Change Trust plummets after 2003 Gallup: Plea for relationships We need reforms to foster relationships in Washington We need ways to meet partisans on the other side, on friendly ground Relationships open hearts, and open hearts open minds Fundamental Institutional Reforms “I will argue that the only realistic alternative to continued gridlock in Washington is not a revival of bipartisanship but an American version of responsible party government. However, I will also argue that responsible party government cannot work without some fundamental reforms, especially ending the filibuster in the Senate.” What you can do 1) Join Urge your reps to become “problem solvers.” 2) Join Support political and campaign finance reform. 3) Moral humility: Each of us is biased in our reasoning, and blind to our biases. Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? . . . You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye. (Matthew 7:3–5) Compassion, Fairness, and (Positive) liberty We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American, she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own. The commitments we make to each other – through Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security – these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. The New Culture War