Chapter 15 - Reteaching Activities

Name __________________________________ Date ________________ Class_________________
Use with Chapter 15
Using the Color Wheel
You can learn to combine colors successfully by using the color wheel. The
color wheel tells you how colors relate to one another. When you put clothes
together, you can create either single-color outfits or outfits that combine
Part I Directions: Refer to Chapter 15 of your textbook, and to the color wheel on page 281.
Respond to the following questions and statements.
1. What is a monochromatic color scheme? _________________________________________
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2. Give an example of monochromatic color schemes. _______________________________
3. What is a complementary color scheme? _________________________________________
4. Give an example of complementary color schemes. _______________________________
5. What is an analogous color scheme? _____________________________________________
6. Give an example of analogous color schemes. _____________________________________
7. What is an accented neutral color scheme? _______________________________________
(Continued on next page)
Discovering Life Skills • Reteaching Activities 53
Name __________________________________ Date ________________ Class_________________
Activity 31
8. Give an example of accented neutral color schemes. _______________________________
Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Part II Directions: Use colored pencils, markers, or crayons to draw one outfit that represents each
of the four color schemes below.
Monochromatic color scheme
Complementary color scheme
Analogous color scheme
Accented neutral color scheme
Discovering Life Skills, Reteaching Activities 54
Name __________________________________ Date ________________ Class_________________
Use with Chapter 15
Activity 32
Clothing Terms
Directions: Make sure you have understood the terms used in Chapter 15 by writing the definitions on the lines provided. Beneath each definition, write an original sentence that demonstrates
the meaning of the term.
1. Status:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
2. Style:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
3. Fashions:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
4. Fads:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
5. Tint:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
6. Shade:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
7. Intensity:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
8. Texture:
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
Discovering Life Skills • Reteaching Activities 55