Love in the Mask(Love in the Mask #32)

Love in the Mask(Love in the Mask #32)
by Yu-Rang Han
Finally finished , I don't like to write reviews so much but this manhwa was special , long ,and so tiring to read and
remember , the names was complicated and i had to use paper and pen to write names and some quet. too, and
that makes me fell like I'm not reading graphic book but big novel . To be honest I am not into this kind of book
or I normally didn't pick it up also I prefer manga to manhwa but suddenly I felt like why not let's give it try , and it
is really worth it . The story can't have a normal summary but I can give you some notes here or there the main
character is Suh Hyun_bin a girl who was working for gang as beggar with her little brother she was only six if i
remember right ,after suffering from hanger and illness her brother died . A rich family have taken care of her and
raise her as male bodyguard for little girl called Yea -ha yun "u can imagine how i suffer with the names though i
use my notes^_T" . She considered that girl as her sister and put her in the same place as her brother took in her
heart . On other hand there are yun ha lee and Bi rak chun and both important character she has met through her
life as bodyguard for yea ha , her love for yun ha lee and her loyalty and caring for yea ha "who has emotion for
yun ha" and also her secret identity as female"I mean Hyun bin " that no one knows even yea ha and yun ha lee .
She has to move to china or another country I don't remember exactly for work to yea ha 's grandfather , There for
second time she met Bi Rak chun a gangster man she had saved him once and he remembered her but also as a
boy after some circumstances he knew her true identity and started to fall for her . After many difficulties they had
suffered together he got killed and she suffered from amnesia . years later she met Yun ha lee as a girl, he did not
recognize her but he felt the same way that he felt with her when she acted as yea ha's bodyguard , after
sometimes and many things that happened to them he knew her and she remembered everything the got married
, In the end of the story their daughter met Bi Rak chun and Ca Hyun Tea 's son who have the same face as his
father and started their love story with a faces that resemble Suh Hyun Bin and Bi Rak Chun.
The story line 's very good written and the characters also have many sides as good and bad the worst thing about
this story is the length and the drama . I guess this will be my first and last time reading such kind of book but that
doesn't mean I didn't enjoy reading it , It was one of my favourite though .So If you like love stories that full with
sadness , struggling , drama , complicated names ^U^and strong well woman as heroin , this is your best
choice.^-^|Al principio me empezó a gustar, la idea era interesante ademas de que es un nuevo genero para mi
doesn't mean I didn't enjoy reading it , It was one of my favourite though .So If you like love stories that full with
sadness , struggling , drama , complicated names ^U^and strong well woman as heroin , this is your best
choice.^-^|Al principio me empezó a gustar, la idea era interesante ademas de que es un nuevo genero para mi
(Gender Bender), pero conforme iba avanzando, aunque me gustaba, sentí que la autora (o autor, aunque el
nombre parece femenino) lo estaba alargando demasiado- pero ahora que lo terminado me atrevo a decir que ha
valido la pena.
Hyunbin, la verdad es que al empezar a leer me espera una ambientación diferente pero Hyunbin a sabido
alegrarme la lectura. Pero admito que conforme iba avanzando empezaba a pensar: "¡Se feliz de una vez, chica!
¡Deja de pensar en la estúpida y pobre rana!"- la verdad es que cuando la pobre empezaba a hacerse sufrir a si
misma me daban unas entrar en la historia y darle un golpe en la cabeza para que se animara de una vez...
Yaeha, al principio me gusto pero conforme iba avanzando la historia la empece a odiar por ser tan "pesadita" con
su amor por Yunha (eso era pesadez y estupidez, no persistencia), pero al final me termino cayendo un poco bien.
Yunha, sin palabras en el buen sentido. La verdad es que a veces hacia muchas y bastantes estupideces por
Hyunbin, pero eso lo hacia romántico y trágico... Como Romeo y Julieta... sin la muerte, claro esta.
Birak, aunque me gusto bastante (view spoiler)[no me sentí del todo convencida con su relación con Hyunbin, no
me llego a convencer (hide spoiler)]. Pero aun así me gusto, (view spoiler)[en la muerte y en la vida- aunque creo
que mas en la muerte, jeje. ^^u (hide spoiler)]
Gahyun, al principio no me cayo muy bien ya que interpretaba el rol del malo, aunque tenia sus razones no podía
evitar que me cayera mal. Pero después de la fase "Yunha", ya me empezó a caer mejor, mucho mejor.
Chi Ho, no hay mucho que decir, solo que cuando llega el momento es un verdadero pesadito con eso del
destino, tanto que parece egoísta- aunque al menos no tanto como Yaeha. ¬¬
Y ya no tengo nada mas que decir.
Resumiendo, Love in the mask es buen manga, con bastante romance (y desesperación y angustia por parte
Hyunbin ¬¬) como Romeo y Julieta, aunque se me hizo demasiado largo para mi gusto. Si hicieran un anime me
lo vería sin dudar, al menos seria corto... ¿no?|Ok words not enough for me to convey my feelings for this
spectacular piece of art I absolutely loved it and I fell in love with it and with all the characters I usually read
Japanese mangas so as a starter for Korean mangas what an amazing manga to start with the ending was perfect
there was always a twist you are always on your toes with this one the excitement the drama the turn of the events
just wow I truly lived the story with this one|This series was SO GOOD but I think I may be severely emotionally
damaged for at least a few months. It was such a roller coaster ride and I don't think that I have ever been so
emotionally punched in the stomach this hard before. The last page seriously gave me such intense goosebumps
and chills. I really want to sob hysterically right now, but my roommate would think I am a crazy weirdo, so I must
just move on and forget about this series. Or at least move on to something different so I don't feel so depressed
anymore. It even had a happy ending, I don't know why I feel so sad and empty!!
P.S. Don't get genuinely worried about me, I'll be okay soon :D|Chun Bi Rak Chun Bi Rak Chun Bi Rak I wanted so
much for you to be happy and live a wonderful life