ROMAN Sophie – 3AI Report 5 – 17/11/2014 THE HUMAN MOTIVATION IN WORKPLACE Problematic Comment expliquer et stimuler la motivation alors que c’est un processus interne difficilement mesurable et explicable ? - Lots of writers speak about motivation through the ages - Lots of example are proposed BUT the motivation is something changeable and dependent on the environment SO it is not possible to explain all the aspects of the motivation. Each person must make that interests in literature and appropriate it to match itself. The information in the literature is not an exact science but only proposals. My tools for the TOEIC I continue to work on the phrasal verbs. I read texts in English and I listened videos. Following this, I detected some problems: - modal - indefinite articles (some, any) How to build a website? I worked the site on the Wix platform; I tested what I could do. I followed the help in the web site and I looked what others have already done. Evolution of the human work in XX and XXI century Some companies give a quota of days / hours left free for employees to work on a project they want and that is not the same as the project they are working on other days of the week. This is how Google News was born. Employees have more autonomy and are more motivated which stimulates their creativity. Readings A.ROTHACKER, G.HAUER. 2013. Leadership in multinational management – A behaviour-set to motivate multicultural team. F.HERZBERG. Motivation to work. Listening J.ROHN. Best Motivational Speech. Use Your Own Mind, Think, & Make Good Decisions Materialization of my work I began to organize my ideas and my research and I made the frame website. I succeed to explain motivation theory and the evolution of this notion. I work on the assumptions of motivation and demotivation that ENSGSI’s students may encounter in their industrial projects, jobs or scholar work according my point of view I hope to propose a website that helps me to understand these different aspects of the motivation that is a large notion. I want to propose a web site quite visual with blocks and arrows. Feelings Je suis contente de pouvoir lire des articles/livres et d’en tirer des enseignements. J’apprécie matérialiser mon travail car ça me permet de mieux le comprendre. Je peux réutiliser mes connaissances dans les cours de master, je ne m’y attendais pas. Le travail seule m’a permis de me rendre compte que je préfère de loin travailler en groupe car je n’ai pas le moyen de l’évaluer et de l’enrichir. Pour l’évaluer j’en ai discuté autour de moi et le fait de le réutiliser au master m’a permis de le positionner (application concrète). Les exercices TOEIC me permettent de connaitre le niveau grammatical attendu à l’examen.