At the November 2012 meeting of Congregational Federation Council, it was agreed that a reference guide be put together and made available to CF Churches as an aid to discussion on the topic of same sex marriage.
The Council recognises the independence of each Congregational church to independently seek the mind of Christ in all the decisions that it makes. This resource is intended only as reference tool for churches, to stimulate discussion for churches who meet to discuss the topic. As it says in ‘Christ in All Things’
“The church meeting, seeking the mind of Christ, has all the authority it needs to make decisions for that local church. It is an amazing privilege and responsibility ”
In his book ‘The Nature of the Household of Faith’, Alan Argent reminds us:
‘At the church meeting, all the covenant members seek together to discover the will of Christ for their fellowship and are guided into a common mind by the Holy Spirit.
Neither bullying nor pressuring of others should occur but patient
‘waiting on the
Lord ’ may be necessary, calling for tender restraint sometimes on the part of committed enthusiasts. Jesus said, ‘Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them
’ (Matt 18: 19-20). Congregationalists believe that if Christians assemble to discern Christ ’s will, he will enable them to discover it.’
Civil Partnership Act of December 2005 : this Act stated that in England and Wales and
Scotland, same-sex partnership could be registered as civil partnerships in law, but that such registrations could not take place in the context of religious worship. Civil partnership is not recognised as marriage, although registered civil partners share almost the same legal rights and responsibilities as heterosexual couples.
The Equality Act 2010, section 202: this removed the ban on civil partnership registrations being held on religious premises in England and Wales, if a faith body wishes.
In December 2012 the government published its response to the consultation on equal marriage, outlining draft legislation to allow same-sex marriages on religious premises in
England and Wales, if a faith body opts in.
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill : published on Friday 25 th
January (First Reading). For up to date information about the progress of the Bill, refer to:
In considering their position on same sex marriage, churches may wish to consider a format used by the ethics group on the Integrated Training course:
Explore the issue of marriage in its entirety. What is marriage? How was it seen at the time of Christ, how is it viewed now? In considering this look at the wider picture, including older people and marriage, second marriages, and marriage between people who decide not to have children. What is your churches policy on marriage?
Consider carefully the issue of homosexuality, and aim for an informed discussion
Bear in mind bible passages as required:
‘Whichever passages are used they need to be seen in context and as whole passages, using single verses is not always helpful. The Bible is not a DIY manual with a handy index and shouldn’t be treated as such. Thought is needed as to what particular passages are saying to us today.’ Barbara Bridges, ethics tutor, Integrated
Training Course.
Pray, reflect, discuss, and be open to the mind of Christ.
The following decision was reached by CFL Trustees following discussion regarding the
Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 at a meeting held
June 20th 2012:
'The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations came into force in
December 2011. This legislation allows religious premises to make an application to approve their premises as places where civil partnerships can be registered.
The trustees of The Congregational Federation Ltd recognise that each congregational church is responsible for its own governance and decision making in such matters via the church meeting. In accordance with these principles, the trustees determined that, in respect of those churches who have appointed The Congregational Federation Ltd as holding trustee, consent of The Congregational Federation Ltd is not required should a church wish to make an application to approve their building for the purposes of registering civil partnerships' Mark Tucker 22 June 2012
For more information about use of buildings contact Mark Tucker.
‘The primary role of CLAS is as a vehicle for conveying to the Government the views of the churches on legislation and other matters which directly affect them and likewise as a channel through which the Government can consult the churches as a whole on such matters.
For their statement from Churches legislation Advisory Service email their secretary Frank
Cranmer nts_on_Gay.aspx
The Churches Together in England (CTE) website contains the following statement and information: ‘Different churches and denominations in England have various views about the Government debate on what many call 'gay marriage. This popular title is acceptable to some churches and not for others.
The following reports can be found on this site: Church of England Statement, Methodist statement to 'Equal Civil marriage consultation pdf, Orthodox Marriage statement, Quaker view on same sex marriage, and Roman Catholic response to the Government consultation on same sex marriage
For a range of views and opinions the following could be consulted.
Christian Institute
‘The Christian Institute is a nondenominational Christian charity committed to upholding the truths of the Bible. We are supported by individuals and churches throughout the UK.
‘Quakers see God in everyone and that leads us to say that all committed loving relationships are of equal worth and so Quakers in Britain wish to celebrate them in the same way ’.
Out for marriage
‘A new cross party and cross media campaign,, to support changing the law to allow gay couples to marry, has launched to help spread the message that most people in Britain and indeed the Western world, are happy to
"come Out4Marriage ’
Evangelical Alliance
‘We are the largest and oldest body representing the UK’s two million evangelical
Christians. For more than 165 years, we have been bringing Christians together and helping them listen to, and be heard by, the government, media and society.
Coalition for marriage
‘The Coalition for Marriage is an umbrella group of individuals and organisations in the UK that support traditional marriage and oppose any plans to redefine it.
Jeffrey John Book
‘Drawing on many years' personal and pastoral experience, Jeffrey John explores the meaning and context of the mentions of homosexuality in the Bible and also considers the moral arguments, before offering guidance to same-sex couples on forming a lasting, covenanted, monogamous relationship. Earlier editions of this book have become essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the theology of same-sex relationships in a Christian context. It has been cited by the Archbishop of
Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, as one of the most helpful books on the subject. ‘
March 2013