FINAL EXAM NOTES - Family Dynamics (Families Today textbook)

FINAL EXAM NOTES - Family Dynamics (Families Today textbook)
1. During the thirties, adult development typically involves establishing roots.
Personality is made up of three general types of traits: emotional, social, and intellectual.
3. Your philosophy of life is the sum of your beliefs, attitudes, values, and priorities.
4. Being a good citizen is really a responsibility.
5. Feelings of loneliness are natural for all people, including teens.
6. Typically, dating progresses through three stages that begin with group activities.
7. Teens make better choices about sexual activity when they live by their values.
8. All of the following are functions of the family: protection, economic support and teaching values.
9. A father who runs errands for an elderly neighbor teaches his child values.
10. When a couple has launched their children and have time for themselves or perhaps are
helping or caring for their own parents, they are in the middle-age stage.
11. In the last two decades, nuclear families have become less common than before.
12. Marriage is a binding contract between two people.
13. Shared values can guide couples in making difficult decisions in a marriage.
14. Splitting up homes and other property in divorce is called property settlement.
15. Taking classes in child development is a good way to learn how children grow and mature.
16. At around eleven years of age, children begin to think abstractly, predicting what might happen
in the future.
17. Many older people who are in good health and who have financial resources would like to
remain independent for as long as they can.
18. Ageism is prejudice against older people.
19. Fixed income monthly payments, such as social security or a pension, that do not change
20. Life stages and their tasks come at different points in different people’s lives.
21. A person who is focused inward, or on himself or herself, is an introvert.
22. Those who are morally strong are said to have character.
23. Your oldest and strongest friendships take work to maintain.
24. The best way to end a relationship is to be straightforward and point out your differences.
25. All the following are true about AIDS: it is spread primarily through sexual contact, the
incidence of AIDS is increasing, and it kills the cells of the immune system.
26. A major key to family harmony is strong communication skills.
27. Values are meaningless unless you act on them.
28. A foster family takes care of children on a temporary basis.
29. Women who are single parents often live with low incomes.
30. it is difficult for an engagement to survive parental disapproval of the relationship.
31. Couples tend to manage family finances more easily when they agree on what things are
needs and what things are wants.
32. Financial support of an ex-spouse is called alimony.
33. All of the following are true about teen fathers: they are more apt to have low-paying jobs, they
often feel confused about their roles, and they may have to leave school to work to support their
34. Providing love, attention, support, and encouragement aids a child’s emotional development.
35. Although their minds may slow down a bit, many older adults often have improved logic and
36. Disengagement is withdrawal from others and from activity.
37 Elder abuse is physical abuse directed at aging people.
38. People use conflict-resolution skills to settle disagreements.
39. The ‘empty nest” refers to having children grow up and leave home.
40. When an immigrant grandmother sings a lullaby from her childhood to her grandchildren, she is
buildin9 their cultural heritage.
41. Honest communication is the key to a good marriage.
42. To get along in a blended family, family members should do all of the following: accept the
situation, communicate with i-messages, and allow time for relationships to grow.
43. A good way to learn about raising children is to do volunteer work with children.
44. Supervising children to protect them from harm is known as monitoring.
45. The number of people in nursing homes appears to be rising for all the following reasons:
women are living longer that ever before, there are more older people with chronic illnesses, and
there are more older people with no one to care for them.
46. The period of life after the age of fifty is called the Third Age.
47. In congregate housing, a group of people live in the same building and share meals and some
living space while having their own rooms for privacy.
48. A child who can tell the difference between truth and lies shows moral growth.
49. Gerontology is the study of the aging process.
50. Retirement communities are housing units designed to meet the needs of older residents. They
are often arranged around a communal building where residents can meet for meals and social