Your Guide INVESTING FOR CHILDREN More information can be found on our website INVESTING FOR CHILDREN IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PUT SOME MONEY ASIDE FOR YOUR CHILDREN OR GRANDCHILDREN, PERHAPS TO HELP WITH SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY FEES, CHARLES STANLEY OFFER VARIOUS OPTIONS, SOME OF WHICH HAVE TAX BENEFITS FOR YOU, THE DONOR. Bare trusts are potentially the most advantageous option in terms of gaining the best tax treatment. Assets held within the trust are treated as belonging wholly to the child and thus income and capital gains are taxed against them and not the donor (other than in relation to income from trusts established by parents for their own children). Junior Individual Savings Accounts (JISAs) allow for investments to be held for a child by a parent free from personal taxation, just as with an adult ISA. Assets held under a designated account remain the property of the adult for tax purposes and are purely a method of separating out funds with the possible intention of passing them to children at a later date. BARE TRUST ▪▪ A bare trust is usually evidenced by a trust deed or can be created by statute in cases of intestacy. ▪▪ The beneficiary has an immediate, irrevocable and absolute entitlement to the property of the trust and takes legal title from the age of 18 years in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 16 years in Scotland. ▪▪ The trust is transparent and the assets belong to the child, therefore income tax and capital gains tax are assessed against the child. ▪▪ Trustees have no discretion: the beneficiary cannot be changed once named. ▪▪ A bare trust can be set up to benefit more than one child – for example a ‘grandchildren’s trust’ – and the assets will be owned equally between them unless specific shares are identified at outset. ▪▪ Transfers into bare trusts have the advantage of beneficial treatment for inheritance tax (IHT). ▪▪ Small transfers up to £3,000 (the annual gift exemption) or £250 (the small gift exemption) will be immediately exempt from IHT, as will funds provided by way of regular gifts from surplus income. ▪▪ Large gifts are potentially exempt transfers (PETs) and will be fully exempt from IHT provided the donor survives for seven years from the date of transfer. ▪▪ With regard to bare trusts created by parents on behalf of a child, if income from the trust exceeds £100 per annum then it is taxed back on the parent. This can be avoided by suppressing income within a portfolio or wrapping the investment in an offshore insurance bond – a non-income producing investment. JISA ▪▪ Allows parents, family and friends to contribute for a child up to 18 years of age who lives in the UK. ▪▪ Long term, tax free savings account for children. ▪▪ Cannot open a JISA if you already have a Child Trust Fund. ▪▪ The maximum subscription for 2015/16 is £4080, which can be invested in either a Cash JISA or a Stocks & Shares JISA, or split in any proportion between the two. Unlike ‘adult’ ISAs where they can open and subscribe to new ISAs in each tax year, a child can only hold up to two JISAs (up to one of each type) throughout their childhood. However, ▪▪ This signifies a possible future intention to pass the investment on, but no obligation to do so. ▪▪ On this basis there is no transfer of value hence the assets remain the property of the adult holder ▪▪ The income and capital gains are taxed on the holder, and there is no gift for inheritance tax purposes so the value of the investment remains fully within the holder’s estate. between the age of 16 and 18, they made hold up to two JISAs plus an ‘adult’ Cash ISA. ▪▪ Won’t pay interest on cash, or tax on capital gains or dividends received. ▪▪ The account must be opened by a child’s parent or guardian with parental responsibility. ▪▪ It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility but the money belongs to the child. ▪▪ The child may take control of the money when they’re 16, but money cannot be withdrawn until they’re 18. ▪▪ From 6 April 2015, it is permitted to transfer a Child Trust Fund (CTF) to an Junior ISA (JISA). Partial transfers are not permitted, the CTF must be transferred in full. As the child cannot have a CTF and a JISA, if a JISA is opened the CTF must be transferred as part of the application. ▪▪ Not the same as a bare trust ▪▪ In all situations where funds are directly invested a bare trust should be used unless there is no actual intention to make an irrevocable gift. For further information please contact your Charles Stanley Account Manager or, if you are not yet a Charles Stanley client, contact us at: E: Your Guide ▪▪ The transfer may take place, even if at the time that the transfer is made, the child would not be eligible for a JISA – for example because they are no longer resident in the UK. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT ▪▪ The only circumstances under which a designated account is suitable for investment on behalf of a child is where the capital to fund the investment already belonged to that child, for example cash built up in a savings account in the child’s own name via gifts from relatives is then channelled into an actively managed investment account operated by a parent and designated for the child. ▪▪ Assets are held in the name of the adult and designated with the child’s initials as a form of ‘earmarking’. The information does not constitute advice or a personal recommendation and you are recommended to seek advice concerning suitability from your investment adviser. The price of shares and other investments, and the income derived from them, may fall as well as rise and the amount realised may be less than their original sum. The information given in this document is based upon sources we believe to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Tax reliefs are those currently applying and the levels and bases of taxation can change. Investors should be aware that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future. 32.01 May 2015 Charles Stanley & Co. Limited is registered in England No. 1903304 Registered Office: 25 Luke Street, London EC2A 4AR T 020 7739 8200 DX 123150 BROADGATE-1 Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Member of the London Stock Exchange. © 2015 Charles Stanley & Co. Limited