David B. Fankhauser, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Chemistry
15 Sept 1993, rvsd 4Nov94, 12Sept95, 23Sept96, 3Dec96, 4Nov99, 2Nov 00, 1Nov01, 29Sept02, 12Nov02, 19Sept05
Illustrate these disarticulated bones and include the listed features with labels (hand le with care
and respe ct please, they are real & fragile). Enter in your book on pages in this order:
VERTEBRA (on facing pages: two pictures on each page, same scale, superior views for all)
Thre e classes: (Ma rtini’s 6h: p 23 2-23 5, 7 th: 226-230)
a: cerv ical: most delicate of the vertebrae
Unique cerv ical features: transverse foramina, bifurcated spino us process
b: thoracic: label features common to all verteb rae:
centrum, neural arch, vertebral foramen, pedicle, spinous process, lamina, superior
articular processes, transverse process, Draw small side view showing the demifacets
and the verteb ral notches which form intervertebral foramina for spinal nerves.
Unique thoracic fea tures: demifacets for articulation with rib head, seen from side (except
for 11th and 1 2th.), articular facets on transverse processes (for rib tubercle) and long
delicate spinous processes
c: lumbar: heavy centra, bro ad heavy spinous pro cess, transverse pro cess lacks facets
d. Articulated C-1 and C-2: ( top rear view of the articulated bones) (one picture)
atlas: no centrum , articular surface for odo ntoid pro cess, no spinous process
axis: odontoid proc ess (dens) (M artini’s 6th: p 232)
Sacrum (posterior view): dorsal sacral foramina, superior articular facet, auricular surface (on
sides, for os coxa ), (ala), median sacra l crest, sacral canal, sacral hiatus.
Scapula : (posterior view): acromion process, cora coid process, spine of the scapula, supraspinous
fossa, infraspinous fossa, glenoid fossa, vertebral border, axillary border
Bon es of the arm: (two pages: two views of humerus on first, ulna and radius on facing page)
a: humerus: (anterior and posterior views): head, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle,
intertubercular groove, deltoid tuberosity, lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle, trochlea,
coronoid fossa, cap itulum, olecranon fossa
b: ulna: (lateral view) olecrano n proce ss, trochlear notch (sem ilunar notch), coro noid pro cess,
head, styloid process, radial notch
c: radius: head, neck, radial tuberosity, styloid process, ulnar notch
Articulated bones of the wrist and hand, ventral view (trac e around yo ur hand as a mod el):
include distal ulna and radius (M artini’s 6th: p 249)
proximal ro w of carpals:
triquetrum pisiform
distal row of carpals:
first through fifth metacarp als, proximal, midd le and distal phalanges.
Os coxa, lateral view with acetabulum and ob turator foramen: (Martini’s 6th: p 250)
a: ilium: iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, posterior superior
iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, greater sciatic notch
b: pubic bone: pubic tubercle, inferior ramus
c: ischium: ischial spine, ischial tuberosity, ischial ramus
Articulated b ones of the ankle to m etatarsa ls, top view: (M artini’s 6th: p 256)
talus, calcaneus, navicular, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, cuboid,
first through fifth metatarsals
page 27