Characterization in ​The Great Gatsby

Characterization in ​
The Great Gatsby For this assignment, you will be working in your small group to create mini­posters on each of the main characters in ​
The Great Gatsby​
. ​
Your group must have a mini­poster for each of the following characters: Gatsby, Nick, Daisy, and Tom. All quotes must be cited correctly! Each mini­poster must have the following information: 1. A title with the character’s name 2. An image of the character 3. A character summary (in your own words) 4. A quote describing their physical appearance with an explanation 5. A quote describing their personality with an explanation 6. A section of character dialogue that portrays their personality with an explanation 7. Three additional quotations that show character development or change over the course of the novel with explanations This group assignment will be graded on both the completion of the following requirements as well as the overall look. You do not have to have amazing art skills, but you do need to put forth effort. Handwriting must be neat! ​
The final product must not looked rushed​
. Please keep this handout paperclipped to the top of your group work in the class folder. Group Members: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 