Latin cover boyd 18/5/04 3:11 PM Page 2 Junior Certificate Latin Defined Vocabulary List Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 1 Junior Certificate Latin Defined Vocabulary List I N T RO D U C T I O N he aim of this defined vocabulary is to provide students at T Junior Certificate level with an ag reed list of basic Latin words. This should be of great assistance to teachers who can be sure that in using this list they will have covered all the required words for the Junior Certificate examination.It should also be a source of reassurance and confidence to the students. The list contains some 600 words.These words are drawn from the three course books recommended in the Department of Education and Science syllabus for Junior Certificate Latin.These course books are Ecce Romani, The Cambridge Latin Course and A New Approach to Latin.Additional words not on the list, but included in passages of unprescribed translation on the Junior Certificate Latin examination paper, will be glossed. The words are arranged in alphabetical order.The usual conventions found in Latin vocabularies have been followed, but verbs are given the fullest form to make their parts as clear as possible for students. 1 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 2 The conventions followed are: Verbs: Principal Parts are given in full as well as the conjugation number in brackets e.g.laudo, laudare, laudavi,laudatum (1). Nouns: Nominative Singular and Genitive Singular are g iven with the gender added in italics e.g.captivus – i m. Adjectives and certain Pronouns: Nominative Singular is given in the masculine, feminine and neuter e.g.bonus – a – um;qui – quae – quod. Prepositions: These are given with the case which they take in italics e.g.a,ab + abl. Those verbs which take a case other than the Accusative are followed by that case name in italics e.g.persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi,persuasum + dat. (2) The list can be used by the teacher in a number of ways.Words can be set for learning as they are encountered in the course book being used in class.This method has the advantage of students meeting the words in a meaningful context before learning them by heart. The list should also prove beneficial when it comes to revision.By setting a number of words (possibly about 10) to be learned each day, these most commonly used Latin words can be revised in a relatively short time. As already indicated, words not appearing on this list will be glossed in the relevant sections of the Junior Certificate papers. However, it is a list of basic Latin vocabulary and teachers will wish to increase their students’ word power beyond this basic number. 2 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 3 LATIN ENGLISH a a a,ab + abl. abeo, abire, abii or abivi,abitum absum,abesse, afui or abfui + abl. ac (atque) accido, accidere, accidi (3) accipio, accipere, accepi,acceptum (3) accuso, accusare, accusavi,accusatum (1) ad + acc. addo, addere, addidi,additum (3) adeo adeo, adire, adii or adivi,aditum adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, adiutum (1) adsto, adstare, adstiti (1) adsum,adesse, adfui advenio, advenire, adveni,adventum (4) aedificium –i n. aeger, aegra,aegrum age, agite ago, agere, egi, actum (3) alii … alii alius,alia,aliud alter, altera,alterum from, by to go away to be out,be absent,be away and to happen to accept,take in, receive, welcome to accuse to, towards, at to add so much,so greatly, to such a deg ree to approach, go up to to help, assist to stand near, stand by to be here, present,at hand to arrive at building sick come on to do, act, plead,pass,spend time some ...others other, another, else the other, another, one of two, the one, a second to walk friend to love love maidservant,slave spirit,soul,mind year before, in front of before, formerly, previously to open, reveal ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi,ambulatum (1) amicus –i m. amo, amare, amavi,amatum (1) amor, amoris m. ancilla –ae f. animus –i m. annus –i m. ante +acc. antea aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum (4) 3 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 4 appareo, apparere, apparui (2) appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatum + dat. or ad + acc. (1) apud + acc. aqua –ae f. ardeo, ardere, arsi,arsum (2) ars,artis f. ascendo, ascendere, ascendi,ascensum (3) atque atrium –i n. attonitus –a –um audacia –ae f. audax –acis m. f. n. audeo, audere, ausus sum (2) audio, audire, audivi,auditum (4) aufero, auferre, abstuli,ablatum aureus –a –um autem auxilium –i n to appear, become visible to approach,come near to among, at the house of , in the presence of water to burn, be on fire art,skill to climb, rise and hall astonished,thunder struck boldness,daring,audacity bold to dare to hear to take away, carry off, steal golden,made of gold but,moreover, however, now help, assistance b b bellum –i n. bene bibo, bibere, bibi (3) bonus –a –um brevis –is –e war well to drink good short,brief c c caelum –i n. canis,canis m.or f. canto, cantare, cantavi,cantatum (1) capio, capere, cepi,captum (3) captivus –i m. caput,capitis n. castigo, castigare, castigavi,castigatum (1) celer, celeris,celere celeriter sky, heaven, weather dog to sing, chant to take, capture, seize, catch prisoner, captive head to scold, chide quick, fast quickly 4 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 5 celo, celare, celavi,celatum (1) cena –ae f. ceno, cenare, cenavi,cenatum (1) centum centurio, centurionis m. ceteri -ae –a cibus –i m. civis,civis m. clamo, clamare, clamavi,clamatum (1) clamor, clamoris m. claudo, claudere, clausi,clausum (3) cogito, cogitare, cogitavi,cogitatum (1) cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi,cognitum (3) comes,comitis m. or f. commotus –a –um to hide, conceal dinner to dine, have dinner one hundred centurion the others,the rest food citizen to shout, cry aloud loud shout,cry to shut,close, block to think,consider, reflect upon to learn,get to know, ascertain,find out companion moved, upset,affected,alarmed,excited, distressed, overcome compleo, complere, complevi, completum (2) to fill conficio, conficere, confeci,confectum (3) to finish, exhaust conicio, conicere, conieci,coniectum (3) to hurl,throw conor, conari, conatus sum (1) to try, attempt conscendo, conscendere, conscendi (3) to climb on,embark on,go on board consilium –i n plan,idea,advice conspicio, conspicere, conspexi,conspectum (3) to catch sight of , behold, observe, constituo, constituere, constitui,constitutum (3) to decide, resolve contra +acc. against convenio, convenire, conveni, conventum (4) to meet,assemble, put together, gather corona –ae f. garland, wreath corpus,corporis n. body cotidie daily, every day cras tomorrow credo, credere, credidi,creditum + dat. (3) to trust,believe, have faith in creo, creare, creavi,creatum (1) to make, create, elect, choose cubiculum –i n. bedroom cum + abl. with cum when,whenever, since cupio, cupere, cupivi,cupitum (3) to want,desire 5 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 6 cur cura –ae f. curo, curare, curavi,curatum (1) curro, currere, cucurri,cursum (3) custodio, custodire, custodivi,custoditum (4) why? care to care for, look after, supervise, attend to to run to guard d d de + abl. dea –ae f. debeo, debere, debui,debitum (2) decem decimus –a –um defendo, defendere, defendi,defensum (3) defessus –a –um deinde delecto, delectare, delectavi,delectatum (1) deleo, delere, delevi,deletum (2) demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratum (1) depono, deponere, deposui,depositum (3) descendo, descendere, descendi,descensum (3) deus –i m. dico, dicere, dixi,dictum (3) dies,diei m. difficilis –is –e diligenter dimitto, dimittere, dimisi,dimissum (3) discedo, discedere, discessi,discessum (3) diu do, dare, dedi,datum (1) doceo, docere, docui,doctum (2) doctus –a –um doleo, dolere, dolui (2) dolor, doloris m. domina –ae f. dominus –i m. about, concerning,from,down from goddess to owe, ought,should, must ten tenth to defend tired, exhausted, weary then,next to delight,please to destroy to show, point out to put down,lay down, take off to climb down,go down,come down god to say, tell day difficult carefully, diligently, hard to send away, dismiss to go away, depart for a long time to give to teach learned,educated,skilful to hurt,be in pain,ache, grieve pain, grief mistress master, owner 6 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 7 domus -us f. dormio, dormire, dormivi,dormitum (4) dubium –i n. duco, ducere, duxi,ductum (3) dum duo, duae, duo dux,ducis m. home, house to sleep doubt to lead,guide, take while, until two leader e e e, ex + abl. ecce effugio, effugere, effugi,effugitum (3) ego egredior, egredi,egressus sum (3) emitto, emittere, emisi,emissum (3) emo, emere, emi,emptum (3) enim 2nd word in sentence eo, ire, ivi or ii,itum epistula –ae (epistola) f. equus –i m. erro, errare, erravi,erratum (1) et etiam excipio, excipere, excepi,exceptum (3) excito, excitare, excitavi,excitatum (1) exclamo, exclamare, exclamavi,exclamatum (1) exeo, exire, exivi or exii,exitum exerceo, exercere, exercui,exercitum (2) exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi,exspectatum (1) exstinguo, extinguere, exstinxi,exstinctum (3) extra + acc. extraho, extrahere, extraxi,extractum (1) from,out of look! lo! behold! to escape, flee away I to come out, leave to send out, let loose, throw, emit to buy for to go letter horse to wander, make a mistake, be mistaken and even,also, yes to take up, receive to rouse, wake up, awaken,arouse to shout,exclaim,call out to go out to exercise, drill to wait for, await to put out, exstinguish,destroy outside to pull out,drag out,draw out. 7 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 8 f f fabula –ae f. facile facilis –is –e facio, facere, feci, factum (3) faveo, favere, favi, fautum +dat. (2) femina –ae f. fero, ferre, tuli,latum ferox –ocis m. f. n. festino, festinare, festinavi,festinatum (1) fidelis –is –e fides,fidei f. filia –ae f. filius –i m. flamma –ae f. flos –oris m. fortis –is –e fortiter forum –i n. frango, frangere, fregi,fractum (3) frater, fratris m. frustra fugio, fugere, fugi,fugitum (3) fur, furis m. story, play, fable easily easy, good natured to make, do to favour, support woman to bring,bear, carry fierce, spirited,ferocious to hurry, hasten faithful,loyal faithfulness,loyalty, faith, trustworthiness daughter son flame flower brave bravely forum,market place, the Roman forum to break,tear to pieces,shatter, crush brother in vain to flee, run away thief g g gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum (2) gens,gentis f. gero, gerere, gessi,gestum (3) gladiator, gladiatoris m. gladius –i m. gloria –ae f. gravis –is –e graviter to rejoice, be glad,be pleased family, tribe, race to wear, conduct gladiator sword fame, renown heavy, serious,important heavily, soundly, seriously 8 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 9 h h habeo, habere, habui, habitum (2) habito, habitare, habitavi,habitatum (1) heri hic, haec, hoc hodie homo, hominis m. hora –ae f. hortor, hortari, hortatus sum (1) hortus –i m. hospes,hospitis m. or f. hostis, hostis m. or hostes,hostium humi to have, consider, regard,hold to live, dwell yesterday this,(he, she, it) today man,person hour to encourage, urge garden guest,host enemy on the g round i i iaceo, iacere, iacui (2) iacio, iacere, ieci,iactum (3) iam ianua –ae f. ibi idem, eadem,idem igitur 2nd word ille, illa,illud impedio, impedire, impedivi,impeditum (4) impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatum + dat. (1) impetus –us m. impono, imponere, imposui,impositum (3) in + acc. in +abl. incendo, incendere, incendi,incensum (3) incipio, incipere, incepi,inceptum (3) incito, incitare, incitavi,incitatum (1) infans,infantis m. or f. ingens –entis m. f. n. ingredior, ingredi,ingressus sum (3) to lie, lie down to throw now, already door there the same therefore, and so that (he, she, it) to delay, hinder to order, command an attack,charge to place upon, put into, put onto, place upon in to, on to in,on to burn,set fire to to begin to urge on, encourage, rouse infant,baby, child huge, enormous to enter 9 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 10 inicio, inicere, inieci,iniectum (3) inquit inspicio, inspicere, inspexi,inspectum (3) insula –ae f. intellego, intellegere, intellexi,intellectum (3) inter + acc. interea intro, intrare, intravi,intratum (1) invenio, invenire, inveni,inventum (4) invito, invitare, invitavi,invitatum (1) ipse, ipsa,ipsum ira –ae f. iratus –a –um irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptum (3) is,ea,id ita ita vero itaque iter, itineris n. iubeo, iubere, iussi,iussum (2) iuvenis –is m. to throw on,throw over he, she, it, says to look at,inspect, view, examine, search island, block of flats to understand,perceive between,among,during meanwhile to enter to find to invite himself, herself, itself, self anger angry to burst in,break in,invade he, she, it,that in this way, thus,so yes, yes indeed and so, therefore journey, march to order, command young man l l labor –oris m. laboro, laborare, laboravi,laboratum (1) lacrima –ae f. lacrimo, lacrimare, lacrimavi,lacrimatum (1) laetus –a –um laudo, laudare, laudavi,laudatum (1) lavo, lavare, lavi,lavatum (1) lectica –ae f. legatus –i m. lego, legere, legi,lectum (3) lente leo, leonis m. liber, libri m. work,toil, exertion to work tear to cry, weep glad,happy to praise to wash litter, sedan chair envoy, deputy, commander, legate to read slowly lion book 10 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 11 liberi –orum libero, liberare, liberavi,liberatum (1) libertus –i m. lingua –ae f. litus,litoris n. locus –i m. longus –a –um loquor, loqui,locutus sum (3) ludus –i m. lux, lucis f. children to free, set free freed man,ex slave tongue, language sea shore, shore place, category long to speak school,game light,daylight m m magister, magistri m. magnopere magnus –a –um maior, maior, maius malo, malle, malui malus –a –um mane maneo, manere, mansi,mansum (2) manus –us f. mare, maris n. mater, matris f. maxime maximus –a –um medicus –i m. medius –a –um melior, melior, melius mensa –ae f. mercator, mercatoris m. meus –a –um miles,militis m. milia + gen. mille minimus –a –um minor, minor, minus master (of pupils),captain (of ship) greatly great, big greater, bigger to prefer evil,bad in the morning,early to stay, remain hand,(of people) band sea mother very much, very greatly very big, very large, very great, greatest doctor middle better (see bonus) table merchant my, mine soldier thousands a thousand smallest, very little smaller, less 11 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 12 mirabilis –is –e miser, misera, miserum mitto, mittere, misi,missum (3) modus –i m. molestus –a –um moneo, monere, monui,monitum (2) mons,montis m. morbus –i m. morior, mori,mortuus sum (3) moror, morari,moratus sum (1) mors,mortis f. mortuus –a –um mos,moris m. moveo, movere, movi,motum (2) mox multa multae multi multitudo, multitudinis f. multum adv. multus –a –um murus –i m. marvellous,strange, wonderful wretched,sad to send manner, way, kind troublesome, annoying to warn,advise mountain illness, disease to die to delay, linger death dead, having died custom to move, set in motion,begin soon many things many women many men,many people crowd,large number much much wall n n nam narro, narrare, narravi,narratum (1) nauta –ae m. navigo, navigare, navigavi,navigatum (1) navis,navis f. ne ne … quidem necesse est neco, necare, necavi,necatum (1) neglego, neglegere, neglexi,neglectum (3) nemo neque … neque for to tell, relate sailor to sail ship that … not,lest,in case, so that … not not even it is necessar y to kill e.g. by poison to neglect,disregard no one neither … nor 12 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 13 nescio, nescire, nescivi,nescitum (4) nihil nisi noli/nolite +infin. nolo, nolle, nolui nomen,nominis n. non nondum nonne? nonnulli –ae –a nonus –a –um nos noster, nostra,nostrum notus –a –um novem novus –a –um nox, noctis f. nullus –a –um num num ? numerus –i m. numquam nunc nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum (1) nuntius –i m. not to know nothing except,unless do not,don’t to not want, be unwilling name not not yet surely? some, several ninth we, us our known, well known, famous nine new night not any, no, none whether surely … not? number never now, at present to report,announce messenger, message, news o o occido, occidere, occidi,occisum (3) to kill occupatus –a –um busy, engaged occurro, occurrere, occurri, occursum + dat. (3) to run to meet,meet, present itself octavus –a –um eighth octo eight oculus –i m. eye olim once, once upon a time, some time ago omnes every one omnia everything 13 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 14 omnis,omnis, omne oppidum –i n. opprimo, opprimere, oppressi,oppressum (3) optime optimus –a –um orno, ornare, ornavi,ornatum (1) oro, orare, oravi,oratum (1) ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentum (3) all town to crush, overwhelm best, very well best, very good,excellent to decorate to beg,beseech,pray to show p p paene paratus –a –um parens, parentis m.or f. pareo, parere, parui +dat. (2) paro, parare, paravi,paratum (1) pars,partis f. parvus –a –um pater, patris m. patior, pati,passus sum (3) pauci –ae –a pax,pacis f. pecunia –ae f. per + acc. periculosus –a –um periculum –i n. persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasum + dat. (2) perterritus –a –um pervenio, pervenire, perveni, perventum +in/ad + acc. pes,pedis m. pessimus –a –um peto, petere, petivi,petitum (3) placet +dat. plenus –a –um +gen. or abl. plura nearly, almost ready, prepared parent to obey to prepare part small father to suffer, allow few, a few, little peace money through,along,throughout dangerous danger to persuade, prevail upon terrified to arrive at foot,paw the worst, very bad to seek,ask, beg for, to make for, attack it pleases,it suits full,filled more (things) 14 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 15 plures plurimi –ae –a plurimus –a –um plus,pluris poeta –ae m. pono, ponere, posui,positum (3) pons,pontis m. populus –i m. porta –ae f. porto, portare, portavi,portatum (1) possum,posse, potui post + acc. postea postquam postridie praetereo, praeterire, praeterii, praeteritum pretium,–i n. primus –a –um princeps,principis m. prius pro + abl. procedo, procedere, processi (3) procul proficiscor, proficisi,profectus sum (3) progredior, progredi, progressus sum (3) promitto, promittere, promisi,promissum (3) prope + acc. publicus –a –um puella –ae f. puer –i m. pugna –ae f. pugno, pugnare, pugnavi,pugnatum (1) pulcher, pulchra,pulchrum punio, punire, punivi,punitum (4) more (people) very many very much more poet to place, put,stake, put up bridge people gate, doorway to carry can,to be able after, behind afterwards after, when on the following day, next day to go past,pass by price first chief, chieftain,leading citizen,emperor formerly, previously, earlier for, on behalf of, in return for, in front of to proceed,advance, step forward afar, far, in the distance to set out to advance to promise near public, belonging to the state girl boy fight,combat to fight,contend beautiful to punish 15 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 16 q q quam quam quamquam quantus –a –um quartus –a –um quasi quattuor –que qui,quae, quod quies,quietis f. quinque quintus –a –um quis? quis? quid? quo quod quomodo quoque quot than how! although how big, how much fourth as if four and who, which rest,peace five fifth who? what? where? where to? because, which how? in what way? also, too how many? r r rapio, rapere, rapui,raptum (3) reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditum (3) redeo, redire, redivi or redii, reditum refero, referre, rettuli, relatum regina –ae f. regnum –i n. regredior, regredi, regressus sum (3) relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum (3) res, rei f. respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsum (2) retineo, retinere, retinui, retentum (2) rex, regis m. rideo, ridere, risi, risum (2) rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum (1) to seize, snatch, grab to give back, return to go back, return to bring back,carry, deliver, tell, report queen kingdom to go back, return, retreat to leave, leave behind,abandon thing,matter, business,affair, situation to reply, answer to retain, keep, hold back king to laugh,smile to ask 16 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 17 s s sacer, sacra,sacrum saepe saevus –a –um saluto, salutare, salutavi,salutatum (1) salve, salvete sanguis,sanguinis m. satis scelestus –a –um scelus,sceleris n. scio, scire, scivi, scitum (4) scribo, scribere, scripsi,scriptum (3) se secum secundus –a –um sed sedeo, sedere, sedi,sessum (2) semper senator, senatoris m. senex,senis m. sentio, sentire, sensi,sensum (4) sequor, sequi,secutus sum (3) serenus –a –um sermo, sermonis m. servo, servare, servavi,servatum (1) servus –i m. sex sextus –a –um si sic silentium –i n. silva –ae f. simul sine + abl. sol,solis m. solus –a –um sacred often savage, cruel,fierce to greet, welcome hello! good morning! greetings! blood, bloodshed enough wicked crime to know to write himself, herself, itself, themselves with him(self),her(self), etc. second, favourable but to sit always senator old man to feel,notice, realise, perceive to follow calm, clear, serene, cheerful,glad conversation,talk to keep, save, protect slave six sixth if thus,in this manner silence wood,forest at the same time without sun alone, lonely 17 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 18 soror, sororis f. spectaculum, –i n. specto, spectare, spectavi,spectatum (1) spero, sperare, speravi,speratum (1) statim sto, stare, steti,statum (1) stultus –a –um sub + abl. subito sum,esse, fui summus –a –um superbus –a –um supero, superare, superavi,superatum (1) surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum (3) suus –a –um sister sight,show, spectacle to look at, watch to hope immediately, at once to stand,lie at anchor stupid,foolish under suddenly to be highest, greatest,top of arrogant,proud to overcome, conquer, defeat to get up, rise his,her, its, their (own) t t taberna –ae f. taceo, tacere, tacui,tacitum (2) tam tamen tandem tantus –a –um tempestas, tempestatis f. templum –i n. tempus,temporis n. teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum (2) terra –ae f. tertius –a –um timeo, timere, timui (2) timor, timoris m. tollo, tollere, sustuli,sublatum (3) tot totus –a –um trado, tradere, tradidi,traditum (3) traho, trahere, traxi,tractum (3) inn, shop to be silent so however, nevertheless at length so great,such a great storm temple time to hold, keep ground,earth, land third to fear fear to lift,raise, remove, take away so many whole to hand over, relate, record to drag,draw 18 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 19 transeo, transire, transivi or transii,transitum tres,tres,tria tristis –is –e tu tum turba –ae f. tuus –a –um to cross three sad you (singular) then crowd your u u ubi? ubi unde undique unus –a –um urbs,urbis f. ut + indic. ut + subj. utilis –is –e uxor, uxoris f. where? when,as soon as from where? on all sides one city as,when that,in order that,so that,to useful wife v v vale, valete vel vel … vel vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditum (3) venio, venire, veni, ventum (4) ventus –i m. verbero, verberare, verberavi, verberatum (1) verbum –i n. verus –a –um vester, vestra, vestrum vestimenta –orum, vexo, vexare, vexavi, vexatum (1) via –ae f. video, videre, vidi,visum (2) viginti goodbye! or either … or to sell to come wind to beat word real, true your (plural) clothes to annoy, harass,tease road,street, way to see twenty 19 Latin 30/6/04 11:08 am Page 20 villa –ae f. vinco, vincere, vici,victum (3) vinum –i n. vir –i m. vita –ae f. vivo, vivere, vixi,victum (3) vix voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum (1) volo, velle, volui vos vox, vocis f. vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi,vulneratum (1) vulnus,vulneris n. vultus –us m. villa,house to conquer, overcome wine man,husband life to live scarcely to call to wish, want you (plural) voice to wound,injure wound face, expression,countenance NCCA acknowledges the work of the teachers association of the Classical Association of Ireland in the preparation of this vocabulary. 20