WESTDALE SECONDARY SCHOOL IB WORLD SCHOOL, DIPLOMA PROGRAM 700 Main Street West-Hamilton, Ontario-L8S 1A5 (p) 905-522-1387 (f) 905-521-0542 Website- www.hwdsb.on.ca/westdale International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Information Guide IB Diploma Programme: Vision Statement At Westdale Secondary School our students will focus on becoming Global Citizens. This will be the defining feature of their international education within the Diploma Programme. Global Citizenship includes the promotion of intercultural understanding, environmental stewardship and the nurturing of positive attitudes towards well-being and peace. Intercultural understanding begins with a sense of understanding and pride in one’s own culture and concurrently develops a sense of respect and pride in being a part of a global community of many cultures. Environmental stewardship is a responsibility of Global Citizens. The air we breathe, the land we cultivate and the water we drink are of equal, life-giving, value to all citizens of the world to be protected and shared equitably. Global well-being demands the eradication of poverty. The complexity of this issue is not lost in the simplicity of this statement. The health and well being of all citizens of the world as a fundamental right is a value to which our students will adhere and a concept they will promote. The pursuit of peace is perhaps the most noble of endeavours. We believe it can be achieved through education. In particular we believe an education emphasizing Global Citizenship as we have defined it has the best chance of achieving this end. The IB Program at Westdale The International Baccalaureate Diploma at Westdale Secondary School is a two year program beginning in grade 11 which is designed to prepare students for success at University. Students will receive a rigorous and thorough curriculum that involves teaching students the importance of being a ‘Global Citizen’. Upon completion of the Diploma in their grade 12 year, students will receive both the IB Diploma and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The typical IB learner has a commitment to learning, strong study and work habits, and has a natural curiosity to inquire and ask questions of the world around them. The Westdale IB program is rooted in high academic standards and strives to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. In this regard, Westdale is seen as a World School. Universities will also offer Westdale students transfer credits based on their results in Higher Level classes taken at Westdale. The IB Diploma Programme Model The diploma consists of the six academic areas that include the IB Learner in the middle, with the curriculum surrounding the core components of Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay and Creativity, Action and Service. At Westdale, the IB Diploma can consist of the following subjects: Group 1 – Language: English A Language and Literature Group 2 - Language Acquisition: French B, Spanish Ab Initio (beginner), Latin Group 3 - Individuals and Societies: History Route 1(Europe), Integrated Technology in a Global Society, Psychology, Economics Group 4 - Experimental Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology Group 5 - Mathematics: Mathematics HL, SL and Math Studies Group 6 - The Arts: Visual Arts, Music, OR a second subject from Group 3 or 4 Students can select six subjects, one from each group. At least 3 and not more than 4 of the six subjects must be taken at the Higher Level (HL), the remaining subjects are taken at the Standard Level (SL). HL courses represent a recommended 240 teaching hours, SL courses 150 hours. The Diploma Programme Core Requirements The program offers 3 core components which are required for Diploma completion; Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE) and Creativity, Action and Service (CAS). TOK- is a required course which is intended to have students critically reflect on their knowledge and experiences gained in both classroom and personal settings. This course is a key component of the IB Diploma, and it encourages students to use this style of critical reflection within all of their academic areas. (100 hours) EE- is a requirement of all IB students to undertake an original research and extended essay comprising of 4000 words. Students are allowed to choose a topic of personal interest to them while building the independent and research skills that are needed for success at university. CAS- CAS is an acronym for Creativity, Action, and Service. Each Diploma student must complete at least 150 hours, spread out over at least one and a half years, engaging in creative activity, participating in sport or other physical activities, and doing community service or social work. At Westdale, students must complete approximately 50 hours in each of the areas, and students will receive a student guide describing appropriate activities for each. The ultimate goal of CAS is to create compassionate and caring citizens in our community and for students to reach beyond the classroom in their learning. IB Diploma Requirements The assessment of each student's work in each of the chosen 6 subjects includes a comprehensive final examination, written in May of the student's final year. TOK is assessed on a paper written by each student, and the Extended Essay submitted for external assessment as well. In addition, each subject has a course work component which is assessed internally by the subject teacher. There is an emphasis throughout the IB program on oral and written communication, extensive reading and the nurturing of critical thinking. Each examined subject is graded on a scale of 1 - 7. While the TOK and the Extended Essay contribute up to 3 bonus points, the Diploma is awarded to a student who has achieved a total point score of 24 out of a possible 45 points, and who completes the CAS requirements. Example: Subject Group 1 – Language Group 2 - Second Language B Group 3 - Individuals and Societies Group 4 - Experimental Sciences Group 5 - Mathematics Group 6 - The Arts Bonus TOK and EE (maximum 3) IB Diploma Score Grade 6 5 7 6 6 5 3 38 ** maximum score 45** Students must also successfully complete and submit their CAS to receive their diploma. Further information regarding University and Admissions for IB Diploma holders can be found at: http://www.ibo.org/diploma/recognition/index.cfm IB Grade Conversion Scale Once an IB Diploma candidate’s teachers have determined his or her predicted grades, specific percentages are selected from the appropriate ranges shown below. These percentage grades are then reported to the Ontario Universities Application Centre for the OSSD credits that are considered equivalent to the applicant’s IB subjects. As shown in the right-hand column, both IB and percentage grades reflect Ontario Ministry of Education assessment levels. Specifically, IB grades of 5, 6 and 7 are considered to be at Level 4, which is defined as “A very high level of achievement that is above the provincial standard.” A grade of 4 (the median on the IB’s seven-point scale) is linked to Level 3, which is defined as “A high level of achievement that is at the provincial standard.” Level 2 (equivalent to an IB grade of 3) is defined as “A moderate level of achievement that is below, but approaching the provincial standard.” IB SEVEN-POINT SCALE OSSD PERCENTAGE RANGES MoE FOUR LEVEL SCALE 7 97 to 100 4++ 6 91 to 96 4+ 85 to 90 4 81 to 84 4- 77 to 80 3+ 74 to 76 3 71 to 73 3- 67 to 70 2+ 64 to 66 2 60 to 63 2- 5 4 3 The IB Diploma Years: Grade 11 and 12 TOK = Theory of Knowledge SL = Standard Level HL = Higher Level *subject to change based on Individual Course Selection and enrollment IB Year 1 IB Year 2 Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II HL 1 SL1 HL 1 HL 1 (exam in May) HL 2 HL 3 HL 2 HL 2 (exam in May) SL 2 SL 2 (exam in May) HL 3 HL 3 (exam in May) SL 3 SL3 (exam in May) Open SL 1 (exam in May) *TOK is taking concurrently starting in Grade 11 Year How do IB courses appear on the OSSD Transcript? Standard Level courses usually equate to two equivalent Ontario Curriculum Courses, while Higher Level Courses equate to three Ontario Courses. The table below can be used as a guide. *French immersion students will receive FIF3UI & FIF4UI & EAC4U1I SL Course OSSD HL Course OSSD English French History Geography Math Chemistry Biology Physics Visual Arts Economics ENG3U ENG4U FSF3U/FSF4U* CHW3M CHY4U CGW4U CGR4M MHF4U MCV4U SCH3U SCH4U SBI3U SBI4U SPH3U SPH4U AVI3M AVI4M CIE3M CIA4U ENG3U ENG4U ETS4U CHU3U History CHY4U IDC4U CGR4M Geography CGW4U MHF4U Math MCV4U MDM4U SCH3U Chemistry SCH4U SNC4M SBI3U Biology SCH4U PSE4U AVI3M Visual Arts AVI4M AWK4M CIE3M Economics CIA4U BBB4M ** students also receive HZT4U for the TOK English French Immersion French Immersion students will have the opportunity to complete both the Immersion Certificate and the IB Diploma. Students must complete 10 credits in French Instruction, 7 of them must be done before entering the IB Diploma program in Grade 11. Students will receive the final three Immersion credits while studying the French Language in IB. Student Fees Fees are subject to change based on the International Baccalaureate Organization and the billing of Membership and Examination fees to the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board. Grade 11 Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II - Grade 12 $550 $550 $550 $550 Program Summary The IB Diploma Program at Westdale will provide a balanced and academically challenging education for students preparing for University. It will emphasize the development of the whole student, and encourages them to think globally. The IB Diploma will also give students a truly International Diploma, with the opportunity to study abroad as over 145 countries understand and accept IB as a rigorous and respected diploma. For students who attain high achievement in the program, Universities are also allowing for advanced placement and in some cases direct entry into year two courses of study. Two years, Two Diplomas and an opportunity to change the world!