GREEK/LATIN ROOTS VOCABULARY (PED=FOOT) CHOICE BOARD 1 Write a complete sentence using each vocabulary word. Underline the vocabulary word in each sentence. 2 Alphabetize the words using the fourth letter. 3 Using Index cards: Create a matching game using the vocabulary word, an antonym, and synonym. You must match all 3 to collect the cards. 4 Play BAM with a family member. Make flash cards first. Directions are located on the back of this sheet. 5 ****Use 5 vocabulary words to write a fun and interesting story. Include a picture to the events. This activity will be placed in your Writing Portfolio. 6 Make a word search using 7 Create a chart of antonyms to match each of your vocabulary words. Use to help you find antonyms. 8 Write a poem using your vocabulary words. 9 Make an advertisement using your words. TEST WILL BE ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2015 – START STUDYING, ITS DIFFICULT. Directions: Choose one activity each evening to complete from the choice board. When you have completed the activities in a row – horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (oblique), then you may decide to be finished or you may decide to keep going and complete more activities. (The asterisk (*) activities are to completed.) I choose activities #______________, #______________, #________________ and #_________________. I liked the following activity #___________ the most. Name____________________________________ Date_________________________ Parent Signature______________________________________________________________