Together we learn, together we succeed, and together we will

Together we learn, together we succeed, and together we will
make a positive difference!
Second Grade News​
Friday,April 29, 2016
May 6 - Thomas Movie Night, 6pm
May 19 - May Day Program
10:15am - ​
Bowman, Breading, Reck 2:00pm ­ Turnow, McCreary, Power Reading/Writing Workshop​
Students have been using reading and writing time to give evidence of
independent comprehension. We have been focusing on 4 goals that focus on retelling and character traits. After
the students read, they are required to select a goal and give the teacher evidence that they have understood the
text. Using Evidence Based Terminology has been a way for the students to acknowledge what the author wrote to
give a very complete answer. Students have discussed the feelings of characters, how characters may respond to a
major event/challenge, and character traits (inside and outside attributes). Students were able to discuss
connections they have with what is discovered in our titles. Next week the students will begin the DRA. This end
of the year assessment is administered by the classroom teacher to individual students. The students enjoy this
time with the teacher and it fits with the routines of our workshop model.
Math - ​
Students have enjoyed learning to add 4 two-digit numbers. They have challenged themselves by
finding a variety of ways to add these sets of numbers. Students are encouraged to find patterns and even
separate the numbers between the tens and ones place! We finished our week with solving multi-step problems!
This was tricky for some students and required some of them to read a problem 2 or 3 times before beginning.
Students worked on finding the important information and deciding which problem needed to be solved first!
Word Study-​
Second graders learned the difference between synonyms and antonyms this week.
We began
the week by looking at the “Synonym Twin Sisters” and the “Antonym Opposites” to help us review. Students
completed a Peas in a Pod worksheet and a Synonym and Antonym Flower to practice their knowledge. We ended
the week with a synonyms and antonyms cut and paste that was taken for an assessment. Please check Progress
Books for grades.
Social Studies-​
This week in Social Studies, students learned about jobs in the community. We started out
the week with holding a class discussion on what we would like to be when we grow up, what physical characteristics
that job would involve (example: farmer-- need to be on a farm, open land), human characteristics (patient, lover of
animals/plants), as well as where you could find that job. This led us to learning about urban, rural, and suburban
communities. Students really seemed to enjoy learning about these three different types of communities, the
advantages/disadvantages of each, choosing which community was the personal “best fit” for them, as well as
brainstorming jobs that they could find in each community. Next week we will begin a new unit on Economics.
Monday - B (PE)
Tuesday C (Music)
Wednesday -D (Art)
Thursday -A (Library)
Friday - B (PE)
We, the students of Thomas Elementary, proudly practice the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. 1. Be Proactive
Think Win WIn ​
Synergize 2. Begin with the End in Mind ​
Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 3. Put First Things First ​