Ch 10 - Endocrine System Major Objectives

Ch 10 - Endocrine System
M ajor Objectives
Endocrine gland vs exocrine gland
W hat are horm ones?
Nontarget vs target horm ones
Steroid vs protein horm ones (com position, m ode of action, ex)
transcription vs translation
pituitary gland ~ m aster gland, different lobes, horm ones it secretes, functions of each
( 8 total: 6 it produces and releases, 2 it stores and releases)
control by hypothalam us
describe what negative feedback m echanism is and give exam ple
GH/som atotropic horm one - function, disorders associated with it
thym us gland - location, horm one produced, function
pineal gland / epiphysis - location, horm one produced, function
gonads - exocrine and endocrine function, horm ones produced, function of each horm one
adrenal gland - m ajor regions, how each region is controlled,
- types of horm ones produced by cortex,
- specific horm ones produced by each region, functions of each
pancreas - exocrine and endocrine function, which cells produce which horm ones, function of each
digestive organs - which organs produce which horm ones? In response to what? W hat do they do?
thyroid gland - location, horm ones produced, m ajor function, disorders associated with it
parathyroid glands - location, horm one produced, function
- label diagram with glands on it
- sketch and describe m ode of action of steroid horm ones vs protein horm ones
- draw and describe schem atic diagram s ~ horm one action and feedback (review those in chapter)
-negative feedback m echanism for production of testosterone
-how/why cortisol is released in tim es of stress and its function(s)
-what happens after a m eal to lower blood sugar levels (insulin)
-what happens in tim es of fasting to raise blood sugar levels (glucagon)
Acrom egaly
Diabetes Mellitus (in general)