ll.m. resume self-critique - Berkeley Law

The resume is tailored to the qualifications required for the position.
The resume does not have any errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation. (Always proofread
your resume. You should run a Spell Check, but do not rely on it, as it will not catch errors
such as “form” instead of “from.”)
If you choose to print your resume, you have used 8.5” x 11” white or off-white, heavy bond
If the resume is two pages in length, your name and the phrase “Page 2” are included at the
top of the second page.
The format is conservative. (The resume does not use an overly-elaborate format, too many
lines, arrows, or fancy fonts.)
The resume was created without using templates available for Microsoft Word or any other
word processing software.
The word “Resume” does not appear on the resume itself.
A job objective, profile, or summary of qualifications is not included (unless specifically
requested by the employer).
A picture is not included.
The font size is at least 10.5, as any smaller type is difficult to read.
The margins are between 0.5” and 1” on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right).
Personal background or biographical information does not appear on the resume.
(E.g., race, age, religion, gender, social security number, nationality, marital status, TOEFL
score, date of birth, or a photograph.)
American (U.S.) English spellings are used throughout (as opposed to British English
The phrase “References Available Upon Request,” or a list of references, does not appear on
the resume.
If degrees and job titles appear in bold, all appear in the same format.
You have listed all dates without abbreviations, and they appear in the same format
throughout the document.
Salary information is not provided (unless specifically requested by the employer).
The resume pages are neither stapled nor folded together (paper clip multiple pages).
Abbreviations or acronyms are used only after being defined.
The resume contains no lies or exaggerations.
The resume is in PDF format and clearly labeled (e.g., Jung Resume 2012) for e-mail
applications. If the resume is in Microsoft Office form, make sure formatting display (and/or
track changes) is turned off.
“Resume” does not appear at the top of the page.
Name is displayed prominently, possibly with a font size bigger than rest of the text.
A phone number(s) is listed, which leads to an appropriate voice message on your personal
answering machine or mobile phone.
At least one e-mail address, preferably your Berkeley Law address, is listed (without a
The zip code is included.
The section is listed in reverse chronological order, starting with Berkeley Law.
The correct name of the law school is used: University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.
The names of previous academic institutions are spelled out.
High school education does not appear.
Acronyms are defined or spelled out in full before being used.
The cities and states listed under this section are not bolded.
Spelling for states is consistent, and the same format applies throughout the document.
The name of the institution and location (city, state or city, country) are in the same line.
LL.M. has a period at the end of the M.
Consistency in formatting is maintained. (E.g., if you choose to spell out LL.M. as Master of
Laws, other degrees are also spelled out in full, such as Bachelor of Laws.)
You have listed the date (month and year) that you received the degree, rather than the period
of time that you spent enrolled in the degree program.
A comma appears between the name of the degree and the date(s).
Latin phrases such as summa cum laude or cum laude are not capitalized; instead, italicize such
The courses (if listed) appear one after the other separated by commas or semicolons (if the
title of a course has a comma in the name).
If grades are listed for one institution, this information is given for others.
When reflecting a grade point average and ranking in proper form, it is listed exactly as
provided by the appropriate academic institution (not translated into a U.S. ranking system); it
demonstrates academic achievement where possible.
Class ranking is included (only if in the top 25th percentile).
When listing honors and/or awards, a comma, followed by the date, are included. (E.g.,
University Scholar’s Award, 2010-2012.)
Honors, awards and scholarship appear under the institution that awarded them.
Scholarships that bear the name of someone relevant to a particular institution have in
parentheses the reason for the award. (E.g., John Doe Scholarship (for Academic
Achievement), 2012-2013.)
Articles that are published in your law school journ are listed under the appropriate academic
The section is listed in reverse chronological order-starting with current or more recent job.
The name of the employer, location of the position, job title, and dates of employment are
Institutions are listed first. (For example, if you worked for a professor or for a judge, make
sure that you list the court and/or the law school first.)
For Example: Supreme Court of Canada, The Honorable Judge…
University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Professor…
Dates are listed on the right-hand side of the page and are spelled out. (E.g., “08/12” should
read “August 2012”)
Consistency is kept in terms of how institutions, dates, positions, and degrees are listed
throughout the entire resume.
Job descriptions start with an action verb, instead of using the word “I” or the phrase
“responsibilities included.”
Verbs tenses are consistent with the dates.
Acronyms, such as UN, are defined the first time used.
If the resume is two pages in length, the document includes your name and the phrase “Page
2” on the top of the second page.
Periods appear between the U and the S when listing the phrase “U.S.”
When describing your positions, personal pronouns and articles (“I,” “me” or “the”) are not
Descriptions appear in the active voice).
Position descriptions focus on accomplishments, results, awards, promotions, special
recognitions, and achievements; whenever possible, they are quantified with numbers, dollar
amounts, or percentages.
Consistency is observed in the use of punctuations, i.e., periods at the end of all bullets or