WILLIAM A. BARNETT EMPLOYMENT: Current Position Visiting

Department of Economics
University of Kansas
Snow Hall
1460 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 356
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7585
1904 Inverness Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047-1832
Current Position
Oswald Distinguished Professor of Macroeconomics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (8/02 - present)
Director, Center for Financial Stability, New York, NY 10036 (5/11 - present)
Core Faculty Member, Center for Global and International Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (8/09 - present)
Research Fellow, The IC2 Institute, U. of Texas at Austin, (9/83 - present).
President, Society for Economic Measurement (12/13 - presesnt)
Visiting Positions
9/80 - 1/81: Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
6/80 - 7/80: Visiting Professor, Université de Droit D'Économie, Aix-en-Provence, France.
8/86 - 9/86: Visiting Professor, Department of Econometrics & Operations Research, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
9/87 - 6/88: Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
Prior Employment
9/90 - 6/02: Professor of Economics, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130.
1/82 - 9/90: Stuart Professor of Economics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712.
7/73 - 12/81: Research Economist, Special Studies Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551.
8/77 - 12/80: Research Associate, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Chicago, under NSF research grant (See
Awards below).
7/63 - 6/69: Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International Corporation, development engineering on F-1 and J-2 rocket engine
systems (Apollo Project).
As student: Summer employment at Rochester Products Division of General Motors. Academic assistantships at Carnegie Mellon
Carnegie Mellon University: interdepartmental joint program, economics and statistics (9/69 - 6/73): M.A. in economics, June 1970;
Ph.D. in statistics (joint program in economics), June 1974.
University of California at Berkeley: 9/64 - 6/65 during educational leave of absence from Rocketdyne, business administration
(finance and economics), M.B.A. degree.
M.I.T.: 9/59 - 6/63, mechanical engineering major, industrial management minor, B.S. degree
Employer Supported Education
University of Chicago: 9/67 - 6/69, economics graduate study (econometrics and mathematical economics), during funded leave of
absence from Rocketdyne.
University of Southern California and UCLA: 9/63 - 9/64 and 6/65 - 6/67, night graduate study in mathematics and statistics while
employed full time at Rocketdyne.
President, Society for Economic Measurement, since 2013.
Presidential Address, "Milton Friedman and Divisia Monetary Measures," to be presented at Society for Economic Measurement
inaugural conference, University of Chicago, August 18-20, 2014.
Balfour S. Jeffrey Research Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Higuchi Award), 2013.
Charter Fellow, Society for Economic Measurement, since 2013.
American Publishers Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (the PROSE Award) for the best book published in economics
during 2012 for MIT Press book, Getting It Wrong.
Special issue of the Journal of Econometrics in my honor on the topic of "Internally Consistent Modeling, Aggregation, Inference, and
Policy," coedited by James Heckman and Apostolos Serletis, forthcoming.
Special issue of Econometric Reviews in my honor on the topic of "Econometrics with Theory: A Volume Honouring William A.
Barnett," coedited by James Heckman and Apostolos Serletis, forthcoming.
1861 Circle Inaugural Member of the MIT Alumni Association, Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy, since 2010.
Included on list of history's most distinguished Jewish scholars, since 2010 (www.jinfo.org).
Invited as official "VIP Guest" of the Governor of the Central Bank, Bank of Cambodia, June 3 - June 10, 2006.
Fellow, World Innovation Foundation (including 86 Nobel Laureates, of which 8 are in Economics), since 2005. See:
Elected to Advisory Council, Society for Computational Economics, 2005-2008.
Charter Fellow, Fellows of the Journal of Econometrics (i.e., selected to be among the 16 original Fellows, when the J. E. Fellows
were formed in 1988).
Fellow, American Statistical Association, since 1989.
Fellow, The IC2 Institute, U. of Texas at Austin,, since 1983.
Biography in Who's Who in Economics: A Biographical Dictionary of Major Economists 1700 to 1995, third edition, edited by Mark
Blaug, published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. That biography is available online on the Web at URL location:
Program Chair Elect, Business and Economics Section of the American Statistical Association, 1992; Program Chair, 1993.
"Statistics under the Spotlight: Improving the Consumer Price Index," taped transcript of speaker and discussion (with Katharine
Abraham, Robert Gordon, Jack Triplett, David Wilcox, and Kirk Wolter) in special invited ASA session on the Consumer Price Index.
The transcript of the tape was published in the Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Meetings, Section on Government
Statistics, 1996, and online by the Social Science Research Network, at which it has been listed in the Top Ten download list for the
journal topic "Macroeconomics" All time Hits beginning in December 1999.
Omicron Delta Epsilon, Sigma Xi.
While graduate student: R.K. Mellon and N.D.E.A. Fellowships, N.S.F. Traineeship.
N.S.F. Grant SOC 76-84459, Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator: Henri Theil), 6/77 - 12/80.
University Research Institute grant, University of Texas at Austin, summer of 1982.
Hogg Foundation research grant, summer of 1983.
N.S.F. Grant SOC 8305162, 8/83 - 7/88, principal investigator.
N.S.F. funding through the CEME/NBER program for the 1988 conference in my International Symposia in Economic Theory and
Econometrics series.
N.S.F. Grant SES-9223557, Principal Investigator, "Monte Carlo Investigation of Three Issues: Exact Monetary Aggregation under
Risk, Tests for Nonlinearity and Chaos, and the AIM Model's Regularity Properties," July 1, 1993 – December 1996.
Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation Grant, "Testing for Rationality and Separability," Consulting Member of Team and
Director of Semiparametric Testing Project, administered by Lund University in Sweden, August 2003 - June 2007.
Australian Research Council Grant DP120102219, Partner Investigator, "Carbon Pricing and Its Impact on the Productivity Growth of
Australian Industries," administered by Monash University in Australia, 2012 - 2014.
Frequent conference funding grants, RGK Foundation and The IC2 Institute, 1983 - present.
Listed with biography in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in the East, Who's Who in the South and
Southwest, American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in Finance and Industry, Who's Who in Science and Engineering,
Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in Technology Today.
Econometric Associate, Association for Economic Science, at the founding of that society.
American Economic Association
Econometric Society
American Statistical Association
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory
Society for Economic Measurement (President)
Society for Computational Economics
"Labor Supply and the Allocation of Consumption Expenditure."
Financial economics, financial econometrics, microeconomic foundations for macroeconomics and monetary theory, capital asset
pricing, financial aggregation theory, monetary asset demand modeling, extensions of index number theory to risk, empirical and
theoretical consumer demand modeling, applied and theoretical econometrics, the household production function approach, application
of the Laurent and Müntz-Szatz series in consumer demand and factor demand systems modeling, Bayesian and sampling theoretic
inference in infinite dimensional parameter spaces, semiparametric and seminonparametric inference, macroeconometrics, tests for
nonlinearity and chaos, nonlinear time series, frequency domain time series, location of bifurcation boundaries in macroeconometric
Books Published, But Not within Monograph Series of Which I Am Editor:
Consumer Demand and Labor Supply: Goods, Monetary Assets, and Time, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1981.
The Theory of Monetary Aggregation, coedited by William Barnett and Apostolos Serletis. The book consists of reprints and extensive
unifying discussion of my published articles on the subject of financial aggregation and index number theory. The Preface is by W.
Erwin Diewert. The book appeared in 2000 the North-Holland monograph series, Contributions to Economic Analysis, edited by D.
W. Jorgenson, R. Blundell, J. J. Laffont, T. Persson, and J. Tinbergen.
Functional Structure and Approximation in Econometrics, coedited by William Barnett and Jane Binner. The book consists of reprints
and extensive unifying discussion of my published articles on the subject of functional structure in econometrics. The book appeared
in 2004 in the North-Holland monograph series, Contributions to Economic Analysis.
Inside the Economist's Mind: Conversations with Eminent Economists, coedited by Paul A. Sameulson and William A. Barnett,
Blackwell Publishing, 2007, ISBN 978-1-4051-5715-5 (hardcover) - 3 (paperback)
Korean translation: Inside the Economist's Mind: Conversations with Eminent Economists, coedited by Paul A. Sameulson and
William A. Barnett, translated into Korean by Jeong Ho Hahm and Tae Hong Jinn. Published by JISIK-SANUP Publishing Co.Ltd. in
Seoul, March 27, 2008. ISBN 978-89-423-3071-0.
Chinese translation: Inside the Economist's Mind: Conversations with Eminent Economists, coedited by Paul A. Sameulson and
William A. Barnett, translated into Simplified Chinese by Cao Heping. Published by Peking University Press in Beijing, China,
October 1, 2008. ISBN 978-7-301-14225-7.
Russian translation: Inside the Economist's Mind: Conversations with Eminent Economists, coedited by Paul A. Sameulson and
William A. Barnett, translated into Russian by E. Pestereva and E. Kalugin and edited by O. Nizhelskaya. Published in December
2008 by Alpina Business Books in Moscow in the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO series, having ISBN 978-5-96140633-7. The book's own ISBN is 978-5-9614-0793-8.
German translation: Inside the Economist's Mind: Conversations with Eminent Economists, coedited by Paul A. Sameulson and
William A. Barnett, translated into German by Brigitte Hilgner. Published in December 2009 by Wiley VCH with ISBN 978-3-52750444-2.
Financial Aggregation and Index Number Theory, William A. Barnett and Marcelle Chauvet, World Scientific Publishing, ISBN
9814293091, 2011.
Getting It Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed, the Financial System, and the Economy, MIT Press, 2012.
Advances in Monetary Policy Design: Applications to the Gulf Monetary Union, William A. Barnett and Ryadh M. Alkhareif,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.
Books I Coedited within Monograph Series of Which I Am Also the General Series Editor:
(see Editorships below for more details)
New Approaches to Monetary Economics, coedited by William A. Barnett and Kenneth Singleton, Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Dynamic Econometric Modeling, coedited by William A. Barnett, Ernst Berndt, and Halbert White, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles, and Nonlinearity, coedited by William A. Barnett, John Geweke and Karl Shell,
Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics and Statistics, coedited by William A. Barnett, James Powell and
George Tauchen, Cambridge University Press, 1991, both hardbound and paperback editions.
New Approaches to Modeling, Specification Selection, and Econometric Inference, coedited by William A. Barnett and Ronald
Gallant, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Economic Equilibrium Theory and Applications, coedited by William A. Barnett, Andreu Mas-Colell, Jean Gabszewicz, Claude
D'Aspremont, and Bernard Cornet, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Political Economy: Institutions, Information, Competition and Representation, coedited by William A. Barnett, Melvin Hinich,
Howard Rosenthal, and Norman Schofield, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Social Choice, Welfare and Ethics, coedited by William A. Barnett, Maurice Salles, Hervé Moulin, and Norman Schofield, Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
Dynamic Disequilibrium Modeling: Theory and Applications, coedited by William A. Barnett, Giancarlo Gandolfo and Claude
Hillinger, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics, coedited by William A. Barnett, Alan Kirman and Mark Salmon, Cambridge University Press,
Nonlinear Econometric Modeling in Time Series Analysis, coedited by William A. Barnett, David Hendry, Svend Hylleberg, Timo
Teräsvirta, Dag Tjöstheim, and Allan Würst, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution: Topics in Economics, Finance, Marketing, and Management, coedited by William A. Barnett,
Carl Chiarella, Steve Keen, Robert Marks, and Hermann Schnabl, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Economic Complexity: Non-Linear Dynamics, Multi-Agents Economies, and Learning, coedited by William A. Barnett, Christophe
Deissenberg and Gustav Feichtinger, North Holland, 2004.
Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles, and Nonlinearity, coedited by William A. Barnett, John Geweke and Karl Shell,
paperback edition, 2005 [original hardbound edition published in 1989]
Topics in Analytical Political Economy, coedited by William A. Barnett and Melvin Hinich, Elsevier, 2007.
Functional Structure Inference, coedited with Apostolos Serletis, Elsevier, 2007.
New Approaches to Monetary Economics, coedited by William A. Barnett and Kenneth Singleton, Cambridge University Press,
paperback edition 2008 [original hardbound edition published in 1987].
Nonlinear Modeling of Economic and Financial Time-Series (Proceedings of First International Symposium in
Computational Economics and Finance), coedited by William A. Barnett and Fredj Jawadi, Emerald Press, 2010.
Dynamic Disequilibrium Modeling: Theory and Applications, coedited by William A. Barnett, Giancarlo Gandolfo and Claude
Hillinger, Cambridge University Press, paperback edition 2011. [original hardbound edition published in 1996].
Recent Developments in Alternative Finance: Empirical Assessments and Economic Implications (Proceedings of Second
International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance), coedited by William A. Barnett and Fredj Jawadi, Emerald Press,
Books for Which I Served Solely as Monograph Series General Editor:
(see Editorships below for more details)
Hsiao, Cheng, Kimio Morimune, and James L. Powell (eds.), Nonlinear Statistical Modeling: Essays in Honor of Takeshi Amemiya,
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Gupta, Anil and Ann Harding (eds.), Modelling our Future: Population Aging, Social Security, and Taxation, Elsevier, vol 1, 2007.
Gupta, Anil and Ann Harding (eds.), Modelling our Future: Population Aging, Social Security, and Taxation, Elsevier, vol 2, 2007.
Cooper, William S. and Piyu Yue, Challenges of the Muslim World: Present, Future, and Past, Elsevier, 2008.
Stephen Spear (ed.), The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass: Part A, Emerald Press, 2011.
Stephen Spear (ed.), The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass: Part B, Emerald Press, 2011.
Stephen Spear (ed.), The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass: Part C, Emerald Press, 2011.
"The Effects of Bliss on Welfare Economics," Journal of Economic Issues, March 1973.
"Maximum Likelihood and Iterated Aitken Estimation of Non-Linear Systems of Equations," Journal of the American Statistical
Association, June 1976.
"Recursive Subaggregation and a Generalized Hypocycloidal Demand Model," Econometrica, July 1977.
"Pollak and Wachter on the Household Production Function Approach," Journal of Political Economy, October 1977.
"The User Cost of Money," Economics Letters, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1978.
"A Proposal for Redefining the Monetary Aggregates," Federal Reserve Bulletin, (co-authored with T. Simpson, D. Beck, E. Ettin, J.
Kalchbrenner, D. Lindsey, R. Porter, and P. Tinsley), January 1979.
"Theoretical Foundations for the Rotterdam Model," Review of Economic Studies, January 1979.
"The Joint Allocation of Leisure and Goods Expenditure," Econometrica, May 1979.
"Random Sets and Confidence Procedures," Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 3, Summer 1979.
"The Velocity Behavior and Information Content of Divisia Monetary Aggregates," Economics Letters, (co-authored with Paul
Spindt), Vol. 4, No. 1, 1979.
"Economic Monetary Aggregates: An Application of Index Number and Aggregation Theory," Journal of Econometrics, September
"Economic Monetary Aggregates: Reply," Journal of Econometrics, September 1980.
Author of "Introduction" to both Journal of Econometrics supplements on Federal Reserve System econometric research, September
1980. See Editorships below.
"Estimation of Implicit Utility Demand Models," European Economic Review, (co-authored with K. Kopecky and R. Sato), March
"New Concepts of Aggregated Money," Journal of Finance, Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the
American Finance Association, (co-authored with E. Offenbacher and P. Spindt), May 1981.
"The New Monetary Aggregates: A Comment," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, November 1981.
"Divisia Indices," Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 2, eds: Kotz and Johnson, Wiley, 1982
"The Optimal Level of Monetary Aggregation," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, special proceedings editions for the American
Enterprise Institute's Conference on Current Issues in the Conduct of U.S. Monetary Policy," November 1982, Part 2.
"The Flexible Laurent Demand System," Proceedings of the 1982 American Statistical Association Meetings.
"New Indices of Money Supply and the Flexible Laurent Demand System," Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 1, No. 1,
January 1983.
"The Müntz-Szatz Demand System: An Application of a Globally Well Behaved Series Expansion," (co-authored with Andrew Jonas),
Economics Letters, Vol. 11, 1983.
"Definitions of 'Second Order Approximation' and of 'Flexible Functional Form,'" Economics Letters, Vol. 12, 1983.
"The Recent Reappearance of the Homotheticity Restriction on Preferences," Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, July 1983.
"Understanding the New Divisia Monetary Aggregates," Review of Public Data Use (now called the Journal of Economic and Social
Measurement ), December 1983.
"Recent Monetary Policy and the Divisia Monetary Aggregates," American Statistician, August 1984.
"On the Flexibility of the Rotterdam Model: A First Empirical Look," European Economic Review, April 1984.
"The New Divisia Monetary Aggregates," (co-authored with Paul Spindt and Edward Offenbacher), Journal of Political Economy,
December 1984.
"Divisia Monetary Aggregates," (co-authored with Paul Spindt) in Modern Concepts in Macroeconomics edited by Thomas M.
Havrilesky, 1985.
"The Global Properties of the Minflex Laurent, Generalized Leontief, and Translog Flexible Functional Forms," (co-authored with Yul
Lee), Econometrica, November 1985.
Co-author (with Ronald Gallant) of "Introduction" to Vol. 30, 1985 Journal of Econometrics special edition, comprising proceedings
volume of Conference on New Approaches to Modeling, Specification Selection, and Econometric Inference. See Editorships below.
"The Minflex Laurent Translog Flexible Functional Form," Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 30, 1985.
"The Three Dimensional Global Properties of the Minflex Laurent, Generalized Leontief, and Translog Flexible Functional Forms,"
(co-authored with Yul Lee and Michael Wolfe), Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 30, 1985.
"Random Set Theory and Stochastic Geometry in Economics and Statistics," in Daniel Slottje and George Rhodes, Jr. (eds.),
Innovations in Quantitative Economics: Essays in Honor of Robert L. Basmann, JAI Press, 1986.
"The Regulatory Wedge Between the Demand-side and Supply-side Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregates," (co-authored with
Melvin Hinich and Warren Weber), Journal of Econometrics, vol. 33, no. 1/2, Oct./Nov. 1986, pp. 165-185.
"Economic Theory as a Generator of Measurable Attractors," (co-authored with Ping Chen), Mondes en Developpement, vol. 14, no.
53, 1986; reprinted in Ilya Prigogine and Michele Sanglier (eds.), Laws of Nature and Human Conduct: Specificities and Unifying
Themes, G.O.R.D.E.S., Brussels, pp. 209 - 224.
"The Microeconomic Theory of Monetary Aggregation," in William A. Barnett and Kenneth Singleton (eds.), New Approaches to
Monetary Economics, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge
University Press, 1987, pp. 115-168.
"Comment on Papers in Part III," in William A. Barnett and Kenneth Singleton (eds.), New Approaches to Monetary Economics,
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp.
Co-author (with Kenneth Singleton) of "Editors' Introduction" to William A. Barnett and Kenneth Singleton (eds.), New Approaches to
Monetary Economics, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge
University Press, pp. vii-viii.
"The Laurent Series Approach to Structural Modeling," (co-authored with Yul Lee), European Journal of Operations Research, vol.
30, no. 3, June 1987, pp. 270-279.
"The Global Properties of the Two Minflex Laurent Flexible Functional Forms," (co-authored with Yul Lee and Michael Wolfe),
Journal of Econometrics, 36, November, 1987, 281-298.
"The Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregates are Chaotic and Have Strange Attractors: An Econometric Application of
Mathematical Chaos," (co-authored with Ping Chen), in William A. Barnett, Ernst Berndt, and Halbert White (eds.), Dynamic
Econometric Modeling, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge
University Press, 1988.
Co-author (with Ernst Berndt and Halbert White) of "Editors' Introduction" to William A. Barnett, Ernst Berndt, and Halbert White
(eds.), Dynamic Econometric Modeling, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics,
Cambridge University Press, 1988.
"Deterministic Chaos and Fractal Attractors as Tools for Nonparametric Dynamical Econometric Inference," (co-authored with Ping
Chen), Journal of Mathematical Modelling, vol. 10, no. 4, 1988, pp. 275-296.
"Semiparametric Estimation of the Asymptotically Ideal Model: the AIM Demand System," (co-authored with Piyu Yue), in Advances
in Econometrics, vol. 7, 1988.
"A Monte Carlo Study of Tests of Blockwise Weak Separability," (co-authored with Seungmook Choi), Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, vol 7, July 1989.
"Series Editor's Introduction" to William A. Barnett, John Geweke, and Karl Shell (eds.), Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots,
Bubbles, and Nonlinearity, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge
University Press, 1989.
"A Comparison of the New Chaotic and Conventional Structural Approaches to Econometric Inference," (co-authored with
Seungmook Choi), in William A. Barnett, John Geweke, and Karl Shell (eds.), Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles, and
Nonlinearity, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University
Press, 1989.
"A Dispersion-Dependency Diagnostic Test for Aggregation Error: With Applications to Monetary Economics and Income
Distribution," (co-authored with Apostolos Serletis), Journal of Econometrics, vol. 43, no. 1/2, Jan/Feb, 1990, 5-34.
"Econometrics of Chaos," Social Science Computer Review, Winter 1990, vol 8, no. 4, pp. 528-531.
"Developments in Monetary Aggregation Theory," Journal of Policy Modeling, North Holland, Summer 1990, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 205257.
"Seminonparametric Bayesian Estimation of the Asymptotically Ideal Model: the AIM Demand System," (co-authored with John
Geweke), in William A. Barnett, James Powell, and George Tauchen (eds.), Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in
Econometrics and Statistics, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge
University Press, 1991.
"Monitoring Monetary Aggregates under Risk Aversion, " (co-authored with Melvin Hinich and Piyu Yue), in Michael T. Belongia
(editor), Monetary Policy on the 75th Anniversary of the Federal Reserve System, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Economic
Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Kluwer, 1991, pp. 189-222.
"Reply to Julio Rotemberg, " in Michael T. Belongia (editor), Monetary Policy on the 75th Anniversary of the Federal Reserve System,
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Kluwer, 1991, pp. 189222.
"Seminonparametric Bayesian Estimation of the Asymptotically Ideal Production Model," (co-authored with John Geweke and
Michael Wolfe), Journal of Econometrics, July/Aug 1991, vol. 49, No. 1/2, pp. 5-50.
Co-author (with James Powell and George Tauchen) of "Editors' Introduction" to William A. Barnett, James Powell, and George
Tauchen (eds.), Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics and Statistics, Proceedings of the Fifth International
Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1991; volume available both in paperback and
"Semiparametric Bayesian Estimation of Applied General Equilibrium Models," (co-authored with John Geweke and Michael Wolfe),
in William A. Barnett, Andreu Mas-Colell, Jacques Drèze, Claude D'Aspremont, and Bernard Cornet (eds.), Equilibrium Theory and
Applications, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press,
Co-author (with Andreu Mas-Colell, Jacques Drèze, Claude D'Aspremont, and Bernard Cornet) of "Editors' Introduction" to William
A. Barnett, Andreu Mas-Colell, Jacques Drèze, Claude D'Aspremont, and Bernard Cornet (eds.), Equilibrium Theory and
Applications, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press,
"A Test of Normality in Nonlinear Systems of Consumer Demand Equations," in Ronald Bewley and Tran Van Hoa (eds.),
Contributions to Consumer Demand and Econometrics, Essays in Honour of Henri Theil, Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press Lts.,
"Empirical Chaotic Dynamics in Economics," (with Melvin Hinich), Annals of Operations Research, vol. 37, 1992, pp. 1-15.
"Consumer Theory and the Demand for Money," (co-author with Douglas Fisher and Apostolos Serletis), Journal of Economic
Literature, December, 1992, vol. 30, pp. 2086-2119.
"Has Chaos Been Discovered with Economic Data?" (co-authored with Melvin Hinich), in Richard Day and Ping Chen (eds.),
Nonlinear Dynamics and Evolutionary Economics, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. 254-265.
"Monetary Policy, Credibility, and Politics under Exact Monetary Aggregation," in W. Barnett, Melvin Hinich, and Norman Schofield
(eds.), Political Economy: Institutions, Information, Competition and Representation, Proceedings of the Seventh International
Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1993, volume available in both hard bound and
paperback editions, pp. 465-486.
"Series Editor's Introduction" to W. Barnett, Melvin Hinich, and Norman Schofield (eds.), Political Economy: Institutions,
Information, Competition and Representation, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium in Economic Theory and
Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
"Financial Firm Production of Monetary Services: A Generalized Symmetric Barnett Variable Profit Function Approach," (coauthored
with Jeong-Ho Hahm), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, January 1994.
"Detection of Nonlinearity and Chaos: Application to Money Stock," with A. Ronald Gallant and Melvin Hinich, American Statistical
Association's 1993 Proceedings, Business and Economic Statistics Section.
"Financial Firm's Production and Supply-Side Monetary Aggregation under Dynamic Uncertainty," with Ge Zhou, in the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, special edition containing proceedings of the Bank's Eighteenth Annual Economic Policy
Conference, vol. 76, no. 2, March/April 1994, pp. 133-165.
"Response to Brainard's Commentary," with Ge Zhou, in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, special edition containing
proceedings of the Bank's Eighteenth Annual Economic Policy Conference, vol. 76, no. 2, March/April 1994, pp. 169-174.
"Perspective on the current state of macroeconomic theory," The International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 25, no. 5, 1994, pp.
"Commentary," with Ge Zhou, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, November/December 1994, special edition containing
proceedings of the Symposium on Mutual Funds and Monetary Aggregates, vol. 76, No. 6, pp. 53-62.
"Estimating Policy Invariant Deep Parameters in the Financial Sector, when Risk and Growth Matter," with Milka Kirova and
Meenakshi Pasupathy, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, November 1995, vol. 27, part 2, pp. 1402-1430, in special edition
containing proceedings of the 1994 annual conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
"Exact Aggregation under Risk," in William Barnett, Maurice Salles, Hervé Moulin, and Norman Schofield (eds.), Social Choice,
Welfare and Ethics, Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University
Press, 1995, pp. 353-374.
"Robustness of Nonlinearity and Chaos Test to Measurement Error, Inference Method, and Sample Size," with A. Ronald Gallant,
Melvin Hinich, Mark Jensen, and Jochen Jungeilges, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 27, 1995, pp. 301-320.
"Comparisons of the Available Tests for Nonlinearity and Chaos," with A. Ronald Gallant, Melvin Hinich, Mark Jensen, and Jochen
Jungeilges, in William Barnett, Giancarlo Gandolfo, and Claude Hillinger (eds.), Dynamic Disequilibrium Modeling: Theory and
Applications, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press,
1996, pp. 313-346.
"An Experimental Design to Compare Tests of Nonlinearity and Chaos," with A. Ronald Gallant, Melvin Hinich, Mark Jensen, Daniel
Kaplan, and Jochen Jungeilges, in William Barnett, Alan Kirman, and Mark Salmon (eds.), Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
"Divisia Second Moments," [invited paper] with Barry E. Jones and Travis D. Nesmith, Internationial Review of Comparative Public
Policy, vol. 8, 1996, pp. 115-138.
"An Investigation of Recent Empirical Paradoxes in Monetary Economics," [invited paper] with Haiyang Xu, Internationial Review of
Comparative Public Policy, vol 8, 1996, pp. 139-156.
"Statistics under the Spotlight: Improving the Consumer Price Index," taped transcript of speaker and discussion (with Katharine
Abraham, Robert Gordon, Jack Triplett, David Wilcox, and Kirk Wolter) in special invited ASA session on the Consumer Price Index.
The transcript of the tape has been published in the Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Meetings, Section on
Government Statistics, 1996, and online by the Social Science Research Network, at which it has been listed in the Top Ten download
list for the journal topic "Macroeconomics" All time Hits.
"Econometrics of Chaos," World Science, Shanghai, China, published in Chinese, December 1996, p. 14.
"Divisia Monetary Aggregates," in David Glasner (ed.), Business Cycles and Depressions, an Encyclopedia, 1997, pp. 173-177.
"J. E. Fellow's Opinion: Econometrics, Data, and the World Wide Web," Journal of Econometrics, vol. 77, 1997, pp. 297-302.
"Which Road Leads to Stable Demand for Money," Economic Journal, vol. 107, no. 443, July 1997, pp. 1171-1185.
"Editorial, " Macroeconomic Dynamics, volume 1, no. 1, 1997, pp. 1-6.
"Maximum Likelihood and Iterated Aitken Estimation of Non-Linear Systems of Equations," in Herman J. Bierens and A. Ronald
Gallant (1997), Nonlinear Models, volume 2, pp. 383-390.
"The CAPM Risk Adjustment for Exact Aggregation over Financial Assets," with Yi Liu and Mark Jensen, Macroeconomic Dynamics,
vol 1, no 2, 1997, pp. 485-512.
"A Single-Blind Controlled Competition among Tests for Nonlinearity and Chaos," with A. R. Gallant, M. J. Hinich. J. A. Jungeilges,
D. T. Kaplan, and M. J. Jensen, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 82, 1997, pp. 157-192.
"The Current State of Research on Dynamic Economics," a review article on Giancarlo Gandolfo's book, Economic Dynamics, 3rd
edition, in Journal of International and Comparative Economics, vol. 5, 1997, pp. 335-339.
"Editor's Preface to the Interview Series," Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 2, no. 1, March 1998, p. 115.
"Editor's Preface to the Surveys Section," Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 2, no. 4, December 1998, p. 504.
"Editor's Preface to the Dialogue Series," Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 3, no. 1, March 1999, p. 115.
"Stochastic Volatility in Interest Rates and Nonlinearity in Velocity," with Haiyang Xu, International Journal of Systems Science,
1998, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 1189-1201.
"Bifurcation Theory in Economic Dynamics," with Yijun He, in Shri Bhagwan Dahiya (ed.), The Current State of Economic Science,
vol. 1, 1999, pp. 435-451.
"Production Technology with a Monetary Factor Input," with Milka Kirova, in Shri Bhagwan Dahiya (ed.), The Current State of
Economic Science, vol. 2, 1999, pp. 803-826.
"Analysis and Control of Bifurcations in Continuous Time Macroeconomic Systems," with Yijun He, Proceedings of the 37th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, December 1998, pp. 2455-2460.
"Stability Analysis of Continuous-Time Macroeconometric Systems," with Yijun He, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and
Econometrics, January 1999, vol 3, no. 4, pp. 169-188.
"Martingales, Nonlinearity, and Chaos," with Apostolos Serletis, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, June 2000, vol. 24, pp.
"Time Series Cointegration Tests and Nonlinearity," with Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith, in William Barnett, David Hendry, Svend
Hylleberg, Timo Teräsvirta, Dag Tjöstheim, and Allan Würst (eds.), Nonlinear Econometric Modeling in Time Series Analysis,
Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 9-30. That volume contains the proceedings of the 1995 (EC)2 Meetings [European Conference
Series in Quantitative Economics and Econometrics] in Aarhus, Denmark. This was one of four "featured" papers invited for the
conference by its organizer, Svend Hylleberg.
Coauthor with David Hendry, Svend Hylleberg, Timo Teräsvirta, Dag Tjöstheim, and Allan Würst, "Introduction and Overview," in
William Barnett, David Hendry, Svend Hylleberg, Timo Teräsvirta, Dag Tjöstheim, and Allan Würst (eds.), Nonlinear Econometric
Modeling in Time Series Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 1-8.
"Stochastic Volatility in Interest Rates and Complex Dynamics in Velocity," with Haiyang Xu, in William Barnett, Carl Chiarella,
Steve Keen, Robert Marks, and Hermann Schnabl, Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution: Topics in Economics, Finance, Marketing,
and Management, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 147-172.
"The Exact Theoretical Rational Expectations Monetary Aggregate," with Melvin Hinich and Piyu Yue, Macroeconomic Dynamics,
June 2000, vol 4, no 2, pp. 197-221.
"An Interview with Franco Modigliani," with Robert Solow, Macroeconomic Dynamics, June 2000, vol 4, no 2, pp. 222-256.
"Beyond the Risk Neutral Utility Function," with Yi Liu, in Michael T. Belongia and Jane E. Binner (eds.), Divisia Monetary
Aggregates: Theory and Practice, London, Palgrave, 2000, pp. 11-27.
"Joseph Schumpeter and Modern Nonlinear Dynamics," with Morgan Rose, in Vittorangelo Orati and Shri Bhagwan Dahiya (eds.),
Economic Theory in the Light of Schumpeter's Scientific Heritage: Essays in Memory of Schumpeter on his 50th Death Anniversary,
Spellbound Publications Pvt Ltd, Rohtak, India, 2001, volume 1, chapter 12, pp. 187-196.
"Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Bifurcation: A Competition and an Experiment," with Yijun He, in Takashi Negishi, Rama Ramachandran,
and Kazuo Mino (eds.), Economic Theory, Dynamics and Markets: Essays in Honor of Ryuzo Sato, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2001, pp. 167-187.
"The First Frank Ramsey Prize in Macroeconomic Dynamics: 1997 - 2000," Macroeconomic Dynamics, November 2001, pp. i - ii.
"Unsolved Econometric Problems in Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Bifurcation," with Yijun He, Central European Journal of Operations
Research, vol 9, July 2001, pp. 147-182.
"Tastes and Technology: Curvature is not Sufficient for Regularity," Journal of Econometrics, vol 108, no 1, May 2002, pp. 199-202.
"Stabilization Policy as Bifurcation Selection: Would Stabilization Policy Work if the Economy Really Were Unstable?," with Yijun
He, Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 6, no 5, November 2002, pp. 713-747.
"The Differential Approach to Superlative Index Number Theory," with Ki-Hong Choi and Tara M. Sinclair, Journal of Agricultural
and Applied Economics, special Henri Theil Memorial Issue, vol 35, Supplement, 2003, pp. 59-64.
"A Conversation with Henri Theil: His Experiences in the Netherlands during the Second World War," Journal of Agricultural and
Applied Economics, special Henri Theil Memorial Issue, vol 35, Supplement, 2003, p. 57.
"Regularity of the Generalized Quadratic Production Model: A Counterexample," with Meeanskshi Pasupathy, Econometric Reviews,
vol. 22, no. 2, 2003, pp. 135-154.
"Foreword," with Christophe Deissenberg and Gustav Feichtinger, in William Barnett, Christophe Deissenberg, and Gustav
Feichtinger (Eds.), Economic Complexity: Non-Linear Dynamics, Multi-Agents Economies, and Learning, North Holland, 2003, pp.
"Intertemporally non-separable monetary-asset risk adjustment and aggregation," with Shu Wu, Economics Bulletin, July 6, 2004, pp.
"Bifurcations in Macroeconomic Models," with Yijun He, in Steve Dowrick, Rohan Pitchford, and Steven Turnovsky (eds), Economic
Growth and Macroeconomic Dynamics: Recent Developments in Economic Theory , Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 95-112.
"Macroeconomic Dynamics Online Submission," with Stephen Spear, Economics Bulletin, vol. 28, no. 1, September 6, 2004, p. 1.
"Macroeconomic Dynamics Online Submission," Editor's Announcement in Macroeconomic Dynamics., vol 8, no 5, November 2004,
p. 553. In the former case, the announcement is coauthored with Stephen Spear. The page provides information about the recently
completed conversion of the Macroeconomic Dynamics submission procedure from on-paper to all electronic. The new system is
specific to and custom designed by Stephen Spear for use by that journal and is maintained by Stephen Spear on his server at Carnegie
Mellon University.
"An Interview with Paul A. Samuelson," interviewed by William A. Barnett, Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 8, no. 4, September 2004,
pp. 519-542.
"On User Costs of Risky Monetary Assets," with Shu Wu, Annals of Finance, vol. 1, no. 1, January 2005, pp. 35-50.
"The Global Economy: William Barnett and Bernard Cornet interviewed by Roger Martin," Catalyst, University of Kansas, Winter
2005, pp. 8 - 11.
"The Nonlinear Skeletons in the Closet," with Barry Jones, Milka Kirova, Travis Nesmith, and Meenkashi Pasupathy, in Michael
Belongia and Jane Binner (eds.), Money, Measurement, and Computation, Palgrave, 2005, pp. 9-42.
Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles, and Nonlinearity, with John Geweke, and Karl Shell, first paperback edition,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
"Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics in Real Systems," with Apostolos Serletis and Demitre Serletis, International Journal of
Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, vol. 7, 2006, pp. 191-196.
"Robustness of Inferences to Singularity Bifurcation," with Yijun He, Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings of the 2005
American Statistical Society, vol. 100, American Statistical Association, February 2006.
"Singularity Bifurcation," with Yijun He, Journal of Macroeconomics, invited special issue of the Journal of Macroeconomics, vol 28,
2006, 5-22.
"Comment on Serletis and Shintani, 'Chaotic Monetary Dynamics with Confidence'," invited special issue of the Journal of
Macroeconomics, vol 28, 2006, 253-255.
"The Discounted Economic Stock of Money with VAR Forecasting," with Unja Chae and John Keating, Annals of Finance, vol 2, no
2, July 2006, pp. 229-258.
"Exchange Rate Determination from Monetary Fundamentals: an Aggregation Thoeretic Approach," with Chang Ho Kwag, Frontiers
in Finance and Economics, vol 3, no 1, 2006, pp. 29-48.
"Is Macroeconomics a Science: Foreword to Apostolos Serletis, Money and the Economy," in Apostolos Serletis, Money and the
Economy, World Scientific, 2006.
"Multilateral Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregation over Heterogeneous Countries," Journal of Econometrics, vol 136, no 2,
February 2007, pp 457-482.
"Special issue editors' Introduction: The interface between econometrics and economic theory," with Chalambos D. Aliprantis,
Bernard Cornet, and Steven Durlauf, Journal of Econometrics special issue on the interface between economic theory and
econometrics, vol 136, no 2, February 2007, pp. 325-329.
"Preface," in: Paul A. Sameulson and William A. Barnett (eds.), Inside the Economist's Mind: Conversations with Eminent
Economists, Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
"Gains from Synchronization," with Mehmet Dalkir, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, vol 11, no 1, March 2007,
article 2, pp. 1 - 28.
"Editor's Announcement: The Journal's New Supplement Series," Macroeconomic Dynamics, February 2007, vol 11, no 1.
"Hopf Bifurcation within New Keynesian Functional Structure," with Evgeniya A. Duzhak, in: W. A. Barnett and A. Serletis (2007),
Functional Structure Inference, Elsevier, pp. 257 -275.
"The Theoretical Regularity Properties of the Normalized Quadratic Consumer Demand Model," with Ikuyasu Usui, in: W. A. Barnett
and A. Serletis (2007), Functional Structure Inference, Elsevier, 2007, pp. 107 - 127.
"Editors' Introduction," with Apostolos Serletis, in: W. A. Barnett and A. Serletis (2007), Functional Structure Inference, Elsevier,
2007, pp. ix - xi.
"Divisia Monetary Index," in William A. Darity (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, vol 2,
Macmillan Reference, Detroit, 2008, pp. 422-423.
"The Supply of Money," in William A. Darity (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, vol 5, Macmillan
Reference, Detroit, 2008, pp. 260-261.
"Operational Identification of the Complete Class of Superlative Index Numbers: an Application of Galois Theory," with Ki-Hong
Choi, Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol 44, no 7, July 2008, pp. 603-612.
"Non-Robust Dynamic Inferences from Macroeconometric Models: Bifurcation Stratification of Confidence Regions," with Evgeniya
A. Duzhak, Physica A, vol 387, no 15, June, 2008, pp. 3817-3825.
"Monetary Aggregation," in Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence Blume (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition,
Macmillan, 2008.
"Toward a Bias Corrected Currency Equivalent Index," with John Keating and Logan Kelly, Economics Letters, vol. 100, issue 3, Sept
2008, pp. 448-451.
"Rotterdam versus Almost Ideal Model: Will the Best Specification Please Stand Up?", with Ousmane Seck, Journal of Applied
Econometrics, vol 23, no. 23, 2008, pp. 798-824.
"Consumer Preferences and Demand Systems," with Apostolos Serletis, Journal of Econometrics, vol 147, 2008, pp. 210-224.
"International Financial Aggregation and Index Number Theory: A Chronological Half-Century Empirical Overview," with Marcelle
Chauvet, Open Economies Review, vol. 20, no 1, February 2009, pp. 1 - 37.
"Why Did Bubble Pop?", Kansas City Star, Business Weekly, Tuesday, November 11, 2008, Section D, pp. D8-D9.
"Measuring Consumer Preferences and Estimating Demand Systems," with Apostolos Serletis. In: Daniel Slottje (ed.), Quantifying
Consumer Preferences, Contributions to Economic Analysis, Emerald Press, Bingley, UK, 2009, pp. 1-35.
"The Differential Approach to Demand Analysis and the Rotterdam Model," with Apostolos Serletis. In: Daniel Slottje (ed.),
Quantifying Consumer Preferences, Contributions to Economic Analysis, Emerald Press, Bingley, UK, 2009, pp. 61-81.
"What Broke the Bubble?", Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, vol 4, no. 1, 2009, pp. 133-137. This paper is the long
form of Kansas City Star article, including the supporting graphics, which did not appear in the newspaper article.
"Introduction to Measurement with Theory," with W. Erwin Diewert and Arnold Zellner, Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol
13,Supplement 2, 2009, September, pp. 151-168.
"Measurement Error in Monetary Aggregates: A Markov Switching Factor Approach," with Marcelle Chauvet and Heather Tierney,
Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 13, Supplement 2, 2009, September, pp. 381-412.
"Admissible Clustering of Aggregator Components: A Necessasry and Sufficient Stochastic Semi-Nonparametric Test for Weak
Separability," with Philippe de Peretti, Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 13, Supplement 2, 2009, September, pp. 317-334.
"Estimation with Inequality Constraints on Parameters and Truncation of the Sampling Distribution," with Ousmane Seck, Journal of
Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications, Scientific Advances Publishers, 2009, March, vol 1, no 1, pp. 65-88.
"Who's Looking at the Fed's Books?", New York Times, October 22, 2009, p. A35.
"Nonlinear Meassurement Errors in Monetary Aggregates," with Marcelle Chauvet and Heather L. R. Tierney, 2009 JSM Proceedings,
American Statistical Association, 2009.
"The End of the Great Moderation? How Better Monetary Statistics Could Have Signaled the Systemic Risk Precipitation the
Financial Crises," 2009 JSM Proceedings, American Statistical Association, 2009.
"This is No Way to Fix the Fed," Kansas City Star, Business Weekly, Tuesday, December 15, 2009, Section D, pp. C7 and C16.
"Audit the Federal Reserve?" Central Banking Journal, vol 20, no 3, February 2010, pp. 45-50.
"Empirical Assessment of Bifurcation Regions within New Keynesian Models," with Evgeniya A. Duzhak, Economic Theory, vol 45,
nos 1-2, 2010, pp. 99-128.
"Existence of Singularity Bifurcation in an Euler-Equations Model of the United States Economy: Grandmont was Right," with Susan
He, Economic Modelling, special issue edited by Arnold Zellner, Lawrence Klein, and Nicholas Tavlas in honor of PAVB Swamy, vol
27, no 6, November 2010, pp. 1345-1354.
"A Note on Nonidentification in Truncated Sampling Distribution Estimation," with Ousmane Seck, Economics Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 2,
2010, pp. 1-9.
"Introduction," with Fredj Jawadi, Nonlinear Modeling of Economic and Financial Time-Series, Emerald Press, 2010.
"How Better Monetary Statistics Could Have Signaled the Financial Crisis," with Marcelle Chauvet, Journal of Econometrics, vol.
161, no. 1, March 2011, pp. 6-23.
"Introduction to Measurement with Theory," with W. Erwin Diewert and Arnold Zellner, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 161, no. 1,
March 2011, pp. 1-5.
"Bifurcation Analysis of Zellner's Marshallian Macro Model," with Sanjibani Banerjee, Evgeniya Duzhak, and Ramu Gopalan,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol 35, no. 9, September 2011, pp. 1577-1585.
"Rethinking the Liquidity Puzzle: Applications of a New Measure of the Economic Money Stock," with Logan Kelly and John
Keating, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol 35, no 4, April 2011, pp. 765-1026.
"Forecast Design in Monetary Capital Stock Measurement," with Unja Chae and John Keating, Global Journal of Economics, vol 1,
no 1 of the new journal of the Asia-Pacific Economics Association, June 2012.
"Fed's Current Stance Is Tragically Wrong," Kansas City Star, November 6, 2012, p. C10.
"The New CFS Divisia Monetary Aggregates: Design, Construction, and Data Sources," with Jia Liu, Ryan S. Mattson, and Jeff van
den Noort, Open Economies Review, vol. 24, no. 1, Feb 2013, pp. 101-124.
"Divisia Monetary Aggregates for the GCC Countries," with Ryadh M. Alkhareif. In William A. Barnett and Fredj Jawadi (eds.),
Recent Developments in Alternative Finance: Empirical Assessments and Economic Implications, Emerald Press, 2012, pp. 1 - 37.
"Introduction," with Fredj Jawadi, Recent Developments in Alternative Finance: Empirical Assessments and Economic Implications,
Emerald Press, 2012.
"Hopf Bifurcation in the Clarida, Gali, and Gertler Model," with Unal Eryilmaz, Economic Modelling, vol 31, 2013, pp. 401-404.
"Time-Varying Parameters in the Almost Ideal Demand System and the Rotterdam Model: Will the Best Specification Please Stand
Up?", with Isaac Kanyama, Applied Economics, vol 45, no. 29, 2013, pp. 4169-4183.
"Federal Reserve Transparency: Should We Want It?" The Ripon Forum, vol 47, no 3, Summer 2013, pp. 24-26.
"Bifurcation Analysis of an Endogenous Growth Model," with Taniya Ghosh, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Elsevier, vol 10, no
1, June 2013, pp. 53-64.
"The Internal Politics of Journal Editing," invited essay in Michael Szenberg and Lall Ramrattan (eds.), Shared Secrets of Economic
Editors: Experiences of Journal Editors, MIT Press, 2014, pp. 163-169
"An Analytical and Numerical Search for Bifurcations in Open Economy New Keynesian Models," with Unal Eryilmaz,
Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming in special issue on nonlinear dynamics.
"Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics in Economics," with Apostolos Serletis and Demitre Serletis, Macroeconomic Dynamics,
forthcoming in special issue on nonlinear dynamics.
"Friedman and Divisia Monetary Measures," in R. Cord and D. Hammond (eds.), Milton Friedman: Contributions to Economics and
Public Policy, Oxford U. Press, forthcoming.
"Stability Analysis of Uzawa-Lucas Endogenous Growth Model," with Taniya Ghosh, Economic Theory Bulletin, forthcoming.
"Real-Time Nowcasting of Nominal GDP Under Structural Break," with M. Chauvet and D. Leiva-Leon, Journal of Econometrics,
"Structural Stability of the Generalized Taylor Rule," with Evgeniya Duzhak, Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming.
Official Federal Reserve Board Publications
"A Proposal for Redefining the Monetary Aggregates," with D. Beck, E. Ettin, J. Kalchbrenner, D. Lindsey, R. Porter, T. Simpson, and
P. Tinsely, Federal Reserve Bulletin 64, 1979, pp. 12-42.
"Divisia Monetary Aggregates: Their Compilation, Data, and Historical Behavior," with Paul Spindt, Federal Reserve Board Staff
Study, Publication Services, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC, April 1982.
Author of reviews for Mathematical Reviews and for the Zentralblatt für Mathematik.
Editor and Founder, Macroeconomic Dynamics, journal launched by Cambridge University Press in 1997. The journal's home page on
the Web is located at: http://econ.tepper.cmu.edu/barnett/MD.html.
Editor and Founder of the refereed monograph series, International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. The monograph
series' home page is located at: http://econ.tepper.cmu.edu/barnett/ISETE.html. Originally a Cambridge University Press series, it now
is an Emerald Press monograph series.
Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Financial Studies, open access journal launched in 2012 by MDPI, Basel,
Switzerland. MDPI stands for Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, which is a major publisher of open access journals in the
Editor of September 1980 and January 1981 special editions of the Journal of Econometrics on Federal Reserve System econometric
Associate Editor, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, (an American Statistical Association journal), 1983-1997.
Co-editor (with Ronald Gallant) of Vol. 30, 1985 special edition of the Journal of Econometrics, comprising the proceedings volume
of Conference on New Approaches to Modeling, Specification Selection, and Econometric Inference. See "Chairmanships and
Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Kenneth Singleton) of New Approaches to Monetary Economics, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium
in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1987. The book comprises volume 1 of the Cambridge series, the
International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Ernst Berndt and Halbert White) of Dynamic Econometric Modeling, Proceedings of the Third International
Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1988. The book comprises volume 2 of the
Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services"
Co-editor (with John Geweke and Karl Shell) of Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles, and Nonlinearity, Proceedings of
the Fourth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1989. The book comprises
volume 3 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and
Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with James Powell and George Tauchen) of Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics and Statistics,
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1991, both
hardbound and paperback editions. The book comprises volume 4 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic
Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Ronald Gallant) of New Approaches to Modeling, Specification Selection, and Econometric Inference, Proceedings of
the First International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1989. The book comprises
volume 5 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics, and is reprinted from the vol.
30, 1985 special edition of the Journal of Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Andreu Mas-Colell, Jean Gabszewicz, Claude D'Aspremont, and Bernard Cornet) of Economic Equilibrium Theory
and Applications, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University
Press, 1991. The book comprises volume 6 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and
Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Melvin Hinich, Howard Rosenthal, and Norman Schofield) of Political Economy: Institutions, Information,
Competition and Representation, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics,
Cambridge University Press, 1993. The book comprises volume 7 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic
Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Maurice Salles, Hervé Moulin, and Norman Schofield) of Social Choice, Welfare and Ethics, Proceedings of the
Eighth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1995. The book comprises
volume 8 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and
Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Giancarlo Gandolfo and Claude Hillinger ) of Dynamic Disequilibrium Modeling: Theory and Applications,
Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1996. The
book comprises volume 9 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. See
"Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Alan Kirman and Mark Salmon ) of Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics, Proceedings of the Tenth International
Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1996. The book comprises volume 10 of the
Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services"
Co-editor (with Lars Hansen, Andrew Lo, and George Tauchen) of Computation and Estimation in Economics and Finance. The
proceedings of this symposium comprise the inaugural double special issues (vol 1, no. 1, and vol 2, no 2, 1997) of the journal,
Macroeconomic Dynamics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with David Hendry, Svend Hylleberg, Timo Teräsvirta, Dag Tjöstheim, and Allan Würst), Nonlinear Econometric Modeling
in Time Series Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 2000. That volume contains the proceedings of the 1995 (EC)2 Meetings
[European Conference Series in Quantitative Economics and Econometrics] in Aarhus, Denmark. The book comprises volume 11 of
the Cambridge series, the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics.
Co-editor (with Carl Chiarella, Steve Keen, Robert Marks, and Hermann Schnabl), Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution: Topics in
Economics, Finance, Marketing,, and Management, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium in Economic Theory and
Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 2000. The book comprises volume 12 of the Cambridge series, the International Symposia
in Economic Theory and Econometrics.
Co-editor (with Christophe Deissenberg and Gustav Feichtinger), Economic Complexity: Non-Linear Dynamics, Multi-Agents
Economies, and Learning, North Holland, 2004.
Co-editor (with John Geweke and Karl Shell) of Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles, and Nonlinearity, Cambridge
University Press, paperback edition published in 2005. The hardback was published in 1989. The book is in the Cambridge series, the
International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. See "Chairmanships and Professional Services" below.
Co-editor (with Chalambos Aliprantis, Bernard Cornet, and Steven Durlauf), special issue on the interface between economic theory
and econometrics, Journal of Econometrics, vol 136, no 2, February 2007.
Co-editor (with Melvin Hinich), Topics in Analytical Political Economy, Elsevier, 2007.
Co-editor (with Apostolos Serletis), Functional Structure Inference, Elsevier, 2007.
Co-editor (with Kenneth Singleton), New Approaches to Monetary Economics, Cambridge University Press, paperback edition 2008
[original hardbound edition published in 1987].
Co-editor (with W. Erwin Diewert, Shigeru Iwata, and Arnold Zellner), special issue on "Measurement with Theory," Macroeconomic
Dynamics, vol 13, supplement 2, 2009.
Co-editor (with Fredj Jawadi), Nonlinear Modeling of Economic and Financial Time-Series (Proceedings
Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance), Emerald Press, 2010.
of First International
Co-editor (with W. Erwin Diewert and Arnold Zellner), special issue on "Measurement with Theory," Journal of Econometrics, vol.
161, no. 1, March 2011.
Co-editor with Giancarlo Gandolfo and Claude Hillinger, Dynamic Disequilibrium Modeling: Theory and Applications, Cambridge
University Press, paperback edition 2011. [original hardbound edition published in 1996].
Co-editor (with Fredj Jawadi), Recent Developments in Alternative Finance: Empirical Assessments and Economic Implications
(Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance), Emerald Press, 2012.
Co-editor (with W. Erwin Diewert and Esfandiar Maasoumi), special issue on "Innovations in Measurement in Economics and
Econometrics," Journal of Econometrics, in preparation.
Chair, main program session on Demand Analysis, European Congress of the Econometric Society, Athens, Greece, September 1979.
Chair, session on Econometrics of Consumption, Econometric Society Meetings, Washington, DC, December 1981.
Organizer, invited paper session on Divisia monetary aggregation, 1982 Annual Meetings of the American Statistical Association,
Contract selection panel member in economics, National Institute of Health, 1983.
Chair, session on Microeconomic Theory, Latin American Meetings of the Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile, July 1983.
Discussant, Latin American Meetings of the Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile, July 1983.
Chair, session on Production Theory, Econometric Society Meetings, San Francisco, December 1983.
Chair, session on Demand and Production Modeling, Econometric Society Meetings, San Francisco, December 1983.
Co-organizer (with Ronald Gallant) and program chairman, Conference on New Approaches to Modeling, Specification Selection, and
Econometric Inference, held at the IC2 Institute, the University of Texas at Austin, May 1984.
Chair, session on Monetary Models, European Meetings of the Econometric Society, Madrid, September 1984.
Co-organizer (with Kenneth Singleton) and program chairman, Conference on New Approaches to Monetary Economics, held at the
IC2 Institute, the University of Texas at Austin, May 1985.
Member of Scientific Organizing Committee, Discoveries 1985 Symposium: Laws of Nature and Human Conduct, Specificities and
Unifying Themes, Brussels, Belgium, the Solvay Institute, October 1985.
Discussant, Colloquium on Research Issues in Large Scale Programs, the IC2 Institute, Austin, Texas, March 1985.
Discussant, Conference on New Approaches to Monetary Economics, the IC2 Institute, May 1985.
Co-organizer (with Ernst Berndt and Halbert White) and program chairman, Conference on Dynamic Econometric Modeling, the IC2
Institute, May 1986.
Co-organizer (with John Geweke and Karl Shell) and program chairman, Conference on Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots,
Bubbles, and Nonlinearity, the IC2 Institute, May 1987.
Co-organizer (with James Powell and George Tauchen) of Conference on Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in
Econometrics and Statistics, held at Duke University, May 1988.
Co-organizer (with Andreu Mas-Colell, Jacques Drèze, Jean Gabszewicz, Claude D'Aspremont, and Bernard Cornet) of Conference on
Economic Equilibrium Theory and Applications, held at C.O.R.E, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, June 1989.
Co-organizer (with Melvin Hinich, Douglas North, Howard Rosenthal, and Norman Schofield) of Conference on Political Economy:
Institutions, Information, Competition, and Representation, Washington University in St. Louis, May 1991.
Chair, one session at the World Congress of the Econometric Society, Barcelona, Spain, and two sessions at the International
Conference in Operations Research, Vienna, Austria, August, 1990.
Co-organizer (with Maurice Salles, Hervé Moulin, and Norman Schofield) of Conference on Social Choice, Welfare and Ethics,
University of Caen, Caen, France, June 1992.
Co-organizer (with Alan Kirman and Mark Salmon) of Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, European University Institute, Florence,
Italy, July 1992.
Co-organizer (with Giancarlo Gandolfo and Claude Hillinger) of Conference on Disequilibrium Dynamics, University of Munich,
Munich, Germany, August 1993.
Program Chair Elect, Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 1991-1992.
Program Chair, Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 1992-1993.
Co-organizer (with Lars Hansen, Andrew Lo, and George Tauchen) of Conference on Computation and Estimation in Economics and
Finance, Washington University, September 1995.
Discussant, conference on Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade, Elsinore, Denmark, August 1996.
Chair, one session of at the European Meetings of the Econometric Society, Berlin, 1998.
Chair, one session at the World Congress of the Econometric Society, Seattle, August 2000.
Chair, Frank Ramsey Prize Selection Committee, 2000.
Member of Scientific Organizing Committee, Complexity 2003 Conference, Aix-Marseille, France, May 2003.
Member of Scientific Organizing Committee, The 2003 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'03), June 23 - 26,
2003, Las Vegas. There was a proceedings volume in Advances in Econometrics of the Special Session on Applications of AI in
Finance and Economics.
Organizer and of a session on ECB research, Sixth Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Rodos,
Greece, June 20 - July 6, 2003.
Chaired session at the Global Finance Conference, Las Vegas, April 2004.
Organizer of session of Public Economic Theory Conference on Fiscal Rules and Public Finance. The conference was held at Peking
University August 25-29, 2004.
Member of Organizing Committee, Asia Pacific Economic Association's first conference, Hitotsubashi University, July 30-31, 2005.
Member of Organizing Committee, 2005 Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory conference, Vigo, Spain, June 27 - July 3,
Session Organizer, Eastern Economics Association meetings, New York, March 4, 2005.
Member of Advisory Panel of Experts, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, since October 2004.
Member, Advisory Panel, Society for Computational Economics, since 2005.
Chair, Frank Ramsey Prize Selection Committee, 2005.
Member of Committee for Frank Ramsey Prize, 2005.
Member of Organizing Committee, Fall 2005 Midwest Economic Theory and International Economics Conference, Lawrence, Kansas,
October 14-16, 2005. Also chaired a session.
Member of International Scientific Committee, Third Aix en Provence Complexity Workshop, "Complex Behavior in Economics:
Modeling, Computing, and Mastering Complexity," Aix en Provence, France, May 17-21, 2006.
Chair of session and member of Advisory Council, Society for Computational Economics conference, Cyprus, June 21 - 25, 2006.
Member, External Review Committee for Department of Economics, University of Oklahoma, 2006.
Member of Organizing Committee, 2006 NBER/NSF/CEME Conference on General Equilibrium Theory, University of Kansas,
October 6-8, 2006.
Member of International Scientific Committee, Aston/Lund Conference on Measurement Error, Birmingham, UK, July 3 - 6, 2007,
funded by Aston University and Lund University.
Member of Program Committee, eighth Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory conference, Kos, Greece, June 18 - 24,
Member of Scientific Committee and Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Measurement Error : Econometrics and Practice,
Birmingham, UK, to be held July 9-11, 2007.
Member of Program Committee, 14th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, University of Sorbonne,
Paris, June 26-28, 2008.
Served as a Mentor, at the Advanced Training Program: on Economics, Research, and Publishing, University of Washington, Seattle,
August 11-29, 2008.
Member of Scientific Committee, 2nd International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance, Tunis, Tunisia, March 1517, 2012.
Member of Scientific Committee, First International Workshop on Market Microstructure and Nonlinear Dynamics, co-organized for
June 2013 in Paris by the University of Evry, the University of Aix en Provence, and the University of Rennes.
President and Founder, Society for Economic Measurement, since 2013.
Member of Scientific Committee, Third International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance, Tunis, Tunisia, April 1012, 2014.
Member of Scientific Committee, Conference on Data Standards, Information, and Financial Stability, Loughborough University, UK,
with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, April 11-12, 2014.
Member of Organizing Committee, International Work-Conference on Time Series (ITISE 2014), Granada, Spain, June 25-27, 2014.
Grant Reviewer, Coucher Foundation in Hong Kong, proposal for a summer series of statistics courses in advanced time series, to be
taught in Hong Kong by an international group of participants.
Chair of Organizing Committee, Inaugural Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement, University of Chicago, August 1820, 2014.
Member of Scientific Committee, Second International Workshop on Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics, Paris, June 4-5,
Referee for National Science Foundation, Cambridge University Press, American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Review of
Economic Studies, European Economic Review, Journal of American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of
Political Economy, Econometrica, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of Macroeconomics, Quarterly Review of
Economics and Business, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Quarterly Journal of
Economics, among others.
"Labor Supply and the Allocation of Consumption Expenditure," presented at the 1974 Econometric Society Meetings, San Francisco.
"Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Nonlinear Systems of Equations," presented at the World Congress of the Econometric Society,
August 1975, Toronto.
"Recursive Subaggregation and a Generalized Hypocycloidal Demand Model," presented at the 1975 Econometric Society Meetings,
Atlantic City.
"The Restrictiveness of the Rotterdam Model: A Recalcitrant Myth," presented at the 1976 Econometric Society Meetings, Atlantic
"Random Set Methodology and Stochastic Geometry in Economics and Statistics," presented at the NBER Conference on Criteria for
Evaluation of Econometric Models, Ann Arbor, June 1977.
"Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Direct Implicit Addilog Demand Model," co-authored with Kenneth J.
Kopecky and Ryuzo Sato, presented at the 1977 Econometric Society Meetings, New York.
"A Fully Nested System of Monetary Quantity and Dual User Cost Aggregates," presented at the 1979 European Econometric Society
Meetings, Athens, Greece.
"New Concepts of Aggregated Money," co-authored with E. Offenbacher and P. Spindt, presented at the 1980 American Finance
Association and American Economic Association Meetings, Denver.
"The Information Content of Divisia Monetary Quantity Indices," co-authored with P. Spindt, presented at the 1980 Econometric
Society Meetings, Denver.
"Empirical Comparisons of Divisia and Simple Sum Monetary Aggregates," co-authored with P. Spindt and E. Offenbacher, NBER
Conference on Inflation and Financial Markets, Cambridge, May 1981.
"The New Divisia Monetary Aggregates," co-authored with P. Spindt and E. Offenbacher, presented at the 1981 American Economic
Association Meetings, Washington, D.C.
"The Optimal Level of Monetary Aggregation," presented at the American Enterprise Institute's Conference on Current Issues in the
Conduct of U.S. Monetary Policy, Washington, D.C., February 1982.
"The Flexible Laurent Demand System," presented at the 1982 American Statistical Association Meetings, Cincinnati.
"The Müntz-Szatz Demand System: An Application of a Globally Well Behaved Series Expansion," co-authored with Andrew Jonas,
presented at the 1983 Latin American Meetings of the Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile.
"New Indices of Money Supply and the Flexible Laurent Demand System," presented at the 1983 Latin American Meetings of the
Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile.
"The New Approach to Monetary Targeting," presented at the HARC/IC2 Texas CEO Conference, October 1983.
"The Global Properties of the Minflex Laurent, Generalized Leontief, and Translog Flexible Functional Forms," co-authored with Yul
Lee, presented at the Econometric Society Meetings, San Francisco, December 1983.
"Three Dimensional Global Properties of the Minflex Laurent, Generalized Leontief, and Translog Flexible Functional Forms," coauthored with Yul Lee and Michael Wolfe, presented at the European Meetings of the Econometric Society, Madrid, September 1984.
"Divisia Monetary Aggregates as Indicators for Monetary Policy," presented at the Conference on Information and Data Management,
Tokyo, November 1984.
"The Minflex Laurent Translog Flexible Functional Form," presented at the Conference on New Approaches to Modeling,
Specification Selection, and Econometric Inference, the IC2 Institute, May 1985.
"The Three Dimensional Global Properties of the Minflex Laurent, Generalized Leontief, and Translog Flexible Functional Forms,"
(co-authored with Yul Lee and Michael Wolfe), presented at the Conference on New Approaches to Modeling, Specification Selection,
and Econometric Inference, the IC2 Institute, May 1984.
"The Laurent Series Approach to Structural Modeling," presented at the Conference on Modeling Complex Systems, organized by the
Ilya Prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics, Austin, Texas, March 1985.
"The Microeconomic Theory of Monetary Aggregation," presented at the Conference on New Approaches to Monetary Economics,
the IC2 Institute, May 1985.
"Comparison of the Demand-Side and Supply-Side Aggregation Theoretic Monetary Aggregates," (co-authored with Melvin Hinich
and Warren Weber), presented at the Conference on New Approaches to Monetary Economics, the IC2 Institute, May 1985.
"The Three Dimensional Global Properties of the Minflex Laurent, Generalized Leontief, and Translog Flexible Functional Forms,"
co-authored with Yul Lee and Michael Wolfe, presented at the Econometric Society Fifth World Congress, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
August 1985.
"Economic Theory as a Generator of Measurable Attractors," co-authored with Ping Chen, presented at the Symposium on Laws of
Nature and Human Conduct: Specificities and Unifying Themes, Brussels, Belgium, the Solvay Institute, October 1985.
"The Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregates are Chaotic and Have Strange Attractors," (co-authored with Ping Chen), presented
at the Conference on Dynamic Econometric Modeling, the IC2 Institute, May 1986.
"The Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregates are Chaotic and Have Strange Attractors: an Econometric Application of
Mathematical Chaos," (co-authored with Ping Chen), presented at the Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Melbourne,
Australia, August 1986.
"The Three Dimensional Global Properties of the ML Translog and ML Generalized Leontief Flexible Functional Forms," (coauthored with Yul Lee and Michael Wolfe), presented at the Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Melbourne, Australia,
August 1986.
"Deterministic Chaos and Fractal Attractors as Tools for Nonparametric Dynamical Econometric Inference," (co-authored with Ping
Chen), presented at the Annual NBER-NSF Time Series Conference, Dallas, October 1986.
"The Microeconomic Theory of Monetary Aggregation," presented at the 1986 Econometric Society Meetings, New Orleans.
"A Monte Carlo Study of Tests of Blockwise Weak Separability," (co-authored with Seungmook Choi), presented at the 1986
Econometric Society Meetings, New Orleans.
"A Comparison between the Conventional Econometric Approach to Structural Inference and the Nonparametric Chaotic Attractor
Approach," (co-authored with Seungmook Choi), presented at the Conference on Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles,
and Nonlinearity, the IC2 Institute, May 1987.
"Seminonparametric Bayesian Estimation of the AIM Demand System," (co-authored with John Geweke), presented at the Conference
on Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics and Statistics, Duke University, May 1988.
"An Investigation of Ping Chen's Discovery," (co-authored with Melvin Hinich and Piyu Yue), presented at the International
Symposium on Evolutionary Dynamics and Nonlinear Economics, organized by Ilya Prigogine and Richard Day, the IC2 Institute,
April 1989.
"The Nonlinear Dynamics of the Exact Aggregates in Intertemporal Stochastic Choice," presented at Workshop on Econometric
Estimation and Inference for Nonlinear, Dynamic Macroeconomic Models, University of Southern California, April 1989.
"The Exact Theoretical Rational Expectations Monetary Aggregate," presented at Conference on Divisia Monetary Aggregation, City
of London, June 1989.
"The Exact Theoretical Rational Expectations Monetary Aggregate," presented at the Conference on Understanding Velocity at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, September 1989.
"Semiparametric Bayesian Estimation of Applied General Equilibrium Models," (co-authored with John Geweke and Michael Wolfe),
presented at Conference on Equilibrium Theory and Applications, CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, June 1989.
"A Dispersion-Dependency Diagnostic Test for Aggregation Error," (co-authored with Apostolos Serletis), presented by co-author at
the European Meetings of the Econometric Society, Munich, Germany, September 1989.
"Monetary Policy with The Exact Theoretical Rational Expectations Monetary Aggregate," presented at the Conference on Monetary
Policy on the Fed's 75th Anniversary, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, October 1989.
"Has Chaos been Discovered with Economic Data," presented in plenary session, International Conference in Operations Research,
Vienna, Austria, August 1990.
"The Optimal Rational Expectations Monetary Aggregate" and "Seminonparametric Bayesian Estimation of Production," presented at
the World Congress of the Econometric Society, Barcelona, Spain, 1991.
"Monetary Policy and Credibility under Exact Monetary Aggregation," presented at Conference on Political Economy: Institutions,
Information, Competition, and Representation, Washington University, May 1991.
"Divisia Monetary Aggregation," presented at the Bank of Switzerland, Zurich, August 1991.
"A Comparison of Nonparametric Tests for Chaos," presented at Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics, Florence, Italy, July 1992.
"Monetary Policy, Credibility, and Politics under Exact Monetary Aggregation," presented at Conference on Political Economy:
Institutions, Information, Competition and Representation, Washington University in St. Louis, May 1991.
"Detection of Nonlinearity and Chaos: Application to Money Stock," with A. Ronald Gallant and Melvin Hinich, presented at
American Statistical Association meetings, San Francisco, August 1993.
"Comparisons of the Available Tests for Nonlinearity and Chaos," with A. Ronald Gallant, Melvin Hinich, Mark Jensen, and Jochen
Jungeilges, presented at Conference on Disequilibrium Dynamics, Munich, Germany, August 1993.
"Financial Firm's Production and Supply-Side Monetary Aggregation under Dynamic Uncertainty," presented at Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis Conference on Money Stock Measurement, October 21-22, 1993.
"Partition of M2 Plus as a Joint Product," presented at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Conference on M2 Plus, March 24, 1994.
"A Single-Blind Controlled Competition between Tests for Nonlinearity and Chaos," with A. Ronald Gallant, Melvin J. Hinich, Jochen
A. Jungeilges, Daniel Kaplan, and Mark Jensen, presented at the TIMS (The Institute for Management Science) meetings in
Anchorage, Alaska, June 1994.
"Estimating Policy Invariant Taste and Technology Parameters in the Financial Sector, when Risk and Growth Matter," presented at
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1994 Macroeconomics Conference, September 29-30, 1994.
"Beyond the Risk Neutral Utility Function," presented jointly with Yi Liu at the Conference on Divisia Monetary Aggregates,
University of Mississippi, October 1994.
"The Magnitude of the Consumption-CAPM Risk Adjustment to Interest Rates Needed for Exact Aggregation over Financial Asset
Quantities," presented at Conference on Computation and Estimation in Economics and Finance, held at Washington University in
September 1995.
"A Single-Blind Controlled Competition between Tests for Nonlinearity and Chaos," with A. Ronald Gallant, Melvin J. Hinich, Jochen
A. Jungeilges, Daniel Kaplan, and Mark Jensen, presented at the Conference on Game Theory in Honor of Robert Aumann, Jerusalem,
June 1995.
"Overlooked Issues in Economic Nonlinearity," with Milka Kirova, Barry Jones, and Travis Nesmith, presented at the 1996 conference
to be held at the U. of Mississippi on April 22-23, 1996. Proceedings volume to be edited by Michael Belongia and published by
MacMillan Press.
"Overlooked Issues in Economic Nonlinearity," with Milka Kirova, Barry Jones, and Travis Nesmith, presented at the 1995 (EC)2
Meetings [European Conference Series in Quantitative Economics and Econometrics] in Aarhus, Denmark, December 1995. This was
one of four "featured" papers invited for the conference.
"Statistics under the Spotlight: Improving the Consumer Price Index: Statement," presented as panelist in panel discussion of the
Consumer Price Index, American Statistical Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, August 1996. Session organized by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics.
"A Single-Blind Controlled Competition between Tests for Nonlinearity and Chaos," with A. Ronald Gallant, Melvin J. Hinich, Jochen
A. Jungeilges, Daniel Kaplan, and Mark Jensen, presented at the Asian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Hong Kong, July 1997.
"Technology Modeling: Curvature is not Sufficient for Regularity," with Milka Kirova and Meenakshi Pasupathy, presented at the
European Meetings of the Econometric Society, Berlin, September 1998.
"Center Manifold, Stability, and Bifurcations in Continuous Time Macroeconomic Systems," with Yijun He, presented at the North
American Econometric Society Meetings, New York, January 1999.
"Technology Modeling: Curvature is not Sufficient for Regularity," with Milka Kirova and Meenakshi Pasupathy, presented at the
Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Sydney, July 1999.
Keynote Address, "Testing for and Using Nonlinear Dynamics in Macroeconomics," Workshop on Economic Dynamics, University of
Western Sydney Macarthur, July 20, 1999.
Rogers Clark endowed lecture, "Flexibility and Regularity of Functional Forms," Departments of Statistics and Economics, North
Carolina State University, October 19, 1999.
"Stabilization Policy as Bifurcation Selection," with Yijun He, presented at theSeventh Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control,
Dynamic Games, and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vienna, May 2000.
"Technology Modeling: Curvature is not Sufficient for Regularity," with Milka Kirova and Meenakshi Pasupathy, presented at the
World Congress of the Econometric Society, Seattle, August 2000.
"Center Manifold, Stability, and Bifurcations in Continuous Time Macroeconomic Systems," with Yijun He, presented at the World
Congress of the Econometric Society, Seattle, August 2000.
"Aggregation Theory and its Implications for Monetary Economics," 'Inkubator Wiedzy' Honorary Lecture, Warsaw School of
Economics, May 2001.
"New Phenomena Identified in a Stochastic Dynamic Macroeconometric Model: A Bifurcation Perspective," with Yijun He, presented
at the Fifth Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Ischia, Italy, July 2001.
"Is Economic a Science?---A Rocket Scientist's View," Distinguished Professor's Inaugural Lecture, February 24, 2003.
Keynote Speaker, Third Annual Missouri Economics Conference (jointly sponsored by the University of Missouri-Columbia, the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City), held at University of Missouri at Columbia, April
12, 2003.
"User Costs of Risky Monetary Assets" (with Shu Wu), presented at the Global Finance Conference, Las Vegas, April 2004.
"New Phenomena Identified in a Stochastic Dynamic Macroeconometric Model: A Bifurcation Perspective," (with Yijun He)
presented at the Society for Computational Economics conference, Amsterdam, July 2004.
"Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregation over the Euro Area, When Countries are Heterogeneous," presented at the Society for
Public Economic Theory conference in Beijing, August 2004.
"Has Monetary Policy Gotten Better, and Why?", presented at the first international conference of the Bank of Korea, May 2005.
"Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics," seminar at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2005.
"New Phenomena Identified in a Stochastic Dynamic Macroeconometric Model: A Bifurcation Perspective," (with Yijun He)
presented in large invited session of annual meetings of the American Statistical Association, August 2005.
Honorary lecture on monetary policy and dollarization during 1 week visit to the Bank of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, June 2006.
Honorary lecture on bifurcation of macroeconomic models, Economics University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, June 2006.
"The Discounted Economic Stock of Money with VAR Forecasting," presented at annual meetings of the Society for Computational
Economics, Cyprus, June 2006.
"Bifurcation of New Keynesian Models," presented by coauthor (Evgenya Duzhak) at the annual meetings of the Society for
Computational Economics, Cyprus, June 2006.
"Existence of Bifurcation in Macroeconomic Dynamics: Grandmont Was Right," with Evgeniya Duzhak, NBER/NSF/CEME
Conference on General Equilibrium Theory, U. of Kansas, October 2006.
"Financial Asset Index Number Theory," keynote lecture, Conference on Measurement Error: Econometrics and Practice, Aston
University, Birmingham, UK, July 2007.
"Nonlinear Dynamics and Bifurcation," keynote lecture, Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis Conference, Lisbon, Portugal,
July 2007.
"Inside the Economist's Mind," plenary lecture, Missouri Valley Economics Association Annual Conference, Country Club Plaza,
Kansas City, MO, October 2007.
"Dynamical Properties and Bifurcation Analysis of New Keynesian Models," with Evgeniya Duzhak, Conference in Honor of Wayne
J. Shafer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2, 2008.
"Special Lecture" on book with Paul Samuelson, Inside the Economist's Mind, Conference in Honor of Wayne J. Shafer, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2, 2008.
"Empirical Assessment of Bifurcation Regions within the New Keynesian Model," with Evgeniya Duzhak,
14th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, University of Sorbonne, Paris, June
26-28, 2008.
"Financial Aggregation and Index Number Theory: Implications for Monetary Policy and Financial
Modelling, A Survey," presented at Advanced Training Program: on Economics, Research, and Publishing,
University of Washington, Seattle, August 11-29, 2008.
"Inside the Economist's Mind," presented at Advanced Training Program: on Economics, Research, and
Publishing, University of Washington, Seattle, August 11-29, 2008.
"Nonlinear Dynamics and Bifurcation: Nonrobust Inferences about Policy," presented at Advanced Training
Program: on Economics, Research, and Publishing, University of Washington, Seattle, August 11-29, 2008.
"International Finanncial Aggregation and Index Number Theory: A Chronological Half-Century Empirical
Overview," Zicklin Shool of Business, Bernard Baruch College, CUNY, September 24, 2008.
“Measurement Error in Monetary Aggregates: A Markov Switching Factor Approach”, with Marcelle
Chauvet and Heather L.R. Tierney, Midwestern Econometrics Group Annual Meeting, University of Kansas,
October 18, 2008.
“Empirical Assessment of Bifurcation Regions within the New Keynesian Model”, with Evgeniya A.
Duzhak, Midwestern Econometrics Group Annual Meeting, University of Kansas, October 18, 2008.
"The End of the Great Moderation? How Better Monetary Statistics Could Have Signaled the System Risk
Precipitating the Financial Crisis," with Marcelle Chauvet, Western Economic Association International
meetings, Vancouver, June 29, 2009.
“Measurement Error in Monetary Aggregates: A Markov Switching Factor Approach”, with Marcelle
Chauvet and Heather L.R. Tierney, Joint Statistical Meetings invited speaker, American Statistical
Association, Washington, DC, August 6, 2009.
"The End of the Great Moderation? How Better Monetary Statistics Could Have Signaled the System Risk
Precipitating the Financial Crisis," with Marcelle Chauvet, Joint Statistical Meetings invited speaker,
American Statistical Association, Washington, DC, August 6, 2009.
"The End of the Great Moderation? How Better Monetary Statistics Could Have Signaled the System Risk
Precipitating the Financial Crisis," Alvamar Country Club, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce Breakfast
Speaker, October 23, 2009.
"The End of the Great Moderation? How Better Monetary Statistics Could Have Signaled the System Risk
Precipitating the Financial Crisis," First International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance
in Sousse, Tunisia, February 25 - 26, 2010, invited to be keynote speaker.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," International Trade Council of Greater Kansas City, The
Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, April 14, 2010.
"Honorary Speech on Inauguration Day of New PhD Program at the University of La Manouba in Tunis,
Tunisia," April 16, 2010.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece, May 26, 2010.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," 14th Annual International Conference on
Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Crete, Greece, May 28, 2010, keynote speaker.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," Athens School of Economics, Athens, Greece,
May 31, 2010.
Guest commentator on KCUR public radio program, "Up to Date," hosted by Steve Kraske, Tuesday July 20, 2010, 11 am
- 12 pm. Subject: current state of the economy.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," World Congress of the Econometric Society,
Shanghai, August 18, 2010.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," invited as keynote speaker at celebration of the
50th year anniversary of the Graduate School of Economics (EPGE) of Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
but unable to attend, since flight connection in Dallas interrupted as a result of a tornado at the Dallas airport, May 27,
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, invited
speaker at event in honor of retirement of Warren Weber, August 18, 2011.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," lecture and book signing event at the University of
Hawaii-Hilo, January 20, 2012.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," Emory University, Atlanta, GA, November 8, 2012.
"The New CFS Divisia Monetary Aggregates: Design, Construction, and Data Sources," Asian Meetings of the
Econometric Society, Delhi, India, December 20, 2012.
"Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed," Bank of Canada Workshop on Money and
Liquidity, October 18, 2013.
"Advances in Econophysics: Chaos and Bifurcation in Economics," Department of Physics, University of Kansas,
February 21, 2014.
"An Analytical and Numerical Search for Bifurcations in Open Economy New Keynesian Models," with Unal Eryilmaz, to be
presented at the International Econometrics Conference, Center for Economics and Econometrics, Bogazici University,
Istanbul, June 21, 2014.
"Real-Time Nowcasting of Nominal GDP Under Structural Break," to be presented by coauthor, Marcelle Chauvet, at the
20th International Conference of the Society for Computational Economics, Computing in Economics and Finance, Oslo,
Norway, June 22 - June 24, 2014.
Presidential Address, "Milton Friedman and Divisia Monetary Measures," to be presented at Society for Economic
Measurement inaugural conference, University of Chicago, August 18-20, 2014.
"Households' Consumption Allocation and Labor Supply."
"The Full-Employment Equivalent Price of Leisure."
"Theoretical Monetary Aggregates and Aggregation of Passbook Accounts."
"Substitutability, Aggregation, and Superlative Quantity Indices."
DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS SUPERVISED (as dissertation committee chair):
Salam K. Fayyad, "Monetary Asset Component Grouping and Aggregation: An Inquiry into the Definition of Money," University of
Texas at Austin, 1986.
Seungmook Choi, "A Study in the Theory of Demand," University of Texas at Austin, 1986.
Jeong Ho Hahm, "Financial Firm Production of Monetary Services," University of Texas at Austin, 1987.
Alfredo M. Sandoval, "Construction of New Monetary Aggregates: the Case of Mexico," University of Texas at Austin, 1989.
Piyu Yue, "Theoretical Monetary Aggregation under Risk Averse Preferences," University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
Pichit Akrathit, "The Relationship between Monetary Policy and Security Markets," University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
Chang Ho Kwag, "An Aggregation Theoretic Approach to Exchange Rate Determination using Divisia Indices," University of Texas at
Austin, 1991.
Mark J. Jensen, "Three Essays on Consumer Demand: SURE Covariance Matrix, Regularity of AIM, and Monetary Aggregation
Under Risk," Washington University in St. Louis, 1994.
Ge Zhou, "A Dynamic Approach to Supply-Side Monetary Aggregation under Uncertainty," Washington University in St. Louis, 1995.
Yi Liu, "Demand for Money and Aggregation of Financial Assets under Risk Aversion," Washington University in St. Louis, 1995.
Haiyang Xu, "Money Velocity and Asset Prices in a Monetary General Equilibrium Model," Washington University in St. Louis, 1995.
Meenakshi Pasupathy, "Estimating a Financial Firm's Production Technology under Uncertainty," Washington University in St. Louis,
Milka Kirova, "Demand for Money by Manufacturing Firms and Monetary Aggregation under Uncertainty," Washington University in
St. Louis, 1996.
Georgy Ganev, "Money Aggregates in a Transition Economy: the Case of Bulgaria, 1991-1995," Washington University in St. Louis,
Srinivas Thiruvadanthai, "Dealing with Time Inconsistent Preferences: an Intimate Contest for Self-Command," Washington
University in St. Louis, 1998.
Barry Jones, "The Implications of Aggregation Theory and Nonlinear Dynamics for Understanding the Role of Monetary Assets and
Monetary Service Flows," Washington University in St. Louis, 2000
Travis D. Nesmith, "Aggregation Theory and Statistical Index Numbers," Washington University in St. Louis, 2000.
Yijun He, "Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of Continuous Time Macroeconometric Systems," Washington University in St. Louis,
Sergey Slobodyan, "Welfare Consequences of Sunspot Fluctuations in Continuous Time Economic Growth Models," Washington
University in St. Louis, 2000.
Unja Chae, "Three Essays on Macroeconomic and International Finance Issues," University of Kansas, 2005.
Mehmet Dalkir, "Essays on Synchronization of Economic Aggregates," University of Kansas, 2005.
Ousmane Seck, "Monte Carlo Experiments and Consumer Demand Modelling," University of Kansas, 2006.
Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Duzhak, "Bifurcation Analysis of New Keynesian Functional Structure," University of Kansas, 2007.
Logan J. Kelly, "Of Stocks and Flows: Measuring the Stock of Money," University of Kansas, 2007.
Grace Seunghae O, "The World According to GARP: Nonparametric Tests of Weak Separability," University of Kansas, 2008.
Mamdooh Saad Alsahafi, "Linear and Nonlineaer Techniques for Estimating the Money Demand Function for Saudi Arabia,"
University of Kansas, 2009.
Abdullah Alharbi, "Market Efficiency and Nonlinearity in GCC Stock Markets," University of Kansas, 2009.
Dogan Karaman, "An Empirical Study of Simple Sum and Divisia Monetary Aggregation: A Comparison of their Productive Power
Regarding Prices and Output in Turkey," University of Kansas, 2009.
Ikuyasu Usui, "The Theory of Functional Forms of Consumer Demand Systems and its Applications," University of Kansas, 2010.
Wei Zhou, "Risk Premium of User Cost of Monetary Assets," University of Kansas, 2010.
Sanjibani Banerjee, "Bifurcation Analysis of Zellner's Marshallian Macroeconomic Model," University of Kansas, 2011.
Unal Eryilmaz, "Bifurcation Analysis of Open Economy New Keynesian Models," University of Kansas, 2011.
Isaac Kanyama, "Shifting Preferences and Time-Varying Parameters in Demand Analysis: A Monte Carlo Experiment," 2012.
Lili Chen, "Three Essays on Empirical Macroeconomics and Financial Markets," 2012.
Sung Jin Lim, "The Numerical Approximations for the Integrability Problem and the Measure of Welfare Changes and Its
Applications," 2012.
Hajar Aghababa, "Nonlinear Analysis and Dynamic Structure in Time Series of the Energy Market," 2012.
Taniya Ghosh, "Bifurcation Analysis of Endogenous Growth Models," 2013.
Ryadh Alkhareif, "Essays in Divisia Monetary Aggregates: Applications to the Gulf Monetary Union," 2013.
Ibrahima Diallo, "Uncovering Basic Wants Using the Rotterdam and AIDS Models: The US Household Energy Consumption Case,"
Ryan S. Mattson, "Essays on Broad Divisia Monetary Aggregates: Admissibility and Practice," 2013.
Febrio Kacaribu, "Three Essays in Macroeconomics and Financial Economics," 2014.
Mingming Zheng, "Essays on Real Exchange Rates and Theoretical Monetary Aggregation."
Wayne Michael Casper, "Correlation between Monetary Intermediates and Monetary Aggregates," University of Texas at Austin,
Marsha Williams Hill, "A Time Series Analysis of the Relationship between Barnett's Divisia Indices and Stock Market Returns,"
University of Texas at Austin, 1987.
Raul Jacob, "Divisia Monetary Aggregates: An Application to the Peruvian Economy, 1975-1983," University of Texas at Austin,
Kurt A. Lambert, "Money: Its Measure, and its Influence on the Economy of Barbados," University of Texas at Austin, 1989.
Katerina S. Taiganides, "Divisia Monetary Aggregates: Could They Have Made a Difference in Chilean Monetary Policy, 19791987?", University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
Veronica Ruiz de Castilla, "Seigniorage, Inflation and Monetary Policy: the Case of Peru, 1985-1989," University of Texas at Austin,
My Divisia monetary aggregates were the subject of articles in Business Week (September 22, 1980, p. 25) and on the front page of the
business section of the Sunday, May 24, 1981 Boston Globe. An article on this research also appeared on the front page of Section 2 of
the June 28, 1983 edition of the Wall Street Journal. My interview with CBS News was broadcast nationally in June 1983. My
research was the subject of an article with photograph in the September 26, 1983 edition of Forbes magazine and the August 16, 1989
edition of the Financial Times of London (p. 15). The official release of the back data on my Divisia monetary aggregates was
announced in the May 1982 Federal Reserve Bulletin. That data now is uploaded to the public bulletin board and web site (called
FRED) by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and thereby is readily accessible. The announcement and Special Report appeared in
the January/February 1997 issue of the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s Review. An international Divisia monetary aggregates data base is
maintained at the University of Mississippi. The international data base includes Divisia data supplied by the staffs of the central banks
of dozens of countries from thoughout the world. A Media Briefing is online from the Economic Journal in 1997 regarding much of
my work on Divisia monetary aggregates in the US. Following an honorary lecture tour of Poland in 2001, extensive press coverage
appeared in many Polish publications. I was interviewed jointly with Paul Samuelson for an hour on Bloomberg radio on the program,
"Bloomberg on the Economy," on January 16, 2007. The podcasts are online at Bloomberg.com. The interview was about our book,
Inside the Economist's Mind. My guest commentary on the financial crisis, "Why Did Bubble Pop?", appeared in the Kansas City Star
on November 11, 2008 (see publications above). Many articles have been published about that book. My opinion editorial, "Who's
Looking at the Fed's Books?", on auditing the Federal Reserve appeared in the New York Times, October 22, 2009 (see publications
above). My guest commentary on Congressional reform of the Federal Reserve, "This is No Way to Fix the Fed," appeared in the
Kansas City Star, on December 15, 2009 (see publications above). Article in the February 1, 2010 Oread Magazine about my ranking
among economics bloggers. Article about me in Brazilian financial newspaper, Valor Economico, based on interview by reporter,
Segio Lamucci, May 26, 2011, p. C8. My book, Getting It Wrong, was the subject of an article in the Kansas City Star on April 12,
2012, p. A14. I was interviewed about the same subject on the Kansas City radio program, Power Lunch, on April 24, 2012. My
guest commentary, "Fed's Current Stance Is Tragically Wrong," appeared in the Kansas City Star, November 6, 2012, p. C10. Peter
Coy, the economics editor of Bloomberg Businessweek published an article about my work in the April 1-7, 2013 issue on pp. 18-19.
The title of the article was "The Fed May be Miscounting the Money."
I teach two courses a year, selected from the following three graduate courses:
Econ 811: Macroeconomics II
Econ 912: Advanced Macroeconomics
Econ 917: Advanced Econometrics III
Macroeconomics Qualifying Exam Committee, member, every semester at the U. of Kansas.
Promotion and Tenure Committee, member, every semester at the U. of Kansas.
Oswald Distinguished Speaker Committee (with Bernard Cornet), member every semester at the U. of Kansas, chaired 2002 - 2004.
Chaired Dissertation Committees every semester at the U. of Kansas.
Otto Chair Search Committee, chaired 2005, member 2006-2007.
Microeconomics Distinguished Professor Search Committee, member (until position filled).
Participate in Meetings of Distinguished Professors Steering Committee (but not member).
Executive Committee, member, 2003 - 2005.
Recruiting Committee, chair, 2003 - 2004.
Graduate Program Committee, member, 2005.
Organizing Committee, Midwest Economic Theory and International Economics Conference at KU, member, 2005.
Organizing Committee, NBER/NSF/CEME Conference on GE Theory, member, 2006.