doc. dr Jelena Vapa-Tankosić

Az új EU mesterképzés kidolgozása és megvalósítása az újvidéki Gazdaságtudományi és
Mérnöki Menedzsment Tanszéken, Újvidék, 2011. november 28.
Priprema i akreditacija novog EU master studijskog programa na Fakultetu za ekonomiju
i inženjerski menadžment, Novi Sad, 28. novembar 2011.
Economics of European
Ass. Prof. Jelena Vapa-Tankosić
Aim of the course
• The aim of this course is to provide students
with a comprehensive analysis of the
economic rationale behind the European
Economic Integration.
• The course will focus on economic theory of
EU integration throughout its’ history, and
some of the most important policies.
Aim of the course
• The current position of EU vis-à-vis the rest of
the world is examined, as well as the impact
of the emergence of EU as one of the major
players in international economic relations .
• The analytical framework draws on economy
concepts as well as those from the disciplines
of economics, political science and
international relations.
Course content
• Part I: What is the EU? History of European Integration. Creating a
Single European Market. Institutions of the European Union. EU
Institutions. Brief introduction to most important EU policies (Fiscal,
Economic and Monetary, Trade, Common agricultural policy, Labour
market integration).
• Part II: Economic and Monetary Integration. EMS and Common
Currency. Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Currency Union (evolution
from EMS to current), Financial Market Integration, Banking
Markets, European Central Bank.
• Part III: Trade integration. Customs Union and External Trade
Policies. The EU as an International Economic Actor (EU & WTO).
• Part IV: Enhancing productivity and growth (Lisbon Stategy, Europe
2020). Current measures: The crisis and the EU, Response of ECB,
Future Prospects of the Euro.
Course outcome
• The students will be able to understand and
apply the knowledge/skills gained to practical
and current issues in European Integration.
• They will have a chance to apply what they
have learned to understanding current
challenges facing the EU & euro.
Reading materials
• Vapa-Tankosić J. (2011) Ekonomija evropskih integracija,
Privredna akademija, Novi Sad.
• Jovanović
M.(2006) Evropska ekonomska integracija,
Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd.
• Baldwin R, Wyplosz C.(2009) The Economics of European
Integration, 3rd ed.,London: McGraw‐Hill.
• Neal L .,Barbezat D.(1998) The Economics of the European
Union and the Economies of Europe, New York: Oxford
University Press.
• Paul de Grauwe (2004) Економија монетарне уније,
Издавачка књижарница Зорана Стојановића, Сремски
Карловци, Нови Сад.
This event has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The content is the sole responsibility of Faculty of Economics and Engineering
Management in Novi Sad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting
the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.