FINANCIAL SERVICES TORONTO’S FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR © Toronto is the second largest and fastest growing financial services centre in North America, and an emerging financial technology hub. Toronto is the business and financial capital of Canada, generating 20% of the country’s GDP. As a percentage of the national GDP, that’s more than what New York, Boston, Chicago, Miami and San Francisco combined contribute to the US economy. Toronto – Canada’s Business Hub • Offers expertise in: - Head office and strategic planning functions - Financial product development #1 among major North American financial centres on tax competitiveness (KPMG 2014) 90% of foreign bank subsidiaries and branches operating in Canada are located in Toronto - Risk management and systems design - Training and development • Is the headquarters for Canada’s Top 6 accounting firms and 6 national law firms, all of which offer global services • Has one in three accountants and lawyers specializing in financial services • Is home to accounting, legal, consulting and recruitment firms with deep international expertise 4 of Canada’s largest Public Pension Plans headquartered in Toronto, including the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) © TORONTO’S FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR: SUPPORTED BY A STRONG, KNOWLEDGEABLE WORKFORCE •T oronto is home to one of the largest financial services talent concentrations in the Americas employing over 251,000 people across the region. This represents 70% of Ontario’s and 36% of Canada’s sector employment •T he growth of Toronto’s financial sector has outpaced all other industries both nationally and at the regional level •8 4% of financial services sector employees hold post-secondary credentials versus 66% in all other industries •T he financial services sector leads all other service producing sectors by contributing nearly 20% to Toronto’s share of the Gross Domestic Product • Multilingual, multicultural, and diverse talent base with over 180 languages spoken and over 51% of the population foreign-born A LEADING GLOBAL FINANCIAL CENTRE Ranked in the Top 5 globally in PwC’s 2014 Cities of Opportunity report on capitals of finance, commerce and culture • Toronto ranks 2nd in North America and in the Top 10 overall among international financial centres (The Banker 2014) • Ranked in the top 5 international finance centres by foreign direct investment outflows (fDi Markets 2013) • In the Top 10 on the 2015 Global Financial Centres Index Financial Services Employment as a Share of Total Employment* 8.0% Toronto Financial Services Employment by Segment 8% 7% 6% 6.0% 6% 4.0% 2.0% BANKING/DEPOSIT-TAKING 57% INSURANCE 20% 0% SECURITIES/INVESTMENT SERVICES 22% TORONTO NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO * Total employment = All Industries for Toronto and Total Non-farm Employment for U.S. Centres Source: Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey/U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, 2013 OTHER 1% Source: City of Toronto, 2014 TORONTO’S VENTURE CAPITAL MARKET Toronto ranks in the Top 3 cities Venture Capitalists and Angels are most interested in investing – AngelList, 2014 Toronto is the locus of a vibrant start-up ecosystem that helps entrepreneurs grow and succeed. It is the location of the vast majority of Canada’s Venture Capital (VC) and Private Equity firms. In 2014, VC and Private Equity disbursements in Canada totalled over $40 billion, and VC investment across Canada is up 33% since 2014. In the first half of 2015, the top deals were investments in Toronto-based companies. STRONG FINTECH INNOVATION • More than one quarter of all Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in financial services is related to financial technology (Fintech) •2 3,000 of Toronto’s 168,000+ technology-related occupations are in the financial services sector •D ue to Toronto’s strong innovative climate, R&D activity is greater here than in any other single jurisdiction in Canada •T he new Financial Technology Cluster at the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto connects the financial services sector with startups developing next generation technology in emerging payments, financial services, peer-to-peer transactions, alternative lending and crypto-currencies. FIRST RMB TRADING HUB IN THE AMERICAS Leveraging Toronto’s strengths as the country’s financial services hub, Canada was chosen as the first Renminbi (RMB) offshore trading centre in the Americas in November 2014. Our well-developed financial infrastructure, capital markets and risk management expertise, strong economic relationship with China, and large and growing Chinese population positioned Toronto as the ideal destination for an RMB trading hub. Top Sectors For Canadian Venture Capital Investment In 2014 AGRI-BUSINESS 2% LIFE SCIENCES 22% OTHER 3% CLEANTECH 7% TECHNOLOGY 66% Source: Canada’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Association, 2015 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Industrial and Commercial Bank of China acquired Bank of East Asia (Canada) in 2010, and officially renamed it as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada), or ICBC Canada. From their offices in the heart of Toronto’s financial district, ICBC Canada has been working with its affiliates in Canada and the USA to establish a broad financial network in North America. In November 2014, ICBC Canada was designated as the RMB clearing bank in Canada, the first of its kind in the Americas. Being the first RMB clearing bank in Toronto, ICBC Canada will promote the crossborder RMB businesses in Canada through the launch of a full range of RMB products and services, further strengthening the business relationship between China and Canada. “We wanted to be based among the top law firms, investment banks, brokerages, and alternative investment managers in Canada, which are all based in Toronto. And, with the Ontario Securities Commission based here as well, the city is at the forefront of the regulatory agenda in terms of laws that govern asset management. These are the people we work with. It just made sense to be here.” - Alex Chapmam, Managing Director (Canada), Apex Fund Services TORONTO REGION IS HOME TO: THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE 5 MAJOR CANADIAN BANKS, WHICH RANK AMONG THE 50 LARGEST GLOBALLY THE 4 TOP PUBLIC PENSION PLANS WITH COMBINED ASSETS EXCEEDING $450 BILLION 2 OF THE 10 LARGEST GLOBAL LIFE INSURERS AND 2 OF THE 3 LARGEST PROPERTY AND HEALTH CASUALTY INSURERS 7 OF THE 10 LARGEST GLOBAL ASSET SERVICING COMPANIES THE MAJORITY OF CANADA’S MUTUAL FUND INDUSTRY REPRESENTING OVER $1.22 TRILLION IN ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT © KEY INDUSTRY LEADERS HEADQUARTERED IN THE TORONTO REGION: INVEST TO SUCCEED. INVEST TORONTO. CONNECT NOW +1 416 981 3888 INVESTTORONTO.CA