EMA 5015 Characterization (5) Optical Spectroscopy Light • "There are three stages in the life of a light beam: it is created, it travels through space, and it is destroyed...light is created and destroyed only via its interaction with matter, from glowing gases in the sun to rhodopsin in the eye." (Michael Sobin in "Light", p. 73, University of Chicago Press,1987). • Light travels in waves - electromagnetic waves. • These waves are vibrations of electric and magnetic fields that pass through space. • It is the interaction of light with electrons that is responsible for its creation and destruction. Light h h • Particles (photons) λ = = p mv • Waves Light • p = h/λ λ (matter also) • p = E/c • E = hf = hc/λ λ – Period, Frequency, Velocity, Wavelength, Wavenumber (σ, the number of waves per centimeter), Power, Intensity. – Energy of Waves: As frequency increases, energy increases; As wavelength increases, energy decreases When two or more waves traverse the same space, a displacement occurs which is the sum of the displacements caused by the individual waves. • Constructive vs. Destructive Interference – based on phase difference between waves. • Fourier transform based on fact that any wave motion, regardless of complexity, can be described by a sum of simple sine or cosine terms. • Diffraction – process in which a parallel beam of radiation is bent as it passes a sharp barrier or through a narrow opening. A consequence of interference. • Refractive Index: n = c/v where c is the speed of light in a vacuum Refraction of light from less dense medium into more dense medium. Velocity is lower in more dense medium. Optical Spectroscopy Methods • • • • Absorption Emission Luminescence Scattering Source: Skoog, Holler, and Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th edition, Saunders College Publishing. Two electron energy levels in a solid: a) electron occupying the lower level and the upper level empty, b) photon is absorbed by the electron which moves to the upper level, c) photon is created by electron moving from upper to lower level with energy = E2-E1 Light and Electrons • The outermost electrons in silicon have a binding energy of 3 electron volts. This is at the upper end of the visible light energy spectrum. Violet light has an energy close to 3.1 eV with a wavelength of 400 nanometers. • In solid silicon the outermost electrons are shared between atoms and these electrons are bound to the solid by energies of 1.1 electron volts. This means that visible light is absorbed by silicon and infrared light of energy less than 1.1 eV and wavelengths greater than 1100 nanometers can pass through silicon without absorption. • Electrons in atoms and in matter - from gases to solids are held in place and require a boost in energy to remove them. In atoms the negatively charged electrons are held (bound) by the positively charged protons. From the quantum theory, we know that the electrons are bound to the atom with fixed energies, the binding energies. • In the semiconductor element silicon the binding energies for the innermost electrons are nearly 2000 electron volts (eV) - more exactly, 1.839 kiloelectron volts (keV). This means that an energy of at least 1.839 keV must be given to an innermost electron to remove it from the silicon atom. These 1 keV energies lie in the x-ray portion of the spectrum. Optical Light Emitting • • • Light is emitted over the whole energy region of visible light by the heating of a tungsten filament in a light bulb. With electric discharge in gases light can also be produced in a spectrum of narrow (also called sharp) lines distributed in energy across the visible spectrum. Each line is characterized by the element atom which emits the light. Sodium emits two lines fairly close together in the yellow region of the spectrum, cadmium emits a strong red and a strong green line, and mercury emits several strong lines. •the energy-level diagram for mercury and the wavelengths of light emitted by the transition of electrons from upper to lower levels. Scattering of Radiation Rayleigh Scattering – scattering by molecules or aggregates of molecules with dimensions significantly smaller than the wavelength of radiation. Intensity related to wavelength, dimensions of scattering particles, and polarizability. Raman Scattering – part of the scattered radiation suffers from quantized frequency changes as a result of vibrational energy transitions occurring in a molecule as a consequence of the polarization process. Absorption of Radiation Selective removal of certain frequencies by transfer of energy to atoms or molecules. Particles promoted from lower-energy (ground) states to higher energy (excited) states. Energy of exciting photon must exactly match the energy difference between the ground state and one of the excited states of the absorbing species. Emission of Radiation Electromagnetic radiation is produced when excited particles return to lowerenergy levels or the ground state. Energy-level diagrams showing emission from atoms (left) and molecules (right). Energy-level diagram of molecular fluorescence Source: Rubinson and Rubinson, Contemporary Instrumental Analysis, Prentice Hall Publishing. Components of Spectroscopic Instruments Stable source of radiant energy In emission spectroscopy, sample is radiation source Transparent container to hold sample Device to isolate restricted region of spectrum for measurement Radiation detector or transducer Signal processor Filters Monochromators Grating Prism Spectrometer Optical instruments are used to measure the intensities and wavelengths of the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. A spectroscope is a "spectrum-observing" instrument and a spectrometer is for "spectrum measurement". A spectrometer measures the wavelength of light. A simple prism spectrometer Czerney-Turner Grating Monochromator Bunsen Prism Monochromator Diffraction from an Echellette-type grating Advantages of Grating Monochromators Wavelength independence of dispersion. Fixed dispersion makes it easy to scan an entire spectrum at constant bandwidth after initial adjustment of slitwidth. Better dispersion for same size of dispersing element. Can disperse radiation in far UV and infrared regions where absorption prevents use of prisms. Disadvantages of Grating Monochromators Produce great amounts of stray radiation. Produce more high-order spectra. Both of these disadvantages can be minimized with filters. Types of Photon Detectors Photovoltaic Cells (or Barrier-Layer Cells) – the radiant energy generates a current at the interface of a semiconductor layer and a metal. Phototubes – radiation causes emission of electrons from a photosensitive solid surface. Photomultiplier Tubes – contain a photoemissive surface as well as several additional surfaces that emit a cascade of electrons when struck by electrons from the photosensitive area. Raman Spectroscopy • Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique based on inelastic scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser source. • Inelastic scattering means that the frequency of photons in monochromatic light changes upon interaction with a sample. A small fraction of light (approximately 1 in 107 photons) is scattered at optical frequencies different from, and usually lower than, the frequency of the incident photons. • Photons of the laser light are absorbed by the sample and then reemitted. • Frequency of the reemitted photons is shifted up or down in comparison with original monochromatic frequency, which is called the Raman effect. • This shift provides information about vibrational, rotational and other low frequency transitions in molecules. Chemists are concerned primarily with the vibrational Raman effect. We will use the term Raman effect to mean vibrational Raman effect only. • Raman spectroscopy can be used to study solid, liquid and gaseous samples. Raman Spectroscopy: Overview • A vibrational spectroscopy - IR and Raman are the most common vibrational spectroscopies for assessing molecular motion and fingerprinting species - Based on inelastic scattering of a monochromatic excitation source - Routine energy range: 200 - 4000 cm–1 • Complementary selection rules to IR spectroscopy - Selection rules dictate which molecular vibrations are probed - Some vibrational modes are both IR and Raman active • Great for many real-world samples - Minimal sample preparation (gas, liquid, solid) - Compatible with wet samples and normal ambient - Achilles Heal is sample fluorescence Raman Spectroscopy: General • IR and Raman are both useful for Fingerprinting • Symmetry dictates which are active in Raman and IR Scattering Process The difference in energy between the incident photon and the Raman scattered photon is equal to the energy of a vibration of the scattering molecule. Raman Spectroscopy: General • Group assignments identify characteristic vibrational energy Raman Spectroscopy: Classical Treatment • Number of peaks related to degrees of freedom DoF = 3N - 6 (bent) or 3N - 5 (linear) for N atoms • Energy related to harmonic oscillator σ or ∆σ = c 2π k(m1 + m2 ) m1m2 • Selection rules related to symmetry Rule of thumb: symmetric=Raman active, asymmetric=IR active CO2 Raman: 1335 cm–1 IR: 2349 cm–1 IR: 667 cm–1 H2O Raman + IR: 3657 cm–1 Raman + IR: 3756 cm–1 Raman Raman + IR: 1594 cm–1 2nd Electronic Excited State Impurity 25,000 1st Electronic Excited State σ σ 4,000 σemit σemit Vib. states σ 0 σemit fluorescence Elastic Scattering (Raleigh) fluorescence Excitation Energy, σ (cm–1) Main Optical Transitions: Absorption, Scattering, and Fluorescence IR Electronic Ground State UV/Vis Fluorescence Raman Spectroscopy: Laser Excitation Visible 514 nm Intensity Near IR 785 nm Stokes –∆σ 11,000 Stokes Anti-Stokes +∆σ 13,000 Anti-Stokes –∆σ 15,000 17,000 19,000 Excitation Energy, σ (cm–1) +∆σ 21,000 Impurity 25,000 σ Anti-Stokes σemit 4,000 σ 1st Electronic Excited State ∆σ IR Raman σ ∆σ=σemit-σ fluorescence Stokes 0 2nd Electronic Excited State fluorescence Excitation Energy, σ (cm–1) Raman Spectroscopy: Absorption, Scattering, and Fluorescence Vib. states Fluorescence = Trouble Electronic Ground State Raman Spectroscopy: Flow Field Plate - Graphite Ig = 3.98 Id Nanocrystalline graphite has graphitic (g) and disorder (d) peaks. The characteristic dimension of graphitic domains is given by: Ig l (Å) = 44 Id = 175Å From early literature on graphitic materials Tuinstra and Koenig, J. Chem Phys. 53, 1126 (1970). Raman Spectroscopy: Summary 1. Raman is a vibrational spectroscopy akin to IR - Good for fingerprinting, probing molecular symmetry 2. Scattering-based, not transmission/reflection - Means no need for fancy sample preparation…gas, liquid, or solid Virtually always use anti-Stokes lines due to stronger signal 3. You need to pick excitation energy (laser line) - 785 nm: Fluorescence less probable; Lower Raman signal 514 nm: Fluorescence more probable; Resonance more likely; Higher signal 4. Other things not talked about - SERS: Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Quantum origins of selection rules and scattering cross-section