Group performance and development Recap Types of interdependence Fate Task Positive and negative Group performance Social facilitation Process loss Social loafing/motivation loss Goals Dealing with social loafing Other issues in group performance – which types of tasks are groups good at? How do groups change over time? 1 Social loafing Reasons for social loafing Equity – matching your partners’ effort Anonymity of performance Identifiable performance Evaluation apprehension Matching to standards Reducing social loafing Make performance identifiable, knowingly evaluated Give specific expectations for General standards of performance Teammates’ expected performance Increase personal involvement in task Improve group efficacy beliefs Task type and group performance Groups not equally effective at all tasks Tasks involving facts, right/wrong answers vs. creative tasks 2 Decision-making performance Collective knowledge gains may outweigh process loss, motivation losses Shared mental models – similarity in perceptions of goals, tasks, capabilities Transactive memory systems – pieces of knowledge/know-how distributed across individuals Creative tasks Example of creative tasks Brainstorming, ‘divergent thinking’ tasks Big losses due to Blocking (kind of process loss) Conformity pressures Creative tasks Factors affecting performance on creative tasks Group composition Diverse vs. homogenous groups Acceptance, encouragement of dissenting opinions Communication medium Face to face vs. computer-mediated 3 Group development Cohesion How tight are the social bonds in a group? How does it develop over time? How does it affect performance? Group development Stage models of group development Groups go through specific sequential stages of development Tuckman (1965) Orientation (forming) Conflict (storming) Structure (norming) Work (performing) Dissolution (adjourning) Orientation stage Guarded interactions, tension, monitoring of self and others Forming opinions, inferences about others 4 Conflict Conflict over group goals, procedures, individual roles, status Leader-member conflict Conflict may be healthy Better understanding of other group members’ perspectives Forces group to clarify, consider goals; come to a consensus Structure Develop clear norms of behavior, roles Engage in task planning Work stage Focus on actually performing the task Not all groups reach this stage! 5 Dissolution Planned dissolution Spontaneous (unplanned) dissolution Cyclical models of group development No clear sequence of stages – groups go back and forth based on demands of task, external environment Bales’ equilibrium model Groups try to maintain a balance between social needs and task needs Effects of cohesion Positive outcomes Greater performance! Higher satisfaction Lower stress, anxiety Negative outcomes Pressure for conformity Avoidance of dissent, conflict Negative behaviors directed towards dissenters Ostracizing Aggression Scapegoating 6 Group performance and development 7