Constraints - Personal 1 Constraints – Personal Entry Pamela White McDaniel College Constraints - Personal 2 An important part of the constraints competency is gaining an understanding of how group dynamics function. I included this entry as part of my portfolio because as human resources professionals it is important for us to use organizational development and team building skills to ensure that teams created within our organizations function properly for the benefit of the employee and the company. This becomes even more important in small organizations where we must wear many hats. I acquired personal growth in this area through the group projects completed for these graduate classes. One assignment in particular demonstrated to me the significance of the size of the group and the phenomenon of social loafing. Robbins (2005) describes social loafing as “the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually” (p. 253). Previous groups I had participated in consisted of three to four members. My group in this class consisted of just myself and one other member. I had worked with this group member in the past and although it was not a positive experience, she did contribute to the project. Therefore, I wasn’t concerned about working with her. The work was evenly divided so it seemed her lack of effort would have been apparent, incentivizing her to contribute equally. Unfortunately, when the group consisted of just the two of us, in my opinion, it seemed to have the effect of giving her the freedom to completely abdicate her responsibility for contributing to the project since it was her word against mine if her lack of effort was questioned. The advantage of having a group of any greater size than two became apparent to me through the course of this particular group project. Although through my research in this area, the conventional wisdom appears to be that the larger the size of the group, the Constraints - Personal 3 greater the reduction of effort, that was not my personal experience. Additionally, as I will discuss, I believe there were other factors that contributed to the issues in my individual situation and I believe the researchers are correct. A group of two is quite different than the groups used in the research. Much research has been done in this area. The most well known studies were conducted by Max Ringelmann. He studied the issue of social loafing as it related to the amount of effort expended by individual members of a group of people. He used an experiment involving members pulling on a rope. The Ringelmann effect is the phenomenon in which individual performance decreases as the number of people in the group increases. Social loafing occurs when a group puts forth less than 100% effort due to losses in motivation—there is a diffusion of responsibility, and individuals feel that others within the group will pick up the slack (Weinberg & Gould, 2007, p. 174). My personal situation did not support the research in this area. There was little diffusion of responsibility, yet my group member felt comfortable not putting for the effort. Many studies conducted since Ringelmann have supported this idea that people do not contribute at the same level when working in a group as they would individually. Latane et al. (1979) theorized this was due to the fact that members assume others will not pull their weight, therefore, why should they work any harder than the other group members. Researchers have duplicated one explanation for this phenomenon in their research studies. It is widely thought that social loafing is caused by members feeling that whatever the quality of the output, it will not be individually attributed to them. My situation goes against the research because our project was a comparison of retail banks and credit unions. Her contribution or lack thereof, would have been apparent and, Constraints - Personal 4 therefore, readily attributed to her. Kunishima and Welte (2004) conducted a study in which they tested the effect of a threat of punishment on social loafing. The researchers theorized that a threat of punishment for poor performance would have a significant effect on the individual member output. It did not. The group under threat of punishment did perform better, but not significantly. Social loafing was not eliminated or even reduced to the extent predicted. In my particular personal experience as a part of this academic group, it is my opinion that a negative consequence for the non-performing group member would have been a motivating factor and would have eliminated the social loafing I experienced. Although I concede that this is not usually a good method of rectifying the situation, I believe it would have been effective in this situation specifically because we were a group of two. In my situation, I requested that I complete my own project and the other member complete her own project as well using whatever material we had contributed individually to the group project. I was unfortunately told by the instructor that he was concerned that the other member would not have a project if he imposed that consequence. That was exactly the point. The member would not have had a project because she had not contributed and would have been forced to if this was the consequence. I think my situation is different because it took place in an academic setting. Non-performing group members in other settings may not be as influenced by negative consequences and it may be more difficult to assign individual responsibility to members in larger groups in order to enforce those negative consequences. Through my examination of research in this area, my conclusion is that there is an important component of the phenomenon which is not considered as it is not easily Constraints - Personal 5 measured. The individual member’s character plays a great part. This component may determine the degree to which an individual would be inclined to socially loaf. A person who feels accountable to others and has a character that would not allow them to feel good about relying on other persons efforts would not be as likely to socially loaf. I believe I am still such a person despite my experience in this situation. However, it has changed my perception of fairness, particularly in the academic world. An individual’s perception of fairness plays a large role in how much effort is expended in a group environment. I certainly would be more cautious in the future if I have any degree of control over the makeup of my group. The academic environment is dissimilar to a work situation. In the work environment, an employee is more likely to be rewarded or punished for this type of behavior through monetary means or through opportunities for promotion. It is not as easy to determine who the contributors truly are in an academic situation nor is there enough time and experiences between the students and instructor for there to be sufficient opportunity for appropriate rewards and punishments to result. In their paper that studied online groups and social loafing, Piezon and Donaldson (2005) concluded there were ways to mitigate social loafing and free riding. These included such strategies as: Clarify the roles and responsibilities Establish an “open door” policy Utilize combination grades Require high levels of accountability Alternate group roles (i.e., leader, recorder, editor) Balance group members’ skills and knowledge Constraints - Personal 6 Avoid even numbered groups and limit small groups to five members Do not punish individuals for reporting team member’s poor performance I feel that the last point was an important factor in my individual situation. I was punished for reporting the fact that I was performing the work without my group member’s help. She contributed only slightly more after I reported the problem as before. In fact, she became hostile and the instructor forcing us to work together made for an uncomfortable situation. Since the professor in essence sided with her, her point of view that she could contribute virtually nothing and benefit from someone else’s work was validated. This would have been a particularly negative situation for me if it had been a work situation and we were required to communicate with each other and collaborate on additional projects. In human resources, we must act as internal consultants relative to these issues especially if our company is not large enough to have employees specializing in organizational development. We may be involved in the development of the team, the ongoing functioning of it, or assisting the group in resolving issues. When I encounter this as part of my responsibilities in the future, I will first focus in a couple of fundamental areas. Much can be accomplished by expending sufficient effort constructing the team properly and ensuring members have a clear understanding of the goals. Susan Heathfield (n.d.) describes twelve components of building successful work teams. These include clear expectations, context, commitment, competence, charter, control, collaboration, communication, creative innovation, consequences, coordination, Constraints - Personal 7 and cultural change. Three of these seem particularly important to focus on in the formation of the group. I’ll need to ask if there are clear expectations around the purpose of the group and does everyone understand what is expected. I’ll also need to evaluate the competence of the members. Are they the appropriate people to accomplish the goals based on the individual knowledge and skills of each person in relation to the goals? Additionally, are members committed to the process? Ongoing the other areas will be critically important as well, but the proper focus on these key areas will provide an excellent foundation. Clearly, there needs to be individual accountability in the group or the goals will not be accomplished. I believe consequences are even more important in a work situation because if they are not known and expected, individuals may not accomplish the goal and the overall project will be put in jeopardy. Additionally, if individual members are not held accountable, valuable employees may become disgruntled and leave the organization. In a work situation, however, it is more likely that there will be less tendency for people to socially loaf. People generally do not want to be ostracized by coworkers. If for no other reason, employees will probably contribute because they are concerned for the stability of continued employment. The most important thing I could do relative to accountability would be to hold the team as a whole as well as individual team members responsible for results. Although some workers feel accountability is a way to assign blame when results are not achieved, it has been shown to be a positive tool. In fact, Marsha Willard and Darcy Hitchcock (1998) found that “research indicates that holding people accountable for their results has very positive effects: greater accuracy of work, better response to role obligations, more vigilant problem solving, Constraints - Personal 8 better decision making, more cooperation with co-workers, and higher team satisfaction” (para. 6). Essentially, accountability used properly benefits both the employee and the organization as a whole. Overall, I believe this personal experience has deepened my understanding of how people function as part of a workgroup. This experience will help me to form more efficient and effective workgroups, assist them through the process of accomplishing the goals and has given me an increased ability to work through any issues that arise. As human resources professionals, it is important to understand the functioning of group dynamics both for groups in which we are personally involved and those employees form. It is essential additionally to be aware of the social loafing phenomenon and the tendency for people to put forth less effort in larger groups. We must be mindful of the phenomenon so that we may attempt to control the makeup and size of the group if possible. Should conflicts arise, we can negotiate with team members to communicate with each other to come to mutual understandings that maintain harmony in the group. Lastly, we can use these same negotiation and communication skills to resolve the problems so that group goals can be met and the organization can be successful. Constraints - Personal 9 References Heathfield, S. (n.d.). Twelve tips for team building: How to build successful work teams. Retrieved 4/18/10 from =1 Kunishima, J., & Welte, K., (2004, March). Effects of Punishment Threats on Social Loafing. Journal of young investigators, Issue 3. Retrieved 1/8/10 from Latane, B., Williams, K., & Harkins, S., (nd). Many hands make light work. The causes and consequences of social loafing [Electronic version], JPSP, 37, 822-832. Piezon, S., & Donaldson, R. (2005). Online groups and social loafing: Understanding student-group interactions. Online journal of distance learning administration. Retrieved 6/17/09 from Robbins, S. (2005). Organizational behavior (pp. 253). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Weinberg, R & Gould, D. (2007). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 174). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Williard M. & Hitchcock, D. (1998). Accountability a sticky subject for teams. Retrieved from