Module 1 - CA Sri Lanka

FIN 8202 – Financial Markets and Instruments
Module 1
Key function of the financial system
Allocation of funds for alternative uses
In a deregulated environment, interests rates are the major tools used to accomplish this
Deficit and Surplus units
Saving = Income – Consumption expenditure
Saving – Investment expenditure = Surplus
Savings could result in surplus economic units – lending funds to other economic units, or
Deficit economic units - net borrow from the financial system
Saving is the change in household’s net worth (wealth);
Can also be negative if: exp > income
Investment refers to acquisition of assets which increases productiveness in economy in the future
Note: difference in normal household investment terminology
Sources of funds available to a household
1. Savings
2. Borrowing
3. Sale of assets – sale of real assets or financial assets
Mean vs. Median Net worth of households – Page 5
Difference between mean and median values reflect unequal distribution of wealth
Do Interest rates have a strong impact on level of saving? Little evidence
1. Tax/ Inflation which erodes net saving
2. Target savings – for a specific purpose
3. Life cycle of persons saving
Intermediation and Financial Markets
Intermediation/ Indirect Financing – Advantages
1. Asset Transformation
a. Maturity transformation
b. Quality transformation
c. Denomination transformation
2. Spreading of risk over a large number of depositors
3. Low transaction costs
4. Economies in processing information
a. On loans, and intermediaries monitoring loans to mitigate default
Direct Financing – Advantages
1. Large value transactions
2. High credit ratings
Why is there a growing demand for Direct financing?
On the supply side diversion of savings from intermediaries to fund managers
Are fund managers intermediaries?
On Demand side companies with strong financial fundamentals by pass the banks and raise debt
Primary vs. Secondary markets
Primary markets
Transfer of funds through IPO’s and Private placements
Private placement has lower transaction costs, and greater speed of raising capital
Success depends on investors’ perceptions of ability to subsequently sell their securities to
Secondary market Liquidity
Liquidity – ease of buying and selling securities without large changes in price
Factors affecting Liquidity
1. Volume of trading
2. Market makers
3. Overseas buyers/ sellers
4. Development of Derivatives
5. Short selling