BACTERIAL FEATURES ON PREPARED SLIDES The box of slides you ha ve previously signed out co ntain specimens which disp lay significant features o f bacteria. As you draw these bacteria in your notebook, be sure to note the significance of each specimen, the stain used, and how the specimen may d iffer from other b acteria. (See the Index of S lides at the beginning of this manual.) FEATURES OF BACTERIAL ANATOMY, SELECTED SPECIES Slide in box 3 catalog number species 90 W 2021 Bacillus anthra cis features commen ts strepto bacilli, central spores Gram stain, First etiological agent (of anthrax), identified by Koch. Gram positive. A special stain (para rosan iline) has b een used to build up the flagella so that they can be seen on this bacillus. Causes UTI. 5 Ba 156 Proteu s vulgaris peritrichous flagella 6 Ba 016a Unspecified species Capsules do not take up Negatively stained (with congo red or eosin? ) to acid stain, the show the presence of the mucopolysaccharide backgro und do es. "slime" capsule. 4 7 90 W 2054 Mycobacterium tubercu losis Ba 133 Neisse ria gonorrhoeae Clusters of red staining Acid Fast Stain This acid fast stained slide tiny filamentous shows the red pleomorphic shapes of the bacteria among blue etiological agent of tube rculosis. stained sputum. Gram ! diplo cocci in leukocyte (PMN) cytoplasm Gram stained smear of a purulent urethral discharge. Large numbers of polym orphonucleoc ytes (PMN) are pre sent with a few squamous cells. In the cytoplasm of the PMNs can be seen phagocytosed Gm ! diplococci which are diagnostic of gonorrheal infection. SPO RE FO RM ING BA CT ER IA 17 Ba 60 Clostridium tetani terminal “lollipop” spores 16 Ba 45 Clostridium botulinum Gra m Stain. Etiolo gical agent of tetanus. Cells with terminal spo res loo k like “lollyp ops.” terminal oblong spores Gra m Stain. These cells bearing spo res are only (‘slipper” shaped) slightly enlarged at the spore containing end in this etiological agent of botulism. 15 90 W 0533 Bacillus subtilis 3 90 W 2021 Bacillus anthra cis strepto bacilli, (a rep eat) central spores aerobic endospore forming Ubiquitous soil bacterium, used in commercial production of enzymes First etiological agent (of anthrax), identified by Ko ch. Ce ntral spo res. W e view this slide again because it is one of the two spore forming genera we are studying, Bacillus and Clostridium.