S A L T S P R I N G I S L A N D S A I L I N G C L U B TellTales Volume 28 • Number 8 • October 2009 !"e annua( )a(mon ,,- in )eptem1er 3as a si55(ing success8 9:(e and )am <eating (ine up for a tast: p(atefu(8 >ore fa(( e?ents on page @8 Calendar S M 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 4th 1030 6th 1900 17th-18th 18th 1030 23rd 1700 M 2 9 16 23 30 1st 1030 3rd 1900 4th TBA 7th 0830 15th 1030 21st 1800 24th 1900 S 3 10 17 24 31 Fall Regatta Board Meeting Fall Cruise to Montague Captain Passage Race Pub Night & Club Gear Shop November 2009 T W T F 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 S 7 14 21 28 Jack Langdon Trophy Race Board Meeting Racing Group General Meeting Fall Work Party & Clean-Up Long Harbour Race Commodore’s Banquet Annual General Meeting Commodore’s Report By Hon Healey "all Greetings, everyone. The Board would like to take credit for the wonderful fall weather but unfortunately must admit to having no influence. We wish everyone the best in taking advantage of the fine days. Last month I attended a meeting of the Council of B.C. Aacht Clubs. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of interesting reports and the extent of the work that the Council undertakes on behalf of member clubs and cruisers in our waters. An overview of topics is provided in the minutes of our General Meeting and anyone wishing more information can contact me. A good number of members turned out for the September General Meeting. One issue raised at the meeting engendered a strong continued on page - Reminder! Membership dues and moorage due November 1st . PHOTO ABOVE: COLLEEN SHANTZ S 1 8 15 22 29 October 2009 T W T F 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES NOTICE TO MEMBERS A reminder to members with boats moored at the club to make sure the boat name is clearly visible from the docks. This is required by Regulation 6.1 on page 102 in the current yearbook. The regulation does have a practical purpose. Over the summer one of our Daily Wharfingers noticed a problem with a member’s boat. Unfortunately he was unable to determine the name of the boat so that he could notify the owner. Thank you for making sure your boat is identifiable! BEER AND GEAR! Friday Oct 23 • 1700 hrs Commodore’s Report con$in&'d *+o, -./' 0 response from members. That was the Canadian Coast 4uard’s plan to remove staff from a number of our coastal light stations. Discussion revolved around the fact that automated systems do fre=uently fail, and even when operating do not provide the extent of weather and ocean observations provided by the lightkeepers. The keepers’ involvement in search and rescue was another important service that would be lost. The upshot was a resolution opposing the deAstaffing plan. The text of the resolution can be found in the minutes of the meeting. These are posted on the club bulletin board and on the Members’ Forum linked to our website. Dn another front, your Board is taking a very close look at the issue of silting under the west docks. Dur Fear Commodore !e#in Morris has asked members to look over the situation as they walked down the pier at low tide over the summer so that they could see with their own eyes the extent of the problem. His committee has analyzed measurements of the degree of silting over the past number of years. Progress is slow but steady and there is no =uestion our docks are becoming more and more compromised by the buildup of material. Dur dinghy and Junior sailing docks now dry out at low tide and the dock that takes the ramp from the pier is threatened. Kext it will be some slips on A, D and M. Solutions will be expensive but we may have no choice if we wish to maintain the extent of moorage that we currently enJoy. The club has good financial capacity and O am sure we will be able to manage what is re=uired. The Board will meet again in the near future to review possible options and prepare a report for the Kovember 4eneral Meeting. There are a number of social events coming up so keep a close eye on the bulletin boards and for notices in 1'221.2's. +ouise -e#lin will be previewing some new additions to our clothing line at the Pub Kight on Dctober 23rd. The last Club Cruise of the season is scheduled for the weekend of Dctober RSth and RTth. Have funU ! 2 PHOTO: SILK QUESTO Pub Night October 2009 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES Vice Commodore’s Report K/ Chris Eads-/ "h$ %all s$ason is o%% to a -us/ start 1ith 2an/ pro4$5ts plann$d %or th$ 7or8 9art/ Saturda/ ;o<$2-$r =th > ?a8$ sur$ /ou 5h$58 th$ list on th$ %lip 5hart in th$ 5lu- $ntran5$ and sign up %or th$ pro4$5t o% /our 5hoosing> Aights in th$ par8ing lot ha<$ no1 -$$n %ull/ r$%ur-ish$d and 1$ ha<$ 2ad$ an att$2pt to s$al th$ %oundation outsid$ th$ 4unior lo58$r 1h$r$ 1$ ha<$ had 1at$r pro-l$2s in th$ past> "han8s to !en Rootham and Bob Troyer %or th$ir 1or8 on it> October 2009 WORK + FUN = FALL WORK PARTY 7$ ar$ 5onsid$ring th$ installation o% a larg$r dia2$t$r 1at$r pip$ %or th$ %a5ilit/ 1hi5h 1ould signi%i5antl/ i2pro<$ 1at$r %lo1 and pr$ssur$ %or -oth th$ 5lu-hous$ and do58s> Bth$r pro4$5ts 1ill -$ in5lud$d in th$ -udg$t %or th$ n$Ct %is5al /$ar and 1ill -$ pr$s$nt$d to th$ 2$2-$rship at th$ Dnnual E$n$ral ?$$ting in ;o<$2-$r> 7$Fr$ happ/ to announ5$ that 0im Ballantyne has <olunt$$r$d to -$5o2$ th$ n$1 Clu- Ai-rarian> "han8s Hi2I 7$Fr$ still in n$$d o% a <olunt$$r 1hoFs hand/ 1ith $l$5tri5al s/st$2s> 9l$as$ 5onta5t 2$ i% /ou 5an h$lp out> JonFt %org$t th$ 7or8 9art/ ;o<$2-$r =th> S$$ /ou th$r$I ! New Way to Get Notices to Mariners by Michael Clark For many years the Coast Guard has sent the club a monthly copy of Notices to Mariners (NOTAMS) which contain chart corrections for the Pacific Coast. (There is a well-thumbed stack of them in the club lobby). While the Coast Guard never moves any of the rocks and islands that we navigate around they do make changes to the navigation aids that we rely on and these changes are described in NOTAMS. The club has now been told that this “paper” service will be discontinued and users encouraged to obtain the “Notices” online. Club members are encouraged to subscribe to this service by registering at: http://www.notmar.gc.ca/subscribe The web site even has a nice feature where you can register the individual charts that you use and receive customized updates applicable to those charts. Alas, the paper copies held in our lobby!will be no more. ! 3 Saturday, November 7th 0830 hrs SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES October 2009 Staff Captain’s Report PHOTOS: COLLEEN SHANTZ B# $%&' S)**+&, -)./ 0%.%*& 1)&022# /'3'4 56 *'*7'3, 0..'&8'8 ./' !a#mon (ar*ec-e +& S'9.'*7'3 :;./< T/' ,02*+& >0, ?++@'8 .+ 9'31'?.)+& 7# (o* .ones4 !co00 !immons 0&8 2ere3 (arrio4 >/+ *08' ./' *0&# .3)9, %9 0&8 8+>& ./' ,.0)3, ?03'1%22# ?033#)&A ./' 93'?)+%, 920..'3,< 4o5er 6i**#e ,.+99'8 )& 73)'12# .+ )&,.3%?. ./' A'&.2'*'& +& ./')3 ?++@)&A .'?/&)B%'< -' %,'8 C+A'3D, 10*+%, *03)&08' 3'?)9' 0&8 /' >0&.'8 .+ *0@' ,%3' ). 2)E'8 %9 .+ /), ,.0&8038,< B0,'8 +& ./' &%*7'3 +1 3'B%',., 1+3 ./' 3'?)9' F >+%28 ,0# ). 8)8< G0&#4 *0&# ./0&@, .+ ./' ?++@, )& ./' @).?/'& H .enn7 (arrio4 2oro0h7 Finni5an4 :ico#e One00o 0&8 !haron <a=3e< Michae# ?#ar3 0&8 @e0er AroBe I%*9'8 )& 0&8 ?2'0&'8 %9 >)./ 0*0J)&A ,9''8 0&8 ?o##een !han0C 20%&8'3'8 ./' 2)&'&,< !"# !"# % Clu) *+*)+rs tu/0+d into a F >+%28 3'022# 2)@' .+ ./0&@ ./' 703 *+*ora)l+ sal*on 6+ast on S+pt+*)+r 9:th< ?09.0)& Aordon Ford 0&8 E-c7 Ford< T/'# 03' 02>0#, +3A0&)J'8 0&8 '11)?)'&. 0&8 ). ), 0 2+. +1 >+3@ .+ ?033# 'E'3#./)&A %9 0&8 8+>& ./' ,.0)3, .+ 0&8 13+* ./' 70,'*'&. 13)8A' 0&8 ,.+30A' +& .+9 +1 ,'3E)&A %, 022 >)./ 0 ,*)2'< Club Gear is Here N'L. 'E'&. ), ./' @-* :i5h04 M3)80#4 N?.+7'3 :O38 0. P;66 /+%3,< ./' .)*'2# ./'*' ), (eer and AearQ -/)2' #+%D3' '&I+#)&A 0 2)70.)+& +3 .>+4 02+&A >)./ ,+*' .0,.# ,'0,+&02 /+3, 8D+'%E3',4 #+%D22 /0E' ./' +99+3.%&).# .+ E)'> ./' &'> ?+22'?.)+& +1 ?2%7 *'3?/0&8),' 0,,'*72'8 7# +%3 8+?@ 10,/)+& A%3%4 Eo-ise 2eB#in< S/' /0, ,+*' A3'0. >)&.'3 12''?', 0&8 /++8)', +& +11'34 02+&A >)./ +./'3 )8'02 A)1. )8'0, 1+3 ./' /+2)80#,< S.03. #+%3 C/3),.*0, 2),. &+>Q T/' Fa## For3 @ar07 and ?#eanG-H ), ,?/'8%2'8 1+3 S0.%380#4 N+E'*7'3 ;./ 0. 6SO6< G+3&)&A ?+11'' 0&8 *%11)&, 03' +& ./' *'&% 0, >'22 0, ,+%9 13+* ./' S02. S93)&A F&& 0&8 ,0&8>)?/', 1+3 2%&?/< F1 ./'3' 03' 0&# +3A0&)J'3, +%. ./'3'4 ./' @).?/'& ?%97+038, 03' 8%' 1+3 0 A++8 +E'3/0%2< T/' ?ommodoreIs (anJ-e0 >)22 7' /'28 +& S0.%380#4 N+E'*7'3 :P,.< T/' 'E'&. ), 7')&A /'28 0. ./' L)+&D, H022 ./), #'03 0&8 0 107%2+%, *'&% ), 7')&A ?0.'3'8 7# V'22# V0J0@+11< T)?@'., 03' WO;<56 0&8 >)22 0E0)2072' 0. A3.,93)&A 7# *)8YN?.+7'3< Z+&D. *),, ./), >+&8'31%2 /)A/2)A/. +1 ./' /+2)80# ,'0,+&Q ! 4 See it at Beer and Gear Pub Night October 23rd • Cheers! SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES Rear Commodore’s Report By Sevin Morris As of this writing, basically all the wood we need for the new docks has been cut. However yet another really nice looking cedar is on offer, so the milling maniacs, Laurie Neish, Tony Meek and Yours Truly continue the Nuest for lumber. The net result is that the club should end up with some surplus lumber. I guess we will just have to live with itO In order to complete this project, volunteers will be reNuired to help build these docks, possibly in the top car park. This has become a top priority for the Fall Work Party, so don’t be shy in signing up. The QBig ProjectR is now before the executive and hopefully we are getting our ducks in a rowO ! Wharfinger’s Report By Hugh Preddy I’ve been away cruising for the last month. This was made possible by Bob Scott and Gary Morrison stepping in to cover my Wharfinger job’s responsibilities, which they did admirably, thank you gentlemen. Our reciprocal program was very successful this year. We experienced an increase of guests, many thanks to the reception they continue to receive by the Buty Wharfingers and members on the docks. We brought in just over C4,900. in guest payments. Annual moorage and electrical fees are due on November 1st. Should any member wish to have their planned winter consumption tested prior to this date I will gladly measure it. This will enable members to submit the correct payment. ! !"# % &'(( FOR SALE October 2009 Too Many Mooring Buoys? Some members have expressed concern about the number of private mooring buoys placed in favourite anchorages. Jackie Meltzer has done a bit of research on the subject and reports as follows: Anyone is entitled install a mooring buoy and they will not be removed provided they follow all Private Buoy regulations in Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Further details on the Private Buoy Regulations may be obtained at this website : http://www.tc.gc.ca/marinesafety/tp/tp 14799/regulations.htm Transport Canada is getting complaints that there are too many private mooring buoys impeding BC harbours like Silva Bay. They intend to establish some areas where buoys are prohibited and to do some policing of improperly set buoys, beginning next spring. We are asked to notify the Council of B.C. Yacht Clubs of any problem areas we know of. They will prepare a report for Transport Canada. To that end we ask that members inform our Secretary of concerns. 1977 CATALINA 27 – Well equipped boat with main, jib, newer 150 genoa. 1997 9.9 Johnson OB, low hours. DS VHF compass, knotmeter, autohelm. Updated interior. Dinette model with galley aft. Two burner propane stove and Force 10 heat. Danforth anchor, chain and 150’ rope. Safety equipment. Head plus porta potty. Two 12v batteries. Dodger and furling. This boat has seen light use in recent years and would appreciate a new motivated owner. Asking $9,400. Call Dave Spencer, 250-537-1422. 5 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES October 2009 Cruising News B7 Mob Nenn7H !lee$ &a($a)n+ &ru).)n/ "#e u&com*n, -all 0lub 0ru*3e 4o 5*ll be le6 b7 !on an& !enn()er +eale-8 9on #a3 :*n6l7 con4r*bu; 4e6 *n-orma4*on -or 4#o3e *n4ere34e6< "#e la34 0lub 0ru*3e o- 4#e 3ea3on 5*ll be 4a:*n, &lace on 4#e 5ee:en6 o- =c4ober >?4# an6 >@4#8 "#e 6e34*na4*on *3 Aon4a,ue Aar*ne Bar:8 4#e &*cn*c 3#el4er8 Oame3 a4 >PQQ #our3 an6 #a&&7 #our a4 >RSQ8 Sa2ur&a-/ 0c2ober 4926 Aorn*n,< G*3*4*n, on 4#e 6oc:H -ollo5e6 b7 a 5al: aroun6 Ore7 Ben*n3ula8 F4 >PSQ #our3H an *n34rumen4 bu*l6*n, 3e33*on 5*ll be #el6 *n 4#e &*cn*c 3#el4er8 F4 >RSQ #our3 5e 5*ll Sun&a-/ 0c2ober 4:26 U*3*4 or 5al: *n 4#e morn*n, an6 re4urn 4o Sal43&r*n,8 ! POSTER: HAROLD BROCHMANN =- cour3e 5e eC&ec4 ,oo6 5ea4#er bu4 4#*3 loca4*on allo53 member3 ma:e a Du*c: re4urn 4o Sal43&r*n, 3#oul6 a c#an,e *n 4#e 5ea4#er no4 3u*4 4#em8 F4 4#*3 4*me o- 7ear 4#ere 3#oul6 be &len47 o- room a4 4#e 6oc: -or cru*3er3 5#o 5*3# 4o moor 4#ere8 #aGe a comb*na4*on #a&&7 #our an6 -*n,er -oo6 &o4 luc: 3u&&er *n 4#e 3#el4er8 Iollo5*n, 4#e -ea34 5*ll come 4#e cam&-*re an6 3on, -e348 Te ma7 en6 5*4# a l*,#4e6 marc#*n, ban6 bac: 4o 4#e 6oc:8 "#e cru*3e #a3 a mu3*cal 4#eme an6 &lan3 are 4o #aGe a cam&-*re 3on, an6 mu3*c -e34 on 4#e Sa4ur6a7 eGen*n,8 So br*n, 7our *n34rumen43H or 7our Go*ce3 an6 7our -aGor*4e 3on,38 Ior 4#o3e *n4ere34e6 4#ere 5*ll be ma4er*al3 aGa*lable 4o bu*l6 3*m&le *n34rumen43 or no*3e ma:er38 "#e *4*nerar7 *3 a3 -ollo53< .r(&a-/ 0c2ober 4526 Jarl7 b*r6 eGen48 "#o3e 5*3#*n, an earl7 34ar4 can #ea6 -or Aon4a,ue aroun6 noon8 "#e cru*3e lea6er3H 9enn*-er an6 9on Keale7 5*ll #aGe 3ome boar6 ,ame3 -or a -un #a&&7 #our *n 6 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES October 2009 Humpbacks and Hummingbirds ?; "on; Seek Dere =e Aust 1uck; to see so man; #ump?ack =#a1es in %ark1e; Eound or is t#is a common occurrenceF Eome da;s =e =ondered =#o =as =atc#ing =#o7 Cs a #ead =ou1d appear on1; a ?oat 1engt# a=a;@ =e =ou1d a1ter course and so =ou1d our ne= companion7 %reec#ing@ 1unging@ tai1 s1apping@ Eome mist; morning ding#; trips finding c1am gardens@ canoe runs@ fis# traps and ancient >i11age sites a11o=ed us to step ?ack in time@ and mar>e1 at t#e ?eaut; and ?ount; of t#e area =#ic# a11o=ed an ancient cu1ture to f1ouris#7 Sost afternoons found !"#$% under sai1 as t#e nort# or sout#=ester1; fi11ed in to a?out 1K knots7 Dit# s#ort distances ?et=een numerous anc#orU ages =e #ad t#e 1uRur; of Aust g#osting a1ong7 &'#("#)%* '# ,-.% / C good ;ear for co#o sa1mon kept t#e cre= entertained eit#er =atc#ing for Aumpers or concocting a ne= recipe to prepare t#e catc#7 Hunting and gat#ering c1ams@ o;sters@ musse1s@ cra? and pra=ns pro>ided great >ariet; to t#e s#ipPs fare7 VeUsupp1;ing in Wc1ue1et@ "ofino and 2ort C1?erni is eas;7 Xac# to=n #as its o=n f1a>our and friend1; peop1e7 Wc1ue1et especia11; attracted !"#$% and cre= as t#ere sti11 eRists an acti>e commercia1 fis#ing port =it# a11 t#e comings and goings of tro11ers@ draggers@ 1ong 1iners@ seine and cra? ?oats@ a11 t#e sig#ts sounds and sme11s of a =orking to=n7 !"#$ &'(#$ )(*(+,#" - (./012 !345 !"#$% 65/74386 98:1; 7<388=>1;? 451 @;1A >3@>7 .=@> /8 = @=BC :=DE *36542 F374D C/;83867 6=01 A=D 4/ 7988D =G41;8//87E 7 PHOTOS: TONY MEEK "#e %roken *roup Nationa1 2ark is a treasure for 5anada7 "#is area #as muc# to offer: p1ent; of secure anc#orages =it# >er; fe= ?oats@ and count1ess conditiona1 anc#orages Aust =aiting to ?e disco>ered7 Bften !"#$% =ou1d 1ie sti11 a11 nig#t =#i1e on t#e ot#er side of t#e is1and t#e s=e11 =ou1d ?reak on t#e Aagged s#ore and t#e sea 1ions =ou1d ?ark and gro=17 C paradise for ka;akers@ =it# camping on1; in designated areas@ 1ea>es t#e is1ands pristine =it# mar>e11ous ?eac# com?ing on t#e =i1d side7 Gf so1itude@ =i1d1ife@ coH; anc#orages and afternoon ?reeHes appea1@ read on7 !"#$%01 summer cruise Iu1; and Cugust JKKL took us from t#e c1u? docks as far nort#=est as HesNuiat Har?our O5ougar CnniePs *ardenQ and #ome >ia 51a;Nuot and %ark1e; sounds7 "en da;s spent =orking our =a; nort#=est and fi>e =eeks meandering our =a; ?ack a11o=ed us a c1ose 1ook at some fine cruising areas7 2oking our nose into man; secure and intimate anc#orages and disco>ering #o= fe= >esse1s =ere in t#e area made for de1ig#tfu1 cruising7 "#e man; ri>er estuaries eRp1ored ?; ding#; re=arded us =it# cr;sta1 c1ear =arm =ater ?at#ing@ ?ird and ?ear =atc#ing7 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES October 2009 Secretary’s Report By Michael Clark We do not have new members to announce this month but our Membership Chairperson, Mrs. Qictoria Woodman, is interviewing five new members that we hope to welcome in November. Twenty new members have been or will be welcomed to the club this year. This is a tribute both to the interest in boating on our island but also the tremendous spirit that characterizes our club. Please do make an effort to welcome the new faces that you will see at Club functions. The membership passed a resolution at the last general meeting to register their deep concern with the plans of the Canadian Coast Guard to eliminate the use of lighthouse keepers in British Columbia. The following day the Minister Ghaving heard of our resolutionH advised the Iouse of Commons the de-staffing would be stopped while a further review was undertaken. Commodore Iealey has written to the Minister but your own personal letter to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, the Ion. Gail Shea, would be a helpful addition. You can email the Minister at MinMdfo-mpo.gc.ca Ginclude your postal code and email addressH, or write to the address below. No postage is needed for letters to Members of Parliament. ! The Honourable Gail Shea House of Commons Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Parliament Buildings, Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0A6 As new members join we also regret saying farewell to long serving members including Bob and Linda *eynolds and Manfred and Jac4ueline Mel6er who are moving off-island. Bob contributed many years of volunteer service on the electrical systems while Linda was our club photographer and Jac?ueline served as a Staff Captain. We wish them well on the Tbig islandU. Humpbacks and Hummingbirds afternoon with just three hours of lazy sailing between. So where is every one elseV Maybe stories of fog, great distance and open water keep them away. The fog was minimal although it was a fine summer, and the distance is only about 100 nautical miles, or YZ hours from Ganges [ as close as Desolation Sound. ! contin&ed from -age 0 trumpeting and often possibly just frolicking, sometimes a bit too close for our comfort. PHOTO: TONY MEEK One evening as we entered a tiny secluded anchorage, we were surprised and delighted to be welcomed by half a dozen hummingbirds who were attracted by anything brightly coloured in the cockpit, then one even perched on the end of the fishing rod. This charming brush with nature revealed an unexpected shortage in Minke3s basic e?uipment. A hummingbird feeder was not so easily found, but when finally mounted gave hours of cockpit entertainment. It is possible in Barkley Sound to beachcomb on the wild west side of an island in the morning and swim in a perfect anchorage up an inlet in the 8 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES October 2009 The Racing Forum B' Rete* 9cQo8e*n" B()), /.#,.&01 F.+&09 4ontague Harbour" t$e 5i*&t *ace o5 t$e 1 .e*ie&" -*oug$t g*eat o:ti4i&4 a& >in,& o5 u: to HO Cnot& >e*e :*e,icte, 5o* t$e *ace :e*io, -' Big Na8e Ta8e2 At t$e &Ci::e*& 4eeting at DOOO $ou*& all looCe, >ell" -ut a& t$e DOEO *ace ti4e a::*oac$e," >in,& -egan to lig$ten an, t$e*e >a& &o4e conce*n t$at t$e *aceB,a' MinU >a& going to $it u& again2 Nit$ t$e *ain al&o t$anC5ull' ea&ing" &e8en -oat& c*o&&e, t$e &ta*t line 5o* t$e tacC out o5 t$e $a*-ou* an, out to>a*,& 1a:tain :a&&age2 AA B(.%C tooC an ea*l' lea, -ut a -a, tacC into t$e &$o*e clo&e to 1a:tain Ra&&age ce,e, t$e lea, to /.(&)0,)2 Challenge" t$i& 'ea* $o&te, -' .N.012 3ea4& 5*o4 Nanai4o" .c$oone* 1o8e" 9a:le Ba'" .alt&:*ing an, t$*ee local .i,ne' No*t$ .aanic$ tea4& co4:ete, o8e* t>o ,a'& in t$e -a' o55 .i,ne'2 ?ot &unn' >eat$e* :*e8aile, o8e* t$e t>o ,a'& augu*ing 8e*' lig$t >in,&2 Aace one >a& cancelle, a& t$e 5leet >a& -ecal4e, an, a5te* a nice lunc$ an, long &un tanning &e&&ion >e 4anage, to get in t>o &$o*t *ace& in t$e a5te*noon2 .i4ila* con,ition& g*eete, t$e 5leet on ,a' t>o" >it$ t$e 5i*&t *ace again -eing cancelle,2 Aace t>o ,i, 5inall' get going -ut a &$o*tene, cou*&e >a& calle, an, :*ocee,ing& >e*e -*oug$t to a clo&e2 !"#$%%&'()" a5te* a -a, 5i*&t *ace" i4:*o8e, t$ei* &tan,ing >it$ e8e*' *ace2 *()+,-. 5ini&$e, 4i,B:acC in eac$ *ace onl' to ,i&co8e* t$e' $a, -een ca**'ing a Cel: 5o*e&t on t$ei* Ceel 5o* 4o&t o5 t$e >eeCen," an, /.(&)0,) >ent 5*o4 5i*&t an, 5ou*t$ ac*o&& t$e line to al4o&t la&t in t$e 5inal *ace2 /.(&)0,)1 *()+,-. an, !"#$%%&'() 5ini&$e, DEt$" DFt$ an, DGt$ o8e*all out o5 HD -oat&2 Not one o5 ou* -ette* &$o>ing& -ut a 5un >eeCen,2 V: >ent t$e &:innaCe*& in 1a:tain Ra&&age -ut a& t$e >in, &:ee, :icCe, u: in 3*inco4ali 1$annel" -oat& $a, ,i55icult' 4aintaining cont*ol" a 5e> *oun,ingBu: in t$e gu&t&2 /.(&)0,) eUten,e, $e* lea, t$*oug$ 9ontague a& AA B(.%C $a8ing ,ecla*e, noB5l'ing &ail& >a& 5o*ce, to go >ingBonB>ing2 B&0.( =.%C1 D$$")- an, *()+,-. al&o 4a,e u: g*oun, an, !-&) coul, -e &een catc$ing u: to AA2 A -eauti5ul 5all ,a'" -*ig$t &un&$ine an, a >a*4 no*t$>e&te*l' >in, &ti**ing u: >$iteca:& in t$e $a*-ou* :*o8i,e, i,eal con,ition& 5o* t$e DH -oat& J inclu,ing t$e ne>l' *etu*ne, an, *ena4e, 3$(.04. K>a& 3)$".0 $5 /)%,-&.L J 6.-7 an, 8.09$ 4)( :09)( >$o $a, Moine, t$e *egula*& 5o* t$e annual (ound -revost (ace. 3$i& i& a c$allenging tactical *ace" >$e*e c$oice o5 ,i*ection" >in, an, ti,e& can $a8e a -ig a55ect on t$e outco4e2 Wn t$e -eat -acC ac*o&& 3*inco4ali to 1a:tain Ra&&age" >in,& gu&ting to HG Cnot& -egan to cau&e :*o-le4& 5o* 4an' -oat& in t$e 5leet t$at >e*e ca**'ing too 4uc$ &ail2 /.(&)0,) ente*e, 1a:tain Ra&&age >ell a$ea, o5 t$e 5leet an, *ace, ac*o&& to t$e .i&te*& onl' 5o* >in,& to go lig$t in t$e $a*-ou*2 *()+,-.1 $a8ing c$o&en to 5ollo> t$e Qaliano &$o*e" 4a,e g*eat gain& again&t t$e ot$e* -oat& an, >a& t$e &econ, -oat to ente* t$e $a*-ou* an, c*o&&e, t$e 5ini&$ line >ell a$ea, o5 B&0.( =.%C an, D$$")-2 Nit$ DOBDG Cnot >in,& at t$e &ta*t 5o* a ,o>n>in, leg out o5 t$e $a*-ou* an, $ig$e* >in,& 5o*eca&t" 4o&t -oat& c$o&e to ,ecla*e NP.2 A &$o*t u:>in, leg a*oun, t$e Q*ace Roint 4a*Ce* got t$e *ace un,e*>a' >it$ *()+,-. *oun,ing &lig$tl' a$ea, o5 /.(&)0,)2 .:innaCe*& >ent u: on ;.< =1 *()+,-. an, >.%&% a& ot$e* &t*uggle, to &ail >ingBon->ing ,o>n t$e $a*-ou*2 >.%&% an, /.(&)0,) c$o&e to *un ,o>n :a&t t$e 1$annel S&le& 5o* an antiBclocC>i&e ci*cuit +$0,&07)4 $0 #.9) ?@ Wn co**ecte, ti4e *()+,-. -eat /.(&)0,) -' one &econ," an a4aXingl' clo&e *ace" >$ic$ gi8en t$e accu*ac' o5 ou* 5ini&$ ti4e& coul, $a8e gone eit$e* >a'2 D$$")- >a& t$i*, 5ollo>e, -' B&0.( =.%C1 !-&) an, *"#)E.-2 3$*ee -oat& 5*o4 .alt&:*ing ente*e, t$e 7nterclub 9 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES Racing Forum $"%&'%()* ,-"# ./0) 1 %&8E)> N&+C85'B 23)$&-/- 3%C()7 %958 D8;;(''+> '8 % 5(;(9%& D8E&5+;%>+ % 9%'+ >+D(5(8) '8 3+%> ?8& :%<'%() N%55%7+ %)> '3+ &+5' 8? 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PHOTO: MARTIN HERBERT 4('3 =()> 5'&+)7'3 ,E(9>()7- 4/5'5 &8E)>+> N8()' P(>>+99 59(73'9# %3+%> 8? 6/3')%&) %)> %' N8&'98DA N8()' '3+ '3+ ?9++'5 ;+'- =('3 23)$&-/ %)> 7/8 9 9+%>()7 '3+ D98DA=(5+ ,8%'5B 6/3')%&) 3%> % 59(73' 9+%> 8C+& 4/5'5 %)> %5 '3+# &+%D3+> :%<'%() N%55%7+- 23)$&-/ %)> '3+ &+5' 8? '3+ ?9++' D8E9> ,+ 5++) ,+%'()7 '8=%&>5 '3+ 3%&,8E&B 6/3')%&) %)> 23)$&-/ +)'+&+> '3+ 3%&,8E& ?(&5' =('3 23)$&-/ 59(73'9# %3+%> ,E' =('3 6/3')%&) 3%C()7 '3+ ,+''+& 9()+B 4('3 =()>5 389>()76/3')%&): 3%C()7 '8 ;%A+ ?+=+& '%DA5- D&855+> '3+ 9()+ ?(&5' =('3 23)$&-/ '3&++ ;()E'+5 ,+3()>B 4/5'5 %)> ;-<'&-/0) ?8998=+> =('3 =/-( JE5' 389>()7 8?? 7/8 9 ?8& H'3B L99 ,8%'5 ?()(53+> =('3 >/-/?5 @A'5.)D&855()7 '3+ 9()+ QR ;()E'+5 %?'+& 6/3')%&) '8 7&+%' D3++&5 ?&8; '3+ <+%)E' 7%99+&# 8) '3+ >8DAB October 2009 SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES October 2009 What’s in a (Boat) Name? Contributed by Derek & Jenny Barrio and Silk Questo Obviously the sage old advice about considering what your new boat name sounds like over the airwaves didn’t have much influence on these skippers. SALT SPRING ISLAND POWER & SAIL SQUADRON www.saltspringsquadron.ca NEW! SISC MEMBERS GET A $20 DISCOUNT FUNDAMENTALS OF WEATHER This course covers many aspects of the formation and behavior of the weather around us. Meteorology is quite technical in nature, whereas Fundamentals of Weather is presented in a clear, straightforward manner that eliminates much of the jargon. Cost: $140 (CPS and SISC members, $120) But what fun would boating be without wacky vessel names? Collecting them has become one of my amusements afloat. This summer, besides the relentlessly orange Crabby Attitude and the rust-weary Watts-T-Use shown above, we spotted two of our all time favourites: the irrepressible Osky Wow Wow, and the unabashed My Last Boat IV. Seen a good name lately? Send it in to TellTales! ! Dates October 2009 M T W T F S 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 S 4 11 18 25 M T November 2009 W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Location: Saltspring Island Sailing Club, 152 Douglas Road For registration, or more information, please call: Lynn Clark, Training Officer, (250) 537-5377 PLEASE PRE-REGISTER BY MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2009 11 PHOTOS DEREK & JENNY BARRIO, SILK QUESTO “We spotted these two boats last week when we were away on Blue Peter,” wrote the Barrios in an email to TellTales. “We’d love to hear them calling each other over the marine radio!” The boat names? O’MyGaud and Schist & Squiggles. SALTSPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB TELLTALES October 2009 Parting Shots It was a morning in late summer when we began the final leg home from our journey north this year. Our last night afloat was spent in a wellknown bay close to home and as we headed east out of the harbour before making our southwise passage, this familiar horizon came into view. Where were we, and what are we looking at in this picture? Send your answers to: telltales@saltspringsailing.ca Editor’s Log The September contest winner … While we on the west coast were enjoying the summer of the century on the water this year, our sailing friends on the east coast barely got out of their sou’westers. We heard the sad tale of the summerwithout-sun when we visited my old stomping grounds on Long Island Sound and the New England coast in September. Weather is something you can’t help thinking about when you go to Gloucester, Massachusetts – home port of the fishing fleet made famous in the maritime thriller The Perfect Storm. Silk Questo Editor | telltales@saltspringsailing.ca TellTales is a publication of the Saltspring Island Sailing Club 152 Douglas Rd, Saltspring Is, BC V8K 2J2 537-5112 (clubhouse) www.saltspringsailing.ca © 2009, all rights reserved Next TellTales deadline: Thursday, November 5th PHOTOS: SILK QUESTO While the fisheries aren’t what they used to be in any ocean, this historic seaport is still a fishing village at heart. Its shoreside Fisherman’s Memorial commemorates every fisher lost at sea since the 1700’s, with every name cast in bronze. Sometimes entire families of fathers, brothers and sons went down together. It was a poignant reminder to respect the sea, and mind the weather. Safe boating! This month’s winner is Peter Toby by a roll of the dice from our five correct entries. The Robertson II met her sad fate near Winter Cove off Saturna Island when she was driven onto Minx Reef on the night of June 30, 2007. Among the correct contestants were Greg Slakov, who sailed on the Robbie, and April Steel, who was there during initial efforts to right her. Peter can pick up his prize at the next Pub Night!