SAIGONTECH COURSE SYLLABUS Introduction to International Business & Trade IBUS 1305 3 credits Spring 2015 Instructor: Anh Lam (M.Sc) Email: Ext: 1256 Office: Room 604 Visiting hour: by appointment Study Hard, Think Big & Fly High COURSE CONTENT Course Description & Goals How to complete the course Course Schedule & Textbook COURSE DESCRIPTION & LEARNING OUTCOME What issues are taught in the course. This course provides a critical overview of international business including the techniques for entering the international marketplace, the impact and dynamics of socio-cultural, demographic, economic, technological, and political-legal factors in international trade environment. Topics include patterns of world trade, internationalization of the firm, and operating procedures of multinational enterprises Textbook: Cavusgil, Knight and Riesenberger (2014), International Business, 3rd Edition, Pearson Publishing. What you should know before you start the course. Students need to be familiar with basic business vocabulary and be able to follow lectures, participate in discussions and to work in English. Plus, make sure the course fits your timetable! What you should know after you have completed the course. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Identify global issues and trends. 2. Identify current global legal issues and international trade management issues. 3. Analyze various sources of international business research. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of global and world geography. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Learning Objectives (LO) 1. Define and explain terms in the global 1.1 Understand globalization and environment. international business 2. Identify participants business. in international 3. Understand theories trade and investment. of international 4. Identify factors impact on international business. 5. Identify the various forms of entry strategies in the international business. 6. Understand the global money flow and how to minimize international risks. HOW TO COMPLETE THE COURSE In-class training 1.2 Understand the key concepts of international trade and investment. 1.3 Distinguish between international business and domestics business. 1.4 Understand the reasons why firms pursue internationalization strategies. 2.1 Identify types of participants in international business. 2.2 Understand the value-chain activity of international participants. 3.1 Explain the advantages of specification. 3.2 Demonstrate the concept of comparative advantage. 3.3 Distinguish between portfolio investment and direct investment. 4.1 Understand the cultural environment of international business 4.2 Understand political and legal system risks. 4.3 Understand the government intervention in international business 5.1 Understand strategy in the international context 5.2 Analyze organizational readiness to internationalize 5.3 Understand forms of entry strategies by firms to initiate international business activities. 6.1 Understand the international monetary and financial systems 6.2 Identify the key players in the monetary and financial systems 6.3 Understand currency risks There are 16 weeks (48 hours) that cover the academic subject areas. Attendance is strongly recommended because students will achieve beneficial and practical information related to their further careers. In addition, mid-term exam, final exam and presentations will test students’ knowledge and ability on issues covered in the lectures. Mid-term & Final exam Exam Exam Type Duration (Minutes) Multiple Choices Point 60 Closed book 120 Short Questions 40 Quiz & Assignment This course is not difficult, but wide. Therefore, at the beginning of the class, you will have a short test (15-20 minutes) about the previous lecture. This will help you review the knowledge week by week and prepare for mid-term & final exams. Besides, you will have assignment to work at home every week to deepen and apply your knowledge into reality. You will find these assignments on Moodle. Report & Presentation (group of 3) In this report, your group will have a chance to apply all of the course knowledge into the reality of a company. Your task is to develop a comprehensive business plans for a Vietnamese small- to medium-sized enterprise (SME) to enter and compete successfully in a foreign market. First, you need to implement a comprehensive country report (external environment) to assess a country’s attractiveness in term of competitive, economic, political, geographic, cultural and demographic factors. Then, you perform a company analysis (strength and weakness) to define appropriate strategy for your company expansion. The report needs to have at least 2500 words and to be expressed in font Time New Romans, size 12, line spacing 1.5. Deadline is 7:00 AM 18.5.2015. Late work means 0. In the last day of the course (26.05.2015), all of you will present your report. The presentation should last around 15-20 minutes (excluding Q&A part) with the participation of all group members. Criteria Speaking speed Attire Standards Not too fast, not too slow Appropriate Time management Power point slides 10-15 minutes for presentation (not including Q&A section) Good design & layout Pronunciation Professional Manner Accurate, clear, loud enough Proper gesture, face expression, eye contact, audience control Content Quality of the content presented, quality of the answers Course evaluation Attendance & Participation 8% Mid-term exam 20% Quiz & Assignment 30% Report & Presentation 17% Final Exam 25% Percentage Grade Letter Grade Note 90 – 100 A Pass 80 – 89 B Pass 70 – 79 C Pass 60 – 69 D Pass 0 – 59 F Fail Rules of the Road 1. Please be punctual. Otherwise, you will get an L in attendance book! 2. There should be no talking or phone ring whilst the instructor is speaking. It is rude and disturbs other students. Pass a note or going out for answering phone calls if necessary. 3. Academic Dishonesty Policy will be in effect through all exams and written assignments. Make certain you understand and adhere to them. Especially, don’t commit PLAGIARISM under any circumstances. If you are caught to plagiarize, you will get a 0 and even an F for the whole course in case of recommitment. 4. No ‘extra credit’ work or additional assignments will be given without a valid reason. Instead, your activeness in class discussion/ activity is highly appreciated and will be counted. Extensions to any deadlines are possible only upon presentation of appropriate documentation. COURSE SCHEDULE Time: Tuesday, 7:30 AM -10:45 AM Venue: Room 204 Week Date Topic 1 Tue 27/01/15 2 Tue 03/02/2015 Chapter 2: Globalization of Markets and The internationalization of the firm Chapter 3: Organization participants that make international business happen 3 Tue 10/02/2015 Chapter 4: The cultural environment of International Business 4 Tue 03/03/2015 Tue 10/03/2015 Chapter 6: Theories of International Trade and Investment 6 Tue 17/03/2015 Chapter 8: Government Intervention in International Business 7 Tue 24/03/2015 Mid-term Exam 8 Tue 31/03/2015 Chapter 9: Regional Economic Integration Chapter 10: Understanding Emerging markets 9 Tue 07/04/2015 Tue 14/04/2015 Chapter 11: The international Monetary and Financial Environment 11 Tue 21/04/2015 Chapter 14: Export and Countertrade 12 Tue 28/04/2015 Chapter 15: Foreign Direct Investment and Collaborative Ventures 5 10 Syllabus explanation Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 7: Political and Legal System in National Environments Chapter 12: Global Strategy and Organization 13 Tue 05/05/2015 Tue 12/05/2015 Chapter 16: Licensing, Franchising, and Other Contractual Strategies 15 Tue 19/05/2015 Final exam 16 Tue 26/05/2015 Presentation Course evaluation & discussion 14 Chapter 17: Global Sourcing HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY MY CLASS & ENHANCE YOURSELF!